Reboot boogaloo November - Open group



  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Wow, Mary, I'm amazed that the cyclist death made news that far away. It's sad, obviously when something like that happens to anybody. I actually had this woman as a sub in yoga a few times and she was a truly bright spirit. Also, Mary don't feel bad at all for dumping on us! I think we've all done more than our fair share of venting around here.:wink: In fact, I think you might be behind.

    Today is working, possible meet up with a friend and dealing with my disaster of a kitchen. My new therapeutic yoga practice is almost all supported backbends, and I slept like a rock. I aim to spend some time on my bolster today, as I think super fin pms time has arrived.

    More sunshine, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:

    P.S. ride like the wind, Mary!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Mary, sorry you are going through this with your friend. Maybe you could stop hanging out with when it's just you two, and only go out in a group since she's more fun that way? I do agree with what V said. And I do think you have a dumping deficit, so don't feel bad for venting. Hope the ride goes well today! Anyone that rides of ten miles impresses me. I don't think I could even ride one mile at this point.
    V, glad you got some decent sleep last night! Hope TOM isn't too hard on you!

    SJ, how are you doing? Sounds like you are doing great on your walking! How's your foot?

    Today I am meeting with a friend that I haven't seen in awhile. My friends (local) seem to have left. I've decided not to have best friends anymore. Every time I say someone is my best friend, they desert me. I'm not kidding. Everyone is just plain old friends now, except for my Pebbs. My Pebbs are dearer to me than best friends. Like family really.
    I am also going to start shopping/planning Alex's party. Not sure what else I am going to do today. Maybe take the kids to the park.
    Family boogaloo!
  • Heya, I'm still around. Sorta.

    Been really tired and feeling stressed, but my diet and exercise have been okay. Not great mind you, but not awful.

    There is a taekwondo studio a couple blocks from me that I'd like to check out, but I've been too shy to call and inquire for details. I also want to apply for a job at one of the restaurants within walking distance of our house, and that idea is stressing me out. The thought of getting a job makes me happy, but applying for it and whatnot scares me. I know it should be a very simple thing but I feel like I have no idea what to do.

    I suppose I just need to force myself to try.

    Anyway, I've missed posting here with you guys. Should do it more.

    Need to try, boogaloo. :ohwell:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Finished ride. Would like to rephrase V - ride with the wind. It was brutal today on the return ride - hardest ride I've ever done, hands down. Burned over 2,000 calories - so I'll be eating this weekend. It did cross my mind that if I walked 4 miles and did 40 sun salutations, I would be done with my birthday goal. Nap first, then we'll see.

    LLP - apply - what is the worst thing that could happen?

    MM - I would like to remove the "best friend" label as well :tongue:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Livi, HI! You should definitely check in more! And go apply for those jobs. :wink:

    Mary, congrats on finishing the race yesterday. That's pretty awesome.

    V, when do we get to see a pic of your tat?

    I got a text last night asking me to teach the 4-6 year olds this morning because the teacher is not feeling well. I haven't done this since like July I think. And I've haven't done it alone OR without curriculum either. This could be interesting. Steve is probably staying home. He's sick. He rarely gets sick. In fact this is the first time since we've been married that I'm going to church by myself. I'm not sure if the kids are going. If they behave themselves while getting ready to go this morning then I guess. I'm nervous about handling Irina by myself. It's different than going to the store. I guess I'll be bribing her with lollipops again. :ohwell: I'm also taking my fingerless gloves to have protection from scratching.
    I think I'm going to take a hammer to my scale. It's fluctuating by three pounds every other day or so. I did eat a little more yesterday, but not three pounds worth. I have noticed that I am eating more salty foods since cutting out sugar.
    Exercise: getting Irina to church and back. Maybe some shopping this afternoon since I found nothing I needed yesterday, except a muffin pan. Not sure what else. Maybe a walk to the park if there's time.
    Trading one evil food for another boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    MM - Maybe Steve could hide the scale while you're at church?

    I'm a bit sore today - oddly on my hamstring attachments (I can't believe I just typed that - my butt is sore) - could be the seat. I didn't stand up much - my HR was already high - in fact my average HR was 80% of max for 4 hours. I surprise myself sometimes. I thought my quads would be killing me right now, but they're only a little sore. Oh, and Charlie asked to go for a walk last night - I went.

    The next ride is in three weeks - it's half the distance with tons of stops - it's more of a tour than a ride.

    Today - yoga and walking.

    Recovery, boogaloo.
  • Took two days off from walking because of sore left foot. Slept most of the day yesterday and all last night. Went for 4.5 km walk today with no soreness, I've done 24/60 km in 13 days...need to get a move on if I'm going to make 60 by Dec 1.

    The scale today is evil and I hate it hate it hate it....the only indication that things are changing is the fact that I can go 4.5 km without dying. I guess it's something.


    p.s. pic of tat soon?
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    SJ, going 4.5 without dying is so, so major. Please honor that. Remember how I feel about the scale? It's just one tool, and a terrifically imperfect tool. I will try to do tatt pics on fb today. It wraps around the arm a bit, so it's difficult to photograph. When I get back from Philly, we should have a coffee or walk/coffee date and you could see it.:happy:

    Today got insanely busy while I wasn't looking. I have to work as soon as I'm finished typing, then acupuncture at 1, then a meeting with a colleague who has union questions, then a meeting up at campus. I will try to squeeze some walking in there somewhere, and some eating. I'm also trying to remember to put a water bottle into my bag. I've definitely been slacking in the hydration department. Naughty. Also, I cannot believe I leave for Philly in two days. Aaaaaigh! Minor freakout. I feel prepared presentation wise, but so unprepared packing/travel plans wise.

    Yesterday, Zumba was awesome, we're doi this new choreography that is an up tempo, boogaloo cha cha. Boogaloo!

    Busy bee boogaloo. :flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    SJ, the scale is always evil. Even when it shows good numbers, it has ulterior motives to bring us down. :laugh: I think you are doing great and you are probably in better shape than me right now.
    V, How long will you be in Philly? I'll keep my eyes open for your tat pics.
    Mary, you're a rock! That is all. :wink:

    I think I found out why the scale was up yesterday. AF came. I think taking progesterone may give me some sort of regularity. I hope. I'm going to try to get some exercise in today even though I don't feel like it. Steve is staying home because he's still sick, so just maybe I'll go for a walk, if it's not raining.
    This week is busy. Tumbling today, plus all the other normal things like school and cleaning. Tomorrow both kids have horse therapy. Wednesday the social worker is coming over for our first adoption post placement report. Yay. Then Thursday I will begin getting things ready for Alex's party on Saturday.
    Irina might just be doing a little better. Might. Bedtimes have been a little easier. We have learned that if she is acting up while out in public, we threaten to leave and she straightens up. Yesterday we were at the park and she refused to stay close to the playground so I said okay we're leaving. She went back to the playground. She did it again not 5 minutes later and we left. I need to be ready to do the same in the grocery store with a full load of groceries. :ohwell: I don't like it, it doesn't seem fair to Alex, but it definitely gets her attention. She isn't slapping or scratching as much so I hope there's progress there. And she said, "One manana" yesterday for banana. I was pretty excited about that. She'll come around. She has to.
    Oh and I had my first dairy product yesterday in about three weeks and I felt nauseated afterward. :frown:
    Still testing foods boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Fingers crossed: rain might fall from the sky in decent amounts. It's November and the AC came on this morning.:huh: I'm thinking the only reason I have a winter coat is for my nephew's hockey games. It's great biking weather though, so that's a bonus.

    Had a victory this weekend. Went on the bike ride and didn't indulge in dessert.

    Today: teach and take yoga + short walk. I also need to figure out when I can fit yard work in. The yard looks terrible from this summer. I need to weed and get some compost. I would like a composter (I go through plenty of food), but I neither know where to put it or which kind to buy/make. In the meantime, I will buy it.

    Anyway, Charlie and I were discussing what we had time for (with all the things we would like to do). I never think: I wish I had more time for the computer/internet. So for now, I'm going to think of ways to limit it's use.

    Finding time, boogaloo.

    ps: guys, did you see the new "groups" feature on mfp? Maybe we should switch over?
  • So. Tired.


    I'm going to go exercise anyway though. Even getting just a little of the workout done is better than nothing, huh?

    Mary - I was thinking that too, using the new group thing would be better I think.

    Yawning, boogaloo. :yawn: :yawn:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Hey all, after 4 years I've changed my username. Just thought you'd like a heads up, in case it's on your home page :tongue:

    I got tired of the marywilldiet one
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Good morning,
    Welcome yoginimary! :wink: I haven't seen the new group thing yet. I'll try to check it out later today if I get a chance.

    Livi, did you get even a little work out in?

    V, I am now too stressed to eat. I didn't know that was possible with me. Usually I do eat.

    Yesterday Steve stayed home sick, except to run an errand. While he was out, he texted and asked if I wanted an Icee. No. I actually didn't want one. I haven't wanted anything sweet (except when I'm mad and stressed. Then I kind of want chocolate.). He came home and said, "Wow, you really must be dedicated to this diet if you are turning down sweets." I'm not dedicated to a diet. I just don't want any. Weird. It is the second day of my cycle and my appetite usually goes way down anyway.
    Steve is still sick, but went to work anyway. He said he's not feeling any better but he's going to try. He may get sent home. I cried again yesterday. Broke down. I get so tired of the food struggles in my house. I have had such a hard time not using food for comfort, then Alex has special needs, and now Irina is obsessed with food! She had all kinds of food yesterday and right after having leftover halloween candy she was asking me for food again! Steve said that maybe I should just give her a drawer of snacks to get into whenever she wants. :noway: :mad: I have said from the beginning that I will not let her have free reign in my kitchen! So I got really mad and I cried. All the "rules" I set when we brought her home have all been criticized and tossed out the window. I feel like I have lost control. Fine. She can have a snack whenever she wants, but it's going to be fruit. I'll put a bowl of fruit out on the table and see how long it lasts. It still really makes me mad. We eat plenty. Alex has never complained about not having enough. Sorry. I'm venting. I do not agree with it at all, but I'm really getting tired of her smacking noises every thirty minutes too. I'm done.
    Both kids get to ride today. Hoping that goes well. I really dread taking her out anywhere anymore. :frown: I'm not going to the prayer meeting today. I have too much to do. I have to get the house cleaned up before the social worker comes tomorrow. I'm just under a lot of stress right now. I feel that if anyone asks me to do anything else, no matter how small, I will snap. I need to let it go. All of it and just do it.
    My post is a downer. I'll end on a positive note. I'm healthy physically. And my kids are healthy.
    Look at the bright side boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Aw, MM, hang in there. I keep thinking maybe Irina didn't get enough to eat in Russia - so maybe having fruit out will assure her?

    Still waiting on the rain - fingers double crossed.

    I'm having little aches and pains, so I'm going to walk today. I have a free pass at a yoga studio, so if I'm feeling frisky, I might go this afternoon. It's really the only time there's a class I would like to take.

    Short post, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Hi, pebbs. . .

    Feeling only slightly overwhelmed today. Feel pretty on top of most things.

    Also, indulged in my favourite freak-out coping skill: when in doubt, go get your nails did. :laugh: Now, I'm making sure clothes are clean for packing, and will triple check my technology and pack this evening. Just about to get some lunch and then some practicing in. The paper and presentation are officially as finished as they're going to get, my nails are a sedate, grown-up friendly colour, and it's a beautiful day outside. Breathe in, breathe out.

    I'm also pondering a user-name change, Mary. . .did anything else change when you did that? Mine is a little too close to my "real name" now that I'm looking for jobs.

    Nails did fixes everything, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I third the "let's move to groups" idea. What do we do, just go?
  • update: Nov 15th half way to 60 km walking goal. (almost) 29.57 km completed.

    haven't done stairs in a while....I am finding I need to conserve energy for walking or else I just sleep all day and the dishes pile up.

  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    SJ, that is great! Keep it up!

    V, I've decided I need to fly to Canada alone and get my nails done with you. :wink:
    I just got on here to ask if you all have started a group yet. If one of you wants to start it, and just post it on here then I'll find ya! :happy:
    Oh horse therapy went really well. Irina was all smiles and learned quickly that "walk" is what makes the horse move. I'm glad she gets to do that. Now we just need to get her a used helmet so she won't throw a tantrum because Alex can keep his helmet and she can't. I am also realizing that nap time is probably going to have to go. Both kids were crying when I told them it was nap time. It's a real struggle to get them to "take naps" but it also means no more quiet time for me until after they go to bed and sometimes "me" time doesn't happen then either. One more sacrifice I'm having to make. I should be used to it by now. :ohwell:
    And I left fruit bowl on the table this afternoon. They both ate a banana and half of the grapes that I bought. Guess I'll be buying fruit every 2-3 days. But she didn't ask me for food again that I remember. Everything runs together these days.
    Second post boogaloo.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hey everybody! I'm cool with going to a group. I second MM - post here what I need to do to follow and I will be there! :laugh:

    MM, I'm glad horse therapy went well. Everybody needs some "me" time, so I hope you find some. Your husband has the whole drive to and from work at least, right!? :wink: (I probably spend too much of mine on the internet, and brooding.) I think the fruit idea seems fair. Maybe popcorn would be another option?
    Mary, I like the new name! I've been meaning to change mine, too - just haven't thought of who I should be instead. :wink:
    V, good luck at your conference! I've never had my nails done.
    Livi and SJ, good to see you.

    Well, I actually feel like I'm allowed to post today. My husband dragged me to the gym on Sunday, then I had yesterday off so I went again, and then I ate a donut today so I went again after work. I still am struggling to find ANYTHING I can do that doesn't aggravate my ankle - Sunday and Monday were biking and strength training, today was the rowing machine. My only goal at this point is to show up and try something. I wanted to push myself on the rowing machine, but then my shoulder started hurting (kinda bursitis-y)... so I said, "fine! I'll slow down." It is frustrating, but I'm trying not to be frustrated. I'm trying just to show up and try something.

    Show up and try something, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Nail salon party! My treat for all my pebbs.:wink: I live right above one, remember? I think they even have enough pedicure chairs for all of us.

    I had to get super conservative, business woman nails yesterday and I screamed "aaaah! I'm naked!" when they were finished. I like the colors. Even though they're painted (super lit pink and actually very pretty) I had gotten used to red and purple and grey and the like.

    Up early to pack and fly to Philly. Will try to keep checking in, but no promises. Hope to get some explorer walking in once I get in.

    Naked nails, boogaloo. :flowerforyou:
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