Turbo Jammers 1/26-2/1



  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Oh forgot to add that we booked our summer hols yesterday so now I have a REAL target to aim for.

    We are flying into San Francisco for 3 days, then 2 days in Monterey, 5 days in Santa Monica and finishing it off with 5 days in Vegas! The countdown has begun!!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Hey there fellow jammers!!

    I absolutely love them! My favorite is definitely the Fat Blaster .. especially when i have a bad day .. i can really kick butt!! hahah!! Nice to see a group on here that does Turbo Jam!! However .. I am kinda scared of the Cardio Party DVDs .. are they really hard or just long!

    I agree with Lyn. If you can hang with FB, you can SO do CP. Cardio Party is a lot of "work" but it isn't as intense as FB, kwim? Lot more kicking, but it is fun! The 40 min. seems like nothing. The only time I catch myself looking at the clock is when I'm doing the F'ing squats. HATE that part b/c I nearly fall on my face half the time.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Today is last chance workout for the BLC so I've done abjam, TS & FB with plans of doing 20 min. with doug tonight. Whew! It better pay off in the morning!

    I'll be MIA for awhile b/c the dang computer is broken & we're sending it out tomorrow morning. I don't know how I'll cope without you! LOL

    Deedun - woo hoo for vacations! That sounds like a jam packed trip! We're toying with the idea of Myrtle Beach in May.:indifferent: I am NOT bathing suit ready.

    Welcome to the group, Megan!

    Hello to Lyn, Kelly, dragonfly & everyone else that I'm sure I missed! Talk to you all later!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey 3babybeans,
    we'll miss you too! Hurry up and get the dang pc fixed - we need you!
    Deeduns -
    Vacation what's that?? How awesome that you get to get away!! Sounds like major motivation to me!

    All of you have me so curious about this FB workout- Is this one of the ones included in the MaxResults
    Package? I was trying not to jump ahead and focus on learning the learn /burn, 20min, CP1, Ab Jam and I think there is 1 other one - they are all on 1 DVD. They also sent me gloves, resistance bands, and some kind of green strechy thing that don't know how to use yet .. along with like 6 DVDs.( I am so trying not to get ahead and follow the directions for a change:laugh: )
    Hope someone can answer my question.

    Thanks Everybody and have a great day,
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    The green stretchy thing will come in play during Punch Kick & Jam. I bought Fat Blaster off of eBay. I think if you buy it through a coach, you get it in a package with CP2. Fat Blaster is 30 min. (warm up, four Turbo segments done twice - once low intensity, once high intensity, then a cool down, then some awesome stretching.) I really like it & am usually dripping afterward. I try to only do it about 2-3 times a week, but sometimes I do it more. I think it is one of the easier ones to learn b/c you do everything twice.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    The green stretchy thing will come in play during Punch Kick & Jam. I bought Fat Blaster off of eBay. I think if you buy it through a coach, you get it in a package with CP2. Fat Blaster is 30 min. (warm up, four Turbo segments done twice - once low intensity, once high intensity, then a cool down, then some awesome stretching.) I really like it & am usually dripping afterward. I try to only do it about 2-3 times a week, but sometimes I do it more. I think it is one of the easier ones to learn b/c you do everything twice.
    OOOOOHHHH,that's right !!, I remember the green stretchy thing, now for PK & J. Iam going to check my box nowto see what the other goodies are ... .hopefully Fat Blaster is in there, Ihope, i hope!!

    Thanks and have a great nite...
  • Beeks5
    Beeks5 Posts: 41
    Well you all were right .. I did CP2 and loved it .. its just really hard to fit in with 3 little ones! So I am officially NOT scared of Cardio Party!! Yay!! But I still like Fat Blaster .. makes me sweat more .. kicks my butt!! Well I hope you all had a great day! Going to go relax now .. tomorrow is a busy day!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Morning Jam Family,
    Hope you all are having a great day and keeping active! Hurray, I do have fat blaster and like 6 other ones (including CP2 & 3) !!!! I'm so siked!! I think I'm going to give FB a try after my meeing tonight - I am really going to try to find 30 minutes for me, if i'm not too exhausted. If it makes you sweat more than CP, I am looking forward to trying it. Does that mean you burn more calories in less time??? I'm all for that!!

    I did CP this morning before work and am going to get in 20 min of pilates at lunch (at least that's the goal) ~ ate my "wheaties" this am!!:drinker:

    Hope everybody has an outstanding day; holla at 'cha later:wink:
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Hi Turbo Jammers!
    Well the kids have a snow day today, so while they were sleeping in this morning I did Fat Blaster and Punch, Kick and Jam. I think I'm going to regret it tomorrow though, I'm already feeling a little stiff :ohwell: I think I do some stretching tonight.
    How's everyone's day going?
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Hello everyone...running way behind today.
    I did get in 20 min and Ab Jam...need to do Shred as soon as I get the kids lunch and son sent off to school. I might work in another workout sometime today but I doubt it :smile:

    Megan-you must have some serious energy to do FB and PK&J...I'm drenched after doing one or the other...but I don' t think I could do both.

    Dragonfly-I'm glad you have a lot of workouts. They are all great! Plus variety is a good thing especially when it comes to plateaus. Enjoy FB, it's a great high energy workout.

    Beeks-I'm glad you like CP2. I think its great. Keep up the good work.
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Hello everyone...running way behind today.
    I did get in 20 min and Ab Jam...need to do Shred as soon as I get the kids lunch and son sent off to school. I might work in another workout sometime today but I doubt it :smile:

    How do you like Shred? I almost ordered it last night, I still will probably. Is it very different from the Turbo Jams?
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    WTG Everyone!!!!! Keep up the AWESOME work!!!! I have yet to do Punch, Kick, and Jam...thinking tomorrow.

    Today I did CP and TS...hoping for some pilates later tonight and maybe 20 min workout.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Family,
    Hi Megan, glad you're here!

    Gottaloveboys - got my 20 min of pilates in over lunch hope you get yours in too! You are going to love PK & J - good luck!! I am not scheduled for that one til Sunday..

    Drevansmom- good for you for taking time to get something in!! I count those times as especially rewarding because I overcame an additional obstacle (rushed for time) - that was always my excuse not to work out and then one day turned into another. i'm proud of you!:flowerforyou:

    Hi to others I didn't mention ~ fun to read all of of your posts. They are so encouraging!!
    Question: How are you guys logging the FB? Kickboxing or High intensity Aerobics? I don't have a HRM and you all have been pretty accurate so any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks you guyS:heart::heart: :heart:
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Hi Dragonfly!
    I don't know how accurate this is, but this is what I've done...
    My HRM battery is dead, and I know in the past my calories burned has varied considerably depending on how hard I was working out, etc. But I did keep a log and averaged them and for the CP's, P,K&J, and Fat Blaster I average about 450 calories for 50 minutes. Of course I have to adjust for the different workout times (it's 9 calories/minute). I looked online and that seems close to what others have posted and it's pretty close to kickboxing on this site.
    Still, I can't wait to get my battery!!!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    I burn about 300-350 cals doing Fat Blaster...since I'm a newbie to it I take it pretty slow. Remember cals burned depend on weight, age and intensity. And I figure it's always better to figure guess lower than higher!

    Finally got my shred in...had to stop about 10 minutes in to clean up baby throw up...but I finished!
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Got in my Cardio Party workout today, all without pauses and stoggages :glasses: so I am delighted I could do it!

    My feel are feeling it now though, they feel like they are on fire and topped with blisters but I am due to see the Chiropodist tormorrow so hopefully she will have a cure for me!

    My weigh in is also tomorrow am and I have everything crossed... :indifferent:

    its nearly 11pm here so I'm off to bed!! See you all tomorrow!!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • msplatts
    Hello everyone.

    I have been using this site since the beginning of Jan and I really love it. I'm also a huge fan of Turbo Jam. I purchased the original 5 or 6 a couple of years ago and recently started doing them again. I love Cardio Party 2 and the Lower Body Jam. I just purchased the Chalene's Get on the Ball package with the 2 dvd's. Has anyone done these yet? I'm very excited to try something new. I was also wondering if anyone had tried the Live ones & if they were much different.
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Welcome msplatts!!! I just purchased the Live Booty and Abs and I love it. It is such a great workout. I don't know about it being "live" they "claim" they are in a real turbo jam class....but no...classroom maybe but it's not a gym class :laugh: Regardless of the setting I love the workout. Cardio Party 2 is also my fav. I don't do the lower body as often as I should. I have a real hard time gettin the strength/toning workouts in....but I love to do the cardios. I watched a clip of the ball routines online and it wasn't anything I wanted to try but I hope it's something you enjoy.
    Thanks for joining us. Hope to see you around a lot.

    Deedun-Yea for getting all the way thru CP :drinker: Hope the doc can get you some help for your blisters.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    After sitting in a 3hour (yes 3:grumble: ) traffic jam due to an accident. I finally made it home ... and did Fat Blaster!! WOO HOO. 4 Turbos wore me out~ and helped me get my gratitude back:smile: I was PO'd /bc I thought I'd miss getting in an extra workout (dang, I'm selfish!) and I was tired from work ... but what about the accident? At least I get to go home. Never did get to see what happened , had to turn around and go 30 miles out of the way to get home. Anyway, very grateful to be safe and home and healthy. Saying a prayer for those involved and their families...
    Deeduns, glad you are going to the drs- hope they can give you some help with your sore tootsies! I just know your weigh in is going to go great!
    Drevansmom - I was thinking the same thing about the strength/toning exercises - I haven't done any weights since I got turbo jam (except for the gloves) Maybe tomorrow instead of the 20min and the ab jam... .but I don't know.. these are so fun!
    I am taking my tired tail to bed ~ just wanted to say nite to all

    God Bless
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Dragonfly I bet those turbos were a good way to take out the built up frustrations from the drive home. Glad you made it home safe and sound...hope those involved are okay too. I'm gonna call it a night as well. See you all tomorrow.