Coffee.. good or bad?



  • dchss80
    dchss80 Posts: 25
    i hope it isnt because i had a small cup this morning, but i logged the coffee the creamer and the 2 splenda packets
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Depends, cheap coffee tastes like butt, good coffee tastes excellent!

    Coffee has antioxidants in it, you can do a google search for health benefits.
  • myshell26
    myshell26 Posts: 113
    Coffee is good for you. Just try to limit it to 2 cups per day unless you go decaf (which is an abomination unless you have some medical issue where you can't drink caffeine).
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    First off, my morning zombie self says "coffee"

    Second, I think it depends on which study you read as to the health benefits/detractors of coffee. Some claim it dehydrates, others say there's no evidence of that. If you like it, drink it. If you don't, don't. If you're worried the creamer is too many calories, drink it black (like I do).
  • and also, as marywilsoncline said before me, all natural sugar IS much MUCH better for you than artificial sweeteners!! Artificial sweeteners are nothing but man-made chemicals, you don't want that in your body! (some people actually get SICK because their bodies produce POISON from artificial sweetener! low cals or poison? don't pick the poison!)

    some great alternatives for sugar are:

    RAW sugar


    Beet sugar

    Stevia Plant
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Depends, cheap coffee tastes like butt, good coffee tastes excellent!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    All I know is I drink lots of coffee, the vice I won't give up. No bad side effects for me, I just drink plenty of water.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    coffee is very harmful to the body. even decaf isn't great for you. Coffee is highly acidic. Highly acidic foods (not to be confused with the acid in citrus foods) produce fat cells in order to keep the acid away from your body organs. Also, keep in mind that we import coffee beans from other countries where they use harmful insecticides (such as DD7) that even WE don't allow in the US.

    Maybe you could try herbal organic tea to start your day instead? :)

    Um, what? Absolutely false. For ones thing, coffee has a pH of 5, which is very mildly acidic, the acids in citrus are much stronger. Heck, the acid in your stomach is WAY more acidic than coffee. Who told you this nonsense?
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    and also, as marywilsoncline said before me, all natural sugar IS much MUCH better for you than artificial sweeteners!! Artificial sweeteners are nothing but man-made chemicals, you don't want that in your body! (some people actually get SICK because their bodies produce POISON from artificial sweetener! low cals or poison? don't pick the poison!)

    some great alternatives for sugar are:

    RAW sugar


    Beet sugar

    Stevia Plant

    ... Beet sugar, molasses, and RAW sugar are just sugar, not alternatives to sugar. What are you talking about?
  • I will give up potato chips, I will give up ice cream, but I will cut a b*tch who tries to take away my coffee...

    OMG - I feel the same LOL. I can't ake it through a day without just 1. I have cut it out a few tiems, but tea gets boring so fast. :)
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    coffee is ok...I have been told that for every cup of coffee you drink you should counter it with an extra 8oz glass of water on top of the 8 glasses you are already drinking...try decaf it can be included in your 8- 8oz glasses of water
    I can't imagine drinking that much water!

    I rarely drink plain water. I prefer to get my water from food though I drink coffee, iced tea, and Coke Zero, from time to time. In that I run 25 to 30 miles per week and have lost up to 6 pounds, most of that in perspiration, I'm fairly tuned into water consumption requirements. I drink a replenisher drink to get back glucose, sodium, and potassium and allow my thirst mechanism to signal me that I need water.

    This is not definitive but you might find it to be interesting:

    And this research addresses the myth of the need for 8 glasses of water:

    Note that the article is actually…science. No personal stories, anecdotes, or what someone thought they read somewhere. Just a medical doctor, who has authored a book on the human kidney, researching all published literature about water consumption and then presenting his findings with 100 footnotes.
  • WhitneyJerome
    WhitneyJerome Posts: 80 Member
    I will give up potato chips, I will give up ice cream, but I will cut a b*tch who tries to take away my coffee...

    Amen =)
  • VTGolden
    VTGolden Posts: 24 Member
    Did I read that right....Coffee and Bad in the same sentence? :wink:

    I love coffee, have to have my ONE large cup every morning, unfortunately my creamer sets me back 70 calories, but some things are just WORTH it! It's my one vice!
    Same here...its 70 calories well spent!
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Just like everything else too much could be bad for you, I have cut way down to just 3 cups a day and powder non dairy creamer. I log both.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Like water, coffee can be bad in excess. There is almost four zabillion opinions on the benefits/harms of coffee (often with very little mention of amount). A healthy amount is probably in the 'less than water, more than punches to your own face' range. I've got a chart somewhere that shows this.

    Just make sure you eat back your coffee calories.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    Coffee does NOT dehydrate. I really wish that myth would go away. It's full of antioxidants, and it's damn good for you.

    My hubby's doctor told him the same, I drink the extra water just in case. LoL
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,850 Member
    it's evil. that's why it's black.
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    Coffee does NOT dehydrate. I really wish that myth would go away. It's full of antioxidants, and it's damn good for you.

    My hubby's doctor told him the same, I drink the extra water just in case. LoL

    I was under the impression that it does not dehydrate you, however, you cannot add it to your water intake count.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Like water, coffee can be bad in excess. There is almost four zabillion opinions on the benefits/harms of coffee (often with very little mention of amount). A healthy amount is probably in the 'less than water, more than punches to your own face' range. I've got a chart somewhere that shows this.

    Just make sure you eat back your coffee calories.

    I want to see the chart.