10 down by Christmas (CLOSED)



  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    I weigh in every Thursday so I posted today! lost 6 more pounds!! YaY!!!!! Added to my 11 last week ,I have lost 17 so far I am so so excited! GO TEAM 8!!!

    Go TEAM 8! You are doing great! You'll rock this challenge and lose more than 10 lbs for sure! It's great to have you on my team! I'm super excited for you!

    This week, my lost wasn't too well, but I've realized I have to pick back up on my cardio. Fortysixpounds, thanks for the challenge, I think that will be my wake-up warm-up. Something quick and sweet to start the day.
    A few more days,:happy: I'll be reunited with my hubby:love: , a long six months:cry: , but he's almost home! I'm super excited, I'll have me a CF workout buddy!

    Team 8, I can't wait to see our progress! Smiles and hugs from Rotten Groton, :laugh: (it's sad, that's what they call this area)

    **If you find it hard to drink water especially when it is cold, try drinking it at room temperature. I've found that a lot easier. **
  • fitrunnermd
    great week everyone, i was checking out the spreadsheet and its looking really good, I am a firm believer that while it is nice to see the numbers go down, it is not the most important thing, there are many health benifits that superceed any weightloss, so as we finish week one, I wanted to ask you all what was the best thing about this week for you (not weightloss) could be anything, Just the best part of your week that has something to do with this lifestyle.

    Mine was the fact that for as long as I can remember, I have had the worst heartburn and have been popping tums like its candy, i would regularly take 3 tums several times a day........this past 10 days or so......not one, I haven't even looked at my tums bottle, and at $4 a bottle, a bottle a week, thats about $200 a year in my pocket and because i plan on living forever, its the gift that keeps on giving.

    so lets hear it what was your week's non-scale victory?

    Mine was kind of scale related. I was able to wear a suit that I haven't worn in awhile and not only was I able to zip up the skirt but I was able to button the jacket from top to bottowm without those annoying gaps between buttons. I still have a ways to go but that was a small victory for me this week.
  • losinglbs0208
    I weigh in every Thursday so I posted today! lost 6 more pounds!! YaY!!!!! Added to my 11 last week ,I have lost 17 so far I am so so excited! GO TEAM 8!!!

    Awesome! Way to go.
  • losinglbs0208
    I FINALLY saw movement on the scale! It's been hovering between 185 and 188 for a month, and this week, I'm at 183. Three pounds in one week (altough this is always the week of the month that I see the scale move most, but I'm not going to let that intel lower my high!)

    I've switched from SLOOOOOOWLY running 30 minutes 3 days a week to running much faster 4-5 days this week and I think that daily burst of cardio is helping. I'm also going a lot faster than I was before. Hopefully my next 5K will be 38-39 minutes, vs. the 42 minutes I did two weeks ago.

    Keep up the great work, y'all! And Go Team 8!
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    Sorry for the Gain team 6 is hormonal should have massive loss next week if there is a weight loss god :P
  • fortysixpounds
    fortysixpounds Posts: 419 Member
    Sorry for the Gain team 6 is hormonal should have massive loss next week if there is a weight loss god :P

    Ah don't worry about that! Throughout the 8 weeks that will befall most of us, like you said you'll lose big next week.:smile: It's not a true reflection of how you're doing. And ladies you know you burn a lot more calories during this time of month? I think that's why you're always more hungry round that time. Try hang in there and make smart food choices cppeace
  • harley_rose
    This is the first time I ever lost 2lbs in a week time, (first month didn't count do it water weight with me).. My NSV was putting on a pair of jeans I haven't had on in three years.. Still had the muffin top, but zipper and button... :drinker:
  • evelyngrice
    evelyngrice Posts: 350 Member
    i have to log it tomorrow - scales have broken, so am having to buy new ones :(
  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    o_o Nevermind. I got it.
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,692 Member
    Kimmy do not feel bad! i gained as well! Ughhhhh....but lost 0.8 of a pound of it. Hoping to be in the positive by next week.
  • mamapaints
    mamapaints Posts: 206 Member
    Hey everyone; I'm new... team 5 needed another member and I'm it! Looking forward to getting to know everyone and doing my part in encouraging others as I know I'll be encouraged too! :)
  • CalderaGal
    Can someone send me the link to the sheet where we record our weight? ipnews@mac.com
  • Julie4610
    We got this, team 6... don't be discouraged by the gain... it'll happen to all of us :) Next week will be better!!
  • shadea4455
    shadea4455 Posts: 173 Member
    Hi everyone! Just joined Team 8 and am excited about this challenge! It's exactly the motivation I need to keep dropping through the holidays :)
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,692 Member
    So, I am already feeling I am going to be in the positive by next weeks weigh in! Lost 1.6 of the 2 pounds I gained. So it is time to start losing the pounds again! Don't be discouraged by gains, it happens at some point. Just as long as we keep moving forward, all will be well in the end.

    Went walking today, and walked 6 miles. Hoping to get back out and walk some more later on. got to see what the schedule is like.
    TEAM 8 MEMBER CHECKING IN! Just a reminder, if you havent logges your weight, please do it ASAP! I had a great week, and am looking forward to another great week next week!! I will hit my 10 pounds for sure:) Have a great weekend.
  • fortysixpounds
    fortysixpounds Posts: 419 Member
    Great job everybody on week 1, some fantastic results!!!! We're nearly there just 3 gaps left on that spreadsheet. But of the 7 teams that have completed logging TEAMS1,2,3,5,7,8,9 have a total combined loss (so far) 112lbs!!!! which is one skinny person WELL DONE EVERYONE
  • destanicheri
    destanicheri Posts: 297 Member
    Just checking in again..Go team 8!!
  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    Go team 6.. ;-; which got reduced.
  • fortysixpounds
    fortysixpounds Posts: 419 Member
    Teams that got reduced will be back up to 10 member within 2 days don't worry :smile: