Eggs the ultimate superfood?



  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    Eggs, chicken, peanut butter, nuts in general, are all pretty much my staples. I love eggs.
  • ChatSournois
    I eat two eggs, poached or scrambled, every day...I LOVE them. If I'm working late, then poached egg on toast is a perfect supper. I believe they are very nutritious..yum, yum.
  • Xtina_Beba
    Eggs are my superfood! I alternate eggs and hemp protein shakes for breakfast. My favorite is egg whites and spinach with home made salsa. I also have egg whites with veggies (onions, bell peppers, jalapenos, tomatoes) . The only time I'll eat a whole egg (Boiled Egg) is for a snack.

    My list of other superfoods are : grapefruit, avocado, walnuts, fish and most veggies you can think of. :)
  • mariahhatfield
    yes ... eggs are fantastic, they contain so much goodness, especially the whites, only the yolks are the fatty part but the whites are really great they give you loads of nutrition and are well worth the calories (which are fewer than in many other things), and they are so quick to cook, easy to eat and very enjoyable and versatile. :smile:

    This isn't actually true. All the nutrition in an egg is in the yolk. The whites are pretty much empty, just a few amino acids. The yolk contains the rest of the proteins, plus all the vitamins and minerals.

    that's not true. although there is some protein in the yolk, the yolk is mainly cholesterol. it's definitely healthier to eat only the egg whites (or mostly, like a whole egg to two egg whites ratio)
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    yes ... eggs are fantastic, they contain so much goodness, especially the whites, only the yolks are the fatty part but the whites are really great they give you loads of nutrition and are well worth the calories (which are fewer than in many other things), and they are so quick to cook, easy to eat and very enjoyable and versatile. :smile:

    This isn't actually true. All the nutrition in an egg is in the yolk. The whites are pretty much empty, just a few amino acids. The yolk contains the rest of the proteins, plus all the vitamins and minerals.

    that's not true. although there is some protein in the yolk, the yolk is mainly cholesterol. it's definitely healthier to eat only the egg whites (or mostly, like a whole egg to two egg whites ratio)

    Again, totally not true. Here's a breakdown of the nutrition in an egg, and where it's located. Like I said, 99% of the nutrients are in the yolk. The white has a bit of protein and not much of anything else. Content of 1 Large Egg 2010.pdf

    The only thing the egg whites really have more of than the yolk is sodium and potassium.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    yes ... eggs are fantastic, they contain so much goodness, especially the whites, only the yolks are the fatty part but the whites are really great they give you loads of nutrition and are well worth the calories (which are fewer than in many other things), and they are so quick to cook, easy to eat and very enjoyable and versatile. :smile:

    This isn't actually true. All the nutrition in an egg is in the yolk. The whites are pretty much empty, just a few amino acids. The yolk contains the rest of the proteins, plus all the vitamins and minerals.

    that's not true. although there is some protein in the yolk, the yolk is mainly cholesterol. it's definitely healthier to eat only the egg whites (or mostly, like a whole egg to two egg whites ratio)
    Another misinformed person. Almost all the nutrition in an egg is in the yolk. Why not go check for yourself.

    Here I'll even make it easy for you.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    i eat 2-3 every morning.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,742 Member
    Eggs are my absolute most favorite food. I average eight a day (eight whites, three yolks) — sometimes more, sometimes less. I fix three whites and one yolk over easy for breakfast, along with my oatmeal. I scramble four whites and one yolk with 1/2 ounce 2% sharp cheddar on toasted whole-wheat sandwich thins for lunch. I slice a hard-boiled egg onto my spinach salad for an afternoon snack. I pretty much have one yolk for every meal that includes eggs and adjust the number of whites according to how much I want in terms of protein/calories.
  • Rjdj3530
    Rjdj3530 Posts: 154
    Eggs are what start my day and what ends my day these days! 2 whole eggs and 1 egg white twice a day. And yes, most of what makes and egg is in the yolk.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Eggs freak me out. I eat them occasionally, but mostly I find them creepy.
  • misty589
    misty589 Posts: 319 Member
    I eat eggs nearly every day! <3
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    A large egg white has 4 grams of protein only traces of fat and 16 calories
    A large egg yolk has 3 grams of protein five grams of fat 210 mg of cholesterol and 54 calories

    The white is not just "empty"
    the yolk it not just "empty"

    Both have value but if you are looking to save on fat and calories and get an extra shot of protein then add a few extra whites. If you don't care about the extra calories or if you need the fat then enjoy the whole egg.

    Personally I enjoy two eggs, but if I am extra hungry I might add an extra white or two to make it more filling and add more protein.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    There's a lot more to nutrition than just fat and protein. The egg yolk contains almost all of the vitamins and minerals. Also, the white not a complete protein source without the yolk. So while yes, the white has protein, without the yolk it's not a particularly good or effective protein source.
  • madbeach9
    I love eggs! But I am getting my cholesterol checked Nov 9th so I am on an oatmeal kick. Nov 10th ... bring on the eggs!!!!
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    There's a lot more to nutrition than just fat and protein. The egg yolk contains almost all of the vitamins and minerals. Also, the white not a complete protein source without the yolk. So while yes, the white has protein, without the yolk it's not a particularly good or effective protein source.

    Please cite your source that states that egg whites are not a complete protein. My nutritionist lists them as a complete protein as does which gives them an amino acid score of 145 which indicates a complete protein. I am always open to new ideas, but the idea that egg whites are not a good complete source of protein will require more than just opinion, I need a valid source cited please.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    This isn't actually true. All the nutrition in an egg is in the yolk. The whites are pretty much empty, just a few amino acids. The yolk contains the rest of the proteins, plus all the vitamins and minerals.

    And all of the flavor! The yolks are the best part, it always makes me sad to know people toss the yolks. :cry:
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    There's a lot more to nutrition than just fat and protein. The egg yolk contains almost all of the vitamins and minerals. Also, the white not a complete protein source without the yolk. So while yes, the white has protein, without the yolk it's not a particularly good or effective protein source.

    Please cite your source that states that egg whites are not a complete protein. My nutritionist lists them as a complete protein as does which gives them an amino acid score of 145 which indicates a complete protein. I am always open to new ideas, but the idea that egg whites are not a good complete source of protein will require more than just opinion, I need a valid source cited please.
    Original source was my wife's nutritionist, but further research has shown that I was wrong and retract the part about egg whites being an incomplete protein. I do still stand by the fact that they offer absolutely nothing else of nutritional value, and the yolks contain a lot of vitamins and minerals that people are chronically deficient in.

    Another link for perusal, on the benefits of eating the entire egg, not just the whites:
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    I don't know if I'd say they were they ULTIMATE superfood but I think they are a superfood. I also just love eating eggs in general but I do find they are very filling and are full of protein so that's nice. I did find when I ate eggs in the morning for breakfast I wasn't hungry until lunch whereas if I ate toast or cereal or yogurt I was hungry halfway through the morning.

    And I LOVE the yolk. I couldn't eat eggs without the yolk. I definitely love eggs (with a RUNNY yolk) over toast or hashbrowns. Num num num!!!
  • mrtentaclenun
    mrtentaclenun Posts: 179 Member
    OK super nasty but when my boyfriend was weight lifting obsessively he would drink a cup full of raw eggs. He says he would shake them up with a banana? Which makes no sense to me, he is foreign so I am sure something is getting lost in translation. Sounds nasty either way.

    But scrambled eggs, two whites and one full egg, om nom nom! That's my egg of choice!
  • MommyLyssa
    Soft boiled eggs are one of my all time favorite foods! LOVE them. Or, sunny side up with a piece of wheat toast. The yolk is my favorite part- and as you can see, I like it runny :D