Sugar-Lets be honest!



  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    The vitamins in most fruit is overrated, most only have Vit C and you can get all the body needs in a day from one fifth of a red pepper. Fruit has evolved to be attractive to animals as a way for plants distributing their seeds. They are all about advertising, a bright colour and bit of sugar to sweeten the deal, but there is no advantage to the plant to pack them full of any real nutrients that the plant needs for its own growth. Vegetables have all the good vitamins.

    This is so very incorrect. Fruits offer a variety of vitamins that are essential for us. Most of them have way more than vitamin C.

    There are also a lot of micronutrients in fruits and vegetables that we have identified, but don't quite know of their health benefits yet.
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    I guess it depends on what you mean by "sugar." Sucrose is sucrose and fructose is fructose, etc. There's still research being done on whether or not highly processed (refined) sugars like HFCS actually get shunted to the liver without being broken down. The theory being that the subsequent process would then prompt insulin resistance.

    It'll be interesting to see how future research comes along.

    Actually sucrose is composed of two sugars, fructose and glucose.

    Did you have some contextual reason for establishing a well-known distinction between mono and disaccharides?
  • SergeantSunshine_reused

    You got fat from eating too many calories. No single macro makes you fat.

    I also looked at your diary. You think that lowering sugar helped you lose weight? Not that you are eating 700-800 calories a day?


    i just gotta love what dietists have to say ^^

    Is there something wrong with what was said? *confused*

    I think he was agreeing with me xD

    Apparently im b*tchy tho xD
  • Uerzer
    Uerzer Posts: 273
    Did you have some contextual reason for establishing a well-known distinction between mono and disaccharides?

    Maybe he has a sucrase-isomaltase deficiency... or think that people with sucrase-isomaltase deficiency might be interested in the distinction!

    and yes, i was agreeing with sunshine, ill make it clearer next time ;)
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    Please read this:

    Page D5-21 might be of particular interest.

    Edit: And continue on to read about sugar sweetened foods and beverages.

    This was very interesting...thanks for posting! It confirmed what I already was pretty sure of.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    My goodness! People do have a habit of being rather rude and easily offended on here!

    To the original poster - I am wondering if you posted this topic to get people's opinions, or to start a debate? When I read your original post, I though that you were looking for opinions, although it was clear that yours was that sugar hinders weight loss.
    However, once people started posting their opinions, it appeared as if you were not looking for that after all and just wanted everyone to agree with you.

    To the people who have said some snarky things about anti-sugar (the only description I can think of) posts: I agree with you that eating too many calories is what causes us to get - and stay - fat, regardless of where those calories come from (honestly, I always ate a lot of healthy foods, I just ate way too much of them), and reducing your calories (to a healthy level, not 700-800 calories/day) and moving your body are how you lose weight. I firmly believe that fruits, veggies, and other "healthy" carbs play an important role in overall good health, and that probably means consuming more than 29 grams of total sugar a day.
    HOWEVER - perhaps belittling, teasing, etc. is not the best way to get that point across to other people.

    To the lady that said fat made her fat and sugar kept her fat: I urge you to consider that MFP sets guidelines that will allow you to lose weight at a healthy, maintainable pace. 700-800 calories/day make it very difficult to get adequate nutrients (protein, fat, and yes even carbs, but also things like fiber, potassium, calcium, etc). It is also less likely that you will be able to maintain your weight loss.

    Above all things, we need to focus on getting healthy and supporting one another. We don't have to agree with each other about everything and, honestly, different people's bodies respond differently to certain things. Diabetics do need to watch their sugar intake (both the source AND the quantity). Women with PCOS often have to watch their carb intake. People who are recovering from surgery, those with Celiac or other diseases, and those who are being treated for (or in remission with) cancer have other individual food requirements.

    For most people, however, nutritious, well-balanced meals and snacks in sensible portions, adequate hydration, and exercise are the keys to not only losing weight but also to a healthy lifestyle that will last.

    MFP is here to provide a community of like-minded individuals - we all want to get healthy. If we see people making choices that we don't agree with, we should be able to tell them, but we should do so with CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.

    ... ok, I'm getting off my soapbox now. :flowerforyou:
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    My goodness! People do have a habit of being rather rude and easily offended on here!

    To the original poster - I am wondering if you posted this topic to get people's opinions, or to start a debate? When I read your original post, I though that you were looking for opinions, although it was clear that yours was that sugar hinders weight loss.
    However, one people started posting their opinions, it appeared as if you were not looking for that after all and just wanted everyone to agree with you.

    To the people who have said some snarky things about anti-sugar (the only description I can think of) posts: I agree with you that eating too many calories is what causes us to get - and stay - fat, regardless of where those calories come from (honestly, I always ate a lot of healthy foods, I just ate way too much of them), and reducing your calories (to a healthy level, not 700-800 calories/day) and moving your body are how you lose weight. I firmly believe that fruits, veggies, and other "healthy" carbs play an important role in overall good health, and that probably means consuming more than 29 grams of total sugar a day.
    HOWEVER - perhaps belittling, teasing, etc. is not the best way to get that point across to other people.

    To the lady that said fat made her fat and sugar kept her fat: I urge you to consider that MFP sets guidelines that will allow you to lose weight at a healthy, maintainable pace. 700-800 calories/day make it very difficult to get adequate nutrients (protein, fat, and yes even carbs, but also things like fiber, potassium, calcium, etc). It is also less likely that you will be able to maintain your weight loss.

    Above all things, we need to focus on getting healthy and supporting one another. We don't have to agree with each other about everything and, honestly, different people's bodies respond differently to certain things. Diabetics do need to watch their sugar intake (both the source AND the quantity). Women with PCOS often have to watch their carb intake. People who are recovering from surgery, those with Celiac or other diseases, and those who are being treated for (or in remission with) cancer have other individual food requirements.

    For most people, however, nutritious, well-balanced meals and snacks in sensible portions, adequate hydration, and exercise are the keys to not only losing weight but also to a healthy lifestyle that will last.

    MFP is here to provide a community of like-minded individuals - we all want to get healthy. If we see people making choices that we don't agree with, we should be able to tell them, but we should do so with CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.

    ... ok, I'm getting off my soapbox now. :flowerforyou:

  • HannahMarieMcDougald
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Anyone got any sugar?
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Anyone got any sugar?

    Shhhhh thats bad for you ;D
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member

    You got fat from eating too many calories. No single macro makes you fat.

    I also looked at your diary. You think that lowering sugar helped you lose weight? Not that you are eating 700-800 calories a day?


    i just gotta love what dietists have to say ^^

    Is there something wrong with what was said? *confused*

    *sigh* haters...

    I am on a special diet at the moment due to metabolism issues and digestion issues. My doctors and nutritionists have created this plan for me. I am not starving myself. It is not long term. get off my back.

    Didn't realize that for expressing an opinion that is about ME, and only me, makes it ok for other My Fitness PALS to bully and pass judgement based on what you see in my diary. FFS every time I post, I am getting attitude about it. If I close my diary, I get attitude about that.

    So, how much weight do you have to lose and keep it off for how long before you are entitled to act so bloody high and mighty?
    some really bitter people here!
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    My goodness! People do have a habit of being rather rude and easily offended on here!

    To the original poster - I am wondering if you posted this topic to get people's opinions, or to start a debate? When I read your original post, I though that you were looking for opinions, although it was clear that yours was that sugar hinders weight loss.
    However, once people started posting their opinions, it appeared as if you were not looking for that after all and just wanted everyone to agree with you.

    To the people who have said some snarky things about anti-sugar (the only description I can think of) posts: I agree with you that eating too many calories is what causes us to get - and stay - fat, regardless of where those calories come from (honestly, I always ate a lot of healthy foods, I just ate way too much of them), and reducing your calories (to a healthy level, not 700-800 calories/day) and moving your body are how you lose weight. I firmly believe that fruits, veggies, and other "healthy" carbs play an important role in overall good health, and that probably means consuming more than 29 grams of total sugar a day.
    HOWEVER - perhaps belittling, teasing, etc. is not the best way to get that point across to other people.

    To the lady that said fat made her fat and sugar kept her fat: I urge you to consider that MFP sets guidelines that will allow you to lose weight at a healthy, maintainable pace. 700-800 calories/day make it very difficult to get adequate nutrients (protein, fat, and yes even carbs, but also things like fiber, potassium, calcium, etc). It is also less likely that you will be able to maintain your weight loss.

    Above all things, we need to focus on getting healthy and supporting one another. We don't have to agree with each other about everything and, honestly, different people's bodies respond differently to certain things. Diabetics do need to watch their sugar intake (both the source AND the quantity). Women with PCOS often have to watch their carb intake. People who are recovering from surgery, those with Celiac or other diseases, and those who are being treated for (or in remission with) cancer have other individual food requirements.

    For most people, however, nutritious, well-balanced meals and snacks in sensible portions, adequate hydration, and exercise are the keys to not only losing weight but also to a healthy lifestyle that will last.

    MFP is here to provide a community of like-minded individuals - we all want to get healthy. If we see people making choices that we don't agree with, we should be able to tell them, but we should do so with CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.

    ... ok, I'm getting off my soapbox now. :flowerforyou:

    ^^This, so much this!!
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    Ive listented to everything that everyone here has said, but unlike you they havn't been rude or derogatory with an all knowing attitude, the way you put things is just not an acceptable way to speak to someone you don't know.

    just because you didn't hear what you wanted to hear doesn't mean anyone was rude...i've read all the posts (i have a lot of time of my hands right now) and no one has been rude or derogatory. just because someone knows more than you about something doesn't mean they're acting "all knowing." if you post something you should be open minded to what other people have to say.

    and for my two cents on the topic...not all sugars are equal. fruit sugar is not the same as candy bar sugar as far as how it's processed by your body. i don't track my sugar and i've lost 32 pounds and am still losing.
  • MusicKeepsMeSane
    I agree. It's like that commercial that says "whether it's corn sugar or cane sugar, your body can't tell the difference. Sugar is sugar." Although one may taste better over the other, it's all the same to your body. It's especially important if you're a diabetic, it's much better to eat the natural sugars.

    EDIT: and I have to say that so many people are being rude. This is a place to be SUPPORTIVE!
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    I agree. It's like that commercial that says "whether it's corn sugar or cane sugar, your body can't tell the difference. Sugar is sugar." Although one may taste better over the other, it's all the same to your body. It's especially important if you're a diabetic, it's much better to eat the natural sugars.

    EDIT: and I have to say that so many people are being rude. This is a place to be SUPPORTIVE!

    I don't really see the rude part. I just see honesty.
  • passionbee
    passionbee Posts: 8 Member
    I read through the entire thread and found it very helpful. After eating 3 pitted dates today, I logged them to find out that I used up half of my MFP sugar limit for the day! I had no idea there was so much sugar in dates.

    I need to monitor everything more carefully - calories, protein, sugar - so all the information was helpful. Thanks for the thread everybody.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Hummingbirds only eat sugar.
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member

    You got fat from eating too many calories. No single macro makes you fat.

    I also looked at your diary. You think that lowering sugar helped you lose weight? Not that you are eating 700-800 calories a day?


    i just gotta love what dietists have to say ^^

    Is there something wrong with what was said? *confused*

    *sigh* haters...

    I am on a special diet at the moment due to metabolism issues and digestion issues. My doctors and nutritionists have created this plan for me. I am not starving myself. It is not long term. get off my back.

    Didn't realize that for expressing an opinion that is about ME, and only me, makes it ok for other My Fitness PALS to bully and pass judgement based on what you see in my diary. FFS every time I post, I am getting attitude about it. If I close my diary, I get attitude about that.

    So, how much weight do you have to lose and keep it off for how long before you are entitled to act so bloody high and mighty?
    some really bitter people here!
    Well, maybe there is a health reason you have that diet and if a MD is watching over it, then fine. However, don't come around talking about Fat making you fat and sugar keeping you fat and not eating much of either is causing you yo lose weight. You are losing weight because you are probably eating less than a third of what you probably need for weight loss. It's not because you are not eating much sugar or much fat, it's simply eating way fewer calories than it takes to maintain weight.

    People can lose weight safely on very low calorie diets, but looking at what you're eating the contents of your calories are not ideal for a VLCD. You should be getting a lot more protein in that.
  • soon2bhotmom
    soon2bhotmom Posts: 108 Member
    Sooo glad to see this post! I did great on all the guidelines but was way over the top with sugar. I want to know if its as bad as fat or calories.
  • soon2bhotmom
    soon2bhotmom Posts: 108 Member
    Well, let's see.

    I don't track sugar and never have (disclaimer: I don't have diabetes or pre-diabetes - if you do, you probably need to be aware of it).

    I do, however, eat a lot of fruit. At least one banana (often 2) each day. A large Granny Smith apple every day. Lots and lots of baby carrots (3+ servings every day). I drink original almond milk, which has sugar. I eat bread, which has sugar.

    I don't eat a lot of added or refined sugar, except for an occasional treat.

    I have shed 109 pounds since mid September 2010. I've dropped my body fat from 56% to 22%.

    I'm going to say that consuming sugar really didn't "hinder" my weight loss.

    Thanks for easing my concerns about sugar! Congrats on your success!!