Things you hate



  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    peppers and woodlice. not a lot on my list today i'm afraid but ask me tomorrow and it may be another story lol
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    people that get disibility and food stamps just trying to live off the gov. when they are perfectly capable,

    Leaving the kitchen cupboards open

    UGG boots, fake tans, sharpie eyebrows

    people that dont know how to smile or show random kindness

  • MusicKeepsMeSane
    - the Yankees, the Manning brothers
    - people who give advice that they themselves won't listen to
    - when parents tell their children not to do something then go do it themselves - what kind of example is that
    - tailgaters, people who drive slower then the speed limit in a one lane road
    - drinkers, druggies, smokers
    - the color orange
    - drama queens

    i could go on and on so i'll just stop the list there
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    Self righteous,judgmental,holier then thou types.

    Personal experience has shown me that many times the person is guilty of all and more of the things they are finding fault with.
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    Hypocrites really top my list especially when they are the type of hypocrite who likes to sit back and philosophise about why something is OK for one person but not for another.

    eh. i feel you on this. but EVERYone's a hypocrite about one thing or another, as well as holding double standards about certain things. it's still annoying as hell, but everyone does it some time.

    i hate overly nosy people

    bad breath

    people who look you in your face but don't say anything...

    unwarranted people who touch my hair
    Self righteous,judgmental,holier then thou types.

    Personal experience has shown me that many times the person is guilty of all and more of the things they are finding fault with.

  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    I hate hate. I hate hater haters. That's people who hate haters.
  • XxXskinnyMiniXxX
    - the Yankees, the Manning brothers
    - people who give advice that they themselves won't listen to
    - when parents tell their children not to do something then go do it themselves - what kind of example is that
    - tailgaters, people who drive slower then the speed limit in a one lane road
    - drinkers, druggies, smokers
    - the color orange
    - drama queens

    i could go on and on so i'll just stop the list there
    :( I drink and I use to does that mean you hate me lol
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member

    - people who give advice that they themselves won't listen

    i don't know anybody that hasn't done this lol myself included..strike 1
    - drinkers, druggies, smokers
    define 2
    - the color orange

    this happens to be my favorite color :sad:

    strike 3

    i'm fairly certain you would not like me in real life LOL
  • XxXskinnyMiniXxX

    - people who give advice that they themselves won't listen

    i don't know anybody that hasn't done this lol myself included..strike 1
    - drinkers, druggies, smokers
    define 2
    - the color orange

    this happens to be my favorite color :sad:

    strike 3

    i'm fairly certain you would not like me in real life LOL

    They might lol But i have to agree orange is an awesome color. I think the only color I hate is yellow '-'
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member

    - people who give advice that they themselves won't listen

    i don't know anybody that hasn't done this lol myself included..strike 1
    - drinkers, druggies, smokers
    define 2
    - the color orange

    this happens to be my favorite color :sad:

    strike 3

    i'm fairly certain you would not like me in real life LOL

    They might lol But i have to agree orange is an awesome color. I think the only color I hate is yellow '-'

    UGHHHHH i love yellow too! i just CAN'T win today :( lmao yeesh.
  • XxXskinnyMiniXxX

    - people who give advice that they themselves won't listen

    i don't know anybody that hasn't done this lol myself included..strike 1
    - drinkers, druggies, smokers
    define 2
    - the color orange

    this happens to be my favorite color :sad:

    strike 3

    i'm fairly certain you would not like me in real life LOL

    They might lol But i have to agree orange is an awesome color. I think the only color I hate is yellow '-'

    UGHHHHH i love yellow too! i just CAN'T win today :( lmao yeesh.
    Some yellow is ok lol Like neon yellow. I don't like the icky dull stuff.
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member

    - people who give advice that they themselves won't listen

    i don't know anybody that hasn't done this lol myself included..strike 1
    - drinkers, druggies, smokers
    define 2
    - the color orange

    this happens to be my favorite color :sad:

    strike 3

    i'm fairly certain you would not like me in real life LOL

    They might lol But i have to agree orange is an awesome color. I think the only color I hate is yellow '-'

    UGHHHHH i love yellow too! i just CAN'T win today :( lmao yeesh.
    Some yellow is ok lol Like neon yellow. I don't like the icky dull stuff.

    in the words of the wise:

  • XxXskinnyMiniXxX

    - people who give advice that they themselves won't listen

    i don't know anybody that hasn't done this lol myself included..strike 1
    - drinkers, druggies, smokers
    define 2
    - the color orange

    this happens to be my favorite color :sad:

    strike 3

    i'm fairly certain you would not like me in real life LOL

    They might lol But i have to agree orange is an awesome color. I think the only color I hate is yellow '-'

    UGHHHHH i love yellow too! i just CAN'T win today :( lmao yeesh.
    Some yellow is ok lol Like neon yellow. I don't like the icky dull stuff.

    in the words of the wise:

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    We have the hatred of those in common. I remember one time being behind a lady in walmart and she paid for her food with a bridge card. well a few minutes later me and my bf are leaving walmart and see her getting into her bmw :huh: it was just one of those if you can afford a bmw why can't you afford food?
    My rich SIL gave her mom a BMW and her mom is by no means well off. Don't be too quick to judge.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    People that refuse to turn right on red, people that always have a story similar to yours but there's way worse/better and people that pay for groceries with Gov't assistance but then have a 2nd cart full of meat/seafood and other things that they use a wad of $20's to pay for.
    What if they are in the very left of a 2 lane right turn lane? By law you can't on a red unless it's a one way street.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    I hate that the Wall Street *kitten* that put us in this mess haven't been prosecuted.
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    I hate that the Wall Street *kitten* that put us in this mess haven't been prosecuted.

    eh. it's the american way...*enter kanye shrug*

  • Brandi_Lee
    I hate people that can eat McDonalds and the next day they've actually lost weight, like WTF!!!! I sit here eating my salads, low carb, low fat, portion controlled food every day and stuggle to lose my goal of 2lbs in a week.
  • justsummie
    justsummie Posts: 320 Member

    By law you can't on a red unless it's a one way street.

    Depends on the state. In both Mich and TX you can turn right on red on a two way street but it is optional and not something you HAVE to do. Some people just aren't comfortable doing so.

    I also have a story about the "wealthy people using food stamps" issue. I worked in a supermarket for a long time and a while ago there was this one particular woman who came into the store every Sunday dripping in gold and diamonds and always had a different designer purse. She'd come in each week and buy a cart full of groceries and pay for them with food stamps. Well, one day some cashier gets a little high and mighty and decides to ask her what the deal was...turns out the woman was (and had always been) shopping for disabled/elderly people who couldn't leave the house. So yeah, things aren't always what they appear.
  • Jessamin
    Jessamin Posts: 338 Member
    People that assume they know about the state of people's finances by their possessions. As if there aren't innumerable ways to own something nice without being wealthy.

    People that judge the sex lives of other people and people that use the word 'slut' ever. Usually those are the same people.

    Wisdom teeth.

    Animal abuse.