What keeps you on the treadmill?



  • glockster972
    glockster972 Posts: 704 Member
    Music and the big *kitten* I'm dragging along behind me all the time.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Watching the beefed up guys lifting weights.
    Size 6 jeans.
    Victoria's Secret Holiday catolog.
    Screaming keep going you fatty in my head.
    Imagining one of those hot beefed up dudes who is lifting weights is watching me counting the minutes I can run for.

    I am clearly insane.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    If I can read, I'm not going hard enough.
    yup, pretty much...
  • rocketpants
    rocketpants Posts: 419 Member
    Nothing!! which is why I don't usually use indoor gym equipment. I much prefer to do things outside, I find it much more entertaining.
  • andreabball
    andreabball Posts: 90 Member
    I STILL haven't found something that keeps me on the treadmill! I find I can run farther and faster outside than on the "dreadmill" any day! Today for example (it's raining here), I was on the treadmill for 30 minutes with my fav music AND the TV on and all I could do was look at the numbers to see what my pace was, how many more minutes I had, how many calories I was burning...it was making me crazy! I do much much much better when I can be outside, listening to my music, and enjoying my surroundings. Anyone else feel this way? I've gotta get a sweatproof/waterproof case for my iphone, or I'm never gonna make it through on the crappy rainy days!!
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    Once I started having to run outside for my long runs I can't get back on the dreadmill. Anything longer than 10 minutes on that thing and I want to shoot myself in the face.
    If I'm running, I'm running outdoors I don't think there's anything that could get me to run for too long on it. On the flipside I don't even feel the need listen to music when I run outdoors.
  • Leviram
    Leviram Posts: 77
    Yes. And it's annoying. Then it's a community gym and I guess they don't want to go on the other stuff we have. I courteous if I see people on the treadmills I just go do the stationary bike until they are done or I go over to the elliptical.
  • KimertRuns13_1
    My music keeps me going wherever I am ... treadmill, ARC, elliptical, bike, outside running...
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I broke up with most exercise equipment. I'd rather run outside. How I continue running outside when I'm bored/tired? I don't run laps, or drive to a park to run, so I have to run back to my apartment.
  • andreabball
    andreabball Posts: 90 Member
    Once I started having to run outside for my long runs I can't get back on the dreadmill. Anything longer than 10 minutes on that thing and I want to shoot myself in the face.
    If I'm running, I'm running outdoors I don't think there's anything that could get me to run for too long on it. On the flipside I don't even feel the need listen to music when I run outdoors.

    AGREED!! I find it so hard now that I've started running outside!!
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    I can't hear anything my kids are yelling at me from the top of the stairs when I'm on the treadmill. That keeps me on there!!
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    Once I started having to run outside for my long runs I can't get back on the dreadmill. Anything longer than 10 minutes on that thing and I want to shoot myself in the face.
    If I'm running, I'm running outdoors I don't think there's anything that could get me to run for too long on it. On the flipside I don't even feel the need listen to music when I run outdoors.

    Same here. I loathe the treadmill. It is mind numbing boring compared to running outside. I do workout on an elliptical or a stairmaster when I don't run outside. With the elliptical I just watch the TVs at the gym. With the stairmaster I hold on for dear life and keep moving lest I fall off and die.
  • JJinWI
    JJinWI Posts: 197 Member
    I tried reading on the treadmill, but just can't do it.

    Like everyone else, music keeps me going and so does tv. I love that the gym I go to has tvs on all of the cardio equipment. Oh, and it helps that there are giant glass windows to look out onto the street to watch the world go by.

    A mental trick that keeps me going is thinking to myself how great that post-workout shower will feel after a long, sweaty workout.
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    It's funny that people have said they aren't working hard enough if they are capable of reading... I can't keep up a conversation, that's for sure (& I thought that was the gage we were to roughly use), but reading isn't more difficult than watching TV (at least for me). LOL A little more brainpower, I guess, but no more body power than watching a rerun.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I STILL haven't found something that keeps me on the treadmill! I find I can run farther and faster outside than on the "dreadmill" any day! Today for example (it's raining here), I was on the treadmill for 30 minutes with my fav music AND the TV on and all I could do was look at the numbers to see what my pace was, how many more minutes I had, how many calories I was burning...it was making me crazy! I do much much much better when I can be outside, listening to my music, and enjoying my surroundings. Anyone else feel this way? I've gotta get a sweatproof/waterproof case for my iphone, or I'm never gonna make it through on the crappy rainy days!!

    Same for me BUT I've been on the treadmill lately trying to work on my speed. I always have music blasting, and I like to watch the guys lifting weights, and if that fails then I imagine I'm outside running. I can't read or look at anything close up bc of motion sickness :(
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member

    That's just a theory.
  • its_betty
    its_betty Posts: 104 Member
    I love to listen to podcasts. I especially like This American Life, RadioLab, and The Moth. Getting drawn into a well-told story (fiction or non) keeps me going. Sometimes I even go longer than I planned because I have to hear the end of the story.

    Treadmill: bleah. I walk/run outside whenever possible.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I STILL haven't found something that keeps me on the treadmill! I find I can run farther and faster outside than on the "dreadmill" any day! Today for example (it's raining here), I was on the treadmill for 30 minutes with my fav music AND the TV on and all I could do was look at the numbers to see what my pace was, how many more minutes I had, how many calories I was burning...it was making me crazy! I do much much much better when I can be outside, listening to my music, and enjoying my surroundings. Anyone else feel this way? I've gotta get a sweatproof/waterproof case for my iphone, or I'm never gonna make it through on the crappy rainy days!!

    Same here. I had to run on the treadmill today and I was pretty sure I was going to die.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member

    That's just a theory.

    it's the LAW!