Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-November 2011

Welcome everyone!

This forum is for women who are pregnant and are maintaining their fit and active lifestyles to join with other like minded women! I've been on a board with women who were trying to conceive and I've been on a board with women who are pregnant....I wanted to start a group of women who are into fitness and will continue their fitness regimes into their pregnancies and after baby!

If you are trying to conceive please join our sister group at:

They are beyond wonderful and will keep you motivated to stay healthy and lots of info to help with the ttc journey.

The women here are very motivational to each other. We are all at different stages of our pregnancy so if you just found out or you are at the end, please join us!

Link to our previous thread:
Part 2:

"Just as a friendly reminder....this board is for women who are continuing with their fitness/health goals throughout their pregnancy...I'd love for every week all of us to put up either our weekly goals or daily goals to keep ourselves and each other accountable! I wanna hear about your sweat sessions and any new things you are trying (like a new yoga dvd, a new cardio class, or a swim rather than a hike, etc). There are lots of pregnancy boards out there but this one in particular is to keep each other motivated to lift those weights, do that warrior pose, shake your bums, run that extra mile, and hike that hill! So as we relax on this Sunday afternoon I want you all to think about the goals you'd like to strive for yourself for the upcoming week. So feed those bodies/babies yummy healthy meals, drink that water, find time to destress and relax, and prepare for the sweat sessions that will occur this week!"

How many calories should I be eating?
During the first trimester most of us eat maintenance calories and most of our exercise calories. During the second and third trimester we add approx 200-300 calories or set it up on MFP to gain 1/2lb a week. If you are a healthy BMI you should gain between 25-35ish pounds. NOBODY should DIET while pregnant. Eating healthy is one thing, but depriving you and your baby of much needed nutrients during this crucial time is so very important!

Should I keep my heart rate under 140 during pregnancy?
"If you exercised regularly before pregnancy, there's no need to focus on your heart rate for exercise during pregnancy.

Years ago, some experts recommended a heart rate of no more than 140 beats a minute for exercise during pregnancy. Today, however, heart rate limits aren't typically imposed during pregnancy. For healthy women, the Department of Health and Human Services recommends at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity — preferably spread throughout the week — without any specific heart rate limits.

Still, reasonable precautions for exercise during pregnancy are important. Get your health care provider's OK for any exercise during pregnancy — especially if you have a history of preterm labor or certain medical conditions, such as high blood pressure. Also, be careful to pace yourself appropriately. In general, you should be able to carry on a conversation while you're exercising. If you can't speak normally while you're working out, you're probably pushing yourself too hard. This could lead to vaginal bleeding, uterine contractions or other problems."

Great articles and reference material for why it is so important to continue working out during your pregnancy!


  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Hello my lovely, fabulous, mama's to be (and mama's)! I've got a doctor's appt this morning so I will come back later and reply. Just wanted to set up the November post so just in case I go MIA, you ladies have a place to post in the meantime! :)

    Hope you ladies all have a wonderful day!
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    happy november 1st everyone!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    November already?! Crazy.

    I ate tons of candy last night but still stayed under my calories for the day. Luckily it's almost all gone. Speaking of calories, I get 200-300 more soon. I need to look at rearranging my calories; I tend to eat at least half at night and don't really like doing that. HOw many of you in your 3rd tri ate all of your calories everyday? If I reach my calories (especially w/ exercise), I rarely go over. I can't imagine eating more most days. Maybe I'll get hungrier.

    I plan on a run/walk tonight as temps shoudl be in the high 60's!

    Have a great day Mamas.
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Happy November everyone!

    Best of luck at your appointment Heather.

    So I didn’t do my Yoga DVD last night, I was feeling so gross and with the worst headache. I ended up going to bed at 8:30 just because I didn’t want to have to stay awake through the pain. Today I still have the lingering of the headache but brought my gym clothes with me to work and will be going to a body toning class on my lunch hour.

    Have any of you been having pains in your upper-mid back region? I thought this had to do with work but it’s just getting worse, to the point that some days (like today) it goes all the way through my chest into my ribs, just under the heart. Stretching and massages only seem to help for 10minutes at best. Any suggestions?

  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Good question about the calories. I want to add to it. lol So do you add an additional 200-300 calories on top of the 200-250 calories you added in the 2nd trimester? (Making a total of 400-500 added calories from the beginning of pregnancy.)
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    AHA!! I remembered to look for the new thead this morning!!

    Didn't end up walking last night. MIL & some of my nieces and nephews are kinda sick so it was a quite night at home after I got home from work. Working late again today :grumble: but I'm thankful I have a job!! :ohwell:

    Calories- oh man, my appetite has increased (again) and pretty dramatically the last few days. Im eating 3 meals a day and snacking inbetween. Planning snacks/meals has helped both hubby and I tremendously- that way we dont buy any junk food.

    Hubby is prepping the nursery today. Painting will take place this week (weather permitting.) We had picked a color our from Restoration Hardware but it has been discontinued. So we went with our second choice. Its a called Ice blue from Martha Stuart.

    Have a wonderful days ladies- check in laters if I get a chance!!
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Babeed - In response to your Craigslist suggestion on last month's me, I have been searching on Craigslist for that bedding like crazy!! haha! I just haven't had any luck finding anything at all on there lately, which is surprising because I'm searching all the surrounding areas...DC, Baltimore, Annapolis, Richmond, etc. Crazy huh? Oh well. I'll keep looking.

    I was so tired yesterday, but ended up walking the dogs for about 30 minutes. Then Eric got home and we got ready for the trick or treaters. There were so pretty darn cute kiddos out last night! Eric put on his Darth Vader costume for a little bit to pass out candy, but ended up taking it off because he felt like a creeper. haha! We only have about a handful of jaw breakers left so luckily we weren't left with chocolate and stuff that I would actually want. LOL I woke up last night with some achiness in my lower abdomen (almost like the onset of pms cramps, but not quite), but I got up to pee, drank some water, and went back to sleep. It's fine this morning so I'm not sure what that was all about. I have started to feel more fullness in my lower stomach now so I'm assuming it's just stretching and stuff.

    Baby girl is moving a lot lately. The other day I was lying in bed and had my hand on my stomach. She kicked so hard that I swear if I could have seen over my boobs I could've seen my stomach move! haha!! Probably not, but it seriously felt that hard and I definitely felt it on my hand. :)

    Goal tonight is to walk again and get in some yoga. Not sure what we'll have for dinner, but probably baked tilapia (it's usually my go-to dinner) and some steamed veggies with rice or quinoa.
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    Kristy ~ Love your comment about if you were able to see over your boobs! :laugh: I have no doubt that you would've been able to see your tummy move. There have been several times even just using the fetal doppler that the doppler moved b/c he kicked it! (Guess he didn't want to be disturbed) :bigsmile:

    As for the calorie questions - I'm not much help. I've been doing a crap job of logging lately.....but I know I've been probably about in the maintenece category yet - except when candy &/or apple slices are involved :ohwell: I figure, I just eat whenever I'm hungry. The scale has been creeping up more & more though. I think I'm at about a 14lb gain (I'm almost 22 wks). Doctor just said he didn't want me gaining 10lbs each month! (Gosh, I sure hope not!). But since I didn't gain much in the first trimester, he was okay w/ what I had gained so far (12lbs at the time).
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Happy November everyone! I can't believe October is over time is just flying!
    Thanks again Heather for setting up the new thread and good luck in your Doctor's appointment today!

    Halloween was a little disappointing last night not going to lie lol, I was so excited and we only got about 20 kids...we have SO much candy left over...not such a good thing....but it was fun to dress up although I only lasted until about 8:00 because the wig was starting to hurt my head lol

    So, I am totally sucking in the working out department lately, I really need to step it up - I have two 90 min yoga classes this week because I missed one last week so that should help but I need to keep up with my strength training and some cardio.
    My goal tonight is to ride my spin bike for at least 30 mins but I'm hoping I can go 45.
    Only problem lately (or still...) is my hips and pelvis, and then I read something on my babycentre iPhone app last night that scared me a was talking about Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD) it's pain in the pubic area and groin as well as back pain, pelvic girdle pain and/or hip pain (I have all three of these on a daily basis) just said to tell your Doctor if you think you have it - I think you just have to concentrate on doing more pelvic floor exercises etc...but I'm not sure. It's just really annoying more than anything else :frown: Like for example I did a LOT of walking this weekend and my pelvis/lower back/hips are killing me still! So I'm not trying to make excuses for myself but it makes it a lot harder to want to work out. I'm hoping the spin bike doesn't aggravate it but that's all I have for cardio equipment at home...anyone else experiencing anything similar??

    Everyone sounds like they are doing so well for exercise! I love that board for that very reason, you ladies all inspire me and motivate me to be better and do more! :flowerforyou:

    Today should fly by again, another busy day at work with an orientation for new hires all afternoon - better get to it!
    Hope everyone has a fantastic Tuesday!
  • praymond17
    praymond17 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm so glad I found this thread! I'm going into my 12th week and I have been working out and eating healthy..which is super hard especially with Halloween! I'm happy to see that there are other women out there that are planning to work out during and after pregnancy.
  • praymond17
    praymond17 Posts: 20 Member
    Please add me..I would love to keep in touch and share the experience with other pregnant women!
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    Hi everyone. Happy November! I've been eating so much junk lately, its terrible!! Ugh!!
    Heather-- good luck with Ur appt. Keep us posted...

    Talking about calories I changed it to gain half pound a week and it went up to 1740. Sounds a lot!!

    About how much weeks do u start to feel the fluttering? I can't wait to start feeling it....I found a place that does 3d monogram and I told my husband about doing it $49 and he said no- just wait til nxt Fri.

    Well glad to hear u coffee drinkers haven't given it up completely. What will happen anyway?
  • shellgib
    shellgib Posts: 196 Member
    hi girls! I have "stalked" this thread a few times, but I guess I'll officially post and join in the discussions, lol!

    I am 17 weeks with my 2nd child. doing pretty good keeping up with my exercises but probably not as much as I could do. I think I give myself an excuse sometimes to just take it easy when maybe I should just get up and do it!

    I have only gained a few pounds so far...still trying to get my calorie sweet spot for the right amount of gain without going to far over. i was eating about 1400-1500 before pregnancy and probably for the first 4 weeks, combined with intense JM workouts. When I found out I was pregnant I increased to about 1600-1700 which would be maintenance for me, and lowered the intensity and frequency of my workouts. then in my 2nd tri. I increased to 1850-1950 and feel like I am eating all the time and eating a LOT! hoping my weight gain isn't too low though.

    I do use this website for calorie calculations (which I used for weight loss/zig-zag calories before) and I find it very accurate:
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Good Morning...........

    I can't believe it's Novemeber. I feel like we just got done with our Memorial Day camping trip. Time has really flew by since then.

    Doctor appt. today. I'm excited, I always am because I love hearing her lil' heart beat!! Not so excited for the urine test, sugar was a little high last time and after eating two mini almond joys, two sugar cookies and a quarter of a pepsi last night, I won't be suprised if its high again. I love Halloween, but hate it too. It's fun, cute, and the sweets are good, but they are so BAD!!! :) Took my son out last night, we ended up walking almost everywhere, so I'd say a two hour brisk walk keeping up with him and my nephews, not to bad for a day I figured I wouldn't get any excercise. It was fun, but by 9:30 Isaac was sleeping and me and Zack both feel asleep on the couch. He must've been tired from handing out candy. LOL. Actually we didn't get too many trick or treaters compared to other years, but he gave big handfuls so that only left us with a little bit of candy which is good.

    Welcome to the new mama's hopefully you find this board helpful.

    Anyone else in the second trimester still on maintenence? I have a really hard time even eating 1200 calories a day and my maintenence is 1750. When I get close to that I'm happy. I plan on asking my doctor again about this today, but was just curious.

    Anyway, short day for me, so I better get busy. Hope you all have a great day!
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Hello All Happy 1st of November!

    Glad to hear everyone had a safe Halloween! My son is not into trick or treating and it's ok, less candy in the house. I stayed in, and didn't do anything. I did however watch the Once upon a time first episode online, can't wait for next Sunday.

    Misti- Yay for your appt mine is on Thurs can't wait!! Congrats to Isaac on his win!

    Welcome new mommies: praymond & shellgib.

    SVGracia-I think my baby's flutters are so sporadic, and probably started around 18 weeks. Sometimes I don't feel much movement and I freak out, I hadn't lost much weight before finding out I was pregnant so I think theres some fat around the belly.

    Heather-Good luck on your appointment! Hope to hear good news.

    Babeed- lol there's days I feel really hungry too! Yay for your nursery, I bet the color is beautiful!

    Ash- Hope your headache is gone.

    H82 & Rayna-I hear you on getting back to the workout this week, I plan to get my walk on tonight.

    Kristy-lol too cute, my baby is not very active. I keep asking her for some movement but it's whenever she feels like it.

    Holly-Thanks for checking in, and it's great to hear you and Ellie are doing great. Keep up the good workouts, you are inspiring.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    About how much weeks do u start to feel the fluttering? I can't wait to start feeling it....I found a place that does 3d monogram and I told my husband about doing it $49 and he said no- just wait til nxt Fri.

    SV- I'm a newbie at being preggo, so I didn't actually start feeling the baby till week 20 and boy can I feel him squirming, kicking, bouncing around now!! No stopping it!!

    As for 3D monogram- keep in mind that in order to get that done they baby must cooperate. Hubby & I were all prepared to get it done. They use the reflection of light to see the baby's image but my wonderful baby was a squirmer that day and although we tried we just couldn't get him to hold still long enough to get one. The tech (who was wonderful) resorted to doing a regular sonogram and that seems to work well enough for us to find out it was a boy.

    Good luck and be sure to take your patient pills that day!! :happy:
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    New month. Whee!

    My "Yay!" for the day... I hit the 12 week mark tomorrow and I've only gained 1.5 lbs so far. YAY!!

    svgarcia - With my first I felt fluttering around the 18 week mark... my husband felt his first exterior bump at 21 weeks.
  • millionsofpeaches
    Happy November!

    I just got back from Disney late last night... 5 days of constant walking and I am pooped! I think I may have over done it a bit but it was wonderful seeing friends and spending time with my husband. I didn't log while on vacation but I ate lots and lots of fruit and stayed hydrated. I am going to activate my yoga groupon this week! My goals are walking a few times a week with yoga at the studio once a week. I am going to buy some yoga videos. Can anyone recommend a good one?

    A week till the 1st ultrasound!
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    I'm soooo very very tired today! So just popping in really quick to let you know how things went. I'm progressing but just barely. I am still dilated to 1cm, am now 60% effaced, and she is at -2 station. I am measuring (my uterus) smaller than I was the past 2 weeks so she has dropped a bit. My doctor then dropped the bomb on me and told me she would be going out of town on the 13 for a week.... So she wanted to know if I wanted to be induced this week or to wait and see how things go. I was in a state of shock but chose to make my regular 40wk appt next Tuesday and go from there. I talked to Al and we decided that we would just see how things go and if she isn't here and we get another doctor at least we will be able to try and birth naturally as opposed to getting pitocin with the likelihood of then getting an epidural. I just feel like there has been a major wrench thrown into my plans. I'm gonna try and stay positive and hope that things happen on their own within the next week and a half.

    Off to nap now...