Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-November 2011



  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    ADREAMMICHELLE- hoping all is well for your lil bean, that is crazy you guys have no power! And for that long!

    I did my aquasize last night even though I was exhausted, it turned out to be a really good class. My instructor is so cute she always says this is such an intense class... which I guess it is for some people, its a good work out but its definately no spin class thats for sure. I made loaded baked potato soup in the slow cooker last night sooo good. Today is beef strogenoff.... excited! My lil peanut stayed home with nana today she still wasnt feeling to good but better for sure. So lucky to have such hands on in laws. My parents are about 3 hrs away from us, and about 10 years older than my inlaws. They had my husband when they were 17!!! They truely are a blessing..

    I have been struggling with the idea of dropping a course I signed up for its really tough and Im stressed I just wont get it done, but I decided to just do it, cause Im not sure when Ill do my next one!

    Still holding out on a 13lb weight gain, my appetite has slowed down which is great!Gonna go check out a winter maternity jacket on lunch so Ill have to try to work out at home tonight, mabe some spin? Damn I know I need to do weights, blah.

    Hope all you mommas have a great day!
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Still working on a way to keep up with y'all... and commenting without clutter.

    For now I'm cheering, sympathizing, and sending positive thoughts in everyone's directions.

    For myself... I finally have a pair of jeans headed to the locker room for the duration... I was actually getting a little worried. Even with keeping my weight gain under control, I expected I'd have to loosen buttons a little sooner than this. So Yay!
  • 1toInfinity
    1toInfinity Posts: 68 Member
    It's crazy that it's already Novemeber!! I will be 31 weeks tomorrow. I did some yoga last night and worked out on my elliptical at a moderate pace for 25 minutes. I felt so great!! So far today I have done 25 minutes of yoga. My kids won't behave enough so I have to wait till nap time to do my strength.
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    I just have a minute for a quick update.

    Doctor appt. went good. Blood pressure was a little higher than usual, hopefully just a fluke thing and it will be back to normal next time. Other than than baby is good, she must've been sleeping during the u/s because we actually got to hear her heart beat w/o her kicking the doppler off. LOL. Heart rate was in the 145 range. Measuring 27 wks instead of 25. Yay! Only gained 1 pound in the month, kinda suprised me, so 10.5 lbs so far.

    Anyway back to work I go.

    Have a great day!
  • andreamichelle82: Our thoughts are with you!

    nkster781: Awesome job showing up the non-preggers in Zumba!!!

    abeare: Nice job with the workouts!

    Better_Balance_20: Yay for finding puppy!! I haven't experienced any dizziness, but we have to remember that our center of gravity is off during pregnancy, and we need to take a little extra time as compared to pre-pregnancy. Hopefully it doesn't persist. If it does, definitely speak to your doctor.

    ♥Rayna♥: So glad to hear the yoga helped! And awesome job on the room preparations! How exciting.

    emrogers: Don't stress about the weight gain numbers. Like Rayna said, everyone gains differently and at different points in their pregnancy. Get yourself back into the groove of exercising and continue eating well, and you shouldn't worry about anything else. There is enough to stress about...Don't add to it unnecessarily. Awesome job this week! I've been wanting to search for some Classical music, but have no idea of any. Suggestions?

    Heather: I shouldn't have presumed that it was something the doctor could have planned and notified you :blushing: Getting a birthplan on paper and trying to meet with the other potential doctors should be a way to alleviate some of the stress of your doctor possibly not being available...

    AmyRhubarb: Fingers crossed!

    Lunarokra: Will definitely put up pics after the shower! Can't wait to hear about the U/S.

    taldie01: Great job on the workouts! Hopefully the jacket works out. Dinner sounds Yummy!

    Last night was no bueno...Didn't get the planned walk in because I got distracted cleaning my room, AND I ate candy and cupcakes! I don't know what was wrong with me. I didn't even think about stopping until I was licking the frosting off of my fingers from the second cupcake. UGH! Self-control where did you go!? I consumed 400 calories over the MFP daily goal. So yes ladies, you can consume all of your calories in one day, and then some! It usually involves oh so deliciously bad foods! :smile: :ohwell: Anyhow, vowing to be much much better today.
    Walking with the pups tonight and doing a strength training DVD. Had meant to get the strength training accomplished before work today, but let myself sleep in because I have the feeling I'm on the verge of getting a cold if I don't nip it properly. Sleep is the only cure! Time management will be the key tonight because I would like to visit my BF and her 5 month old baby and get some cleaning done. Hopefully all is accomplished....

    Hope you ladies have a wonderful day!!!!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    just found bfp yesterday. so when its safe to excercise as first few weeks r considered risky

    if i can pls let me some good workout dvds

    and should i change my calorie goals to maintenance with sedentary activity level
    Congrats on your bfp! The only reason I changed my settings to sedentary is because I'm on bed rest right now. Otherwise I would have left it at the appropriately active level - hoping I will get to change it soon!

    andreamichelle82 - I am going through something similar! I suddenly started bleeding at about six weeks, the day of my first dr. appt. It was bright red and not spotting for sure, but no cramping. Went to the appointment expecting the worst, but they were able to find the baby with a vaginal ultrasound. My hcg numbers a couple of days later were great, the bleeding slowed to spotting, and we relaxed a bit. Since then I've had two instances of heavier bleeding and some clots. It's very scary, but happened the day of and the day after my good blood tests, so the doctor told me to just take it easy and hold out for my next appointent (which is tomorrow), unless of course I had bad cramping or heavier bleeding.

    It's so hard to wait and wonder, this early we don't have any way of knowing how the baby is without an ultrasound. :frown: I have been hoping & praying for the best, and treating myself as if I still am pregnant, but won't know for sure until tomorrow. I have read many instances online of women who had bleeding, even clots, at times during their pregnancies and still had healthy babies. I pray that this will be the result for both of us! Hang in there and keep us posted!
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    hi all...just wanted to say a quick hi. totally been MIA because CT got hit with that insane weather this past saturday and needless to say we've been without power for the past 5 bueno!!!

    as a result there has been a lot of eating out and i just don't feel good about my body right now :cry: i have yoga tonight and i am hoping to get a charge of 'health' back into my body because i sure need it! what i really need is to stop feeling bad for myself and get over the fact that we're probably not going to get power back for another couple days (they're saying by end of the day sunday! eek!!!)

    but we're 24 weeks today...6 whole months! i cant believe how fast its going by!

    hope everyone is doing well!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I was wondering about our members on the east coast who got clobbered with that storm! Glad to see you checking in and that you are safe. Being without power is no fun at all!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 376 Member
    Hi all--

    Andrea and Amy--I'm praying so hard for both of you. Keep a positive outlook!

    Wow--this board really is rocking the active mommas to be! Quite the inspiration! I may just have to drag my bum off this couch when I finish posting and go exercise while little boy is "napping". If I don't fall asleep first--the pregnancy narcolepsy seems to have finally taken hold of me. I'll get back to you all on that. Haha.

    As for me: Had a sonogram today--I'm measuring 6 weeks, 1 day. EDD: June 26, 2012. Not much to see on the screen, but a little teeny tiny dot with a yolk sac. (I was impressed that she found it--she did an external ultrasound--i was all ready for an internal. I think she was good!) Fortunately, the dot was where it was supposed to be and doing what a dot of it's size should be doing, so I'm able to wrap my head around the actuality that I'm pregnant, and am going to do everything in my power to stay that way. WOWZAS. I start progesterone tonight just as a precaution, since I have a history of early spotting with my cycle.

    Hubby has started referring to the baby as "poppy" as in "poppy seed". We called our son "lima bean" until he was born (since we didn't find out the gender.) All in all a good day.
  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    Popping in to say HI to everyone!

    I'm still having the issues with that danged placenta bleed. Had my ultrasound this morning though, so I'll give them a call in about a week and see how it's progressing. Ultrasound went great! Our Little Man (yes... we finally have a gender!!! BOY!!) was very active, and hasn't settled down in the last two hours. LOL. Since the ultrasound was done on a military installation, we only got two profile pics, as anything else isn't necessary. Little Man was great for the potty shot though, that was most definitely a little 'turtle' down there. DH and I are so very excited, we both were hoping boy.

    Health wise, my weight has stayed stable the last 2 weeks, even with such limited ability to do anything. I'm happy with that! I haven't been logging my food, but I have been keeping track of what I eat. I'm doing a lot better than one of the docs on my team insinuated. I gained 12 lbs in a 3 week time span, but hadn't really gained before or since. It was just one spurt, that no matter what I did, I gained. She made me feel like the worse person ever, that I wasn't taking care of my baby, watching what I was eating, and that I was going out to eat all the time. I really really wish I could request to never see her again. Sometimes I really hate the military docs. So far I'm at 21wks and have gained a total of 14lbs. I don't think that's too bad considering the circumstances.

    Off to go pester my DH about names now.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    midnite congrats and glad everything is going well with baby.

    Karen I'm so happy for you! The end of June seems like a wonderful time to have a aren't pregnant during the dead of summer heat, and there is so much to do for a June birthday!

    Andrea and Amy I'm right there praying for you as well!

    Rosanna I have my birth plan on file and will talk to my doc on Tuesday about meeting with the other two doctors or at least have her meet with them on my behalf to let them know about me and my situation. I feel okay about everything today though and feel like everything will work out just fine.

    Misti so happy to hear that your appt went well and baby is doing great :)

    Brenda are we hoping for a specific body part on the u/s tomorrow?! ;) Good luck with everything! tell...what is this poutine you speak of?! lol

    dexter there is no "safe time" to exercise when becoming pregnant. You can continue to do whatever you have been doing prior to getting pregnant and you can always walk and do low impact cardio (elliptical, water aerobics, etc). So I'd say today is as good a day as any! And you should change your calorie goals to maintenance.

    Elce I agree with what the other ladies have said. Everyone gains weight differently. I gained 12lbs the first trimester and have still managed to stay under my 35lb goal. But if you recognize bad habits I admire you for realizing it and nipping it in the bud before it gets out of control. I too have craved soda during my pregnancy and am not a soda drinker at ALL! The only thing I ever drink (not pregnant) is water and hot green tea in the am. But I had to make the same vow to stop drinking soda as well. You can do it.

    I've felt pretty great today. My rib pain didn't start until about an hour ago so now I'm feeling bleh...but keeping my spirits up. :) I got in an hour of cardio and 45 minutes of strength training. Hope all the walking/elliptical bounces this baby right on out! lol
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 524 Member
    Bump for later when I actually have time!
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Welcome Dexter Dexterity!!

    Taldie-I feel you on trying to get some S/T workout too.

    Baiselac- Good to hear you're doing ok, and you are checking in.

    Jchecca-hope you are keeping warm, and you get your power back soon.

    Imprfect51- Good job on your workouts, Yoga is great, I am going to have to do some tonight my back is bothering me.

    Misti-That's a good steady weight gain, and how awesome your 13 weeks closer to due date.

    Karen-Wonderful to see the lil sac right?

    Cindy- Congrats, Whoo hooo your lil boy! :drinker: Take it easy.

    Heather-LOL if she does bounce out, that will be a great tip for the rest of us.

    Well since last month the Dr had stated "there is nothing sticking out when he checked the gender I have said it's a girl, so the U/S should confirm it. If it ends up being a boy, it'll make my son very happy. But I don't doubt it's a girl, the sonogram last month was clear, it's just that the Dr didn't blurt out the words "it's a girl". :wink:
  • carlydonathan
    carlydonathan Posts: 27 Member
    Hello ladies!

    Just wanted to say hello to everyone, this thread always has so many replies it's great to see how everyone is doing and how they're progressing.

    I have been keeping up with working out and trying to eat right. I bought the Lindsay Brin series and I really like it. Her reference to buttocks as "buncakes" has something less to be desired but the workouts make up for it. I also bought Summer Sanders and like hers as well.

    For the ladies that run, did you cut down on your mileage since you've been pregnant? I was running 5-6 miles 3 days/week but now I go 2-3 miles now. I would like to keep my running up because I deferred to run the Marine Corps Marathon in 2012. I hope to keep running outside until it gets bad out and then I'm going to run the track inside my gym.

    Good luck everyone on your endeavors this month! My goals are to workout 5x's/week, eat within my calorie range, get protein in my diet, and drink my water! Have a good night!
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Welcome to all the new faces! You have found a fantastic group of supportive women that are committed to taking care of themselves and their growing babies with healthy nutrition and exercise. It's an active board, which makes sense with such active ladies!

    Ellie and I got in a three mile run this morning. It was 33 degrees when we went out the door. Brrrr.... She looked so darn cute all bundled in her warm jammies and coat/pram/whatever you call it! Maybe I will put up a picture for a bit. We've also gotten in the walks with my first babies (dogs) all three days so far this week.

    Ash, great job on zumba, toning and walking. You should have nothing to worry about with looking fab for your friends wedding. Did you see my note at the end of the October board?

    Ashley, so happy to hear your neighbors got their dog back. I would be devastated if something happened to one of my girls! You are continuing to rock the workouts - keep it up! As for the dizziness, I got that off and on during my pregnancy. Most the time I racked it up to orthostatic hypotension, but it is quite common in pregnancy.

    Heather, you are doing great with the workouts. I forgot to comment about your neighbor - I think for people who were fairly sedentary during their pregnancy that the "stroll" can sometimes be enough of a shake up to start the labor process. Unfortunately for people like us, who remained so very active during pregnancy, a stroll or even a hard core workout is nothing new and shocking to the body. My family joked after I was well past my due date that I needed to just camp on the couch eating junk food to shock my body! Of course I didn't try it, but maybe it would work?!

    AmyR, praying for a happy appointment tomorrow!

    bmfrazie, I like your stretching goal. My right hamstring has been extra tight and I need to do some extra stretching too.

    Elce, good for you for recognizing and putting yourself back on track. Try not to be too hard on yourself. We all gain weight so differently during pregnancy. I had some jumps and gained the majority of my weight second trimester. I hardly gained at all in the third. You can do this! Great goals.

    dexters, I agree with Heather - anything you've already been doing should be safe just don't start adding all kinds of new workouts. If you aren't comfortable with that (and as always) check with your physician and follow their advice.

    Rayna, yeah for the yoga helping with the soreness. I miss my prenatal yoga class! And Yum! for Starbucks holiday drinks ;-)

    Andreamichelle, scary stuff! Praying all turns out well for you.

    Brenda, definitely getting cold here too. Great for getting out even in the not so pleasant weather, you've been doing awesome with staying active. Enjoy the ultrasound tomorrow!

    Taldie, glad you've gotten the workouts in and have help from the in-laws. Follow your gut on the class, if it's too much for your plate right now maybe it is best to drop it. Taking care of your little one and the precious life growing inside you is most important right now.

    baslieac, good to hear from you. Sounds like the little one is growing :-)

    imperfect511, great working out! I love yoga and found it to be especially awesome during pregnancy.

    Misti, glad to hear all is well. Ellie was always kicking the doppler off too! Your weight gain is excellent - great job with continuing to be active and eat well.

    Rosanna, good to hear from you. I sometimes have the same battle with the worries, just shake it off and get back on the bus. You've done so well with eating right and exercising that an off day here and there should be just fine. Gosh, 30 weeks already. Love the photo.

    jchecca, ugh! I hate losing power. Hope everyone you love is safe.

    kah78, ahhh....the first trimester hard as it is, I found getting out the door and running actually gave me more energy. Good luck, we are here to help keep you moving!

    Cindy, your weight gain sounds awesome! Glad to hear from you and that you are hanging in there. Yay on the baby boy!!

  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    carly, I ran my entire pregnancy. In the beginning I didn't adjust at all and ran four days a week, maybe 15-18 miles a week. As I progressed I eventually cut back to three runs a week, but was still doing 10 miles a week all the way until my daughter was born. My pace slowed considerably and I definitely felt like a slug! I've been back to running for the past two weeks now (I had an unplanned c-section so had to lay low for the first six weeks) and I forgot how incredibly easy it is to run when you aren't pregnant!! Good luck to you - we are here to help you reach your goals.
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    LEVARMYWIFE01 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! I searched for pregnancy topics and came across this forum! I just found out today that I am pregnant! :) I was actually in the hospital waiting to have surgery done and the nurse came in and said that the good news was I couldn't have surgery because I was pregnant. My husband and I are beyond thrilled! We have been trying for almost 11 years to have a baby. He just got back from deployment a month ago and to our wonder, God has blessed us over and over! Thank you for starting this post! I love reading everyone's posts on here! :) Blessings ladies!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    LEVARMYWIFE01 - How exciting! Congratulations to you, and welcome to the group!
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    Hi! I searched for pregnancy topics and came across this forum! I just found out today that I am pregnant! :) I was actually in the hospital waiting to have surgery done and the nurse came in and said that the good news was I couldn't have surgery because I was pregnant. My husband and I are beyond thrilled! We have been trying for almost 11 years to have a baby. He just got back from deployment a month ago and to our wonder, God has blessed us over and over! Thank you for starting this post! I love reading everyone's posts on here! :) Blessings ladies!

    congrats, 11 years very long time
    i got to know a day b4 yesterday after trying 4.5 years, after giving the blood sample it was too hard to pass 30 minutes to know the results.
    and after 27 minutes i was standing on lab counter to receive my report and any one could see my how confused I was

    then the guy came with the report and handed me over, i read POSITIVE but could recollect should it be positive or negative, then i showed the lady at reception "Am I supposed to see the Dr again"
    "OK this is positive, this means u r pregnant"

    that time there were tears in my eyes, i said thanks and turned back

    and the first think i could think of "Prostration to God"