November Day by Day Challenge--OPEN GROUP!!!



  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for November 26:
    1. Watch my portions and stay in my goals.--Yes and yes.
    2. Water!!! --Better
    3. Walking or exercise video-30 minutes minimum.--No.

    Got some of the decorating started. It will be done by the weekend, I'll get the outside lights up in a couple of days when the weather is supposed to be nicer.

    Goals for November 27:
    1. Watch my portions and stay in my goals .
    2. Water!!!
    3. Walking or exercise video-30 minutes minimum.
  • Shanaedunn
    Shanaedunn Posts: 171 Member
    Same goals today!

    Water was not as on target as I like over the holidays (Today is a new day!)
    My balances were low and what I did eat was not the best choices but I did not log due to running like crazy
    I did work out 6 days last week...


    1. Workout 5 to 6 days a week the time frame will need to be at least an hour at a time to get the calorie burn needed.
    2. WATER WATER WATER- I want to drink CONSISTANTLY 8-12 glasses a day :drinker:
    3. Calorie and CARB count under my required numbers for the day.
    4. Log it ALL wether I make it or not ADMIT it to myself.

    This is a new 30 day challege for me I am planning to push myself for the next 30 days! I want to see a new set of numbers on the scale and I want to get out of the slump that I am in. So I am planning and executing. I have the workout and will push and use self control! The exercise this 30 days is going to get rough but the MFP wants more than I have been doing so I am going to try to go back to am and pm workout and give it my all this month! 175 here I come! :bigsmile:

    Have a blessed day and good luck on your goals!!!!:happy:

  • Shanaedunn
    Shanaedunn Posts: 171 Member
    Same goals today!

    Water was defeated yesterday 12 CUPS!
    Balances were pretty good I ate a decent breakfast and lunch
    Workout is fully under way last night and this morning down


    1. Workout 5 to 6 days a week the time frame will need to be at least an hour at a time to get the calorie burn needed.
    2. WATER WATER WATER- I want to drink CONSISTANTLY 8-12 glasses a day :drinker:
    3. Calorie and CARB count under my required numbers for the day.
    4. Log it ALL wether I make it or not ADMIT it to myself.

    This is a new 30 day challege for me I am planning to push myself for the next 30 days! I want to see a new set of numbers on the scale and I want to get out of the slump that I am in. So I am planning and executing. I have the workout and will push and use self control! The exercise this 30 days is going to get rough but the MFP wants more than I have been doing so I am going to try to go back to am and pm workout and give it my all this month! 175 here I come! :bigsmile:

    Have a blessed day and good luck on your goals!!!!:happy:

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for November 28:
    1. Watch my portions and stay in my goals.--Did MUCH better!
    2. Water!--Good
    3. Walking or exercise video-30 minutes minimum.--Yes and another walk last night.

    It's supposed to be a nice week--that means not much rain--so I'll get more walking done as I seem to prefer outside walking lately. Also, we have boots and waterproof pants for my grandson now so unless it's an absolute downpour we can go outside anyway!

    Portions have been better and I find that a bowl of high fiber cereal or some air-popped popcorn in the evening really helps with the nighttime snacking!

    I still need to get the rest of the Christmas decorations out of the closet and get them up where they belong.
    We have used the super-gate play yard to block off the part of the room the tree will be in so I can put the boxes in there and we can work on them a bit at a time.

    The holidays are a challenge but I know I can get through them without gaining (and maybe a loss?)!

    Goals for November 29:
    1. Watch my portions and stay in my goals.
    2. Water!
    3. Walking or exercise video-30 minutes minimum.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Post 3 or more goals, fitness related or not, come back tomorrow to recap the day before. Then post 3 more goals for the day."

    Sunday my 3 goals were:
    1. get a handle on laundry .
    2. take my time with my day and breathe.
    3. Burn 1000 calories, eat well and wake up tomorrow with an actual loss on the scale

    2 of these goals were completed. I have not gotten any better but a whole lot worse with laundry!

    Today my 3 goals are:
    1. LAUNDRY-folded and put away
    2. get going with the Christmas decorations and STOP feeling sad, it's a happy thing.
    3. Burn 1000 calories, eat well and wake up tomorrow with an actual loss on the scale.(YES! This!!)

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for November 29:
    1. Watch my portions and stay in my goals.--Yes and yes!
    2. Water!--Yes.
    3. Walking or exercise video-30 minutes minimum.--Yes!

    Not a bad day, overall. Lots to do today--will try to get back here but no promises!

    Goals for November 30:
    1. Watch my portions and stay in my goals.
    2. Water!
    3. Walking or exercise video-30 minutes minimum.

    Here's the link to next month's thread:

    See you there!
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Post 3 or more goals, fitness related or not, come back tomorrow to recap the day before. Then post 3 more goals for the day."

    Wednesday my 3 goals were:
    1.LAUNDRY-folded and put away
    2. get going with the Christmas decorations and STOP feeling sad, it's a happy thing.
    3. Burn 1000 calories, eat well and wake up tomorrow with an actual loss on the scale.(YES! This!!)

    2 of these goals were completed. I have not gotten any better but a whole lot worse with laundry! LAUNDRY WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME!!!!

    Today my 3 goals are:
    1. To put away emplty Christmas crates
    2. Take 2 dogwalks AND spend some time at the gym to total 1000 calories.
    3. To stop eating early so I can get this scale moving!

  • Shanaedunn
    Shanaedunn Posts: 171 Member
    Same goals today!

    Water was defeated yesterday 14 CUPS!
    Balances were pretty good I ate a decent breakfast and lunch and even dinner WHHHOOOO HOOOOO
    Workout is fully under way last night and this morning down


    1. Workout 5 to 6 days a week the time frame will need to be at least an hour at a time to get the calorie burn needed.
    2. WATER WATER WATER- I want to drink CONSISTANTLY 8-12 glasses a day :drinker:
    3. Calorie and CARB count under my required numbers for the day.
    4. Log it ALL wether I make it or not ADMIT it to myself.

    UUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH How on earth am I gaining? I eat nothing and I am confused I am pouring water into everythng that I can take it into. What is happening? AND I AM DOING DOUBLE WORKOUTS! SO what is the issue!!!!!:explode:

    Okay I am done fussing but really I

    Have a blessed day and good luck on your goals!!!!:happy:
