Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-November 2011



  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    I have been lurking around here the last few weeks since we got our BFP on the 10th. I had my first appt and U/S yesterday-- I figured I was 6 wks, 1 day, but the sac measures 6 wks 4 days. I go back on Dec 7th for another U/S. I am nervous to come out onto the boards since we had a loss in the spring...but the doc says everything looks great, so here I am...cautiously, but here! We aren't telling the family until we confirm the heartbeat and maybe a few weeks after that. My doc's U/S machine in his office doesn't get the same kind of resolution as the one in the hospital, so I am anxious for the 7th when we will be further along and able to see more!

    I have really been enjoying creeping around the thread, and you guys have kept me motivated to stay on track with my exercise up until this weekend when I got ultra all day sickness and some spotting...the doctor also said not to worry about that (old blood) sorry if TMI! but he put me on progesterone to play it safe, and gave me some meds for the sickness. I don't think calories count if you can't keep them down! I am feeling a lot better today, so I will get back out and do a nice long, brisk walk!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Morning gals! Super quick check in until I get some time to jump back on-

    Doctors apt went well. Heartbeat sounds strong and doctor confirmed (again) that I do indeed have a wiggle worm in there. Like I didn't already know that :laugh: my tummy measurements are right on scale.

    On another note, he wants me to do the Gestational Diabetes for the 3rd time. Ugh...he said because I'm high risk he just wants to make sure that we are covering all our bases. So next time I go in, I'll be doing the 3 hour testing. Better safe than sorry.

    On another not so pleasant note** I was down 16 lbs through my first trimester & into my early second trimester. Again, no dieting just a natural body reaction. Well, now I'm up 11 lbs!! :sad: :sad: :sad: According to my doctor is 11 lbs total throughout teh pregnancy. Not just one month- but somehow that just didn't make me feel any better and the water works were in full gear.

    SO he has given me the green light to do cardio 5 x week (no more than 150 hr) and do weight lifting no more than 3 x week and NO MORE than 10 lbs. He did tell me to STAY AWAY from all fruits (since we had this problem in my 1st trimester) and focus more on protien & veggies.

    Since I cancelled my gym membership does anyone have any good excercise DVDS??? I just purchased Heathers Element Yoga and a Pilates for pregnant women- any others out there that I can do at home???
  • rosannabarbaroflores
    Happy Tuesday ladies!

    Haven't had time to comment on posts, but love reading about everyone and how you're all doing!

    I have not been doing well regarding my fitness these last several weeks. I just can't seem to get consistent. I fell off the wagon and just can't get any solid footing back on. :grumble: Very frustrated. :grumble:
    My diet has been ok, though far from amazing. I have been SLACKING in my veggie intake. I was never this way. I used to get plenty of veggies in daily. Now they don't cross my mind.
    I am going to set more conservative goals this week. Maybe I can work up to meeting my optimal goals again.
    Eat out 1x
    Walk 3x
    Yoga 1x
    Strength 1x
    Make sure to hit my 8 glasses water/day. Veggies with dinner daily. Fruit with lunch & dinner daily. (Like I said, starting small)

    Wish me luck!

    33 weeks, 0 days
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Good morning! Welcome to the new people and congrats on good u/s, new pregnancies, etc.

    I didn't really set any goals for this week since we'll be traveling and it's Thanksgiving and I plan on indulging, but I still wanted to try to get some activity in this week. Yesterday I walked to run work errands and to a meeting for a combined time of about 35 minutes so I didn't end up doing anything else after work. I plan on some strength and walking on the treadmill after work today if my foot is doing OK. It still hurts pretty bad so I think running is out for this week. I reckon we'll get some walking in at my parents' with the dogs; (we'll have ours and my sister will have her 2). Mostly I just want my stupid foot to feel better. It irritates me that something like a sore foot is keeping me from working out like I want to, but I don't want to injure myself so I'll take it relatively easy this week.

    We take off for NC tomorrow morning and I'll be gone through Monday. I'll keep up with the posts but doubt I'll write much. HOpe you all have a great holiday!

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Well...I've apparently gained THREE pounds this week!! WTH!!! I know it's my own fault, but what a bummer. I'm actually hoping that I'm retaining some water due to the heavy foods I've been eating! It sucks because I gained so much my first pregnancy and I swore I wouldn't do it again! But I feel like I'm falling into that path, even though I'm continuing to exercise (something which I did not do at ALL my first pregnancy). So I really hope that I can find a balance and not go over-board with the weight gain. I'm 20 weeks tomorrow and have gained (gulp) 14 pounds (according to the scale this morning...which I hope, like I said, is with some water retention)! I am totally disappointed in myself, but also kind of don't understand...because I AM continuing to exercise, and I AM eating fairly balanced meals. I think the hardest part for me, was I wasn't at maintainence calories before becoming pregnant...I was eating very minimal calories as I was still trying to lose having to bump up to maintainence right away was hard...I've never found that balance yet. And so I gained quite a bit that first trimester, and now that I'm trying to add in a few extra calories daily, I'm still gaining!!! ARGH!!!

    Sorry for the vent...just really bugging me!!!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Well...I've apparently gained THREE pounds this week!! WTH!!! I know it's my own fault, but what a bummer. I'm actually hoping that I'm retaining some water due to the heavy foods I've been eating! It sucks because I gained so much my first pregnancy and I swore I wouldn't do it again! But I feel like I'm falling into that path, even though I'm continuing to exercise (something which I did not do at ALL my first pregnancy). So I really hope that I can find a balance and not go over-board with the weight gain. I'm 20 weeks tomorrow and have gained (gulp) 14 pounds (according to the scale this morning...which I hope, like I said, is with some water retention)! I am totally disappointed in myself, but also kind of don't understand...because I AM continuing to exercise, and I AM eating fairly balanced meals. I think the hardest part for me, was I wasn't at maintainence calories before becoming pregnant...I was eating very minimal calories as I was still trying to lose having to bump up to maintainence right away was hard...I've never found that balance yet. And so I gained quite a bit that first trimester, and now that I'm trying to add in a few extra calories daily, I'm still gaining!!! ARGH!!!

    Sorry for the vent...just really bugging me!!!

    Right there with ya sister!! Hopefully we can all learn to balance together, because to be honest that my be my biggest challenge yet!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Well...I've apparently gained THREE pounds this week!! WTH!!! I know it's my own fault, but what a bummer. I'm actually hoping that I'm retaining some water due to the heavy foods I've been eating! It sucks because I gained so much my first pregnancy and I swore I wouldn't do it again! But I feel like I'm falling into that path, even though I'm continuing to exercise (something which I did not do at ALL my first pregnancy). So I really hope that I can find a balance and not go over-board with the weight gain. I'm 20 weeks tomorrow and have gained (gulp) 14 pounds (according to the scale this morning...which I hope, like I said, is with some water retention)! I am totally disappointed in myself, but also kind of don't understand...because I AM continuing to exercise, and I AM eating fairly balanced meals. I think the hardest part for me, was I wasn't at maintainence calories before becoming pregnant...I was eating very minimal calories as I was still trying to lose having to bump up to maintainence right away was hard...I've never found that balance yet. And so I gained quite a bit that first trimester, and now that I'm trying to add in a few extra calories daily, I'm still gaining!!! ARGH!!!

    Sorry for the vent...just really bugging me!!!

    Right there with ya sister!! Hopefully we can all learn to balance together, because to be honest that my be my biggest challenge yet!

    You know, it's actually kind of comforting to know that someone else is in my shoes! How far along are you? I can't remember...wish we all still had our tickers!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member

    I know, the trackers made it so much easier!

    I'm currently at 24 weeks- 25 weeks on Sunday :happy: and I'm although I know that the weight gain will be an on going process I'm hoping I can control how much I gain?
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    kristinbee/babeed - first off...what happened to those tickers!! i miss them!!! and secondly...i hear ya. this is my first and i have gained a lot more weight than i woudl like. i am just trying to stay focused right now - get in my veggies/protein and am trying to stay away from lots of carbs and sweets (which has been hard for me this whole pregnancy!!) but stay positive!!! we can totally do it!!!

    so i had a really exciting night last night!!! i have been getting this feeling in my lower stomach for the past week - kinda on and off - feels like a slow rhythmic heartbeat. so i got it again last night when we were out to dinner for my brother in laws birthday and i go on my phone to do a little research and found out my little guy had the hiccups!!!! i had heard of people feeling them...but didnt know what they felt like!!! so i was super happy and grinning from ear to ear for the rest of the night!! that is just such a human quality and to know he has them inside of me is just amazing :) i love it!!

    i am going to try to stay on track this weekend! definitely will be enjoying the holiday...but within reason! i want to make it a point to walk at least 30-40 minutes every day while we're away and just focus on eating more good than bad! I was debating bringing my prenatal yoga dvd to my mother in laws house...but have decided against it because its just going to be a zoo at her house. so the best i can do is pack my walking shoes and hit the pavement!!

    probably will not be writing a bunch for the next couple days as we'll be on the road...but will hopefully check in at some point! hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!!! :flowerforyou:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    jchecca...yes, Kadence had the hiccups ALL the time!! I loved that feeling!! And it was something that others could feel also!! Remind me again how far along you are?

    I had done some looking and I guess there were some obscene signatures and so we don't get them anymore, and from what I can see we won't be getting them back either. Bummer. You can add you MFP weightloss ticker, but no signatures. Oh well!! I will try and remember to post how far along I am like some of you have been doing.

    Kristin--19 weeks 6 days
  • imachicmom
    28 weeks...gained 25 lbs... not because of the baby but because I started eating simple carbs again and stopped exercising! yikes!!!! Its a new day....removing simple starches from my diets and adding more veggies....and I'll start my elliptical again today...dr said it was okay! I hope to lose 10 lbs before the baby comes in February.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hmmm...this would be interesting to far along everyone is and how much you've will hold us all accountable to post! :)


    Kristin...20 weeks (tomorrow)...12 pounds gained :(
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Morning fabulous ladies!

    I headed out for a very dark evening run, about 4kms, my HR was about 157-165... I tried to do some walk breaks to bring it down. Felt great after not running at all this past weekend.Aquasize tonight! Going to walk on the treadmill for 30mins at lunch.

    Back has been hurting lately feels like a pinched nerve.

    17 weeks
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Heather-Great to hear you & Charlee are fine. Yay for the bonding time. I am sure you'll get back on your walks soon, take it easy & enjoy Ms Charlee.

    Amanda-Glad to hear you're feeling better. Hope your complete OB U/S around your 20 weeks the Dr can let your hubby be in your room .

    Roobean-Walking the dog counts, that's my workout really and I add some PYoga here & there.

    MrsJax-Good thoughts your fou and your lil one.


    BMfrazie-Good luck on your appt!

    Babeed-How exciting getting more items for your lil champs room. Congrats for you to get back on your workouts, also i think 11 lbs is good.

    Ashley-Enjoy your time off! i will also be out of town and might not have access to the PC until Sat.

    Kalee- Congrats for Kallon, he's a cutie.

    Rayna- Mason's room looks great, I love the bedding and the colors. I also love your belly pix too cute!

    Jessica-Good workout, you must have inspired those neighbors. lol Excited for my days off too. Enjoy!

    Misti-Good luck on your GC results, my test is next Friday not looking forward. Excited to BFriday shop too!

    Kcurtis05- I bet you're anxious for 12-08-11 to come, any hopes for boy or girl?

    Taldie-Great job on your run! No fun if your back is hurting, maybe try some yoga to open the chest and shoulders it might help.

    Shelley-All the food sounds yummy, I think it'll be hard this week to eat healthy for me, I am looking forward to pumpkin pie!!!
    Congrats for your lil girl! I bet your hubby & son will warm up along the way.

    AFM: We walked for 20 mins last night. I am packing tonight and we drive to Cali tomorrow. :bigsmile:
    Work has been extremely busy and more projects keep popping up.
    Funny thing, at 2 am I got up to the RR, opened the door for the doggies to go out and drank like 3 oz of OJ, as soon as I got back in bed I felt her move alot. I think I am feeling her stretch her legs across to the left of the belly. Haahaa

    My hubby still hasn't been able to feel her movements, when he touches. Maybe in a couple more weeks.

    So I enter my 7th month next week, Wow time is flying by.

    As for my weight gain I am still at 7lb gain, (please keep in mind I wasn't at my loss goal BP) and haven't dieted during pregnancy but, I tend not to overeat, I get full quickly. I hope I can be at this same weight gain when I go to the Dr on 12-02-11.

    ~Brenda~26 weeks today.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    I'm watching "Laugh and Learn About Breastfeeding", highly recommended it. I borrowed it from the library. Here is what looks like:

  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hmmm...this would be interesting to far along everyone is and how much you've will hold us all accountable to post! :)


    Kristin...20 weeks (tomorrow)...12 pounds gained :(

    I like this idea:

    30 weeks and 4 days (EDD 1/25)
    19.5 pounds gained as of last Thursday (I'll weigh again tomorrow before I head out of town)

    A little about my weight loss journey:
    I had lost 6.5 pounds over about 4 months prior to becoming pregnant and was at my lowest weight in a while (133.5) at that point. I am 5'2". I gained 1.5 pounds first trimester, 14 pounds 2nd (pretty consistently about 1-1.5 pounds a week) and so far 4 pounds this trimester. I reckon I'm on track to gain about 30-35 pounds. I have been eating pretty healthy (lots of veggies, protein, tons of water) and usually stay under my calories. I have also been logging about 70-80% of the time. I typically get 3-4 workouts in a week although not as high intensity as I was doing prior to being pregnant.

    I am one who has been very conscious of my weight my entire life so to see the scale go up was pretty difficult at first, but my husband has been incredibly supportive (he says "yay" when I tell him how much I have gained) and I look at myself in the mirror and see the same mostly in shape body with a big round belly attached to it; I haven't really gained anywhere but the belly and the boobs. So I know I have made a good effort at remaining healthy and know that I am able to lose weight and will once the baby comes. Right now I need to make sure I am getting the nutrition the baby needs and keeping myself active so I am not a mushy out of shape mess when it's time to ramp up my workouts again in a few months.
  • AmandaR321
    AmandaR321 Posts: 68 Member
    24 weeks and 25lbs
    You can see why I'm here. Lol.

    I had JUST lost 60lbs from 12/2010 to 5/2011 and got pregnant in June 2011.
  • AmandaR321
    AmandaR321 Posts: 68 Member
    So I had an interesting 24 week appointment. I've gone from threatened preterm labor to preterm labor. Contracting every 2-3 minutes on the monitors. :( So my bedrest has been extended and working out is still clearly a no. Plus I have a blood pool under the placenta so even if the contractions calm down, working out this pregnancy is out.

    I'm so sad. I know the reason I'm gaining so much is the lack of activity. The things we do for these babies!!! lol
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Kristin...20 weeks (tomorrow)...12 pounds gained :(

    Denise....24 weeks (25 on Sunday) and 11 lbs gained :frown:
  • rosannabarbaroflores
    33 Weeks, 0 Days
    14 lbs gained

    Pre-pregnancy I was not at my optimal weight. In fact I was 15 lbs over my optimal. That beings said, I shouldn't gain more than 20 lbs with pregnancy. So I am ok with my current weight gain.
