Motivated Mommas Week 6 (closed group)



  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Total Points Available: 27 + Bonuses for cardio and food! Good luck all!

    Cardio: Possible 12 points + Bonus miles in Part 1

    Part 1- Time for walking..My goal for the week is 15 miles. I've accomplished 15+ miles/15 miles...5/5 points

    Part 2- Interval training...3/3 points

    Part 3- Logging the details in the spreadsheet for 4 days...4/4 points

    7 points total

    You can pick any day/any order to do the below exercises. You get 1 point per exercise completed.

    Flamingo Dips: 2 sets of 15 reps per leg to target triceps & quads...1/1 point
    Decline Push Ups: 2 sets of 15 reps to target chest, arms, and abs...1/1 point
    Booty Lift: 2 sets of 15 reps to target butt & hamstrings...1/1 point
    Forward Planks: 2 sets of 1 minute each to target arms, butt & legs...1/1 point
    Crunches: 100 to target abs (1 rep would be 25)...1/1 point
    Squats: 100 to target thighs, hips, butt & hamstrings (1 rep would be 25)...1/1 point
    Combo: Pick any 3 of the above exercises and do 1 rep of each...1/1 point

    7 points + 3 Bonus Points for a total of 10 points possible

    Achieving each day's goal is worth 1 point.

    Wednesday: Stay under on Carbs...1/1 point

    Thursday: Stay under on Fat...1/1 point

    Friday: Stay under on Calories..1/1 point

    Saturday: Meet or Exceed your Protein requirement...1/1 point

    Sunday: Stay under on Sodium...1/1 point

    Monday: Meet or Exceed your Calcium requirement...1/1 point

    Tuesday: Stay under on Carbs...1/1 point

    Recipe...3/3 points
    Amy's Pasta
    It's quick and easy and not bad sodium/calorie wise.
    1 lb lean ground beef (I used 93/7)
    1 box noodles (I used 1 lb of Barilla Rotini)
    3 8 oz cans of no salt added tomato sauce
    3 servings of shredded mozzarella cheese

    Boil noodles, brown ground beef and then put everything together into a 9 x 13 pan and bake at 350 for roughly 20 minutes. The baking is just to melt the cheese and make the noodles more crispy, but I've made it when in a hurry and just melted it all together on the stovetop. My info came out to:
    272 calories, 5 grams of fat, 112 sodium, 38 carbs and 18 protein for 201 grams per serving (10 servings per pan)

    Emotional...1/1 point

    Tuesday Points Total: 5 points (3 for recipe, 1 for food, and 1 for strength)
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Thisis so late so I really hope some of you have some ideas hidden away.
    Any takers????

    Cardio- We can do the mile challenge again if you all want to




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  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Thisis so late so I really hope some of you have some ideas hidden away.
    Any takers????

    Cardio- We can do the mile challenge again if you all want to

    Strength- Amy (mom2caelebncasyn)



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  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    oops double post
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Thisis so late so I really hope some of you have some ideas hidden away.
    Any takers????

    Cardio- We can do the mile challenge again if you all want to

    Strength- Amy (mom2caelebncasyn)

    Food- Renuka


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  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    I will straight up admit it- this week I have not been able to support anyone the way that I'd like to; I have for the most part stuck to my calorie level but I have not been engaged in the thread at all and I am feeling a little overwhelmed this week... I apologize to everyone for the fact that I have not been present (but it wasn't for a lack of thinking of you guys). I'll be back in better form next week; I promise!:heart:
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Cardio: Possible 12 points + Bonus miles in Part 1
    Created by Renu

    Part 1- Time for walking.. 22/20 miles done!-- 5 pts + 2 bonus!
    Part 2- Interval training. 3/3 done!
    Part 3- Logging the details in the spreadsheet for 4 days

    Submitted by mom2calebncasyn (Amy)

    7 points total

    Flamingo Dips: 2 sets of 15 reps per leg to target triceps & quads --1/1 Ugh. These things are evil!! But they're DONE!

    Decline Push Ups: 2 sets of 15 reps to target chest, arms, and abs -- 1/1 -- Also.. EEEVIL. But Done!

    Booty Lift: 2 sets of 15 reps to target butt & hamstrings - 1/1 done

    Forward Planks: 2 sets of 1 minute each to target arms, butt & legs-- Done!!

    Crunches: 100 to target abs (1 rep would be 25)1/1 done

    Squats: 100 to target thighs, hips, butt & hamstrings (1 rep would be 25)- done

    Combo: Pick any 3 of the above exercises and do 1 rep of each - 1/1 done

    7 points + 3 Bonus Points for a total of 10 points possible

    Achieving each day's goal is worth 1 point.

    3 bonus points if you submit a recipe for a dinner that is low(ish) calorie and low(ish) sodium that can be made quickly for those nights when we don't have a a lot of time to spend worrying about or cooking dinner. No votes on this one, just a recipe submission :) 3/3- done

    Wednesday: Stay under on Carbs- 0/1-- Dang Halloween candy!!

    Thursday: Stay under on Fat - 1/1

    Friday: Stay under on Calories- After my burn today.. 1/1 done!

    Saturday: Meet or Exceed your Protein requirement

    Sunday: Stay under on Sodium - heh.. had chinese food. Not a fat chance!!

    Monday: Meet or Exceed your Calcium requirement- 1/1

    Tuesday: Stay under on Carbs- yup..


    Its been a few months since all of us started this journey together, first on the 60 day challenge and now as motivated mommas, how do you feel you have changed personally? Not just in weight loss but how has your outlook on life changed? Are you happier? More self-assured?? Have people noticed these changes?

    Tues- logging, miles+ bonus, strength , food-- 10 points
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I will straight up admit it- this week I have not been able to support anyone the way that I'd like to; I have for the most part stuck to my calorie level but I have not been engaged in the thread at all and I am feeling a little overwhelmed this week... I apologize to everyone for the fact that I have not been present (but it wasn't for a lack of thinking of you guys). I'll be back in better form next week; I promise!:heart:

    I have had the same kind of week. Sometimes life takes over but the bottom line is we are here to support eachother and you have done an amazing job at that! Take whatever time you need my friend we are here for you when you need us.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Starting weight: 244.8 (May 31, 2011)
    Starting MM weight: 215.2
    Week 1 weight: 215.2
    Week 2 weight: 213.4
    Week 3 Weight: 213.6
    Week 4 Weight: 212.6
    Week 5 Weight: 212
    Weekly +/-: -0.6
    Total loss: - 32.8lbs

    Slow and steady wins the race, right? I just need to work harder I know this and I hope to achieve that this week.
    Have a great day ladies!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Starting weight: 261 (May 31, 2011)
    Starting MM weight: 226.5
    Week 1 weight: 224.7
    Wee2 weight: 225.3
    Week 3 Weight: 225.3
    Week 4 Weight: 222.9
    Week 5 Weight: 222.9
    Week 6 Weight: 221.8
    Weekly +/-: 1.1
    Total loss: - 39.2lbs

    Trying not to be disappointed. I did an unofficial weigh in on SAturday and I was at 220.9 which officially put me over the 40lb lost marker I'm focused on right now. Not entirely sure what went wrong. I was a very good girl with my cals all week. Only thing I can think is that I'm fighting some sort of bug because my energy levels have been the pits so I havne't exercised as hard as normal. I just feel the need to hibernate right now. I'm so tired!! Anyways, still a good loss for the week. Also I've lost a total of 5.5 inches in the last 2 weeks. So that's exciting!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Regarding Week 7 Challenge:

    I'll be posting the Week 7 Thread and new challenge around noon today. I'm at work and a little swamped with stuff so I apologize for not getting it up first thing this morning. I'll post a note on here as soon as it's ready to go.

    Also, were there any takers for the emotional challenge? If not I'll think of something but if any one has an idea please send me a private message before noon and I'll include it. I'd really appreciate it cuz like I said, I'm a but slammed at work today.

    Thanks ladies!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    I will straight up admit it- this week I have not been able to support anyone the way that I'd like to; I have for the most part stuck to my calorie level but I have not been engaged in the thread at all and I am feeling a little overwhelmed this week... I apologize to everyone for the fact that I have not been present (but it wasn't for a lack of thinking of you guys). I'll be back in better form next week; I promise!:heart:

    We all have those weeks. No need to feel bad. You've been a wonderful friend and supporter throughout this entire challenge! Put the last week behind you and look forward to a new and surely better week :flowerforyou:
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Week 7 thread and challenge has been posted (so much for being slammed at work! apparently MFP is my priority! lol! no one tell my boss ok? :wink: )

    Thanks to Renu and Amy for some amazing challenges again this week!
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    Up and down and down and up! Ugh! This week WILL be better!!!!!

    My Progress
    Starting MFP Weight: 286.6
    MM Starting Weight (9/21): 267.4
    Week 1 Weight (9/28): 269
    Week 2 Weight (10/5): 268.6
    Week 3 Weight (10/12): 266.6
    Week 4 Weight (10/19): 265.4
    Week 5 Weight (10/26): 265
    Week 6 Weight (11/2): 266.4
    Week loss/gain: +1.4
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Starting MM weight: 192.2
    Week 1 weight: 189.8
    Week2 weight: 191.0
    Week 3 weight- 188.2
    Week 4 weight- 189.6
    Week 5 weight- 186.6
    Week 6 weight- 188.0
    Weekly +/-: +1.4 lbs
    Total loss: -4.2 lbs

    *Sigh*.. Ugh. Anyone else seeing a pattern here? I'm pretty sure I'm retaining water though-- I've been going pretty hardcore lately, and even had a bowl of cereal at 11:30 lastnight because my calories were THAT low.
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Starting MM weight: 192.2
    Week 1 weight: 189.8
    Week2 weight: 191.0
    Week 3 weight- 188.2
    Week 4 weight- 189.6
    Week 5 weight- 186.6
    Week 6 weight- 188.0
    Weekly +/-: +1.4 lbs
    Total loss: -4.2 lbs

    *Sigh*.. Ugh. Anyone else seeing a pattern here? I'm pretty sure I'm retaining water though-- I've been going pretty hardcore lately, and even had a bowl of cereal at 11:30 lastnight because my calories were THAT low.

    keep in mind too that you had a BIG loss the week before. And you are still down 1.6lbs from where you were at 2 weeks ago. So overall you are doing really well!

    I apologize in advance because I'm about to talk about BMs and the general need to go #2. I am sincerely sorry if anyone is grossed out by this but it was an interesting article I read and it does apply to the situation. here goes...

    I've read a lot of studies that argue one way or the other about late night eating as well as spoken to my dr about it. Most recent research seems to indicate that the time of day you eat makes no difference to your overall gain or loss. But it can make a difference in your digestive cycle and your... ahem... regularity. So eating later may be equal to a full bowel in the am which can cause water retention and push the number on the scale up a wee bit. I'm not suggesting that anyone is gonna take a 5lb BM, but it is possible that when you eat later at night it can reflect on your morning weigh in if you haven't dropped the kids at the pool, so to speak. Depending on an individual persons natural prepencity to retain water it can make a seemingly significant difference. IE: if you are prone to bloat this may affect you more than someone that isn't prone to water retention.

    So that's my spiel on late night eating the day before you weigh in. Overall, studies suggest that it shouldn't/doesn't seem to make a difference but the day before you know you are gonna weigh in might be a practice to avoid so you can get the most accurate result. Or at least, it may be something to keep in mind if the results aren't what you were reasonably expecting.
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Starting MM weight: 241.3
    Week 1 weight: 239.4
    Week2 weight: 237.2
    Week 3 weight- 236.6
    Week 4 weight- 236.6
    Week 5 weight- 238.8
    Week 6 weight- 233.7
    Weekly +/-:5.1 lbs
    Total loss: 7.6

    So thats a massive loss there, but I know alot of the gain I had last week was water retention thanks to TOM, Still excited to see a loss, I'd be happy with just about anything after staying the same and gaining!
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Here's my weigh in:

    Starting Weight: 129
    Week 1: 130
    Week 2: 129
    Week 3: 127
    Week 4: 125
    Week 5: 122
    Week 6: 123

    Gain of 1 lb. :(
    I'm happy with my loss of 6 lbs. over the challenge so far, though. Gotta think positive thoughts :)
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    I will straight up admit it- this week I have not been able to support anyone the way that I'd like to; I have for the most part stuck to my calorie level but I have not been engaged in the thread at all and I am feeling a little overwhelmed this week... I apologize to everyone for the fact that I have not been present (but it wasn't for a lack of thinking of you guys). I'll be back in better form next week; I promise!:heart:

    We all have those weeks. No need to feel bad. You've been a wonderful friend and supporter throughout this entire challenge! Put the last week behind you and look forward to a new and surely better week :flowerforyou:

  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Hmmm... not surprised... although my trainer did measurements yesterday and I did gain some lean muscle but didn't loose any fat... again, NOT surprised! :wink:

    MFP S/W = 212.5; Motivated Mommas S/W = 153
    (Wk 1/W = 149, Wk 2/W = 149, Wk 3/W = 152, Wk 4/W = 148, Wk 5/W = 148)
    Wk 6/W = 148.5