Reboot boogaloo November - Open group

yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
edited October 4 in Fitness and Exercise
If you would like to join this group, you are welcome to. We post our fitness goals each day - we frequently post food goals, month long goals, and general life events as well. Many of us have been here a while, but don't let that discourage you - we always want to meet new people.

Ah, November, always a great month here in Texas. Still hoping for some rain though - maybe this week?

In two weeks, I have a 60 mile bike ride - yikes! Guess it's too late to train properly, but I'm going biking today. Also, yoga today. I need to come up with two classes for tomorrow, so I'm going to work on that.

November, boogaloo.


  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning and happy all souls day, pebbles. This is the day you're supposed to remember your ancestors in heaven, so I'm remembering all the strong brave women in my family: my great great grandmother, widowed at a young age who was a career woman in the 1800s (a midwife) she later remarried and brought the family to America, then my great grandmother, a tough bird and amazing cook who was strong as an ox and drank like a fish and had a heart as big as the sea who lived to be over a hundred and lived alone well into her nineties. I have awesome angels.:wink:

    Mary, I vote for back bends so everybody cries.:laugh: I'm all about back bends and crying lately. I'm going through a phase.

    Goals of the day: some practicing after i finish typing this, and go get a tattoo (gulp). And, that's about all. Maybe some walking, depending on how I feel (I'm told I will be racing with endorphins, but who knows)

    Vivia(Kay) the tattooed lady, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Short post.
    Happy November! I have not had the best start to my day but it's looking up. The diet pancakes have been a flop so far. I got stuff for breakfast bars today do that will help. Went to horse therapy and now we are at the bounce house. We are the only ones here. We may have to do this like once a month. I think
    I might join them soon. ;) if you want to go play in a bounce house I'll let you take my kids for a couple of hours. Adults get in free! ;) Its a pretty good work out too. Goals for the rest of the day? Make good meals and clean up the house. Not sure a formal work out is going to happen.
    Typing on the phone boogaloo!
  • Hello November!
    Walked 42 km in Oct. Goal for Nov is 60 km. Managed to do 2.9 today so I'm on the way.

    Hope this month goes smoother than last.

  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Good job SJ! Sounds like you've got a good goal set for November!

    Yesterday wasn't a horrible day until last night. Seems I can't do anything without making everyone mad at me any more. I give up. I had planned to get up this morning and work out but I did not sleep well at all, and therefore overslept. I feel worn out so today may be another day off, licking my wounds.
    I did get some "sweets" made yesterday that did not involve sugar and it tastes really good! Here's the link:
    I also got breakfast for this morning made yesterday afternoon. I was suppose to leave it in the freezer for 30 minutes. I remembered at 2:30 this morning that I left it in the freezer. :ohwell: Hopefully it still tastes okay. I don't need to bomb another breakfast.
    Goals today: school, some more cleaning, take the kids to the park if it's not too windy (cold front coming through tomorrow), and keeping my inside voice all day. I've been working on not yelling at a certain child. Not sure if I will go to church tonight as tired as I am feeling.
    Another day off boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Did you take a turn in the bounce house?

    Today: teach two yoga classes, lunch with friend, and try to get exercise, lots of wash, and cooking in there. More bike riding and yoga. I missed doing yoga yesterday, but I did get a walk in. I haven't come up with an idea for the classes today, but I'm thinking something about making the quads burn.

    I also need to find a white top to wear for Thanksgiving when we are getting our family picture taken. That will have to wait until tomorrow though. I want to find the female equivalent to a short sleeve button up shirt. Still need to lose some pounds as well:wink:

    I thought I should try becoming more of a commuter and bike everywhere I could (two places of work excepted as they are both too far and dangerous) - but riding yesterday at 5pm reminded me that I don't like competing with cars. So I'm just going to try to ride more.

    More biking and yoga, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Happy Wednesday, pebbles,

    Day off today (although I do aim to get some walking in) because I'm not allowed to get sweaty or stretchy for the next week or so) I am in love with my new ornamentation, strangely it sort of seems like its always been there. Until I touch it with lotion and it is all stingy.

    So walking, therapy, eating real food, having some of my phd support group over for a midweek decompress, and that's all for today. I think I'll check out that recipe, MM. Most of my successful stuff involves almond flour and eggs, which I'm pretty sure aren't allowed. I will try to look through my book and see if I have any tested things that might work. I remember the elimination diet as a very cranky time for me. Sorry.

    Great job on the walking, SJ. I'm hoping for less grey days in November and more dry weather. I want to get out and walk more, too. I need a lot more meandering in my life. I know you like a destination, but fit now I thrive without one. :wink:

    Meander, boogaloo. :flowerforyou:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Just poking my head in to tag the thread. Those truffles look good, MM. I'm sorry you are feeling bad. Really, I think it is amazing all the things you are trying to do on your own, but you can't expect yourself to do it all. :heart: I am continuing to stuff my face with things like Halloween candy and donuts. It doesn't even taste that good, why am I doing it? Clearly food is not just food.

    November??? boogaloo
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Mary, I went down the slide once with the kiddos. Jeans with buttons on the back pockets will slow a person down and give wedgies. So I did not go again. :laugh:
    V, I have not taken out almonds or flour. Eggs are a no no though, which makes a huge difference. :frown: At least I am on day four. Yes, I have been cranky and feeling emotional and depressed. I hope that's all diet related. Maybe it will clear out soon. I haven't really seen a change in our daughter either. :frown: It was day four with Alex that I noticed a change last time so I will keep hoping. And I read that sometimes it can take two weeks. I can't do it for two weeks though. If it wasn't for birthdays and holidays then I would.
    So I woke up a little cranky. It's been happening a lot. I just don't want to face the day right away. I'm getting tired of being a five year old's punching bag. I wish I could say it's getting better. She has improved in some ways, but not really in the hitting and scratching area. She's not quite as ADHD now as she was even back in April. So yay?
    On the bright side, it's not 100* out.
    Goals today: limit the truffle intake (I think I had 5 or 6 yesterday. They are small but still.), school, typical cleaning, start working on menu plan for next week, get ideas going for Alex's traffic light cake, and get a work out in. I think that's enough. Oh and remain calm. I did a little better yesterday until last night.
    Must. Remain. Calm. Boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    MM in some of your spare time :wink: You might want to look over the Elana's Pantry website, I think she does some egg free stuff. Remember, that stuff can take time to clear out of your system. I'm sure you're running low on patience, which is more than understandable.

    Mary, I know that I was at my most effortlessly fit when I was without a car in a town without public transit, so I'm all for more biking. This town (college town) was small enough that I could literally bike everywhere. Although I don't miss much about the small town life, I do miss that aspect.

    Today is: resting and being in complete denial that I feel like I may have a cold. A lot of people I know have had colds, so it might be my turn. As I still can't bend/stretch my arm, yoga is out for today, so more resting it is. I also need to clean off my work area and make a "do by December." list. The idea that 2012 is around the corner is well, just. . .:noway:

    Lists, rest, and cleaning boogaloo. :flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I don't know what you're cutting out, but both the desserts I made last week are dairy, egg, and sugar free - they have lots of nuts and fruit in them though.

    I can't quite bike everywhere, but I can bike more. I'm debating whether I will bike to Whole Foods to get milk and eggs though - any ideas on how to transport eggs on a bike? I'm worried I'll end up with "egg".

    Today, Charlie leaves for his mediation retreat - 3 days of silence. In honor of that, I'm getting off the computer for a couple of days, so I won't be checking in, going of FB, or surfing the web. I will check my email once a day on my phone, but only to make sure my of yoga changes (subs needed and the like).

    So here's my weekend:
    Today: yoga & walk
    Friday: double yoga, maybe bike to the second yoga, but it ends at dark, have to think about that
    Saturday: long bike ride - maybe two long ones. The ride is a week from this date.
    Sunday: teach yoga, do yoga at home, walk or bike

    Until Sunday evening, boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    V, thanks for reminding me about Elana's pantry. I had looked at it a few times before but forgot about it. I'll take a look again this morning before I go to the store. :smile:

    Mary, could you send me those fruit dessert recipes? We start reintroducing food again on Monday so they might be okay for next week at some point. Thanks. Hope you have a nice weekend without the computer. You will be missed.

    Last night I was just ready to give up on the diet. I have cried a lot the last three days, haven't felt motivated to do anything except be alone, and my face is breaking out. Nice. I feel depressed and withdrawn. I am blaming the diet, but who knows? It could be a number of things. I am not sleeping well at all, so I'm not getting up to work out and that doesn't help. I do wonder if I could be having withdrawals. Do I feel better? Not really. :ohwell: I think if I quiet the diet at this point I would feel guilty for not sticking it out. I would just have to redo it again after the holidays. Sorry. I don't mean to gripe. Just feeling a bit frustrated.

    The plan for today: finish the grocery list and get to the store, school work, and maybe go for a walk alone if Steve gets home from work early enough to watch the kids for an hour. If he doesn't then I may take the kids to the park. I also need to put away laundry, and sweep/mop the floors. I should have the OT come over tonight too.
    On the bright side, Irina went to bed last night with out even so much as a whine or whimper! Steve explained to her beforehand what was going to happen. Once she understood she took off for her room to get ready for bed. So progress!

    Wanting to quit (give me a piece of bread and some ice cream please) boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    MM, I always go through withdrawal when I quit flour and sugar. I read a study once that said that both of those can effect our brains the same way as heroin! So, that piled on all your other stress is sure to leave anybody weepy.:heart: I think that was a really good idea of Steve's to explain the procedure to Irina. Sounds like a great tactic to keep doing. Keep on griping, you have very right to your reasonable frustrations. I think you're a warrior woman!

    Today is some errands up at campus (really don't want to, but I downloaded some new music as a treat). That's probably all, but I might try to walk home from the subway, as it looks beauty outside. My arm has reached the crusty/gross stage, which is actually good, because that means that soon I'll be healed and can play my harp and exercise again. Those things are both stress reduction, and I miss them. The mystery cold seems to be gone today. A frind suggested that it was my immune system saying "hey, what's with this big wound you put on your arm?" so maybe that's it.

    Errands in the sunshine, boogaloo. :flowerforyou:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Kind of quiet round here, huh MM?

    Today is a day off from work, but I got super exciting news yesterday. I got an email that a publisher wants to meet up with me at the conference and discuss a book deal. Jumpy claps. My research looked interesting enough on paper to spark some interest. So, total freakout yesterday afternoon over that. Trying to not count any chickens, but that's certainly a nice kick in the touchas to get back to my work.:wink:

    Hoping to drag my husband out of the house for a day in the sunshine, as he's been working too hard, and has an actual day off. Other than that, no super big plans for the weekend. My arm has reached super crusty gross stage, which I'm told is a good sign, but ewww.

    Ewwwww, boogaloo. :flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Yay V! So excited for you! That's great news!

    I also got some good news this morning! I saw the 140's again! Granted it was only 149.5 but still! I hadn't seen that number (without being on a "Russian" diet) in like three years! Just proves to me that I eat too much junky food. I wonder if I can keep it up even after I add foods back in. I almost don't want to. But today we are adding eggs. I will be glad to have eggs back. Hopefully we don't have a problem with them.
    Plan for the day: get house cleaned up for company coming this afternoon. Go to the mall where said company can help Irina make a "build-a-bear". Maybe, just maybe, I can go for a walk by myself or something. And try not to cry today. I've been crying everyday. Yesterday I got slapped in the face by a five year old. At least DH is home. He said he would be willing to put the kids to bed when he's here and that's usually when the problems occur.

    Smaller numbers boogaloo.
  • fantastico ms. V! you DESERVE a book deal babes! *smiling broadly!*

    checking zapped from my punctuation (what my hubby calls it). hoping to get back on the road tomorrow afternoon. Tomorrow choir is singing at a Unitarian Church, looking forward to participating in an alternative service.

    sending sunny blessings to you all.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Well, CP, if you are reading the boards just know I feel your thumb pain. I don't think I broke it but it is no bruised, swollen and hurting. :ohwell:
    Crappy ending to a crappy day. I know I posted already, but I need to vent a bit. I had my first ever emotional/nervous breakdown or meltdown today. Steve's sister and family came over to meet Irina. She acted all sweet and shy. They wanted to take her to the mall to get a bear made for her at Build a Bear. Uh, okay, we'll try. BAD idea! She absolutely refused to pick out an animal and she slapped at them and of course at Steve and I. I finally had to walk away. She fell on the floor screaming and scratching. It was horribly embarrassing. She would not stop attacking me even after removing her from the mall. On the way home Steve said something to me that made me even madder. When we got home I locked myself in the master closet and cried for two hours! I'm at the end of myself. I really just can't handle this any more. Anyway, some time between getting through the front door and getting to the closet I broke(?) or jammed my thumb. I honestly was so furious and upset that I don't even know when it happened. So I'm not too happy. I also had to take Irina off the diet which bummed me out. There's not enough food around to keep this girl happy. I can't even tell if the food is effecting her or not because it could be behavior. I however will stick with it if I can. I added eggs today and really felt okay except they do seem to mess up my stomach a bit. I think I do have a sensitivity to them and I have to be careful not to eat a lot of them.
    I see you saw my post CP on FB. :wink:
    Broken thumb? Broken heart boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    So sorry MM - sounds like you're going through a rough spot. I'm sure things will improve soon. Church day seems to help you, right?

    Sarah - I had to think about the "punctuation" thing - I was thinking you were an English teacher for a little bit there and were grading papers, or something.

    Congrats, V, on the possible book - you can write and you should. :bigsmile:

    I'm on the computer, obviously, for a little bit today. Hope everyone got some extra sleep last night. I enjoyed being off the computer - I think I will do it more often. I'm considering every weekend, or limiting my time every day - though, like dieting, it's easier to be totally off something than to take it in small amounts.

    As I was being introspective one evening this week, I thought to myself "I've never been hungry - as in wanting to eat but could not". Truly a fortunate person. Anyway, it got me thinking about a fast. I know people fast for religious reasons, but I was thinking more for my own awareness. I don't know if I would/could do it though. Food is everywhere.

    So, pebbles, what is the longest amount of time you have gone without eating (not including being sick) - as an exercise in self control or similar?

    Today: teach yoga, bike or walk, do some yoga this afternoon or walk with husband :happy:

    Fasting? boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Short post because I'm typing with one hand. I may forget to use the shift key in a minute.:tongue:

    Thumb still swollen, bruised and hurting. If I could remember what I did to hurt it then I could at least say I'm an idiot. :laugh: But I truly don't remember. So far it is quite a nuisance. I will try to find a splint today.
    I made up with Irina. I will try it my husband's way and be the food lady. Any time she wants something to eat ill give it to her regardless of when she ate last or is eating again. I do not agree with it but nothing I'm doing is working.
    I need to go if I'm going to try to make it to church. I really want to stay home. I don't feel like answering questions about my thumb or how i am doing. I have been isolating myself lately. Tired of faking a smile for everyone.
    To go or not to go boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    You could try the old method, "If she's hungry enough, she'll eat an apple (or vegetable)"
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Mary, this girl LOVES apples. She basically ate an entire one by herself at lunch. I'm debating on leaving grapes on the table so the kids can snack on them when they want and they aren't horribly filling so they will still eat dinner, and they are healthy. I will leave carrots out too.
    I went to church, cried several times (geez), and came home and had a healthy meal. I have noticed an immediate response to sugar in that I am already craving more after having not craved it in about a week. I also noticed that I still feel hungry (I'm sure I'm not but I have that sensation of being hungry) after I have something sugary. So I am going to try my best to limit sugar to baked goods and things that it is "needed" in. I am also going to limit myself to Rita's Italian Ice once in a while (not sure how often. I will have a piece of Alex's birthday cake, maybe a piece of pie at Thanksgiving, and something around Christmas time. That's my plan. I lost another pound and I want it to keep going down. Limited breads and sweets will do this for me I think.
    My thumb might be a little better...might be. Still hurts, still swollen and bruised but I seem to have a little more movement. Hence typing a longer post. Still don't remember what happened either. Oh well.
    Oh and Mary I have fasted for spiritual reasons, but the longest I have been able to go without food is one day. or maybe a day and a half. I get real cranky without food.
    Second post of the day boogaloo.
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