Things you hate

Everyone has a few things that they can't stand. What are yours? Mine would have to be
the color yellow, spiders, ugg boots, people that still think its the 90's and probably a ton more lol


  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    People that refuse to turn right on red, people that always have a story similar to yours but there's way worse/better and people that pay for groceries with Gov't assistance but then have a 2nd cart full of meat/seafood and other things that they use a wad of $20's to pay for.
  • XxXskinnyMiniXxX
    People that refuse to turn right on red, people that always have a story similar to yours but there's way worse/better and people that pay for groceries with Gov't assistance but then have a 2nd cart full of meat/seafood and other things that they use a wad of $20's to pay for.
    We have the hatred of those in common. I remember one time being behind a lady in walmart and she paid for her food with a bridge card. well a few minutes later me and my bf are leaving walmart and see her getting into her bmw :huh: it was just one of those if you can afford a bmw why can't you afford food?
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    I just hate haters. Female drama queens at work. People that talk behind your back, etc...
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    Gobb's rule 40. If it seems like someone is out to get you, they are...
  • XxXskinnyMiniXxX
    I just hate haters. Female drama queens at work. People that talk behind your back, etc...
    If you hate haters doesn't that mean you hate yourself because your hating on haters? :laugh: jk
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Hmmm, I don't like smoking and alcohol, sweet potatoes ( taste awful ), people who drive 30 mph in the fast lane (GTFO out of my way and keep right! ), turn lights that stay on for like 3 seconds then switch back to red.. Really? I'll add more later as I think of them.
  • XxXskinnyMiniXxX
    Hmmm, I don't like smoking and alcohol, sweet potatoes ( taste awful ), people who drive 30 mph in the fast lane (GTFO out of my way and keep right! ), turn lights that stay on for like 3 seconds then switch back to red.. Really? I'll add more later as I think of them.
    Sweet potatoes are the worst :sick:
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    haha, gq. I had been struggling with that very fact this past year. I had never been a hater before this past few years where people have targeted me... now I hate them for hating me...
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    people who drive at or slightly below the speed limit on a single lane road are the WORST, also those who speed ridiculously by you in 5pm traffic. Scares the crap out of me. I hardly ever drive in traffic..
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    smoking, cats, accidental washing of a a great wool item...
  • XxXskinnyMiniXxX
    people who drive at or slightly below the speed limit on a single lane road are the WORST, also those who speed ridiculously by you in 5pm traffic. Scares the crap out of me. I hardly ever drive in traffic..
    My bf hates it when were going someone and someone driving really slow behind us speeds up and like deliberately cuts him off (even though he's going the speed limit or a little over it). Then they always slow down again, so he just gets infront of them and drops his car down into like 3rd gear (idk if thats rightlol) and goes uber slow and its really hard for said assbag to get back around. lol well now that you all listened to me ramble :laugh:
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    Daylight savings time, tailgating, drunk drivers, speeders, people who don't pick up their dog poop, littering, bigotry, people with poor personal hygiene, wasps, rainy days...
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    people who drive at or slightly below the speed limit on a single lane road are the WORST, also those who speed ridiculously by you in 5pm traffic. Scares the crap out of me. I hardly ever drive in traffic..
    My bf hates it when were going someone and someone driving really slow behind us speeds up and like deliberately cuts him off (even though he's going the speed limit or a little over it). Then they always slow down again, so he just gets infront of them and drops his car down into like 3rd gear (idk if thats rightlol) and goes uber slow and its really hard for said assbag to get back around. lol well now that you all listened to me ramble :laugh:

    I once broke up with a man because of his road rage... Aggressive driving. He also had an unusually close relationship with his mother...
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    8-12" of snow 2 days before Halloween! Motorcyles that ride between the cars stuck in traffic. The Yankees and Jets.
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    People that refuse to turn right on red, people that always have a story similar to yours but there's way worse/better and people that pay for groceries with Gov't assistance but then have a 2nd cart full of meat/seafood and other things that they use a wad of $20's to pay for.
    We have the hatred of those in common. I remember one time being behind a lady in walmart and she paid for her food with a bridge card. well a few minutes later me and my bf are leaving walmart and see her getting into her bmw :huh: it was just one of those if you can afford a bmw why can't you afford food?

    Now I"m all upset at the Gov't assistance abusers! damn it!
  • XxXskinnyMiniXxX
    people who drive at or slightly below the speed limit on a single lane road are the WORST, also those who speed ridiculously by you in 5pm traffic. Scares the crap out of me. I hardly ever drive in traffic..
    My bf hates it when were going someone and someone driving really slow behind us speeds up and like deliberately cuts him off (even though he's going the speed limit or a little over it). Then they always slow down again, so he just gets infront of them and drops his car down into like 3rd gear (idk if thats rightlol) and goes uber slow and its really hard for said assbag to get back around. lol well now that you all listened to me ramble :laugh:

    I once broke up with a man because of his road rage... Aggressive driving. He also had an unusually close relationship with his mother...
    I wouldn't say my bf has road rage, thats the only thing he really does. and he occasionally drives fast but whats the point of owning a fast car if your not going to use it once in a while.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Well I don't really hate anything persay. . There may be things I dislike. . I try to honestly find the good in everything and everyone. . . Have a nice day.:smile:
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    Yeah, your name says it all. You stick around long enough and maybe you will learn to be true to your soul.. I have decided it is not a personal or religious issue, it is just the way it rolls. I used to believe all people are basically good. They are not. There are people out there that are just plain bad news... That *kitten* that is speeding and cuts you off... I rode in his car, he thinks you are an idiot and don't know how to drive. Really? I used to think, well, maybe they have to pee, or maybe there is a pregnant woman in that car about to give birth. NOPE. Just an *kitten*.
  • XxXskinnyMiniXxX
    Yeah, your name says it all. You stick around long enough and maybe you will learn to be true to your soul.. I have decided it is not a personal or religious issue, it is just the way it rolls. I used to believe all people are basically good. They are not. There are people out there that are just plain bad news... That *kitten* that is speeding and cuts you off... I rode in his car, he thinks you are an idiot and don't know how to drive. Really? I used to think, well, maybe they have to pee, or maybe there is a pregnant woman in that car about to give birth. NOPE. Just an *kitten*.
  • XxXskinnyMiniXxX
    Yeah, your name says it all. You stick around long enough and maybe you will learn to be true to your soul.. I have decided it is not a personal or religious issue, it is just the way it rolls. I used to believe all people are basically good. They are not. There are people out there that are just plain bad news... That *kitten* that is speeding and cuts you off... I rode in his car, he thinks you are an idiot and don't know how to drive. Really? I used to think, well, maybe they have to pee, or maybe there is a pregnant woman in that car about to give birth. NOPE. Just an *kitten*.

    :huh: :huh: