Best fat burning supplement?



  • EliRob
    EliRob Posts: 53 Member
    CLA supplements google it
    CLA has a miniscule effect on thermogenisis.

    ninerbuff, I have no idea what you mean when you say "miniscule effect on thermogenisis".... is this good, bad, not important? I'm not up on the lingo....

    Explanation would be awesome :D
  • Johnny_Castle
    CLA supplements google it
    CLA has a miniscule effect on thermogenisis.

    ninerbuff, I have no idea what you mean when you say "miniscule effect on thermogenisis".... is this good, bad, not important? I'm not up on the lingo....

    Explanation would be awesome :D

    by that he means it has little effect on fat burning
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Ephedra (herbal form) is still banned. Ephedrine (pharmaceutical grade) is not.

    The herbal form can contain several other alkaloids which may cause issues, and is impossible to judge purity. Ephedrine HCL (or sulfate) has no such issues. I'm pretty sure this is what you're referring to.
    I stand corrected. Yes, Ephedrine is still available while Ephedra is still banned.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    PLEASE don't take any weight loss supplements. They are either a waste of time and money or can mess you up. There is a reason why EC is now illegal. Ive asked my doctor and he said whey protein is okay though.
    EC isn't illegal. If the dosages are correct, it's effective and does increases fat burning. But IMO it shouldn't be used except for the last few stuck pounds.
  • PB67
    PB67 Posts: 376
    CLA supplements google it
    CLA has a miniscule effect on thermogenisis.

    ninerbuff, I have no idea what you mean when you say "miniscule effect on thermogenisis".... is this good, bad, not important? I'm not up on the lingo....

    Explanation would be awesome :D

    by that he means it has little effect on fat burning

    And by little he means that the act of pulling the money out of your wallet to buy the stuff has a greater effect on your fat loss than the CLA itself.
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    yohommbine hci has proven to lose stored fat deposits

    I am taking now, it works
  • PB67
    PB67 Posts: 376
    yohommbine hci has proven to lose stored fat deposits

    I am taking now, it works

    Only if you're already very lean. And YHCL can have some nasty side-effects.
  • vsangel87
    vsangel87 Posts: 108 Member
    thanks for your input guys! so i'm hearing a lot of bad things about EC so i don't think i'll try it. lol i'll probably just try supplements that contain caffeine, like 5 hour energy shots or green tea supplements. and someone mentioned HCI...i've been wanting to try it but it's so expensive! lol good to know it works though! i think i'll give it a try. also, which green tea supplement is the most effective? and does anyone know anything about l-carnitine??
  • cyndy1214
    cyndy1214 Posts: 22 Member
    Apple Cidar Vinegar the organic with the mother. You can also buy the suppliments. Don't eat processed anything (white sugar, white flour, white rice), Drink lots of water. Green tea is very good try adding Stevia insteat of Sugar. Stevia has no calories and its not over processed. Use sea salt when you cook. Regular salt is cooked to an extremely high heat and becomes toxic. Avoid Margarine altogether it's not good for you. Try Brumels and Brown Yogart Butter it tastes good. I use real butter but only about 1-2 pats a day. I use L-Carnitine and this provides evergy I have not noticed if it has helped with my weightloss. Milk is not good for you, try almond milk. They have it in origional and vanilla as well as sugar free vanilla. I like the sugar free on my cereal with a banana. You might want to stop thinking in terms of this is a lunch food and this is a dinner food. Some foods that we mix at certain times a day actually decrease our metabolism. I learned another trick I'm not sure you are aware of. When you get up in the morning grab a piece of fruit. Don't eat or drink anything for about 1 hour except for water. Than have your breakfast. This helps with breaking down foods
  • EliRob
    EliRob Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks for the replys!
  • maraudingaud72
    Honestly I would say none. I've tried pretty much everything out there and nothing works except eating less and doing more. I know it's rubbish to hear, I too am waiting for magic cholocate that boosts my metabolism and helps me shed those extra pounds.... maybe one day... Sadly in the interim because weight loss is such an important factor in so many peoples lives, there are too many people out there who want to cash in on our desperation.

    Keep to your diet plan and you'll do great!
  • KristinLeAnn252
    KristinLeAnn252 Posts: 136 Member
    Alli is good :)
  • pfeiferfarrier
    Green tea, dark cocoa (no sugar though), brown seaweed and black licorice (again real stuff not sugar and artifical crap) are natural fat burners. Tumeric powder is too so lots of curry :-)
  • bodyrocks365
    EC (Formerly ECA) yummy those were the days.
    Dangerous yes, effective, yes.
    A friend of mine took 8 pills back in the day and found herself passed out on the floor for an hour.
    I wouldn't recommend overdosing, if dosing at all.
    I take oxyelite pro right now. I'm thinking my ephedra days are gone now that I'm not young and stupid, but if I did it again I wouldn't stack it with caffeine anymore.
  • bodyrocks365
    PLEASE don't take any weight loss supplements. They are either a waste of time and money or can mess you up. There is a reason why EC is now illegal. Ive asked my doctor and he said whey protein is okay though.
    I'm sorry..I just had to giggle a little. Ephedra/Caffeine...whey protein...
  • Reeny1_8
    Reeny1_8 Posts: 277
    Agree completely ^
  • LeggyKettleBabe
    LeggyKettleBabe Posts: 300 Member
    B-100 complex and water water water
  • LosingLizard
    Ok guys...first i would like to clarify that i am not looking for a "quick fix" nor am i just being lazy...i just want something that works alongside my controlled diet and exercise to boost results. Anyone have any recommendations?

    All right...I'll be the one to say it....

    You're 5'5" and 100 lbs, which puts you right on the cusp of severely underweight. And you're apparently trying to lose 5 more lbs. You don't need a fat burner, you need food.
  • LishaCole
    LishaCole Posts: 245
    I have seen a lot of people see great results with New Roots - Slimmer System ( It has a great combination of vitamins and thermogenics.
  • almonds1
    almonds1 Posts: 642 Member
    thanks for your input guys! so i'm hearing a lot of bad things about EC so i don't think i'll try it. lol i'll probably just try supplements that contain caffeine, like 5 hour energy shots or green tea supplements. and someone mentioned HCI...i've been wanting to try it but it's so expensive! lol good to know it works though! i think i'll give it a try. also, which green tea supplement is the most effective? and does anyone know anything about l-carnitine??

    5 hour energy shots - I have a friend who calls those 5 minute crash shots lol