Whole 30 - November Challenge (Closed Group)



  • determinedcrystal
    determinedcrystal Posts: 75 Member
    Im out of the challenge i broke some of the rules but i decided im going to slip into paleo lifestyle slowly its just hard to do it suddenly but going thru this journey was an experience and everything i learned will not go to waste
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    I haven't been around due to some family issues and I don't post that frequently anyway but

    WTF just happened?!? I know this was set up as motivation and support for people doing the whole 30 BUT the whole 30 is HARD when you just start out and there is a CRAP-TON of differing information out there (Take Mark's daily apple for example where it says indulging OCCASIONALLY on dark chocolate, whole dairy or fermented beverages (wine) is totally acceptable for a primal lifestyle where as all of my research on Paleo says no.) Since when can we not ask questions and since when did we start getting judged for them?!

    The group was set up (or at least when I joined) as Paleo/Primal support thread. SUPPORT. Who are any of us to judge if someone wants to indulge in some dark chocolate or a glass or 2 of wine. It's their challenge and their success that ultimately is effected. If you don't believe that they should do so why ostracize them? Educate and inform.

    Wasn't helping others, doing good in your community etc, etc, all part of the Paleo lifestyle? How is basically telling someone to stick it because you don't feel like answering their question appropriate? Just ignore the freaking question.

    If this is the way that this thread is going to go (elitist and judgemental) I'm out. I don't surround myself with those types of people in my everyday life and I won't tolerate it here. Anyone who wants to friend me that hasn't feel free to do so but I'm not going to be around the boards anymore- at least not this one. You can see my successes, failures, hear me ***** about being bloated and I might even tell y'all when I've had a glass of wine but it won't be posted here...

    Good luck to everyone in all their adventures.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Ok, since we have had an obvious melt down occur here since I have been absent I am in the midst of setting up 2 different Whole 30 groups.

    In actuality, I shouldn't have named the other one Whole 30 because it is technically not the Whole 30 challenge.

    The actual Whole 30 plan is a cold turkey plan to ween yourself off the sweet, starchy and other cravings and get the body to start the healing process.

    A challenge is just what it is, a Challenge............Since when are challenges easy? Personally, I am not one that can ease into something. I have to be all in or out because as long as the crutch is there to lean on the TRUE changes within will never take place.

    With that being said, we are all different, have different goals and such so I am setting up 2 groups for challenges. I will be moderating both and will add some additional members to assist as I have a busy time coming up at work and will need help.

    I will ask Steve or Mike to lock this thread after I post the group links to this thread.

    And I just want to state that I am a member of several other Paleo groups and these people are way worse about letting people "have it" than anyone on this board ever dare speak.

    The idea is to encourage, push, support one another - but when one is falling the way to grab and them and pull them up is not to tell them that it is ok to cheat.

    Remember, you get out what you put in. If you only put in 50% you are not going to get much back in return.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Ok gang -

    Here are the groups............

    The first one is the hard core we are all in 100% group. Please join if you adhere to Whole 30 concepts and practices nearly 100%


    The second group is for those that follow more of the 80/20 concept as outlined in the Primal Blue Print Challenge guidelines.


    I want everyone to be happy, healthy, stress free and successful. The only way to be successful though is to find what works for YOU as an individual and go with that. Run with it when you capture the essence of what works for YOU.

    This is YOUR journey. Grab it by the horns and run with it!!!
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Ok gang -

    Here are the groups............

    The first one is the hard core we are all in 100% group. Please join if you adhere to Whole 30 concepts and practices nearly 100%


    The second group is for those that follow more of the 80/20 concept as outlined in the Primal Blue Print Challenge guidelines.


    I want everyone to be happy, healthy, stress free and successful. The only way to be successful though is to find what works for YOU as an individual and go with that. Run with it when you capture the essence of what works for YOU.

    This is YOUR journey. Grab it by the horns and run with it!!!

    Thanks Grokette! The links don't seem to be working for me. Are they in the paleo/primal group? Can anyone else get to them?
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Thanks Grokette! The links don't seem to be working for me. Are they in the paleo/primal group? Can anyone else get to them?

    It didn't work for me either. If they are set to private I think we have to be invited. Thank you for helping us with a solution!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Ok ladies, I invited you both to both groups...............

    And I made the group public so hopefully no one else will run into that same issue.
This discussion has been closed.