
  • apertuis
    apertuis Posts: 117 Member
    I didn't realize a new thread had started :-) I've been walking and started adding a little jog/run in with it. The little bit of running has upped my burn & I'm feeling it in my booty & thighs. Yay!! I still don't think my knees can handle Jillian again so I'm not attempting it. I have Zumba for the Kinect & Dance Central for Kinect that I'd like to start again.
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 801 Member
    Amber: Sounds like a plan girlfriend, I think i have the grocery store in my plans for today as much as i hate it but i, too, am running out of food in my refrigerator. :sad:

    Meghan: Jump, Shake, Shimmy the bad mood out (not sure if your little guy watches Yo Gabba Even if you cant press play if your routine includes some TV time utilize the commercial time for crunches and such. I usually do that on Tuesdays while i watch biggest loser. :o) You got this Mama, just think about your big date :bigsmile:

    Latoya: So far my plan is my usual 6pm Zumba class, i might get into more but i have been having trouble eating my 1200 calories for the day and i dont want to kill a loss because im not eating enough. My goal is to be around 135 by the end of the challenge...i think the spreadsheet says 136ish which is a 5% loss for the month. I am so ready for the 130s!!!

    How is everyone else today? Lets make this a productive day shall we!! Lets burn more calories than we did yesterday!!! How bout it!!!!?? :o)

    Now go workout!!!!
    :heart: Meg

    I didnt workout yesterday so i will definitely make sure to burn more calories today than making myself accountable!!!
  • boncharlie
    boncharlie Posts: 459 Member
    Hey ladies :)

    Iv'e been shopping today too. Managed to scoop lots of reduced bargains so now my freezer is FULL!!!!

    Got a lovely walk in as well which was good.... Because I didn't have much weight loss with 30 day shred last month, I have decided to skip Jillian until after my big consultant appointment ( on TUESDAY EEEEEEKKKK!!). May take it up again on wednesday... maybe... lol

    My goal this month is just to get my scales moving DOWN!! I have been at a plateau for such a long time and I would love to reach my 100lbs by xmas - 19 lbs to go!!

    Have a great day xx
  • ML1020
    ML1020 Posts: 39
    Today I am treating myself to Subway for lunch! My girls have taken turns being sick for 2 weeks and my husband was out of town for a week so I have not been to the gym in 3 weeks :(. So tonight i'm super excited to get back to my zumba class. Tomorrow i'm getting my hair highlighted plus I have body pump and zumba class. On Saturday morning I do body pump and zumba again. I probably won't be able to move come Sunday.

    October was suppose to be the month I broke out of my 140's but with everything going on I did horrible. I ate really bad and couldn't make it to the gym as much. So my goal for November is to break out of my 150's and never ever go back.

    Good luck to the rest of you. You all are doing so good and have such motivation! You all ROCK!!!!
    Enjoy your day and have a great weekend!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    60 minutes of yoga, 50 minutes of shoveling and 2 miles on the treadmill for me yesterday. just yoga today!
  • summergreen487
    summergreen487 Posts: 131 Member
    Just started Ripped in 30 today. I will be taking rest days this time around which I didn't do with 30DS.

    Also my goal for November is to break past the 130 barrier. 129.8, here I come!
  • MegSommer
    MegSommer Posts: 522 Member
    Sounds like everyone is doing great!! Just got back from the store and i realized i must have worked my *kitten* off yesterday because it hurts to walk. lol Must be doing something right. :o)

    I also had to pick up things for our Halloween Party on Sunday (it was originally planed as a going away party for my Hubb but since hes not leaving until January 10th now its now just a Halloween party :o)) Lets just say Sunday is not going to be a good day. hah I have some great ideas for themed food but they are not healthy...not even a little! hah so ill just taste test and hopefully not go over board. :o)
  • slainnz
    slainnz Posts: 56 Member
    Hi all, ive also just found you, not really been with it the last week was away for 5 days so am just catching up on all the posts. Everyone is doing fab. I'm still doing JM i'm on D3L3 i will finish it!! i'm also starting C25K so will check out that play list.

    Well done everyone keep up the good work!!
  • Amber393
    Amber393 Posts: 472 Member
    Good Evening you all!

    How did today go for all of us?

    It's gone pretty okay for me. Got my exercise in, doing the laundry still (that's a never ending battle), dinner is cooked and waiting to be eaten. I'll wait until Daniel comes home because I like us eating together at the same time so we can talk about our days and what nots. The grocery list still needs made and the house still needs cleaned but there's always tomorrow for cleaning. The list I'll make it out tonight or tomorrow morning before I go grocery shopping.

    Just wanna say thank you all for the support and encouragement. Without you girls I dunno where I'd be. Lost in the land of MFP I'm sure but I can say you've all really brought a sense of feeling like I belong on this site. I've tried other sites before but never really felt at home so to speak so thanks you!

    Love you all bunches!


  • MegSommer
    MegSommer Posts: 522 Member
    Good Evening you all!

    How did today go for all of us?

    It's gone pretty okay for me. Got my exercise in, doing the laundry still (that's a never ending battle), dinner is cooked and waiting to be eaten. I'll wait until Daniel comes home because I like us eating together at the same time so we can talk about our days and what nots. The grocery list still needs made and the house still needs cleaned but there's always tomorrow for cleaning. The list I'll make it out tonight or tomorrow morning before I go grocery shopping.

    Just wanna say thank you all for the support and encouragement. Without you girls I dunno where I'd be. Lost in the land of MFP I'm sure but I can say you've all really brought a sense of feeling like I belong on this site. I've tried other sites before but never really felt at home so to speak so thanks you!

    Love you all bunches!



    Awp! :smooched: Thanks girlfriend! Like i have said before you are a huge part of the group and we just wouldn't be the same without ya!!

    As for me, Just got back from Zumba and it was one HECK of a class, i was sweating buckets after the 3rd song! My instructor is amazing! I hope i can be HALF the instructor she is when i start teaching!

    I think i have a small NSV....not sure if this counts but i started making some of the treats for Sundays party, the one i worked on today was cookie balls that will look like little pumpkins. So you crush OREOS and mix them with cream cheese roll it into balls coat with white chocolate and orange sugar and top with a pretzel stem....:noway: :noway: Yumm, Although, i wouldnt know if they were yumm, because i didnt eat any! Not even a taste! :drinker: If any of you seen Meghans post earlier, you know i REALLY like oreos...but somehow i had some self control, not sure where i found it but i did! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Well im going to go enjoy some coffee and some quality time with Huberoonie and will check in with everyone in the mornin'

    :heart: Meg
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 454 Member
    I seriously cannot agree more about the love and support on this site!! It is so great to belong to such a fun and inspiring group like this one!

    Today was a success!! Ran and now I am currently chopping vegetables for my cheesy potato soup!!! going to throw it all in the crock pot tomorrow before I leave for work! Date night tomorrow with the BF with homemade dinner and a redbox!!! I think we'll save about hmm $50 dollars by doing it this way haha!

  • Amber393
    Amber393 Posts: 472 Member
    All this talk of potato soup I'm gunna have to make me some! :laugh: definitely going to add it for the dinner menu or maybe a lunch.

  • OK, so today I started Jillian's 30DS and I only lasted 20 minutes. It killed me!!! :-( I will try again tomorrow.
  • MegSommer
    MegSommer Posts: 522 Member
    OK, so today I started Jillian's 30DS and I only lasted 20 minutes. It killed me!!! :-( I will try again tomorrow.

    :sad: 5 more minutes and you would have been done! I think at that point you had 1/2 of the last circuit and cool down left!! Bummer. Push through! You got this!!!! :bigsmile:
  • Meghan0116
    Meghan0116 Posts: 1,268 Member
    Soooooooooo, last night I had every freaking intention of shredding until it reached about 10:00 pm and my two year old was still awake and CLINGY. My neighbor had a really rough day yesterday so I let her two year old play at my house for almost 3 hours. That meant no shredding then. I cleaned some and cooked and was in a generally poor mood. I don't really know why because and this is really personal but I feel close to you ladies but I am on antidepressants and recently upped the dosage. I shouldn't be in a bad mood, that is contrary to what the pills should do. Ugh. My bad moods are not just feeling irritable, it is much worse. I never get violent or have rage problems, I just kind of shut down. The only person I can seem to really respond to is my son, so don't worry that I would ever ignore him.

    Anyway, I told myself that I would get up and shred and I DID!!!! The sucky part was that I tweaked my sciatic nerve during the last part and thought I was going to die. I actually was truly afraid that I couldn't get off the floor and my son would find me as a twitching mess in tears. lol I popped 3 tylenol and it feels better already. Stupid leftover pregnancy thing. Hmph. lol
  • MegSommer
    MegSommer Posts: 522 Member
    Hey Nonsensers! Just realized i can add sheets to our spread sheet instead of starting over every week! Woo! All the pages look the same so make sure the date is correct when inputting your info and if its on the wrong page click on the correct week tab in the bottom left corner of the page. :o) I will transfer weigh in info to the new pages so dont worry about putting it in 2 places. :o)
  • steelguy54
    steelguy54 Posts: 90 Member
    I just entered my exercise from last night on the spreadsheet and noticed that we are burning some awesome calories!!! And we still have a couple more days.

    Keep up the awesome work everyone!!
  • MegSommer
    MegSommer Posts: 522 Member
    I just entered my exercise from last night on the spreadsheet and noticed that we are burning some awesome calories!!! And we still have a couple more days.

    Keep up the awesome work everyone!!

    Yeah seriously!! Most are up above 2000 for the week so far! Great work!!!
  • Meghan0116
    Meghan0116 Posts: 1,268 Member
    I think my post above may come across wrong and I would edit it if allowed. I am afraid that it seems like I said that I have rage and violence problems and I absolutely do not. I rarely get angry but I do tend to shutdown a bit when I feel depressed. I wish I would have written that better. Now ya'll will think I am nuts.
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 454 Member
    I think my post above may come across wrong and I would edit it if allowed. I am afraid that it seems like I said that I have rage and violence problems and I absolutely do not. I rarely get angry but I do tend to shutdown a bit when I feel depressed. I wish I would have written that better. Now ya'll will think I am nuts.

    lol we do not think you are nuts :)