Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-November 2011



  • wendyannie1976
    wendyannie1976 Posts: 205 Member
    awww what a gorgeous bump, i loved my bump when i was carrying :-)
  • frugalmomsrock
    Awww! I miss my baby bumps (all five of them).

    congrats and good luck! Staying fit during pregnancy usually helps you ease through labor. :)
  • LelliAmi
    LelliAmi Posts: 327 Member
    Just curious, how do you stay fit during pregnancy?
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    aww, thanks!

    I've been doing Zumba once to twice a week. I also try to walk at least 20 minutes everyday. Also I have been trying to eat as healthy as possible.
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    Hi, Ladies!

    Just back from the Doctor with positive news!! We have a heartbeat! I am measuring further behind than last week, but that is fine by me and the DR -- since I am right on target with my LMP. Due date is July 15th, the peanut looks perfect, and we had an awesome 150 beats per minute! I am so relieved! Doc isn't sure why I have been spotting, but told me to remain calm about it because as we all know stress isn't good for growing babies. I feel awesome and excited --- 7 weeks 1 day along....only 5 more weeks of morning sickness! lol...
    I sure am beat was a long day at school and waiting for the U/S.
    So glad to see you are all doing well!
    Nkster -- that bump is insane!!! you rock it like pop rocks ;) SO impressed that you are able to Zumba while pregnant! I had a hard time without a counter balance growing, but I also have the coordination of a pebble..way to go!!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    boy am I behind!

    Thanks to all for the welcome

    nkster, good luck on your glucose test. Loving the bump!

    kristy, I sent you a private message. Hope you are managing! :brokenheart:

    babeed, I hope things are getting better for you. You are doing great!

    bmfrazie, how scary!

    lunarokra, I'm sure your gain was water weight over such a short time. In any case you are doing fabulous!

    shoppingqueen, good to see someone about as far along as I am.

    emrogers, hopefully you never spot again! Magnesium actually is a treatment for preterm labor, it doesn't cause it. I love the food request idea, definitely one we could use. Take heart on the tummy, you will be able to whip it into shape if you really want to.

    mistibergman, It's hard but try not to worry about the kidney. It's normal now and it good have just been an early starter. As long as there are no cysts in it is sounds perfectly normal to me. Oh, and congrats on dominating black friday! Your weight gain is inspirational to me.

    Rayna, I get the hand numbness too. Try to pay attention to whether it's your whole hand or just the thumb side (sparing the pinky and ring finger). That would suggest carpal tunnel, which is more common in pregnancy. You are doing so great, love the massage idea and excited for your 3D US!

    smilegirl, thanks for popping in and giving advice, cause I am feeling faaaaaat. You are doing so amazing.

    jchecca, sounds like you are having fun. What a sweet idea giving your hubby a present, I was thinking about DH giving ME one. I'm sure there are lots of cute daddy things out there, like maybe a cute burping towel? Most men won't read books, lol. I'm going to try and copy your one dessert per week idea too....

    BB/Ashley - you are so close and doing so great! You are doing a great job of staying active and your new pic is so cute!

    rosannabarbar, sounds like you are right on track with your weight gain and a perfect baby! Soups are a good solution, you can make beef stew, chicken stew, etc. Casseroles and pastas also freeze well, as does rice. You could freeze some chicken breasts/other meats in individal ziploc bags in marinade and then just throw them in the oven and pair with frozen rice or pasta. Add some salad and you have a meal. You could also bake a chicken with minimal effort and eat off of it for the week. I pretty much only do quick meals and slow cooker meals...

    abearwe, you are nesting like crazy, maybe that's how you hurt your rib. You can't even diagnose rib fractures by x-ray anyway. When it gets really bad you could put a little lidocaine gel/anusol on the spot, might help in addition to warm packs.

    svgarcia, does it matter what position you are in when you see stars?

    H_82, make sure you are carefully modifying KB&T - it gets higher and higher impact. My problem with Jillian is that I can't seem to modify when she's screaming at me to do it HER way!

    taldie, having a superactive babe is a great problem to have! Kudos to you for staying so active as well!

    welcome dragonairis, how far along are you?

    Roobean, we have the same due date! I hope my US goes as well as yours!

    Welcome to kelley_m!

    Heather - wow, can't believe your belly is already flattening out! You are going to do super, especially with the BFing!

    kcurtis, sounds like you are doing great. I wish I had advice for you in terms of the body image but I'm only half as far along as you and struggling, lol

    Midnightdaydream, congrasts on a great appointment. How wonderful!

    mrsjax, hurray for the heartbeat! I'm surprised they didn't find a low lying placenta or something, but brown isn't bad and it sounds like you are on track so congrats!

    AFM, trying not to fret about my first appointment tomorrow morning. I should be 8weeks and 4-5 days. I snuck in another hcg today so I wouldn't be blindsided and it only increased a little. Of course, this is the stage where it levels out and then starts going down, so it wasn't helpful but at least it wasn't decreasing! I have been witchy and DH and I have fought because of it and I'm feeling very fat so if this doesn't work out I will be pissed! :mad:

    If I get great news I'll be back in the december thread, if not I wish you all the best! :heart:
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    bump :)
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Thank you ladies! It felt so good to hear the heart beat this morning. The baby is fine but I am on bed rest until I can have 7 days of no blood. My placenta had seperated though. Hopefully, after a week we will be all good to go. It will be a huge thing though to lay around and do nothing. No lift anything over 10 pounds and of course no exercise.

    You will be in my prayers all the time! Have lots of rest as told, and hope everything will turn around and great.

  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Thank you everyone for your prayers and encouraging words. I am listening to the doctor. What matters most is keeping the baby healthy. I am only 12 weeks so hopefully this isn't a sign that the rest of the pregnancy will have issues.

    Do we have a group set up or December thread started?
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Nichole, I love the baby bump! It must be so motivating to watch you in Zumba, the others must feel the need to kick it up a notch, I know I would if I saw an 8month pregnant woman doing it better than me!

    Cutmd, thanks for the suggestions on the rib, I have been putting a hot water pad on it at night before going to bed, it helps a tiny bit but I cant really do that while at work and that’s where it gets irritated the most.
    Best of luck with your appointment, my fingers are crossed for you!

    Ok, need to go to work now, hopefully the day goes by quickly!
  • rosannabarbaroflores
    nkster: LOVE the bump!!

    MrsJax11: Congrats!!! So excited for you.

    cutmd: Thanks for all the suggestions! Is there a trick to freezing cooked rice to avoid freezer burn? I've never done it before. Good luck with the appointment!

    AFM: Didn't get that walk in yesterday...again! It was an extremely long day and I didn't get home from work until well after 7. I did do a strength/cardio DVD this morning. Also a combination of not being hungry due to a late lunch, and getting home so late, last night's dinner was a bowl of Cheerios. :yawn: Hitting that veggie goal has just not been working! :grumble: But I'm turning that around today 'cause I'm bringing Cabbage soup for lunch. :tongue: Lots of veggies. My husband and I committed to taking the dogs for their now VERY MUCH NEEDED walk today. Today should not be nearly as long a day at work, so no excuses.

    Anyhow, work beckons. Have a wonderful day ladies! The weekend is almost here.

    34 Weeks, 2 days
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. I just started the December board:

    I figured we'd just keep it the thread style as it is easier.