Slimming into Dec 31st! (CLOSED GROUP)



  • Name: Kassie Woods
    Current Weight: 226 lbs
    Goal Weight by December 31: 215 lbs
    Loss so far: 0
    Personal Goals also by December 31st : 1) I want to eat a healthy amount of calories 1300 or more daily!!! Staying under 1200 calories daily, doesn't help MY body at all. 2) Lose more inches from my abdominal area. 3) Reach my smallest weight in over 4 years.

    Day 5 (November 4)
    Water Intake: 112 oz
    Calorie Intake: 1492...

    Current Weight: 224.4 lbs
    Loss so far: 1.6 lbs :happy:
    Remaining to lose: 9.4 lbs
  • Name: Rhonda / 623Hernandez
    Current Weight: 214 (as of 10/29)
    Goal Weight: 194 - 199
    Loss so far: 0
    Personal Goal - Drink more water!!!!! I don't know why this is so hard for me!! I want to work up to drinking 64oz. a day!

    CW: 213.8
    GW: 199
    Loss: 1.2lb.
    Personal Goal: Drink at least 32oz. of water a day. Eventually work up to 64oz. a day by 01/01/12!!!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    how's everyone doing this weekend? i've just had an awful week with birthday and halloween parties all week long. but today has gone well anyway lol
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    how's everyone doing this weekend? i've just had an awful week with birthday and halloween parties all week long. but today has gone well anyway lol
  • Day 6 (November 5) :smile: Successful!!!
    Water: 120 oz
    Workout: Alternate day...REST
    Calorie intake: 1293 out of 1250. My weekly goal is 1300 but mfp is set to 1250. I met my own personal goal for the day!!!

    I hope you all have having a wonderful weekend!
    And can't wait to see how everyone's weigh in is tomorrow! :tongue: Super Excited
  • Just to vent: I believe that every single time I comment on this topic, it should show it on my list of updates. However, since the second time I have commented, it NEVER shows on the updates. I know that if we look on here we can read what is posted but not everyone thinks to look every day. Not everyone remembers to just check in. I just wish that it would show on my updates when a friend of ours in this group comments! :grumble: "every single time they comment" :grumble: Gee! That is all for now Lol I generally don't complain but I have to go to my profile every time just to pull up this topic and check in on y'all. Have a great night!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    it seems to be working weird for me too.
  • WEIGH IN!!! Here we go ladies, it is the official weigh in day for our challenge! :happy:
    Name: Kassie Woods
    Current Weight: 226 lbs
    Goal Weight by December 31: 215 lbs
    Loss so far: 0
    Personal Goals also by December 31st : 1) I want to eat a healthy amount of calories 1300 or more daily!!! Staying under 1200 calories daily, doesn't help MY body at all. 2) Lose more inches from my abdominal area. 3) Reach my smallest weight in over 4 years.

    Day 7 Nov. 6...

    Current Weight: 223
    Loss so far: 3 lbs :smile:

    Best of luck to everyone else. I will check back in later to see how you are doing!
  • SereneRose
    SereneRose Posts: 499 Member
    Hey ladies!
    Checking in daily and loving what I see & I see great losses, wohoo!!!
    Now time for weigh in.

    Name: Serene Rose
    Current Weight: 231.4 (1.4 more to original wi)
    Goal Weight: 220.0
    Loss so far: 2.1
    Personal Goal - This week to log all meals even the naughty ones and get more exercise in.
    Disappointed in myself, did not drink anywhere near as much water as I wanted and only got through 90 of the squats. Boo!!!

    Mini Challenge week 2 - Drink 64oz or more daily and complete 2 sets of 15 push up's. (Either knees down or standard, for the pros 1 leg in the air ;p) For an extra killer challenge include 30 of the squats from last week too. Cue evil laugh lol!

    Good luck, I believe in you all!
  • Hey ladies!
    Checking in daily and loving what I see & I see great losses, wohoo!!!
    Now time for weigh in.

    Name: Serene Rose
    Current Weight: 231.4 (1.4 more to original wi)
    Goal Weight: 220.0
    Loss so far: 2.1
    Personal Goal - This week to log all meals even the naughty ones and get more exercise in.
    Disappointed in myself, did not drink anywhere near as much water as I wanted and only got through 90 of the squats. Boo!!!

    Mini Challenge week 2 - Drink 64oz or more daily and complete 2 sets of 15 push up's. (Either knees down or standard, for the pros 1 leg in the air ;p) For an extra killer challenge include 30 of the squats from last week too. Cue evil laugh lol!

    Good luck, I believe in you all!

    Great job Serene!!!
  • Day 7: Pretty Great :happy:
    Water: 120 oz
    Workout: 36 min walk-297 calories
    Calorie intake: 1253! Pretty close. I did have extra calories but no extra carbs. Boo!

    This week I am going to work on my carb intake. I generally do fairly well, but I have my days. Days where I only want carbs. Which I know is not what I need!
  • Name: Kristin
    Starting Challenge Weight: 235.0
    Current Weight: 234.0
    Goal Weight by December 31: 220.0
    Loss so far: 1.0 pounds

    This week I want to try to work out at least 3 times for at least 30 minutes. I'm glad that I lost a pound, but if I add exercise I know I can do much better!
  • Name: Kristin
    Starting Challenge Weight: 235.0
    Current Weight: 234.0
    Goal Weight by December 31: 220.0
    Loss so far: 1.0 pounds

    This week I want to try to work out at least 3 times for at least 30 minutes. I'm glad that I lost a pound, but if I add exercise I know I can do much better!

    Great loss this week! :wink:
  • Wrappedinbacon
    Wrappedinbacon Posts: 49 Member
    I am a week behind but I am going to try to play catch up real quick

    SW- (Oct. 31th) 219.6
    First Check in (Nov 6th) 215.4

    Challenge weight loss goal by Dec. 31st 10 pounds
    Weight loss so far 4.6 pounds

    Total pounds left to meet goal 5.4 pounds

    Overall goal 175 pounds
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    i actually don't weigh in until tuesday. i have another biggest loser competition i'm involved in and tuesday is the day. hope nobody minds.
  • loufelleE
    loufelleE Posts: 72 Member
    Name: Loufelle / Balotitich
    Current Weight: 115 kg ( as of 10/31)
    Goal Weight: 107 kg- by the end of December
    55 kg- Ultimate Goal
    Loss so far: 0
    Personal Goal - To stay focus on my weight loss journey.

    getting a new weighing scale next week. On my calculation i should be losing 2 pounds or less ( fingers crossed)
    Daily water intake 3- 4 liters a day
  • Syreeta/Skinty1nme as of 11/7/11:

    SW: 233
    CW: 231.6
    GW: 223

    Was MIA last week, but I'm back and READY!! I promise to incorporate push-ups and squats in my workout this week. Water water water!!
  • ***correction: Current weight is 230
  • Day 8, November 7: Wonderfully successful!
    Water Intake: 120 oz
    Calorie Intake: 1427 out of 1840
    Carb Intake: 141 out of 160 :wink:
    Exercise: Curves Smart 590 calories

    I met all of my goals for today!
    At least 1300 calories-check
    At least 64 oz water-check
    Under on Carbs-check
    NO SWEETS!!!

    :heart: Have a great week ladies! :heart:
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    okay, here's my weigh in for the week. i gained 0.2 of a pound. i don't even know how much that is. not enough for me to bother recording. but i know it will come off next week.