Any women 5'9"? Ideal weight?



  • Echo17121
    Echo17121 Posts: 111 Member
    THAT is where I am having trouble. I have a bodybugg and on my work days (preschool teacher) + workouts I sometimes burn around 2800-3000 calories. I generally eat between 1500-1800 calories and I have a feeling I should be eating more. My main meals are usually around 450 calories and my snack are around 250ish. I have two snacks a day. I guess I am in the club that is scared to up the calories and now that the scale is up anyways I worry about eating more even more!

    I am about two weeks into the strength/cardio program (I am doing a Turbo Fire/ CLX hybrid I found online and it is tough!) so like I said, I know the scale is up because I wasn't doing weights before, just the bands. I also have had two bad Saturday nights diet wise lol so that is probably contributing as well but not much since I have such a calorie deficit during the week.

    I am curious to see how many calories someone our height that burns around what I burn is consuming and if they are seeing results.
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    THAT is where I am having trouble. I have a bodybugg and on my work days (preschool teacher) + workouts I sometimes burn around 2800-3000 calories. I generally eat between 1500-1800 calories and I have a feeling I should be eating more. My main meals are usually around 450 calories and my snack are around 250ish. I have two snacks a day. I guess I am in the club that is scared to up the calories and now that the scale is up anyways I worry about eating more even more!

    I am about two weeks into the strength/cardio program (I am doing a Turbo Fire/ CLX hybrid I found online and it is tough!) so like I said, I know the scale is up because I wasn't doing weights before, just the bands. I also have had two bad Saturday nights diet wise lol so that is probably contributing as well but not much since I have such a calorie deficit during the week.

    I am curious to see how many calories someone our height that burns around what I burn is consuming and if they are seeing results.

    Wow! With the amount you burn, it definitely sounds like you could/should be eating more. I try to net AT LEAST 1200 a day, although it's really hard sometimes. Your meals and snacks sound like they are a good size, but with the amount you burn I don't know how that would sustain you.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    The problem is, I don't think I need to be eating that much. In fact, I don't know if I ever have! I'm eating when I'm not hungry as it is. I average around 1300-1400 a day and I'm always full!

    That's why you are so skinny girl! :wink:

    But I'd suggest easing into eating more. Try to push it up 100-200 every week and see where you are at. Go check out that 2000 calorie thread, a lot of those women have open diaries that might help you figure out how to eat that much without eating crap (although I sometimes DO eat crap).
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    I'm 5'9 and I use to be between 130-135 but I'm shooting for 135-140... I got some ways to go :)

    You look beautiful just the way you are! :D

    Thank you :)
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    The problem is, I don't think I need to be eating that much. In fact, I don't know if I ever have! I'm eating when I'm not hungry as it is. I average around 1300-1400 a day and I'm always full!

    That's why you are so skinny girl! :wink:

    But I'd suggest easing into eating more. Try to push it up 100-200 every week and see where you are at. Go check out that 2000 calorie thread, a lot of those women have open diaries that might help you figure out how to eat that much without eating crap (although I sometimes DO eat crap).

    Haha I feel full though, and I feel like I'm getting enough food. This is so complicated! I will definitely check out their diaries... thanks for the suggestion! Is 2000 calories really a reasonable amount to eat in a day? I just can't imagine!
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    Im 5'10" (am I the tallest one here?? Aye!!) and right now Im at 176lbs, but my goal weight is 150.

    Im 34 right now, but back when I was in high school through around 26, I was at about 145-150, really fit (thanks to both youth and being in the military) but Im naturally muscular which makes working out a pain. I want to be toned, but it doesnt take much for me to from feminine to "wow, you could kill a man with your bare hands!" Ugh.

    Anyway, I think you look great Shovav, even though 108 sounds like a low number (I dont think Ive been that since I was 10!) it looks good *on you* and our natural body comp has a lot to do with it too I think. Like, I looked at just now, and of the ladies my height and weight pear shaped, they list their shirt size as L, pant size as 12-14. I wear a S shirt and 8-10 pants. I havnt worn a 12 since I was about 190lbs, and when I lost weight down to where I am now, people were telling me I was getting too thin.

    Im no where near too thin, people just say wierd things when they see someone losing weight (why, I dont know) but I think that 150 is good for *my* body. The last time I was 150, I was in a size 4 jean. If I were 108, Id probably be a size 00, or 000 lol So I think what others said about being where you feel comfortable, with how you look and feel is what matters the very most!
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    Im 5'10" (am I the tallest one here?? Aye!!) and right now Im at 176lbs, but my goal weight is 150.

    Im 34 right now, but back when I was in high school through around 26, I was at about 145-150, really fit (thanks to both youth and being in the military) but Im naturally muscular which makes working out a pain. I want to be toned, but it doesnt take much for me to from feminine to "wow, you could kill a man with your bare hands!" Ugh.

    Anyway, I think you look great Shovav, even though 108 sounds like a low number (I dont think Ive been that since I was 10!) it looks good *on you* and our natural body comp has a lot to do with it too I think. Like, I looked at just now, and of the ladies my height and weight pear shaped, they list their shirt size as L, pant size as 12-14. I wear a S shirt and 8-10 pants. I havnt worn a 12 since I was about 190lbs, and when I lost weight down to where I am now, people were telling me I was getting too thin.

    Im no where near too thin, people just say wierd things when they see someone losing weight (why, I dont know) but I think that 150 is good for *my* body. The last time I was 150, I was in a size 4 jean. If I were 108, Id probably be a size 00, or 000 lol So I think what others said about being where you feel comfortable, with how you look and feel is what matters the very most!

    That's great advice, thanks!
    Yeah, that's another reason it might be good to put on a small amount of weight- I can't find clothes that fit me. I have to wear size 0 with a belt =/
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    That's great advice, thanks!
    Yeah, that's another reason it might be good to put on a small amount of weight- I can't find clothes that fit me. I have to wear size 0 with a belt =/

    Dont let clothes size get you down...Ive had a friend since we were 12 who always shops the kids/junior department (and really freaked to see how sexy kids clothes can be, but thats a whole other thread lol!) but even in her 30's after 4 kids and not into fitness or watching how she eats, shes still naturally that small, but she doesnt look unhealthy and thats the important thing I think... if youre eating right, exercising, feel good and healthy, then dont let "the standard" make you change what your own body is doing and telling you is good for you.
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I know everybody's body is different, and I'm not too worried because my mom is the same way (she's my height and weighed 125 when she was 6 months pregnant). But I do feel weak sometimes and I would love to have more energy. I'm not sure if it's at all related to my weight though.
  • inlander
    inlander Posts: 339 Member
    I'm 5'10" and my goal is 160-165. I have a wide/large frame and want to be athletic as opposed to slim. Your profile photo looks like you have a smaller build - if I were you, I would merely focus on eating extra calories and working anaerobically to build muscle mass.
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    I'm 19 years old.

    i'm 19. I'm 5'8" pretty close to 5'9" and i'm about 130-135 pounds. I find it a little alarming that you only weight 108 pounds. Have you always had such a low weight? Idk... my lean muscle mass is 4 pounds more than you weigh.. (so if you cut off all the fat in my body i would weight 112 pounds aka 0% BF)... I would maybe see a doctor about this issue to see if you are in danger anything just to make sure. I would just start upping your calories and lifting. If you find it's mentally difficult to eat more or even pyscically dificult to eat more than 1800 calories a day, I would see a doctor immediately. It would be bad if you kept losing more weight... because at this point your body is probably resorting to eating muscle to convert to energy....
  • 3ricaAnn
    3ricaAnn Posts: 288
    I am 5'9.5 5'10is. I cyrrently weigh 155 and would like to get to 140 135 at the very least. 140's was my weight in high school and if i get to that and tone back up I think that 140 will be perfect for me to feel completly comfortable with my body. BUT at 155 I have no problem feel good in lingerie bathing suits short shorts etc. The only time I feel incomfrotable about m weight is when tom visits because I always get really bloated. Even at my heaviest of 171 I wasn't really uncomfortable in my clothes just a little self consious in a bathing suit but it did;t stop me from wearing them the only problem I really had with myself at that weight was I felt that my face looked fat
  • Sillie82
    I'm 6' tall and my goal weight is 176 lbs. Any less than that, and I look ridiculous. It's funny, 'cause right now, I'm about 33lbs to heavy, but most people don't see. They're actually quite shocked when I tell them how much I weigh. Advantage of being tall? :')
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    Hi everyone! So I'm quite tall, and not sure what I should weigh. I've always been slim, but lately I've gotten a little too slim...
    I am working on bulking and building muscle, but I'm wondering what I should weigh. I know everyone is different, but I'd like to know from your experience.
    If anyone has pictures of themselves at different weights, I would love to see so I can figure out (roughly) what my body would look like. Thanks for any help and advice! :D

    You just need more muscle...
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I'm 19 years old.

    i'm 19. I'm 5'8" pretty close to 5'9" and i'm about 130-135 pounds. I find it a little alarming that you only weight 108 pounds. Have you always had such a low weight? Idk... my lean muscle mass is 4 pounds more than you weigh.. (so if you cut off all the fat in my body i would weight 112 pounds aka 0% BF)... I would maybe see a doctor about this issue to see if you are in danger anything just to make sure. I would just start upping your calories and lifting. If you find it's mentally difficult to eat more or even pyscically dificult to eat more than 1800 calories a day, I would see a doctor immediately. It would be bad if you kept losing more weight... because at this point your body is probably resorting to eating muscle to convert to energy....

    Last time I was at the doctor (over the summer) I was about 115. It was less than I weighed the previous year, and I weigh less now. She didn't seem too alarmed, but she did realize that my eating habits changed to more healthy ones. This is the probable cause of my weight loss. I don't think I'm in danger, but like I said I'm trying to put on a little bit of muscle and weight. My biggest issue is doing it the healthy way, as I don't want to resort to fatty foods just to gain weight. I formerly struggled with an eating disorder, but I've had it at bay in the recent years (this is not disorder related, just my body changing). I really don't look emaciated in my opinion, I think that I do look healthy.
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I'm 6' tall and my goal weight is 176 lbs. Any less than that, and I look ridiculous. It's funny, 'cause right now, I'm about 33lbs to heavy, but most people don't see. They're actually quite shocked when I tell them how much I weigh. Advantage of being tall? :')

    So true.. if I put on 10 pounds, even, it's entirely likely that nobody would notice.
  • ukloveme
    ukloveme Posts: 125
    dont lose anyweight. I personally think you could do with gaining 10bs. what do you think?
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    dont lose anyweight. I personally think you could do with gaining 10bs. what do you think?

    Haha I'm definitely not trying to lose weight! Sometimes it just happens.
    I'm working on getting to 115- It's not going too well. I'm trying to build muscle, but I think exercise kicks up my metabolism even more. I physically can't eat much more than I'm eating now, I'm literally eating all day. I ordered protein powder online so I'm looking forward to trying that and seeing if it helps at all.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Just eat more calorie dense food. Eggs or oatmeal for breakfast are good. Nuts, olive oil, avocado, red meat. And yeah, protien shakes will help to.
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I'm a pescetarian, so I don't eat meat. I do eat a lot of nuts, and a lot of food in general. Right now it's about 6:15, and I'm beyond stuffed. I'm only at 850 calories, and I've only netted about 400. I will have some snacks tonight, but I am always WAY under my goal.