Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-November 2011



  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Smilegirl, thanks for the perspective, it’s really great to hear from someone at exactly that stage. I still don’t know how I’ll feel 8 weeks after giving birth, but I hope my friend will understand that her bachelorette won’t be where my mind is (wishful thinking, she’s pretty self absorbed when it comes to anything about the wedding). The things is the baby will be home with my husband and I’ll be sure to have milk pumped beforehand so that the baby has food, but I never though that I’d need to pump because I’d be physically uncomfortable. So thank you for making me think of that too.

    Heather, thanks for the advise on the 3d, I never thought to ask where my placenta is placed. I’ll be sure to ask next visit!

    Elce, don’t worry too much about the gain, like everyone said it’s different for everyone. I gained 5lbs in my last appointment and was freaking out but realized that it will all even itself out. Just stay active and eat nutritious foods for the baby.

    Rayna, Costco sells poutine’s? I haven’t been in ages, but glad you enjoyed just don’t eat too many:P

    Andrea and Amy, fingers and toes are crossed for you two!

    Mistibergman, glad you got to hear the little one at the appointment, it’s so fun!

    Karen, June is a great time for a baby! So exited for you!
    Thanks for the suggestions on the dresses, I forgot about the fact that I’ll need something breastfeeding friendly as well as non fattening. I will have a say on my dress but wont really know how it looks on me till after I give birth, we have to go dress shoping will all the girls while I’m still prego. Oh and the other girls are tall thin blond haired blue eyes!

    Midnitedream, So happy for you, Boy oh Boy! So exiting!

    Levarmywife01, Congrats on the pregnancy, wow 11 years of TTC is a long time. It took us two and I was nearly ready to go nuts. You must be one strong woman!

    Millionsofpeaches, meat seemed to be what I body rejected too in my first trimester. Eggs were the only source of protein I was able to keep down. Hopefully yours doesn’t last too much longer.

    Babeed, you made me so sad when you said your energy boost didn’t come till 20 weeks, I’m still waiting for mine and the though of being this tired all the time for another few weeks makes me sad. Glad to hear you’re doing better though :P

    Nichole, nice burn the other day! Zumba & walk!

    Bmfrazie, never knew about the pineapple, thanks for the info!

    Luna, Enjoy the ultrasound!

    Ok this is getting too long now, this is one active board!

  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Taldie the LAST thing I want is to be induced! My doc already offered to put me on her schedule for an induction this week and I refused. I personally don't believe in getting induced for convenience purposes. There are several reasons as to why women need to be induced for medical reasons...and convenience in my book is not one of them.

    Also, there are lots of jogging strollers that have adapters that an infant carseat can be put onto that makes it safe for running. Most of my friends are running within a week or two after their babies are born in their running strollers. Makes for a good naptime for baby :)

    Brenda I'm sure everything will be awesome at your u/s! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers today! :)

    Karen if I believed that eating pineapple would help me to go into labor, I'd go buy out the store right now! lol Bromelain is an enzyme found in fresh pineapple as well as mangoes, papaya, and kiwis and is thought to POSSIBLY help to soften your cervix. But you'd have to eat a ton of fresh (not canned or juiced) fruit and even then the likelihood of it making you go into labor is very low. If pineapple was so dangerous for pregnant women to consume, there would be a warning label on it. There are a million old wives tales out there. I did find a yummy recipe for a pineapple mango smoothie to induce labor I might have to try...just for fun though :)

    babeed that's so sweet. Don't you just love that feeling that things are coming along and you are making room for baby?! It melts my heart when every once in a while I will find my husband standing at the doorway of the nursery looking in and I ask him what he's doing and he says "oh nothing...this sure is the happiest room in the house" lol. As for yoga dvd's I recommend Element Prenatal Yoga dvd (it also has a post-pregnancy part as well). The Crunch Yoga mama was a letdown and way too easy.

    Nichole I hope you have better luck than I do with training your dog to walk on the leash lol. Well actually she walks on the leash awesome (we sent her to a trainer and he "trained" her how to walk properly on the leash)....and she does awesome...until another person or dog comes into view then she acts like a 6 month old puppy again except she is almost 90lbs now! I hope one day that she does better. I'm so jealous with all the options you have for water births! I'd LOVE to have a water birth but they don't do that at any of the hospitals in this entire area! The only thing you can do is a home water birth and even then most certified nurse midwives won't birth homebirths around here and you have a "lay" midwife. They do have a jacuzzi tub you can labor in, but when it comes to birthing you have to get out. Oh and I love your suggestions for names! :)

    peaches it is totally normal to only be able to keep down easy to digest carbs during your "morning sickness" period/first trimester (hopefully it goes away soon!). Baby is fine and will get the nutrients they need. Lots and lots of women have morning sickness during their pregnancy and end up having very healthy babies. The only time you need to worry is when you have excessive vomiting throughout your entire pregnancy. That is when they begin to worry that baby isn't getting what they need due to dehydration and lack of nutrition. So keep on eating what you can and like I said, hopefully it subsides soon!

    bmfrazie good luck with your interview!

    scutes welcome! Have you thought about doing birthing classes like Bradley method or hypnobirthing? I am a RN as well as have been to many of my friends births so I thought I knew a lot but was really glad when I decided for my husband and I to take a natural birthing class. I learned so much and pray that what I learned is going to help me in my labor/delivery. Like I told Nichole, I wish I had the option to do a water birth because water does help me with pain, but they don't offer that here. So my plan is to stay home for as long as possible and take baths/showers to help ease the pain before going to the hospital. Good luck with everything and again welcome!

    Well I am human after With all of my energy I decided to do some nesting instead of working out this morning. The cold, rainy, overcast weather called for a day of sweat pants and housework. I have cleaned all the floors, the laundry is in the works of being done (cleaning all the sheets, hand towels, throw rugs as well), I baked some brownies and am thinking about doing some banana bread for my neighbor who had her baby (peace offering for being so ugly about her having her baby before I had mine lol...not that I was ugly to her, just to myself)...My sister is coming over for lunch and I feel like this is what I needed to do today.
  • rosannabarbaroflores
    Quick check-in with everyone to say Happy Thursday! Weekend is almost here.

    Disappointed that yesterday didn't go as planned. As a last minute decision I thought to finally get something new done to my hair, so I went with some highlights and a trim. Hoping to look fresh for the baby shower next week. But as a result didn't get home until after 9pm last night, and still hadn't eaten dinner. Needless to say a dog walk didn't happen especially because I feel the onset of a cold, and decided the best thing I could do for myself is sleep.

    Today is a new day. Dog walk and strength training are on the agenda if the mild pain in my side goes away. If it doesn't then I will likely switch up the strength training for yoga to see if I can stretch the pain away.

    Welcome to all the newcomers and glad to hear that overall everyone is doing well! I've got several of you on my mind and with fingers crossed that we keep getting good news about the progress of the baby and the pregnancy.

  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Taldie, I didn't think you were being critical at all! Just wanted to let you know that I was being safe ;-) Happy running to you too!

    Ash, glad the perspective helped a little, I still think you are going to look fantastic for the wedding! Praying that your energy returns soon!

    Nichole, I am all too familiar with leash manners and a Lab! I can tell you that both my dogs have adjusted quite well and have been very good with walking next to the stroller. Wishing you good luck. Exciting to have your sis-in-law join us - welcome scutes!!

    Heather, you are nesting for sure! I did the same things towards the end. I think I've told you before that I am horrible with exercise dvds - am waiting for a really nasty day to try out Tracy Anderson....I have a feeling it will be soon....oh, and I like Fit & Fabulous after Baby for the next board.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member

    i purchased a few dress maternity pants from motherhood & was gifted a few dress pants as well. My wardrobe is stocked as far as pants. The pant seam is cut under my belly and then I have the elastic that goes ALLLLL teh way up my tummy which is great. I sit all day, but I do try to get up and walk during breaks... But I'm find that this baby kicks me quite a bit and I think it's because the seam is cutting into my lower belly...

    Anyone else having a similar issue? Any suggestions??
  • __flexylexi
    __flexylexi Posts: 154 Member
    Hello :) dropping in to say hi and encourage the mamas working out

    I don't know if this has anything to do with my healthy diet/exercise during pregnancy, but apparently my son is "advanced" on his milestones. I really don't know, because I don't have a basis of comparison but doctors/other people have told me that he is ahead, because he was holding his head up at his 48 hr check, and now at 6 weeks he holds it up, turns around and looks, he is very alert and inquisitive. He also pushes himself up on tummy time already (started lifting his head at 2 weeks, even took a video) and can inch his way around... :) So I definitely just want to encourage everyone to keep trudging on with the workouts!

    I am enjoying motherhood so far, and his cooing and smiling make the sleepless nights worth it :)

    I started working out again at 3 weeks PP, and started my bodybuilding training plan last week, hopefully I can eventually be a cut mama :)

    Hopefully we have a group soon for post partum mommies :) take care guys and stay healthy!
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    Hi Lex, I'm not sure either but my son, 12 years ago was very much advanced. He was walking by 7 and a half months. Also, when he came out instead of crying he was cooing!!! Lol. Doctors response was, "what'd you eat during this pregnancy?" I think his advancement also had something to do with him being nursed. I also nursed a very long time close to two years, and not because I wanted too but because he never learned to take a bottle and I could NOT wean him off!! Lessons learned for this time around for sure. HA! My son is still a little brainiac and I want to credit that to him being nursed and because I played classical music. LOL.
    Hello :) dropping in to say hi and encourage the mamas working out

    I don't know if this has anything to do with my healthy diet/exercise during pregnancy, but apparently my son is "advanced" on his milestones. I really don't know, because I don't have a basis of comparison but doctors/other people have told me that he is ahead, because he was holding his head up at his 48 hr check, and now at 6 weeks he holds it up, turns around and looks, he is very alert and inquisitive. He also pushes himself up on tummy time already (started lifting his head at 2 weeks, even took a video) and can inch his way around... :) So I definitely just want to encourage everyone to keep trudging on with the workouts!

    I am enjoying motherhood so far, and his cooing and smiling make the sleepless nights worth it :)

    I started working out again at 3 weeks PP, and started my bodybuilding training plan last week, hopefully I can eventually be a cut mama :)

    Hopefully we have a group soon for post partum mommies :) take care guys and stay healthy!
  • AbsoluteLM
    AbsoluteLM Posts: 22 Member
    Hello! I just came across this wonderful forum!

    I am 14 weeks pregnant with my second (due May 2, 2012) and I am just getting back into tracking calories because my first tri weight gain has gotten out of control. I hope to also incorporate exercise (when my 21-month-old allows it) and slow down the weight gain and only gain 35-ish pounds this pregnancy.

    I'm looking forward to participating in this forum! Hope you'll have me!
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member

    i purchased a few dress maternity pants from motherhood & was gifted a few dress pants as well. My wardrobe is stocked as far as pants. The pant seam is cut under my belly and then I have the elastic that goes ALLLLL teh way up my tummy which is great. I sit all day, but I do try to get up and walk during breaks... But I'm find that this baby kicks me quite a bit and I think it's because the seam is cutting into my lower belly...

    Anyone else having a similar issue? Any suggestions??

    Haha! Funny you mention this because I wore my jeans today with the lower band and I was getting kicked while sitting at my desk. I also wondered if it was from the band being tighter on my tummy. haha!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member

    i purchased a few dress maternity pants from motherhood & was gifted a few dress pants as well. My wardrobe is stocked as far as pants. The pant seam is cut under my belly and then I have the elastic that goes ALLLLL teh way up my tummy which is great. I sit all day, but I do try to get up and walk during breaks... But I'm find that this baby kicks me quite a bit and I think it's because the seam is cutting into my lower belly...

    Anyone else having a similar issue? Any suggestions??

    Haha! Funny you mention this because I wore my jeans today with the lower band and I was getting kicked while sitting at my desk. I also wondered if it was from the band being tighter on my tummy. haha!

    Man!! Wonder how the babys gonna feel the closer we to our end date!! Needless to say, I''m wondering how these pants are going to fit by then!! LOL :laugh:
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I finally have a little time to catch up!

    Lexi – your little guys is adorable!!! Congrats on all his accomplishments so far!

    Rosanna – Hope you get your walk in tonight. Glad you were able to get your hair done last night – that always makes me feel better!

    Heather – I think it is perfectly fine to have missed one of your workouts – plus you were cleaning! Must have felt nice to have everything put in its place! Have you posted pics of your nursery? If so, I’m gonna have to search back through and find them!

    Ash – It’s so easy to get caught up in your own little wedding planning world when you are a bride, so don’t get offended if she is surprised that the bachelorette isn’t your top priority, haha. She’ll snap out of it, though.

    Brenda – Sounds like you made some great choices last night! WTG!!!

    Babeed – It must feel so great to have the nursery finished! New paint can do wonders for a room! And your “eating plan” sounds pretty smart and nutritious. I am starting to feel pretty queasy and those sound like good options.

    Nichole – Great job getting your exercise in this week! Oh, and Lab’s are soo strong! Good luck getting her under control!!

    Peaches – I plan on lots of consignment shopping – I haven’t gotten to that point yet, but with a June due date, I’m going to need a coat and some other warm maternity items. CT’s winter lasts until at least April, and I’ve been bundled up on Memorial Day, even!

    Welcomes newcomers!

    Thank you all for you kind words! I got my blood work back today – I went from 5670 on Monday evening to 13,230 this morning, which is good. Hooray! Now we just have the ultrasound Monday. I hope we see something, since it was “inconclusive” last time. Still restricted on exercise, but, whatever it takes to help this little baby out. Oh, and I got power back last night, woooohoo!!!! First time I slept in a warm bed since Friday! It was so wonderful!
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    for all of you that heard about the johnson and johnson issue:

    number one: johnson and johnson is not good for sensitive skin, we used it in our home briefly until my son's eczema became severe.

    number two: aveeno is so much more gentle for baby

    number three: if you have a baby with super sensitive skin or eczema, put lotion on after only blotting baby, so the skin is still slightly damp and absorbs the moisture better.

    number four: the aveeno oatmeal bath packets are amazing and do wonders. and for some reason, no pediatrician told me about them, i had to discover them on my own. pediatricians like to prescribe topical creams a lot more often then telling you to switch your baby's body wash.

    every time i've used johnson and johnson on my son, his skin became scaly and itchy. even recently, and he's almost three. we use nothing with perfumes on him ever.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Andrea - glad you got good numbers back! That's a good sign!

    I had my ultrasound today and unfortunately did not get the news we were hoping for. The baby is still there, but there is no heartbeat, and is measuring at 6 weeks rather than 8 weeks. :( Hubby and I are both crushed, and I think the hardest part is yet to come - telling our 13 year old when we pick her up from school in a little bit. She was so excited about being a big sister. Also not looking forward to the fact that the miscarriage is not complete, and hoping it will pass on it's own in the next week or so and I won't need a D&C.

    So sorry to be such a downer and bring sad news, but wanted to let you know - thanks to all for the kind words, prayers and support. I may still lurk around here for a bit because I'm still wanting to know how you all are doing. :) This really is a great group.
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    AmyRhubarb - I am so sorry :frown: your news just breaks my heart. You and your family are in my prayers - I think the majority of us here have been through similar situations, just know you are not alone and we are all here to support you. Again I am so sorry and I am sending you positive thoughts and well wishes.
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    ahhh...AmyR....there are no words. I will be praying for you and your family.

  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Amy---Sooooo sorry that you did not get the news you wanted to hear. I wish there were more we could do than cyberhugs and words of support....but I hope they help you feel supported as you and your family cope. Hugs hugs hugs....
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    AmyRhubarb - So sorry to hear this news. Your family will be in my prayers.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Amy I'm so sorry...My heart goes out to you! Prior to this pregnancy I had two miscarriages one right after the other. It was heartbreaking and no matter what anyone said it didn't make it any better. So just know that we are here for you and you can hang around as long as you'd like. Please be kind to yourself and get the rest your body will need. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. :(
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    I'm really sorry to hear this Amy. You and your family are in my prayers.

    I had my ultrasound today and unfortunately did not get the news we were hoping for. The baby is still there, but there is no heartbeat, and is measuring at 6 weeks rather than 8 weeks. :( Hubby and I are both crushed, and I think the hardest part is yet to come - telling our 13 year old when we pick her up from school in a little bit. She was so excited about being a big sister. Also not looking forward to the fact that the miscarriage is not complete, and hoping it will pass on it's own in the next week or so and I won't need a D&C.

    So sorry to be such a downer and bring sad news, but wanted to let you know - thanks to all for the kind words, prayers and support. I may still lurk around here for a bit because I'm still wanting to know how you all are doing. :) This really is a great group.
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Amy- thoughts & prayers with you, so sorry to hear.

    On another note, everything is good baby is measuring & weighing what should be. Mom,Hubby & me enjoyed every movement she made, and yes it was confirmed it's a girl!!! :smooched:

    Busy day so we went to dinner at Tony Roma's I had mahi mahi fish & sweet potatoes & some onion loaf to feed my hunger from earlier.

    Well ill check in tomorrow.