'his' money and 'hers' money

godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
do you have separate accounts or is everything shared?


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    I have my own checking, she has her own checking and we have a combined checking where we pool for home expenditures and bills.
    Have NEVER had a fight about money.
  • tmontgomery69
    Yep, we have own accounts. But we also have a joint account to put money into to pay the house payment......and we've NEVER fought about money.....been together for 10 years. It works GREAT for us. =)
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    We have a joint checking and savings. He's admittedly horrible with money so when we moved in together he said here and started giving me his paychecks. I make sure the bills are paid and if he wants to spend money of any significant amount he checks with me first to make sure we've got it covered. It's worked perfectly for us. My parents had his and her money and his and her bills and were both always griping about having to give the other one money. I've never understood that. Although it worked to my advantage because they would both give me money and tell me not to tell the other one, at least until I moved to Arizona at 19.(even though I had my own money from working myself). LOL
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    Shared in this house... He's the only one making money anyway!!
  • chuckyp
    chuckyp Posts: 693 Member
    Separate accounts and we are each responsible for certain bills. We also have a shared account where we can pool money or transfer it to each other.
    Works great because we don't need each others' permission to buy something one of us wants. If you are paying the bills your responsible for then have at it with the money you have left over. Of course this probably only works when you are dual income.
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    I have a 'hers' chequing and a 'hers' savings and a 'hers' VISA....but then again, I have no 'him.' :laugh:
    Good luck on figuring out a solution!
  • McMehu
    McMehu Posts: 103 Member
    we have always shared and it works out great. We sit down and discuss our budget every couple months and we agree not to make any purchases over a couple bucks before letting each other know... not too hard if you are willing to budget and talk it through
  • Ashleypeterson37
    Ashleypeterson37 Posts: 347 Member
    Everything for us is joint.
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    We have seperate checking accounts, we split the bills. No $ fights here as long as all bills are paid on time (heforgets) ;)
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    When we married, everything became one.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    We have separate checking accounts but we both operate under the idea that it's all "our" money. We just like separate accounts so that we can each keep track of our money. If we had a joint account I know we'd run into trouble on days where we both run errands. We also never fight about money. We both know that if we need something (new clothes, shoes, etc.) we'll be able to get it, and if we can't it's because we absolutely don't have the money, not because someone has mismanaged their money or just doesn't want to share.
  • jilers
    jilers Posts: 94 Member
    I am getting married in April and this is one of the topics on the table. Our solution is 3 accounts: his, hers and ours.
  • wannababyH
    Our money is shared, but we have separate accounts because that was the only way wells fargo would give me a debit card.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    When we married, everything became one.
    Same. Our thinking is that we're a team and "he whole is greater than the sum of its parts and all that. All of income and everything gets put into one shared account.

    We do have our own checking accounts where we transfer (equal amounts) of spending cash "allowances" each month. This is the money that we can spend without getting it "approved by a joint committee session" but there isn't a whole lot in those accounts on a monthly basis. None of our paychecks go into that account or anything.

    (Besides, I would like to stay home with our kids at least part time so won't be making nearly as much as him anyway -- doesn't mean I'll be doing any less important and valuable work! :happy: )
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    I am actually not working and just going to school. So his money is my money haha.I do have another account at a separate bank though. Hubby is not a fantastic saver so it helps keeping the savings out of sight and out of mind. This way he can focus on the bills and other spending and I can focus on the saving.Also if the bank closes for some reason and you need money. It is a good way to always have a form of tender at your disposal.Our bank closed for updates, the website, the branches everything! So having that extra account for checks and some extra cash was a good thing.
  • flyawaybyebye
    He makes most of our income and is generally more responsible with money, so we're both happy that he's in charge of our main account, which pays the mortgage and household bills. These are a fixed amount every month, pretty much. We take what is left over after that is paid and split it evenly. My small income gets factored into what is "even", so he keeps a certain amount and pays me enough to make it so that, with what he pays me, we have the same amount to spend. When everything was joint, we fought a lot about money, so this way, our main stuff is joint, but we can each delegate what is left over however we choose to without having to explain it to one another. My money is kept in a separate checking account, and he uses the main account.
  • emily773
    Same account- learned the hard way that one person should be the "accountant".
    I'm pretty sure that money is one of those Big Things people argue about. Having no head for math, I was happy to turn it over.
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    we are joint all the way. it works for us. :-) plus, i'm a stay at home mom so having seperate accounts couldn't really be possible. lol
  • dnsrmr
    dnsrmr Posts: 99 Member
    When we got 2gether (married), what was his and what was mine became OURS including bank account - although we were both responsible spenders & always consulted with each other if we wanted 2 mk a large purchase. So why am I so broke now. LOL j/k
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    we have hers and hers money.

    we share accounts. both paychecks go in and used to pay bills and for fun etc.