Any women 5'9"? Ideal weight?



  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I don't believe that it's not possible to eat more. Just choose foods with higher calorie density.
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I know it's not impossible, but my food preferences happen to be for lower calorie foods. It's difficult that I need to be less happy with my eating habits in order to get to the place I want to be. I also have IBS, and when I eat to the point of being really full I get terrible stomach aches =/
    I just can't really afford to lose any more weight.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    ok, I notice sometimes you eat a little bit of nuts - I saw an entry for 3 almonds in your diary on some specific day. well why don't you eat 20 instead of 3? It does seem like you're restricting your calories or else, why not grab a whole handful of almonds? If they hurt your tummy that's another story.. Or with the peanut butter - I'd see an entry for 0.4 tbsp of peanut butter. Why not make that a whole tablespoon? Little changes here and there can add up. :)
    Why don't you speak with your doctor or dietician about what foods will be easy on your IBS if you don't already know?
    If you really don't want to lose any more weight, and want to gain, you'll have to make some changes. Have you thought of protein shakes too?
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    ok, I notice sometimes you eat a little bit of nuts - I saw an entry for 3 almonds in your diary on some specific day. well why don't you eat 20 instead of 3? It does seem like you're restricting your calories or else, why not grab a whole handful of almonds? If they hurt your tummy that's another story.. Or with the peanut butter - I'd see an entry for 0.4 tbsp of peanut butter. Why not make that a whole tablespoon? Little changes here and there can add up. :)
    Why don't you speak with your doctor or dietician about what foods will be easy on your IBS if you don't already know?
    If you really don't want to lose any more weight, and want to gain, you'll have to make some changes. Have you thought of protein shakes too?

    I actually just opened my bag of almonds and only had that many left sadly =/
    As for the peanut butter, I just took a spoon-full and weighed it and walked away. It wasn't a conscious thing, I like to graze so I eat small amounts of all different kinds of food. I ordered protein powder and it should be coming Tuesday, so that will be a great addition to my diet. The biggest problem is that I live in a dorm and am a vegetarian, so I can't eat almost any of the food- all I can have is the salad bar. I come back to my room and eat after every meal to try to balance it out, but it's hard. I'm also slightly lactose intolerant... Gosh, I'm a mess apparently. I feel like I sound like I'm complaining, I'm so sorry for that! I'm just trying to figure this all out. Understanding your body is extremely difficult.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    OK how about adding some olive oil to your veggies, if you aren't already? One tbsp can add 120 cals. And avocadoes are great :)
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I LOVE avocados. They have them maybe once every couple weeks in the dining hall. I think I'll stick with nuts, slimy vegetables aren't too appetizing. I can't wait to have an apartment next year; I'll actually be able to have GOOD and caloric food.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    ok, I notice sometimes you eat a little bit of nuts - I saw an entry for 3 almonds in your diary on some specific day. well why don't you eat 20 instead of 3? It does seem like you're restricting your calories or else, why not grab a whole handful of almonds? If they hurt your tummy that's another story.. Or with the peanut butter - I'd see an entry for 0.4 tbsp of peanut butter. Why not make that a whole tablespoon? Little changes here and there can add up. :)
    Why don't you speak with your doctor or dietician about what foods will be easy on your IBS if you don't already know?
    If you really don't want to lose any more weight, and want to gain, you'll have to make some changes. Have you thought of protein shakes too?

    I actually just opened my bag of almonds and only had that many left sadly =/
    As for the peanut butter, I just took a spoon-full and weighed it and walked away. It wasn't a conscious thing, I like to graze so I eat small amounts of all different kinds of food. I ordered protein powder and it should be coming Tuesday, so that will be a great addition to my diet. The biggest problem is that I live in a dorm and am a vegetarian, so I can't eat almost any of the food- all I can have is the salad bar. I come back to my room and eat after every meal to try to balance it out, but it's hard. I'm also slightly lactose intolerant... Gosh, I'm a mess apparently. I feel like I sound like I'm complaining, I'm so sorry for that! I'm just trying to figure this all out. Understanding your body is extremely difficult.

    What kind of protein powder did you get? If it's whey protein, it comes from diary and you may have some issues if you are slightly lactose intolerant.

    Only reason why I say that is because I'm also slightly lactose intolerant and mixing my protein powder with milk made me super bloated because of the all the dairy overloading my system. So today I mixed it with soy and the results are way better..
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I did get whey, I'm just hoping that it's not enough dairy to really hurt my stomach. I will mix it with soy or almond milk though :D Thank you so much for the tip!
  • greytblackdog
    greytblackdog Posts: 51 Member
    I'm 5'9" as well and when I was your age I was 120. I think that is as small as I've ever been. If I knew to eat better when I was younger I might have been able to be thinner. I think if you feel good about yourself and you are healthy, that's all that matters. I will tell you that I lived with a veggie all though college and she had the same blue finger, blue nails cold thing going on. She ate more protein and it helped some. At 35, I can only dream about those 120 days!!! :)
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I'm 5'9" as well and when I was your age I was 120. I think that is as small as I've ever been. If I knew to eat better when I was younger I might have been able to be thinner. I think if you feel good about yourself and you are healthy, that's all that matters. I will tell you that I lived with a veggie all though college and she had the same blue finger, blue nails cold thing going on. She ate more protein and it helped some. At 35, I can only dream about those 120 days!!! :)

    Interesting that your vegetarian roommate had the same issue! I wonder if Raynauds symptoms are lessened with increased protein. I will keep an eye on that once I get my protein powder in the mail! I can't wait!
    120 is a great weight. If I could be 120 and toned, I would be THRILLED!
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    I know everybody's body is different, and I'm not too worried because my mom is the same way (she's my height and weighed 125 when she was 6 months pregnant). But I do feel weak sometimes and I would love to have more energy. I'm not sure if it's at all related to my weight though.

    Ooh okay I feel you then, youre getting some good advice on upping your protien and such. Maybe if you're not already, try taking a multi-vitamin? I know what you mean though about not eating enough cals...Im not a lifestyle pescatarian, but its how I eat about 90% of the time since I dont like poultry and eat red meat maybe a couple times a year. Ive also fallen in love with vegan food which while its good for you, theres like, no calories to be had in those meals...I had to let up because I was feeling weak and blah after awhile. I have to meal plan and really figure out what Im going to eat, because if I just eat whatever I want to, Im so under calories and Im sure too undernourished.

    So yeah, Id say take meal planning seriously. Thats the only way I can make sure I eat what I need to and get enough calories.
  • jsloayza
    Im 29 years old 5 feet 4" and I weigh 205 lbs. I recently had a baby four months ago and have lost 26 lbs since (including the baby). I was gaining already before I became pregnant at 185 lbs. I never been this size and Im working on losing it before the big 30.
  • SilverMarine
    I'm 5'10 and 19 years old, and right now I'm 129 and wear a semi-loose size 4. Really, I'd like to get down to about 118-120 though - I was around that weight a couple of years ago and liked it much better. :)
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I know everybody's body is different, and I'm not too worried because my mom is the same way (she's my height and weighed 125 when she was 6 months pregnant). But I do feel weak sometimes and I would love to have more energy. I'm not sure if it's at all related to my weight though.

    Ooh okay I feel you then, youre getting some good advice on upping your protien and such. Maybe if you're not already, try taking a multi-vitamin? I know what you mean though about not eating enough cals...Im not a lifestyle pescatarian, but its how I eat about 90% of the time since I dont like poultry and eat red meat maybe a couple times a year. Ive also fallen in love with vegan food which while its good for you, theres like, no calories to be had in those meals...I had to let up because I was feeling weak and blah after awhile. I have to meal plan and really figure out what Im going to eat, because if I just eat whatever I want to, Im so under calories and Im sure too undernourished.

    So yeah, Id say take meal planning seriously. Thats the only way I can make sure I eat what I need to and get enough calories.

    The only issue with that is that I live in a dorm, so I can't really plan my meals; they're planned for me. I can't eat most of the food they serve, so I end up eating a lot of salad, then coming back to my room and eating REAL food. Ugh... my kingdom for a kitchen...
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    Im 29 years old 5 feet 4" and I weigh 205 lbs. I recently had a baby four months ago and have lost 26 lbs since (including the baby). I was gaining already before I became pregnant at 185 lbs. I never been this size and Im working on losing it before the big 30.

    Best of luck, I know you can do it! :D
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I'm 5'10 and 19 years old, and right now I'm 129 and wear a semi-loose size 4. Really, I'd like to get down to about 118-120 though - I was around that weight a couple of years ago and liked it much better. :)

    I feel like you're a good weight... Just work on getting toned!
  • inlander
    inlander Posts: 339 Member
    OP, I took a look at your diary and I agree with the poster who thinks you can be adding things to your diet to up your caloric intake. For instance, you eat tons of veggies - that's awesome! But I agree, cooking them in even a tablespoon of oil is a good way to add 100 or so healthy calories to your intake. Plus, you're definitely not getting enough fat in your diet, I noticed. It looks like your plan is somewhere around 45/30/25 or something but you need to be *reaching* those goals, particularly when it comes to protein and fat. Olive oil is a good idea. There's also nothing wrong with cooking fish or veggies in a little bit of butter. When you eat eggs, eat the yolk, too. You really need a minimum of 30% fat to stay healthy. Good luck. :) (Oh, I also added you as a friend on here, just FYI.)
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    The only issue with that is that I live in a dorm, so I can't really plan my meals; they're planned for me. I can't eat most of the food they serve, so I end up eating a lot of salad, then coming back to my room and eating REAL food. Ugh... my kingdom for a kitchen...

    Ugh!! Now that sound hard.. If it makes you feel any better, I joined the army after hs, and back then in the dark ages (lol!) they didnt have options for vegetarians, which I was at the time. I ate a lot of eggs and pasta. A lot. And when we were out in the field, I was bartering for the tuna MRE's which was disgusting, but everyone knew it was all I could eat so they gave me a hard time and had a bit of fun with me on that. After a couple months I gave up, the physical strain was just too much on my body to not eat a "real" this day I cant eat tuna though. lmfao!

    No worries, next year when you get your apt and a kitchen and can make meals, itll be like a whole new world for you :) For now, I would try and keep some high protein snacks back at the dorm, nuts are a good one, and Ill see if I can scrounge up some other ideas, cause I need them for myself here too...
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    OP, I took a look at your diary and I agree with the poster who thinks you can be adding things to your diet to up your caloric intake. For instance, you eat tons of veggies - that's awesome! But I agree, cooking them in even a tablespoon of oil is a good way to add 100 or so healthy calories to your intake. Plus, you're definitely not getting enough fat in your diet, I noticed. It looks like your plan is somewhere around 45/30/25 or something but you need to be *reaching* those goals, particularly when it comes to protein and fat. Olive oil is a good idea. There's also nothing wrong with cooking fish or veggies in a little bit of butter. When you eat eggs, eat the yolk, too. You really need a minimum of 30% fat to stay healthy. Good luck. :) (Oh, I also added you as a friend on here, just FYI.)

    I can't cook in my dorm... I don't have a kitchen :( My food is very limited, not much is available, but I make use of what's there. Next year, apartment, different story!
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    The only issue with that is that I live in a dorm, so I can't really plan my meals; they're planned for me. I can't eat most of the food they serve, so I end up eating a lot of salad, then coming back to my room and eating REAL food. Ugh... my kingdom for a kitchen...

    Ugh!! Now that sound hard.. If it makes you feel any better, I joined the army after hs, and back then in the dark ages (lol!) they didnt have options for vegetarians, which I was at the time. I ate a lot of eggs and pasta. A lot. And when we were out in the field, I was bartering for the tuna MRE's which was disgusting, but everyone knew it was all I could eat so they gave me a hard time and had a bit of fun with me on that. After a couple months I gave up, the physical strain was just too much on my body to not eat a "real" this day I cant eat tuna though. lmfao!

    No worries, next year when you get your apt and a kitchen and can make meals, itll be like a whole new world for you :) For now, I would try and keep some high protein snacks back at the dorm, nuts are a good one, and Ill see if I can scrounge up some other ideas, cause I need them for myself here too...

    That's too funny about the tuna. I LOVE tuna! Haha, and you're awesome, thanks so much for the advice! I love nuts, I eat them every day. They have healthy fat and calories- it's like my superfood! :D