Any women 5'9"? Ideal weight?



  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I currently weigh 153.. but I would like to get down to 140 eventually.. but I may just stop when I reach 150 because I feel like I'm thin enough.

    I could not even imagine weighing 108... There would be nothing left!
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    I'm 5'9 and I use to be between 130-135 but I'm shooting for 135-140... I got some ways to go :)
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I currently weigh 153.. but I would like to get down to 140 eventually.. but I may just stop when I reach 150 because I feel like I'm thin enough.

    I could not even imagine weighing 108... There would be nothing left!

    Yeah, I'm with you on that last point.
    RNMDFF Posts: 153 Member
    I'm 5'9 1/2 and My current weight is 169 and my goal is around 150, maybe 145. I want muscle.
    108 is quite slim you may want to try 130 out. Look up my body gallery you can look up people by their weight, height, clothing size.
    You have to find a weight that you are comfortable at not what someone else is comfortable at. You will know weight is right for you
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    ctgreen, you look gorgeous at your current weight!

    Right now I weigh about 108.

    Thanks! :blushing:

    Weight is secondary to body composition for me at this point. The goal weight is my guess of how much fat I need to lose.

    At your age, I weighed about 125 and was a size 4. I felt weak and hungry a lot. I like being stronger and faster now. I like that people at my gym stop and ask me for information. I like that I've run a marathon.

    Forget what other people do you feel?

    I feel pretty good, the only problem is that I'm incredibly cold almost all the time, to the point where my hands turn purple (I have a disorder called Raynauds), and I think losing weight made the problem worse =/
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I am 5'9" and my ideal weight is no lower then 130, I am happy with where I am right now though, which is 135. I lift heavy weights so I'm not sure that I will go all the way down to 130 and I am totally ok with that, but I want to get my Body Fat % to 17, I'm at 19.1 right now. I believe Strong is the new Sexy, BUT i also believe everyone has there own feel of "sexy" so do what feels right to you! I don't know how to post pictures on the message boards, but you can click on my profile to see what this 5'9" Momma of a 2 year old ;d looks like

    You have my ideal body... oh my gosh, you must work so incredibly hard on it! Looks like I might have to put on a few pounds... what kind of exercises do you do to get abs like that?
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    ps if you look at my pics, in all of them (except in the orange dress and on the beach - where I was 155ish), I am 140 +/- 1 or 2 lbs.

    Wow... you're gorgeous! You're really toned, and that is my ultimate goal. Well done... I don't know if I want to go all the way to 130, I'll take it slow. I just want to make sure I'm getting toned and not putting on pure fat- Not quite sure how to go about doing that =/
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I'm 5'9 and I use to be between 130-135 but I'm shooting for 135-140... I got some ways to go :)

    You look beautiful just the way you are! :D
  • joanntlactaoen
    joanntlactaoen Posts: 11 Member
    How old are you?
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I'm 19 years old.
  • PurpleCoookie
    Not really sure, I'm thinking around 165 :smile: I'll reevaluate when I get there.
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    ctgreen, you look gorgeous at your current weight!

    Right now I weigh about 108.

    Thanks! :blushing:

    Weight is secondary to body composition for me at this point. The goal weight is my guess of how much fat I need to lose.

    At your age, I weighed about 125 and was a size 4. I felt weak and hungry a lot. I like being stronger and faster now. I like that people at my gym stop and ask me for information. I like that I've run a marathon.

    Forget what other people do you feel?

    I feel pretty good, the only problem is that I'm incredibly cold almost all the time, to the point where my hands turn purple (I have a disorder called Raynauds), and I think losing weight made the problem worse =/

    If you have access to a dietician, definitely make an appointment.

    Generally, increase your protein intake and lift heavy with lower reps. Keep your cardio as it is. I see that you like to run, which will help keep your BFP low. Find a trainer who will discuss with you which body parts you'd like to shape. Good luck!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    ps if you look at my pics, in all of them (except in the orange dress and on the beach - where I was 155ish), I am 140 +/- 1 or 2 lbs.

    Wow... you're gorgeous! You're really toned, and that is my ultimate goal. Well done... I don't know if I want to go all the way to 130, I'll take it slow. I just want to make sure I'm getting toned and not putting on pure fat- Not quite sure how to go about doing that =/

    I'm in a "bulking" phase right now. First step is figuring out what your maintenance calories are. Then I've heard that you should add anything from 10% to 500 to that. Then yeah, start a heavy lifting program. One where you are increasing weights as often as possible, using compound movements, ect. I use New Rules of Weight Lifting but there are also programs on I've been told to expect 0.3lbs of fat gain for every pound of muscle, and that if I do this for 6 months I should only expect to gain 3 or so pounds of muscle (so only a pound of fat, and only 4lbs total). I can totally handle 4lbs.
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    ctgreen, you look gorgeous at your current weight!

    Right now I weigh about 108.

    Thanks! :blushing:

    Weight is secondary to body composition for me at this point. The goal weight is my guess of how much fat I need to lose.

    At your age, I weighed about 125 and was a size 4. I felt weak and hungry a lot. I like being stronger and faster now. I like that people at my gym stop and ask me for information. I like that I've run a marathon.

    Forget what other people do you feel?

    I feel pretty good, the only problem is that I'm incredibly cold almost all the time, to the point where my hands turn purple (I have a disorder called Raynauds), and I think losing weight made the problem worse =/

    If you have access to a dietician, definitely make an appointment.

    Generally, increase your protein intake and lift heavy with lower reps. Keep your cardio as it is. I see that you like to run, which will help keep your BFP low. Find a trainer who will discuss with you which body parts you'd like to shape. Good luck!

    That sounds doable, thank you! I did circuit training by myself for the first time in a while today and enjoyed it- I wish I knew how to use more of the machines in my gym! I will learn in time :)

    Great advice though, thanks again!!
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    ps if you look at my pics, in all of them (except in the orange dress and on the beach - where I was 155ish), I am 140 +/- 1 or 2 lbs.

    Wow... you're gorgeous! You're really toned, and that is my ultimate goal. Well done... I don't know if I want to go all the way to 130, I'll take it slow. I just want to make sure I'm getting toned and not putting on pure fat- Not quite sure how to go about doing that =/

    I'm in a "bulking" phase right now. First step is figuring out what your maintenance calories are. Then I've heard that you should add anything from 10% to 500 to that. Then yeah, start a heavy lifting program. One where you are increasing weights as often as possible, using compound movements, ect. I use New Rules of Weight Lifting but there are also programs on I've been told to expect 0.3lbs of fat gain for every pound of muscle, and that if I do this for 6 months I should only expect to gain 3 or so pounds of muscle (so only a pound of fat, and only 4lbs total). I can totally handle 4lbs.

    That sounds awesome! I could definitely handle four pounds, especially if it was mostly muscle! That brings me to my next question, I'm trying to figure out how many calories to eat in a day. It's telling me to eat over 2000, but that seems incredibly high. Any thoughts?
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    ps if you look at my pics, in all of them (except in the orange dress and on the beach - where I was 155ish), I am 140 +/- 1 or 2 lbs.

    Wow... you're gorgeous! You're really toned, and that is my ultimate goal. Well done... I don't know if I want to go all the way to 130, I'll take it slow. I just want to make sure I'm getting toned and not putting on pure fat- Not quite sure how to go about doing that =/

    I'm in a "bulking" phase right now. First step is figuring out what your maintenance calories are. Then I've heard that you should add anything from 10% to 500 to that. Then yeah, start a heavy lifting program. One where you are increasing weights as often as possible, using compound movements, ect. I use New Rules of Weight Lifting but there are also programs on I've been told to expect 0.3lbs of fat gain for every pound of muscle, and that if I do this for 6 months I should only expect to gain 3 or so pounds of muscle (so only a pound of fat, and only 4lbs total). I can totally handle 4lbs.

    That sounds awesome! I could definitely handle four pounds, especially if it was mostly muscle! That brings me to my next question, I'm trying to figure out how many calories to eat in a day. It's telling me to eat over 2000, but that seems incredibly high. Any thoughts?

    No, it's not that high. My maintenance is about 2200 (but I weigh 40lbs more than you), so when I workout burning say 400 calories, that brings me to 2600. Then if I'm trying to eat 10% above maintenance, I add 220 so I should eat 2820.
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    The problem is, I don't think I need to be eating that much. In fact, I don't know if I ever have! I'm eating when I'm not hungry as it is. I average around 1300-1400 a day and I'm always full!
  • Echo17121
    Echo17121 Posts: 111 Member
    I am 5'9" and my goal weight was 139. When I hit it, I still thought I needed to loose more but instead of cutting more calories, I decided to add strength training to tone up the last bit. Now the scale is up to around 145-148! It is tough because that is almost ten pounds over what I was but I see it in inches lost instead of pounds currently. As long as my pants still fit the same I figure I must be ok. So I am not really sure what my ideal weight is at the moment. I did like being in the 130's though!
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I am 5'9" and my goal weight was 139. When I hit it, I still thought I needed to loose more but instead of cutting more calories, I decided to add strength training to tone up the last bit. Now the scale is up to around 145-148! It is tough because that is almost ten pounds over what I was but I see it in inches lost instead of pounds currently. As long as my pants still fit the same I figure I must be ok. So I am not really sure what my ideal weight is at the moment. I did like being in the 130's though!

    That's great that you were able to build so much muscle! How many calories are you eating a day?