Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-November 2011



    LEVARMYWIFE01 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you so much! I am so glad to see all the support and motivation on here from all of you!
    LEVARMYWIFE01 Posts: 6 Member
    Aww...congratulations! It still hasn't sunk in for me yet! :)
  • scutes
    scutes Posts: 13
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm new to this forum and love the idea of a support network as we go through this journey. I am 13 weeks along and am feeling great. I am one of the lucky few who did not have any morning sickness, although I could still get some but it's not very likely. I had a dating ultrasound a week ago and saw the baby move. I giggled like a school girl! It was amazing. I heard the heartbeat the other day and had a similar response. Whenever I feel stressed or down or worried, I just think of the tiny baby in my belly and it brings a smile to my face.

    It seems like people are posting workout goals. Here are mine:
    Monday - Zumba
    Tuesday - Weights
    Wednesday - Yoga
    Thursday - Walk with hubby
    Friday - Zumba
    Saturday - Swim
    Sunday - Walk with hubby

    I am researching and starting to formulate a birthing plan. My goal is a natural birth. A water birth sounds the most intruguing to me. Had anyone done this? And feedback or tips?

    Sorry for the long winded post. I am just starting to tell people so I haven't had a chance to really talk about it much and I have a lot of thoughts running through my head!

    Thanks for listening!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Good morning and welcome new mamas!

    Not much to report; just wanted to do my daily check in. Last night I had intentions of doing something active the hour in between work and dinner with my girlfriends, but that something ended up being relaxing on the couch. I had walked around to some meetings and errands earlier, so I did get a little activity in. Tonight I plan on swimming a mile. I haven't made it to yoga b/c typically Eric and I go on Wednesday, but he headed to Lexington to watch UK play and I went to dinner. That means I really want to make it a goal to try out my new prenatal yoga DVD this weekend some time. Other than that, I plan on devoting most of my weekend to studying for my exam on the 17th. I'm ready to get that out of the way and for Thanksgiving to be here! We're headed to Wilmington NC to spend the holiday with my parents, sister and her family. She has a 2.5 year old and is also preggo with her second so that shoudl be fun! If nothing else, I'm looking forward to the 6 days off work. Enjoy your Thriday! Weekend is almost here!

  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Good morning and welcome to all the newcomers! Please read the first post on the board and jump right on in! :)

    Rachel I'm an Army wife as well...what does your hubby do and where are you stationed at? We are in Missouri and my husband is a helicopter pilot. :)

    Holly I've ate my fair share of junk food (in conjunction with my normal healthy yummy food of course) the past few weeks or so....but I don't do laying around doing nothing very well lol! And my best friend that I workout with and I always joke about the same thing. She is a runner as well and worked out up until the day before she gave birth. Whenever we'd hear people say "go for a walk" to get the baby out we'd just laugh and say we'd have to walk across the state for that to possibly work! And I LOVE Ellie's little face! She is so darling and sweet. Thank you so much for sharing with us. You are doing awesome and I'm sure it feels amazing to get back out there and run with her on the OUTSIDE! :) Oh and I keep forgetting to ask you...have you tried the Tracy Anderson Mat workout and if you have, what do you think?

    Ash I forgot to comment about the wedding...I'm sorry. I agree with Holly, I don't think you will have anything to worry about. I'm sure you will look amazing. Also, I too plan on breastfeeding and don't have any plans any time soon to leave my baby for longer than an hour or two (and even that is hard to wrap my head around at this moment). I don't blame you for not wanting to leave the baby for a long period of time at that point. You might want to talk to her and let her know your concerns and that you will want to have the baby there to feed and that there might be times where you have to work around the baby's schedule for it. I'm sure she will still want you in the wedding and willing to let you be a little flexible with the baby.

    Kim hope all is well.

    So ladies...was thinking we should all have input on what we call the next board of Fit and Fabulous MOMMIES!?! What do you ladies think?

    I'm feeling pretty good this morning. I'm so grateful for the mornings. My body feels good...I have a decent amount of energy...and I feel like I can do this forever! It isn't until around noon most days that things start going down hill...but at least I have the mornings to feel normal :) I plan on getting on the treadmill this morning for an hour and then going over to my friend's house and doing at least 20 minutes of arm strength training/toning. It is a rainy, cold, dreary day....but life is good.

    Hope you ladies have a wonderful fit and healthy day!
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Welcome to all of the new comers. It is great to add to our fast moving group.

    I am so excited with the adjustments we are making to our house. We are only 9 weeks along and I love that my husband is already wanting to get everything situated for our new little addition. Last night he was downstairs working for several hours on moving around furniture to create a new space for our office to fit. We most likely won't move the desks though until after Christmas. Then we will start working on getting the nursery set up!

    I have a second phone interview today for a banking job. Fingers crossed that this will be followed by an face to face interview.
    However, tomorrow I have an interview for a different job. I really hope that I can get a job soon though. I might have to go shopping today to get something to wear to my interview because my dress pants aren't fitting any more.
  • millionsofpeaches
    Abeare – I have had a hard time tracking as well. I have mine set to maintenance which is 2100 calories! When I log, I usually hit around 1700-1900 so I figure that is okay. If I am hungry, I eat more… It is as simple as that.

    Mistibergman – That is so cute! He is probably in awe of the little life inside of you… It is pretty surreal if you think about it.

    Dexters – Congratulations!!!

    Abeare – It could be sciatica where the nerves are pinched in your back. It is very common for pregnant women. I have read that sleeping on your left side is the best for baby… Make sure you aren’t sleeping on your back!

    Emrogers – 7 lbs is not that bad! You will be fine. Everyone gains differently… I would for sure cut out on the pop or perhaps get the smaller cans. My grocery sells baby 7.5 oz ones. I was craving Coke a week ago and bought those. It did the trick!

    Rosannabarbarofl – Cupcakes sound good.

    Jchecca & Anyone on the East Coast – Sorry about the power problems… Hopefully that is not a prelude to this coming winter.

    Levarmywife01 – Congratulations on your pregnancy!!! This is my favorite forum.

    I am waiting for the sickness to subside… My nausea was replaced by throwing up most meals. I am able to keep Cheerios down, strawberries, apples, pineapple, bagels and cream cheese, and a few other bland foods. It sucks because all I want is Mexican food. I made soft tacos last night with ground turkey. It came right back up. It seems to be the meat that is making me sick… I am just worried that the baby is not getting enough of what he/she needs. Has anyone else experienced this? I tried almonds and peanut butter and it came right back up. Ugh.

    Other than that, I got in my walk yesterday and bought a yoga DVD! I am going to go to my first yoga class tomorrow so wish me luck! Do you ladies log your walks? I never do… I am wondering if it is worth logging the yoga? I am going to try a run this weekend. My goal is 2 miles. I have completely slacked off in the running category. This usually happens for me in the fall. I did the same thing last year after the marathon. I was so sick of running and needed a break. I am not going to sweat it. When it gets really cold out I plan on going up to the gym at the college. They have an indoor track. I can run a lap walk a lap.

    I also have a question for your ladies about winter coats. I picked up one at Target for $60 and thought it was a bit steep. It is pretty cute. I wanted to pick one up before they were all picked over. I looked online and saw some at old navy for around the same price. Any tips on where else I can look to find one under $60? I am on a tight budget and new clothes are really not a priority.
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Millionsofpeaches I actually picked up the cutest coat from a baby consignment shop. It looks brand new and I paid $30.
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    heather-just noticed only five days left-good luck and congrats

    did winsor Pilates that I used to do last month but after 10 minutes i thought its enough for a start...i dont i am still very apprehensive..

    but i did arms workout and I definitely hold my baby with fab ballet dancers arms. i could feel the burn,

    has anybody tried Sara Ivanhoe candlelight yoga, is it good as prenatal?
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    I am waiting for the sickness to subside… My nausea was replaced by throwing up most meals. I am able to keep Cheerios down, strawberries, apples, pineapple, bagels and cream cheese, and a few other bland foods. It sucks because all I want is Mexican food. I made soft tacos last night with ground turkey. It came right back up. It seems to be the meat that is making me sick… I am just worried that the baby is not getting enough of what he/she needs. Has anyone else experienced this? I tried almonds and peanut butter and it came right back up. Ugh.

    peaches, never had morning sickness. I just had a constant naseau all day long. My doctor even perscribed anti-naseau medication and sometimes it worked and soemtimes it didn't.

    I ended up eating approx every 2 hours. Nuts, salted almonds, hummus, flat bread, dried fruits, TONS of fresh fruits, sometimes cubed chicken, some veggies and lots and lots of sprite mixed with water. I never ate a "sit down" meal. It just seemed like everything was to heavy and wouldn't really stayed down- so I just ate what I could and made sure I stayed up to par with my prenatals.

    My naseau finally curbed about week 19...and I finally got that energy boost everyone talks about about week 20.

    Hang in there!

    hang in there!!
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Hi everyone! Happy Thursday:0)

    Welcome scutes!!!! I'm so happy for you to join:0) scutes is actually my sister-in-law and is expecting her first baby too. So our kids will be the same age. I am so excited. It was always a joke with my husband's sisters (which are both older) that we had to have kids first. Well I guess that was true since I got pregnant first, hehe. Now their other sister just needs to join:0)

    For water births see if your area has any classes. I know at my hospital you can have a water birth if you take a class and your mid-wife/doctor is ok with a water birth. I know at my hospital you actually have to rent the pool and then buy a liner to go in it. I'm actually going to ask my mid-wife about it my next appointment. I am also very interested in it. Some birthing centers already have pools in their rooms.

    dexters_dexterity: Great job on the Pilates, just listen to your body.

    bmfrazie: Good luck, I hope you get a job soon. Sounds like you are on track:)

    millionsofpeaches: Where did you come up with your screen name? It's cute... I hope you start feeling better. That's awesome you are still getting workouts in. I also ate Cheerios when I had morning sickness and they seemed to stay down. Now I'm sick of them after eating them every morning for 3 months in the beginning. -- For coats, do you have any consignment shops around you? You may also check Craigslist. Maternity cloths are so ridiculously over priced for the amount of time you actually wear them.

    Holly: Ellie is adorable all bundled up. Love it! I bet she will be your running buddy when she is older:)

    Heather: I'm glad to hear you are doing well. You are doing awesome with your workouts.

    Some ideas for the new boards name:
    Fit & Fab Post-Pregnancy
    Fit & Fabulous Moms Post-Pregnancy
    Fit & Fabulous After Baby

    Just a few ideas:)

    AFM: I'm feeling great. Went to Zumba yesterday and went on a walk with the hubby and our pup last night. Then I took a nice warm bath since my legs were a little sore from doing Zumba 2 days in a row. I plan to do my treadmill tonight and probably another walk. We are really working on training our dog to walk better on the leash. She is a lab and loves to pull. So far she has been making good progress. Our goal is to have her walking great on the leash by the time Hannah arrives that way I can walk with both alone.

    Hope you all have an awesome day!

  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Morning guys -

    Lots of new folks - welcome! :flowerforyou: To everyone else: wow so much going on, we are active women for sure!!

    Hubby finished painting the nursery last night and I just felt warm tears of joy running down my cheeks. It looks awesome. The white furniture & the bedding against the ice blue walls makes it stand out that much more. We still need to accessorize but I'm at ease knowing the necessary items are in place.

    We also cancelled our gym membership last week. We have a soft trail that we use daily and bikes that we can ride. Once we have the baby we can use the multi terrain stroller gifted to us by my SIL....But, one thing I didn't consider was this cold weather!! SO...Although we have dicussed the home yoga DVD's like a million times can you guys give me a quick run down of the ones you like the best? Pretty please? :embarassed:

    Great job to everyone on their daily goals and STAY AWAY from the sweets!!
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    peaches....I hate to be the buzz kill but pineapple is on the No No list for pregnancy. I wanted to cry when I found this out :cry:
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Ash--have they picked the dresses for the wedding yet? If not, maybe you could give some "input". I've had several friends in that situation-- my one friend got an empire-waisted bridesmaid dress--it wasn't a maternity bridesmaid dress, but she could fit into it post-partum, and it still looked great as she slimmed back down--she just didn't have to worry about whether she would fit into it. I had another friend who got those "infinity dresses" for her bridesmaids--they are made of a stretchy fabric, and she let her gals tie the straps however they wanted--according to their personal taste. The stretch worked great post-partum, and the different strap tying options made it much easier for her to easily slip away and breast-feed during the wedding, etc, instead of needing to completely undress. I actually have one in black, and I have seen pics of very pregnant ladies wearing them, so I'm anticipating it working as a materinity dressy dress if I need one. As an aside, one of my bridesmaids was a month post-partum for my wedding, and I only WISH I had thought to be sensitive to that issue. (She ended up getting a bigger size and getting it tailored a few weeks before the wedding--they weren't expensive dresses, so it worked--but after I had a baby, I felt like a CLOD, looking back on it.)

    Anyone else have suggestions?

    As for the pineapple--I never had any issues with it, but then again, I never ate a ton of it at a time. Hey Heather, maybe you need to go get you some pineapple to get that baby out of there!
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Happy Thursday!

    Welcome Levarmywife & Scutes!! :wink:

    Bmfrazie-Good luck on your interview.

    Babeed-How exciting! Share your pix when you're ready. I bet it's lovely!

    Heather-Glad to hear you have good mornings and are enjoying it. How is your pain, better?

    I like Nicholes suggestion:
    Fit & Fab Post-Pregnancy

    Holly-Ellie is beautiful. I love her outfit.
    I am always cold, but I bundle up to walk. I don't care if people stare because I am warm, that's all that matters, right?

    Ladies, I couldn't sleep of the excitement & felt somewhat nauseous of the Ultrasound happening 2:30PM Pac, it's still a couple hours later but I am anxious. LOL :love:

    After, a good clean in the home I looked for free onlin prenatal yoga videos and found the Prenatal Yoga Center's videos are viewable. My backache felt way better. Although, all this housework made me hungry at 3:30 am. :blushing: I drank a small cup of skim milk. :drinker:
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Hi all I just wanted to pop in quickly to share this article...
    My husband heard about it yesterday... It's about Johnson & Johnson baby products (shampoos etc) that contain two potentially cancer-causing chemicals - the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics has been trying for two years to get them to remove it with no success.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Hi all I just wanted to pop in quickly to share this article...
    My husband heard about it yesterday... It's about Johnson & Johnson baby products (shampoos etc) that contain two potentially cancer-causing chemicals - the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics has been trying for two years to get them to remove it with no success.

    WOW!! And here I had my coupons lined up to buy some of these!! :angry:

    Johnson and Johnson's Baby Shampoo,
    Oatmeal Baby Wash and
    Aveeno Baby Soothing Relief Creamy Wash contain 1,4-dioxane

    Thanks for sharing Rayna!
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Holly- you must have a different kind of running stroller. From what I learned you werent supposed to run with your baby untill they could hold thier head up. Just curious what kind do you have? Mines a chariot. If it works and its safe thats awsome. I dont know Im gonna go run with a toddler and a baby, dont really want to get a double. My daughter hates staying in the stroller right now anyways.

    Karen- we called our daughter peanut when she was growing and we still do. Poppy is super cute.

    Heather- hang in there, mabe you will have to be induced....

    I was going to work out last night but then got really tired and nauseaus around 8:30, went to bed by 9. Stupid nausea still coming back. Im either going to go for walk today on my lunch break or walk on the treadmill. Frig Im still torn on what to do about this course, do I just do it or hold off. Anyone else trying to do some school right now?
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    taldie, I have a BOB stroller that I am currently using with the infant seat adapter. Ellie is in her car seat and then hooked onto the stroller. She is very well supported and I have my pediatrician's blessing to be running with her. Trust me, I wouldn't be doing it if I didn't think she was safe! If I did not have the adapter, you are correct in that she is too young for the stroller.

    Also wanted to share a great blog with everyone -

    Hope everyone has a healthy Thursday :-)
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Holly- sorry I didnt want to sound critical, that system sounds like it does work well. Your lucky to be running so early on. I had to wait till mine could hold her head up to run with her in our stroller.

    Happy running!