Reboot boogaloo November - Open group



  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Aww, MM. :heart: I'm so sorry things are so tough right now. It sounds like you could do with three days of silence yourself! And I do hope your thumb feels better and isn't broken. But don't be afraid to get an x-ray if you aren't sure - it shouldn't cost more than $35 or so. I can definitely relate to isolating yourself when things aren't going well. :ohwell:

    Speaking of thumbs, mine is doing better. No cast or splint for a couple of weeks now, and I've been doing lots of stretching, strengthening, and massaging (I have these weird little soft-tissue adhesions that feel like tiny ball bearings under my skin - they are very painful to press on but I am hoping they will eventually break down). It's a little crooked, and I don't quite have the full range of motion yet, but it's not too much of an inconvenience at this point.

    Mary, I did a couple of juice fasts - after a few days of eating only raw fruits and vegetables, I didn't eat any solid food for about 3 weeks. I drank this vegetable broth that I had to make all the time (twice a day), juice (mostly made fresh, 2-3 times a day I think), and water/herbal tea (whenever I wanted). But, I wouldn't recommend that! More than a few days is probably not a great idea unless you're under a doctor's supervision. My hair started falling out several months after I finished the longest one, and I wouldn't be surprised if the fast - or the weight I lost so quickly - contributed to me later developing gallstones (several months of painful attacks before it was finally properly diagnosed, and I ultimately had surgery to remove my gallbladder). I was hungriest during the transition phase, actually - I couldn't have fruits and vegetables at the same meal, and even though I could have as much food as I wanted, I just got tired of chewing after awhile. Once I started the actual fast, it was probably only a day or two that I felt hungry, and even then I got used to it before it went away. But, I'm pretty impervious!

    V, that's awesome about the book possibility. I hope you got to enjoy the sunshine this weekend. :flowerforyou:

    Extra hour, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Mary, one other thing I was going to say about fasts and the reason why I don't do them very often is that once I got off of it I binged and not on healthy food either. But that was a long time ago and I think you probably have more self control than I do. :wink:

    CP, I didn't know an xray only cost about that much. I was thinking it was more like $100 or more. I may have to check with my doc and see. I'm glad your thumb is doing better. Hope it keeps improving and those painful balls go away! And keep checking in girl! We miss you! :flowerforyou:

    V and SJ, how are you doing?

    My thumb seems to be better after I sleep, but once I start using it again it swells up more. My wrist hurts really bad now. I remember what I did. .And yes I was an idiot. The can opener wouldn't work so in my anger I hit it. Yeah, some times I'm not so smart. I didn't even know I had a real anger issue until Irina came on board. :ohwell:
    Today, we have school, cleaning, both kids get to go to tumbling class(Yay! And praying she does well!), and I will try to work out this afternoon. I'm not sure if exercising will cause more blood to rush through my thumb, causing more leaking from the vessel or not, so I may just walk. I need to do something.
    Oh and I had dessert last night. I was nearly done with it before I remembered I said I wasn't going to have any. :grumble: It was apple crisp. I also decided that I really don't want sugar as part of my diet right now. I didn't feel awful from having it but I didn't feel as good as I had been. I am not craving sugar as much as I was so I'd rather not get back into that. There are a few days that I need to test things like food coloring that will probably end up involving sugar, but I'm going to try to limit it to that. I am suppose to introduce soy today I think.
    Sticking with it boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Three weeks, CP?!!?!?!?! I was thinking more of skipping a meal or something - but I think you're right, MM - I would just eat everything in sight at the next meal.

    So instead, I'm working on being grateful for the food I have. I made: sweet potatoes with dried fruit, bulgur stuffing (would have been better with celery rather than apples), and green beans with orange sauce yesterday. Just the green beans were good, but I ate the rest anyway (the dressing was acceptable, and I think I just don't like sweet potatoes that much). I have so much left over. Anyway, I did the "if you're hungry, have a piece of fruit or what is on your plate" - so after I finished my plate, I had an orange and an apple.
    I noticed that I feel tired after having dessert. I do not like feeling tired. So, I decided that I eat way too many special desserts (cake, ice cream, etc) - so I'm limiting them to once a month. Even during the holidays. This and the above, will be my fast. Anytime I feel like I should have, say bread and butter or cookies, I will think of those less fortunate. I am allowed two squares of dark chocolate a day (don't want to get carried away with denying myself here :wink: ).

    Today: double yoga and walk.

    Eat an apple, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Happy Monday, pebbs. Today I am trying not to freak out about the date on the calendar. That's pretty much my primary goal. :laugh:

    MM, I can't even imagine what you are going through and how much endurance it takes. Is there a way that you and Steve can work it out so that you have more breaks? I think you are a warrior. I also think that irina will come to realize that she is loved and doesn't need to act out like that anymore, but in the meantime, i just can't imagine how hard that is for you. :heart: I wish I could give you a big hug and tell you that I think you are awesome for loving a kid who is really hard to love.

    Other goals include:

    Work sessions.
    A walk (the sunshine is holding out, and I still can't do sweaty or vigorous stuff until my tattoo heals up. It's better than yesterday, but still gross today. Itchy!
    Trying to be patient and kind with myself. I have so much to do. I was thinking "just wait until November, and then you will have less to do." but. . . A jillion things have popped up to do by December 1st.
    Also, spend some time on my yoga bolster today (see above, will help to calm my brains)
    Eat an apple. You guys have totally given me a good craving!

    Calm my brains boogaloo:flowerforyou:
  • walked 4.8 km today. total for Nov so far is 10.8 so I've got some work to do to get to 60. I've taken 4 days off because of cramps and being tired so it felt really good to get on the road today. I think tomorrow I am going to climb the stairs of my apartment building. 29 floors. We'll see how it goes....

    hope you are all holding it together on this monday night

    13th week of WW boogaloo.

  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    SJ, so glad you are checking in with us and posting your progress. 29 floors? I wonder if I am in good enough shape to do that. You can do it! :flowerforyou:
    Mary, your eating plan sounds really good. After being on this diet for a week, and then adding things back in, I am thinking I want to change how I eat. Period. I'll explain in a bit.
    V, I will take that hug from thousands of miles away! I'll take them any way they come! Steve is trying to give me breaks by putting them to bed when he is here, since that's when she acts out the most. I still have to rock her before bed though. Last night he said time for bed and she crawled into my lap. I said that she had to go listen to daddy. She scratched me and slapped me. :noway: Steve then told her since she hit me that I would not be rocking her. She was not happy, but I'm glad that he finally showed some support. He read a book to her instead. I am not sure about giving her something instead. I'm harsh. She deserves nothing. :laugh: But it's more important to show her love right now and work on specific disciplines later. Also it was good that he found some way to get her to bed without me rocking her because I will be gone at bed times once in awhile.
    I am trying really really hard to be nicer to Irina, but when she does hit or scratch I still come unglued. I need to work on that. Yesterday she "washed" dishes for an hour and a half. This girl is part fish I'm sure.
    As far as eating, I am really thinking about eating how I want to eat right now instead of what the diet rule book says. I really don't want to add some of these foods back in. I was doing okay without them. Since adding foods back in my stomach has been more upset. I suspect it's eggs, so I will have to limit them. I didn't crave sugar until I had sugar. (And this could be in relation to an upcoming time of the month as well.) But if I don't want those things (except maybe when having pancakes or something baked) why add them back in just to eat? So I am thinking I might just ride this train until it stops and see how far I get. Since adding foods back in I gained 2.5 pounds back. So bye bye 140's. I can't eliminate these things completely, but I don't have to eat them if I don't want to. But that also means I have to make like 3 different meals for everyone. :laugh:
    I wonder if sugar in the raw, or sucanet, will effect me the same way granulated sugar does. I'm determined to eat healthier while I feel like eating healthier because just maybe I will like it and stay this way. I will also limit my sweets. Steve is wanting to go to Rita's tomorrow night. I may or may not have some. Then there's Alex's birthday, Thanksgiving, a ladies dessert in early December, and Christmas. I will do my very best to limit my sweet intakes to those things only.
    Okay, on to goals today: get breakfast made :tongue: , clean up, and go to horse therapy. Prayer meeting is at my house today. I am thinking I may try to make some of those date/sunflower balls again to share with the ladies. And maybe school or just let the kids have play time.
    Don't eat what you don't want boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    MM - I don't think sugar in the raw will be any different than bleached sugar, but maybe you could use honey instead?

    29 floors - couldn't do it, good luck to you.

    Edit: - found out Charlie made a 75 cent charge (that showed up as coming from NY from a laundry mat). I thought we had had our credit card number stolen again, but I just talked to Charlie and everything is fine. I check the credit cards every other day or so to make sure they haven't been used incorrectly. I also go through the receipts and double check the amounts. I do not balance my checkbook though.
    Even the most careful people get the credit card numbers stolen (we did last year).

    Also today - walk this morning - we may get rain, yeah! and either bike or yoga this afternoon.

    Thought we were hacked, boogaloo
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Yay, I love it when all the pebbs check in. 29 floors is amazeballs, SJ. Someday I would love to come over and try that with you, but I fear I might perish. I second the honey suggestion, MM, and I'm so sorry that's the way Irina expresses her displeasure. Ouch. I continue to think you are amazing, and I do believe that love will show her other ways to express herself. Mary, I had a credit card number get messed up once. . .bad times. My banks are pretty good at catching them, but I watch mine pretty closely, too.

    Today, I have to go up to campus and sit through two four hour computer seminars. This is what I imagine hell is like. I could have booked them on separate days, but I thought it was best to get them all over with at once. I'm teaching a course in winter that is all online. I hate this idea, but it was what was assigned to me, so it's what I'm doing. I do like the idea that I can do my work from anywhere (so I can travel and do more field research) but it just doesn't seem like "real" teaching to me. The future, I guess. No workouts, but some walking in the gloomy rain around campus.

    Rain and seminars, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • OK, so 29 floors didn't happen today, but 12 floors did! 10 minutes of heartpounding resting every 2 floors just enough so my heart wouldn't (stair) steps right? also walked 2.6 km today. Total for month 13.4 km.

    over and out.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    SJ, that is awesome. I would consider logging the stair climbing in your distance for the month, if you're not already.

    I had way too much sitting yesterday, and I'm really looking forward to yoga today. I think the tattoo is healed enough for it. It's still a tiny bit tender, but I think if I moisturizer it right before class it will be fine. I have to start moving again.

    Also, it seems dry out, so I can do some window shopping before therapy and hopefully soak up some sunshine. Then, come home and practice my presentation (gulp) and Skype with a friend. Busy day. Whew. Also, eat real food (yesterday was not a success in that department) and drink water instead of coffee.

    That's enough for anybody, boogaloo. :flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    12 floors is a lot more than baby steps - that's a serious grind! How long did it take you? I would turn it into miles that way (if you walk 3 mph = 20 min mile, if it took you 20 minutes, you get a mile)

    I'm looking forward to yoga today too. We have some class passes that need to be used before they expire, so I will teach one and take two classes (hopefully no one will keep me after class today, so I can make it to the next one on time). Also - short bike ride to the library (against some serious wind on the way home) to get a cookbook : Charlie said his retreat had really good food and the cook used Madhur Jaffrey's World Vegetarian cookbook. Oh, he also lost two pounds in a weekend. I think I need to go on one of these retreats!

    Yoga today, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Good morning,
    Quick post. I've gotta get things going for the day before my daughter starts tearing things up. She's not starting off on the right foot with me this morning. It doesn't help that I'm a little irritable.
    We got some good news yesterday. Irina will be starting horse therapy! She got funding to ride for about two months. So we are praying that more will come in so she can continue...if she likes it. So having both my kids doing the same thing at the same time makes it so much easier right now!
    I hope she and I are both making progress with our attitudes. I did lose it once yesterday when she drew blood from my hand. But I have tried very hard to be calm. When I had bandaids on my hand yesterday she would point and say "ow!ow!" Then she would say Alex. So I had several opportunities to explain to her that she did it. I think possibly by the end of the day it was registering with her that she was hurting me when she scratches. I was also able to put her to bed with no fight and that is huge.
    Goals today: work out while watching the Biggest Loser during nap time. I was suppose to do it this morning but just didn't feel up to it. Also we have school, general cleaning, and if I'm brave (or stupid) enough we may go get some DVD's at the library. Promising a lollipop/snack for a good girl seems to be helping when we go out. Give her food and she will nearly do anything you want. As long as it's food that SHE wants. And there is church tonight. We need to go but it's been hard. After dealing with my daughter all day, I'm done and I want her to go to bed. :laugh: So we'll see. DH also said he wasn't feeling well at all during the night so he may not be up to going.
    I guess my post wasn't that quick.
    Time for school boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Good morning,
    How is everyone?

    SJ, I meant to say 12 floors is AWESOME! And I agree with Mary and V. You should count it towards your walking.

    I wanted to get up and walk on the TM this morning but I didn't. I think I am struggling with some depression. The scale is moving down again so that helps. A very little. :tongue: I didn't feel well last night so I stayed home from church. I actually was running a low grade temp for about an hour and felt queasy. Didn't even want to eat. This morning I feel better but not super great. Good enough to eat though.
    Former neighbor is coming some time today to visit. It will be good to see her. Just need to clean since I really didn't do that yesterday, do school and hopefully have time to get the kids outside later for some sun.
    We learned something today about Irina's history. She showed developmental delays at birth...or was it by two. She was in a psycho ward for two months last year because of her aggression. :noway: What kind of crap has this child been through? So we're thinking the orphanage couldn't handle her (possibly being abusive and aggressive with her), put her in the ward, and when she was release they moved her to the orphanage she was in when we met her. It kind of makes me feel sorry for her, even though she's been beating the tar out of me everyday. It's my job to show her I'm not like the other caretakers. And I haven't been doing a very good job of that. I've been telling her that when she hurts me, it makes me cry and I think possibly it's getting through to her. I hope. Lord, help me get through this, however long it takes.
    On the bright side she went to bed two nights in a row without a fuss! It's a record! :bigsmile: Now if we can just get through a whole day! She really is making some progress in learning. It's not huge but she knows more letters now and loves numbers.
    Baby steps count boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Enjoy the sunshine, MM. I'm sure it will make you feel better.

    I was eating my two squares of chocolate the night before last. I was telling Charlie that it might be too much (the squares are biggish and about 50 calories each). He said they were smaller than a candy bar - and a candy bar is one serving - so I could have one candy bar a night. :laugh:

    Today: try to remain positive with a negative friend, get yoga and a bike ride in, visit my old person, figure out what I'm making for dinner, library (didn't make it yesterday), nephew's hockey game.

    One serving, boogaloo.

    ps: how long have the signatures been gone? I just noticed
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Hey, I almost forgot to check in today.

    So, very busy. Went to yoga today, picked up my autoharp, started to worry that I'm losing some ink with my tattoo healing (I had some scabbing) and finally got my presentation down to under 20 minutes. There are still a few things that I have to adjust/rewrite because they don't sound quite right. I feel a bit overwhelmed, and will most likely have to work through the weekend, but there you go. It's crunch time.

    In other news, I got some walking in, and feel almost in control. Almost!

    Wow, MM that is troubling news to find out. That poor little girl. I'm sorry that she's taking out so much of her pain on you, but at the same time I know that she is blessed to have you. I pray everyday that you are showered with patience and strength when I think of my pebbs. :heart: And just so ya'll know, I do think of all my pebbs, even those that DON'T CHECK IN AS MUCH AS I WISH THEY DO. (I'm turning into my mother with the guilt.:wink: )

    crunch time, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Mary, I didn't even notice the signatures were gone. I think they were there at the beginning of the week at least. Mmmm. Chocolate. After reading your post I was thinking I'd buy a bar of chocolate at the store today. No, I can't. I don't know that I will be able to have "just" two squares. Not yet.
    V, I was wondering how your presentation was going then I saw on FB that you managed to get it under 20 minutes. Good job! Thanks for your support of me, and of all your pebbs. I think about you all several times a day too!

    I had my first eat out meal last night. Tacos. I had two, and split my side of chips with everyone. Progress! I was pretty full, like even that was too much. I told Steve I felt a little too full. He said, "From two tacos?" Yep. I can usually pack three and quite a few chips as well. I wasn't like sick full. Just like maybe I didn't need that last chip or two.
    It dawned on me yesterday that I'd better get Alex's birthday stuff figured out. It's in a week. We finally decided to have a little party. We've invited just a few friends and are hoping to have it at the park if the weather is nice. I'm going to start buying stuff for it tomorrow. I have a very tight budget so I will have to get creative. I also need to go get a couple of smaller gifts for Alex. We bought him a traffic light controller circuit board as his main gift. Just what every 6 year old wants right? He has a traffic light that flashes randomly for a party type scene. It has bugged him that it doesn't flash like a normal light. So we got him one. He will be SO excited! I love my boy and his oddities!
    Today is the grocery store(s) (Lord help me!), school and the OT is coming this evening. I may try to get a work out in later today. I haven't felt really motivated lately, but I'll try. Maybe a run on the TM. I need to do something. I seem a bit stuck in the weight area again. I can tell I'm smaller but it seemed to stop already. Oh and I've been craving sugar more the last several days. I am thinking it has to do with the approaching time of month. Wouldn't that be sad if our sugar cravings happen because of a time of month and there's not a way to really control them? I hope I can overcome it and not pig out. I am thinking I may have to make those brownies that are made with dates to help.
    Sugar/chocolate desires boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Remember the apple rule, MM? I think it helps to train ourselves like we do the kids - if you are hungry, and you want something sweet, an apple is sweet.

    I wish my other pebbs would check in more too, V.:wink:

    That said, I stressed a bit yesterday and while I was hungry and it was dinner time, I stress ate. I say that because I couldn't stop thinking of the stressor while eating. I had my two chocolate squares - but these had peanut butter on them. Had quinoa with spinach for dinner, it was wonderful.

    So, I almost posted this yesterday, but I deleted it because this is a public forum, and you shouldn't post anything you would mind anyone reading, right? - I'm at my wits end. I have a friend that really stresses me out, and I don't know what to do about it. She's had a tough year, even if some of it is her own doing, she's going through a tough time. She doesn't have an income and needs a job. However, she has turned completely negative - about everything. No matter what you say, she has a negative thing to say about it. No matter what you try to advise, it won't work. When she had a part-time job last month, things were better. I some how need to convince her that she needs to get a job, no matter what the job is. Usually, when I say, "why don't you apply at this place?", she has a reason. I have no idea how to tell her she needs to take any job at this point. Or if I don't tell her that, I need to figure out a way to deal with her in her current state. I was so stressed when I came home last night, I just got on the treadmill and missed my nephews hockey game. I still care about her, but I currently dread going out with her.
    So pebbs, what are your thoughts? Do you tell someone point blank: you need to get a job because you're driving me crazy? or do you distance yourself from them in someway (if we go out as a group, she's much more fun).

    Sorry about the long post, I'm really at a loss.

    So onward - for today - yoga this morning - helping some teachers get ready for a test by being a student. Get ready for tomorrow's big bike ride - yeah!

    Help wanted :wink: , boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Mary, that is tough. I know that I find for myself I have to be careful around that type of energy. I want to be a good listener, and when I am in a really strong place emotionally, I can do that. When I'm not, though,I find I have to avoid those types. What I have said to people, and I'll even preface it with a phrase like "I want you to know that I'm not judging you, and know that you are very discouraged right now" is: that is not a real reason, that is an excuse. Yes, I have made people really angry with this statement. I know I had a relative who was out of work for a very long time, and I told him "you have to only get one yes, so keep trying.". But, I also understand your need to walk it off on the treadmill. Sometimes the best things we can do for our friends is tell them what they don't want to hear:tongue: So much easier thought than done.

    I'm super happy today because it's another sunshiny day!!! So, today's plans are: teach a lesson, read the paper out loud and make changes as I go when I read stuff that sounds a bit whaaaaat? And make time for a walk in the sunshine. And sing/play my harp. Surprising Appalachian instrument pop song discovery of yesterday's practice session: an Amy Winehouse song. I'm also developing a secret dream of street busking by next spring. In my spare time :laugh:

    Busker, boogaloo:flowerforyou:
  • Have managed to walk just over 20 km in first 10 days of Nov. I guess that seems about right considering I'm going for 60. Today I'm taking a day off as I've walked the last four days in a row and yesterday had a lot of pain in my left foot. So it's rest day for me except to do some stretching.

    yesterday a friend and I went to the site where a cyclist was killed earlier this week. We left flowers and stood there reflecting for a while. I was surprised at how peaceful it was. There were a lot of flowers and candles and a few people there talking and sharing. I never do this kind of thing at all, but for some reason, maybe cuz it is in my neighbourhood, I felt like I had to go there and send grace to the place and to the people touched by the loss. I hope it helped.

    Today is Remembrance Day in Canada, so it's a very reflective day, sunny and cold. but nice. :)

  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    That was so sweet of you SJ. I heard about her all the way down here (and not just through V on FB). I didn't read the story (bad thing to do before a big bike ride and just riding in general, I have enough phobias, thank you), but I know she got clipped on a right turn and ended up under the tire - I'm still curious why it made big news. The driver was at fault, but it's the kind of thing anyone could have done, right?

    V - I would love to say that, but won't just yet. I'm pretty strong right now. I talked to another friend (who distanced himself a year ago) and that helped. I also asked advice from a psychologist relative. I'm going to try it next week - with a planned hard workout afterward :laugh: Sorry for dumping on you guys, I needed to get it out.

    Today - big bike ride - 50 miles - and, as a bonus, huge winds - 25 mph gusts from the South. At least we are not doing the ride that is straight south today :tongue: but the ride is out and back - and the back is South (better to go against the wind first). So today is a test of endurance. Should take about 6 hours total.

    Last major bike ride of the season, boogaloo
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