Sugar-Lets be honest!

I have read so many posts about sugar, and whether or not MFP's guidelines should be followed. The topic of natural vs. refined sugars has come up and most ppl are saying as long as they are natural sugars then dont worry about it. Ive done a lil research and everything I've read has said sugar is sugar, doesn't matter if its from something natural like fruit or if it's plain old granulated sugar, your body recognizes it all the same! Are we just lying to ourselves to make us feel better about eating so much sugar? I admit it's hard to keep track because it seems EVERYTHING has sugar in it but isn't it going to hinder weightloss in the end? Would love to hear your thoughts on it!


  • hcf006
    hcf006 Posts: 4
    If sugar is sugar then I agree, but overall if you are looking for something sweet to eat...fruit would be the way to go!! Great post and I definitely agree mam :)
  • Thank you for posting this.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    I stopped tracking sugar because most of mine comes from fruit!
  • sugar is just a carbohydrate. Whats the big deal?

    If you are in a calorie deficit you will lose weight.

    And why give up fruit/mil/yogurt just because of sugar? You know those things have a good amount of vitamins right?
    Health is important, not just weight loss.
  • I never said I was giving up fruit, but you can still eat it in smaller amounts and not go over your sugar.
  • bump
  • I am diabetic and I promise you, sugar is sugar!
  • I never said I was giving up fruit, but you can still eat it in smaller amounts and not go over your sugar.

    I get 70g of sugar from fruit some days. I still don't see the problem with going over in sugar?
  • Hi there, just replying to the whole sugar thing, whether its sucrose, fructose, glucose, dextrose, any form of sugar your body will store it as fat if it isnt burnt off during the day. If you are trying to get abs or lose fat in general then sugar should be consumed in very small amounts, only from fruit. No refined sugar since that is empty calories and has no nutrional benefit whatsoever. keep fruit to a minimum of about one fruit a week. Thats what i've discovered from years or reading bodybuilding magazines and consulting with friends in the fitness industry. Just thought i'd post this, hope it helps. sugar really is the enemy, even more so that fat.
  • I also still eat yogurt, i found dannon light & fit with only 2g. of sugar and transitioned to soy milk that has WAAAAY less than regular milk. I realize health is important hence why you shouldnt go so far over on sugar because that is not healthy.
  • I also still eat yogurt, i found dannon light & fit with only 2g. of sugar and transitioned to soy milk that has WAAAAY less than regular milk. I realize health is important hence why you shouldnt go so far over on sugar because that is not healthy.

    And why isn't it healthy? So i should limit my fruit, which would decrease my sugar, and decrease the vitamins I am getting from the fruit.

    Once again its just a carbohydrate.
  • Well the problem on going over on sugar is if you have left over sugar that your body cant use for energy it's going to store it as fat and that defeats the whole purpose.
  • You can get vitamins from other things than fruit, right?
  • and to reply to that person about sugar is just a carbohydrate, yes it is but not all carbs are created equal. there are high gi and low gi carbs, you'd best stick with low gi since it wont spike your insulin levels. insulin promotes muscle breakdown and fat storage. not a good combination
  • 202685tracy
    202685tracy Posts: 42 Member
    Yes, you are right sugar is sugar, however, fruit also has nutrients and fiber, which keep your insulin levels from spiking when you eat it. That being said, I have read various things that say keep your fruit intake to 2 servings a day. I try to choose berries when I am having fruit because they have less calories and sugar than other fruits. As far as MFP, I am always over the sugar grams that they recommend. I don't stress over it.
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    lots of books out there regarding sugar and health--reading them made me decide the less sugar in my body, the better.
  • hcf006
    hcf006 Posts: 4
    I think people should do their research and not just depend on what they hear on MFP.....
  • Well the problem on going over on sugar is if you have left over sugar that your body cant use for energy it's going to store it as fat and that defeats the whole purpose.

    Completely wrong. If you are in a calorie deficit you think you are going to store fat from sugar? No.

    And yes other things have vitamins obviously :P but what are you replacing this with then? Once again 70+ grams of sugar for me some days and I sure am not storing fat
  • and to reply to that person about sugar is just a carbohydrate, yes it is but not all carbs are created equal. there are high gi and low gi carbs, you'd best stick with low gi since it wont spike your insulin levels. insulin promotes muscle breakdown and fat storage. not a good combination

    *sigh* gi is not a big deal when in a calorie deficit. Muscle break down? Really? xD
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I go over on sugar every day, pretty much entirely from fruit, and I had no problems reaching and exceeding my goals, so I don't think sugar, certainly not natural sugar are evil.