Sixers Love Yourself Challenge - Week 4



  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I finally got my youngest son off to school today. He missed 3 1/2 days last week because he was sick although my youngest who is 18 mths was running a fever yesterday. She seems to be doing better so far today though. I hope we can finally get over the kids being sick soon. I miss the gym. I havent been doing the greatest lately. I am still trying just not as hard as I was when I first started this site and it shows. It is taking me forever to lose weight now. And I have so much to lose. Its not fair.:sad: I will just have to try harder I guess.

  • KatieEppers
    KatieEppers Posts: 301 Member
    Connie, I am right there with you in so many ways. I haven't given up, but I had a pretty bad weekend food wise partly because I wasn't able to log and I know that helps ALOT! But, I was just COMPLETELY lazy yesterday because I was wiped from the trip. So, instead of cooking a nutritious dinner for the fam, I ordered out Chinese and had seconds on the lo mein. Then had a Weight Watchers ice cream bar. I wound up going over my cals by nearly 700 and didn't do a bit of exercise. I don't know if I will make it to the gym today or not. But, it is my goal to get back on track this week.

    It will be my goal, ladies, to post all my meals this week. Somehow knowing I have to post them for you guys makes me want to do better :smile:

    Ready for the new Haiku? Here goes....

    "As a child, I thought
    Keebler Elves were innocent.
    The folly of youth!"

    I love that one! Have a great day, ladies!
  • strawberryblonde1
    kge, connie... I am right there with you... my 'be good @ the super bowl party resolution' did not go so well (i don't think i'm even going to log it... i KNOW it was badddd :blushing: ) BUT I had fun, and I am going to get back on it (I feel like I say this EVERY monday :ohwell: ) anyways stay strong girls!!!! just remember why you want this!!! kge. logging foods here is a great start! (i may try that if this week goes downhill...) :flowerforyou: connie. you have had a lot to deal with... sick kids and all, give yourself some credit! :flowerforyou: you WILL get back on track!!!!! :bigsmile: stay motivated!!! I know all you girls have kept me going soooo many mondays when i just wanted t throw in the towel. so thanks as always and keep up the great work!!!!! :flowerforyou: :heart: :smile:

    my :heart: for the day is.... i LOVE that i stole a pair of my mom's "skinny" jeans and they FIT! :bigsmile: (for those who don't know, my mom is basically miss-fit... and I haven't been as small / or smaller than her since high school :smile: so this was a big one for me... more telling than the scale!!! :bigsmile: it reminded me THAT THE SCALE IS NOT ALWAYS A MEASURE OF HOW WELL I AM DOING...and that despite my slow progress on the scale I am in better shape, I feel better, and I am healthier!!!! (all MUCH more important that a number on the scale ... although that is nice too :blushing: ) .... :flowerforyou: well thats my :heart: / rant for the day. byebye ladies!!!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    afternoon girls....

    i was listening to one of jillian podcasts and she was talking about willpower. she said "live in the moment". meaning enjoy the people, time, everything around you if you are eating. you will enjoy the food better and not feel so guilty and than eat out of guilt.
    so for superbowl last night. did you have a good time? did you enjoy the company around you? was the food good? if yes, great you lived in the moment and than move on. there isn't a superbowl every night. just like there isn't Christmas, thanksgiving, etc every day.

    i will listen to her again tomorrow morning. it's quit around the house in the mornings.

    connie hope the kiddos are feeling better today. it has been cold this year. at least here.

    well, off to the tax man.

    back later...
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    don't like the tax man :angry: i OWE what:noway: . on a payment plan we go. will not go tax man next year. no deductions to claim. so he just filed 1040a.
    anyway now in a bad mood. really needed a refund at this time. hope son will pay some rent this month.
    well, off to find something to do. need to burn off some anger.
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Hello ladies. Well, today has been a pretty good day. Very busy and yet I feel like nothing was done.

    Mom, sorry you owe again. Hopefully you'll get a gain one year again.

    Katie and Connie, I'm dragging feet a little too. I am recommitting today.

    Strawberry, hope you enjoyed last night, now we move on to today. I know I binged last night, but am back on track.

    I'm going to do my best to get back on track and hang in there. In fact this weekend we went over to my MIL's and my MIL's mom noticed I had lost weight. I was wearing jeans that are normally really tight and are loosening up a little. So that gave me a little pep in my step to get back on track and get this weight off.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful night. Hopefully I can sleep better tonight. My goal is to get up and exercise in the morning when hubby is getting ready for work.

    B- cinnamon raisin bagel with light butter
    S- boston creme yogurt (yummmy)
    L- WW chicken and cheese qasadilla
    S- SF pineapple jello, and a banana
    D- Turkey pot pie and some steamed broccoli and cauliflower
    S- SF Diet Dr Pepper popcicle

    No exercise today.

    Love- I'm love'n that I am admitting to falling off, but am getting back on. Make some room.:smile:
  • pdxmomof2
    Good evening ladies. I had a whirl wind of a day. It just seemed to get worse as the day went by.

    It started with a frantic call from one of my best girlfriends asking me if I could watch her daughter while her husband took her to the ER> For guess what (Cathy! ) her gall bladder. I felt bad as I was not able to take her daughter as I had to volunteer in my son's class and could not leave teacher high and dry without notice. Turns out she has an inflamed gall bladder with stones. She will be having that out by weeks end. She sees a surgeon tomorrow. Sound familiar Cathy?

    School went well. I had a doctor appt at 1:30 myself for the very reason of a suspicious upper right side abdominal pain, headache and nausea. Well, doc thinks gall bladder since it can be hereditary and all of the females on my mom's side have had theirs out. So she sent me for some blood work and had me schedule an ultra sound. It is friday morning. Well, then she calls me at 6:30 tonight to tell me that my liver screen was fine but I am SEVERLY anemic! Yikes! She said with my red blood count levels so low it can be a sign of internal bleeding somewhere. So she is going to leave a message for my gastro doc and I will probably have to have a colonoscopy. She also wants me in to see my Gyn by weeks end also. She said my periods could be so bad that I am loosing too much blood that way also. Period just ended 4 days ago so makes sense. So here we go. I am a little scared as when I told my SIL who is graduating from Nurse Practitioning school in June was like " no way" when I told her my hemoglobin and hematocrit levels.

    So I am stressed out now. I went to store and got some childrens vitamins with iron per her suggestion since they are easy on the stomach.

    No exercise today and way under on calories too. I think its going to be that way for a bit.

    Ok. Off to watch Diet Tribe and House. Chat with all of you tomorrow!
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Read the post. Glad everyone is surviving! LOL. All my household items and car are in transit to Va from Memphis. I am almost a full virginian again. :wink: Well, I'm back at the hotel, looking at the vending machine. Remembering I need to increase my jogging miles. One day at a time. I still don't have a scale. I will try to keep you posted when I find one.

    Take care!
