Fall's Foxy Femmes - CLOSED GROUP - Week 1

Hi ladies!

Before we jump right into this, I would like each of you to introduce yourselves and let us know a little bit about you. Also, please note your current weight/starting weight and what your goals are for this challenge.

FemmeRides - My name is Tabitha and I am your team captain. I am looking to not only improve my physical strength and capabilities, but I am also looking to lose about 20lbs. My goal is to be 160 - 165 by January 1st. My current weight is 183.4lbs. I had reached 177lbs but after seriously slacking off, I'm back up to 183.4lbs. I started this journey a few years ago when I weighed 252.8lbs. I have since then lost this weight several times. This is my 3rd time reaching the 180's. However, this time I don't plan on getting pregnant and gaining it all back. :laugh: Plus, I've never reached the 170's until this time so I think this will be the last time I have to lose this weight! I don't ever want to gain weight again!

I will be creating a new post each week so that we can offer maximum support to one another. Our challenges are to be physically active. If we lose weight as a result, then that is awesome! However, it is not a requirement. We are just trying to push our bodies to become healthier and stronger.

Okay, So please introduce yourselves ladies!

Sundance2032, xxx_pink_princess_xxx, ingot81, and jennbunny73

Looking forward to getting to know you guys and offering support. We can TOTALLY win this challenge!

Here is the avatar I created


here is the code (just change the IMG to img.


  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    here are my before pics (not sure if you guys want to do that but i think it helps)


    since yesterday, i've already lost weight. lol. 182.1lbs! :-) only 5lbs away from where i was a few weeks ago. :-)
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    I can already tell this is a team with a MISSION! I just sent your captain the spreadsheet and more info will come later today with details on the workouts. Good luck ladies!
  • JennBunny73
    JennBunny73 Posts: 292 Member
    Hi My name is Jenn. I started my weight loss journey in 2009 when reaching my high weight of 213. I worked out at the gym with HIIT workouts on both the treadmill and elliptical and lost 10 pounds in the first 2 months…had a big plateau and then lost another 15 by the end of 6 months. I got a very painful heel spur and had to quit working out until the winter of last year. I started taking Turbokick classes and fell in love with them..they way they made me feel and toned me, but my instructor got very ill and is no longer teaching them. I gained 15 pounds back and got scared when I seen 199 on the scale again. I am determined to never see 200 again and so I decided I am going to workout everyday and watch what I eat to lose the weight I want to before I turn 40. I want to be somewhere between 140-145 (I think, don’t really know because I have been above 170 since my early 30’s). I ordered TurboFire dvd's and they should be here tomorrow. I plan to follow that program and work hard at it. I will try to get some pictures on here by the weekend.

    SW - 197.7 (today)
    Goal weight by Thanksgiving is 188.
    Goal by Christmas is 177
    Goal by my 39th birthday (Jan 30) is to be under 170

    I am excited to be on this team..and I like the avatar, very nice :)
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    BONUS for this week is drinking 100 oz of water....It will run from Wednesday to Saturday....That means your team can earn an extra 4 point per person this week (20 points if everyone does it)!! DRINK UP!!!
  • sundance2032
    sundance2032 Posts: 376 Member
    Hello everyone, I am Allyson I'm 33, married and we have a wonderful almost 5yo. We live out in Texas on a small farm so I am very lucky and get to stay at home. I LOVE to be outside. This past month I have been working hard outside pulling weeds and such, burning a ton of cals, but not at all tracking my food... I have eaten cake everyday this week some of them even twice and it did not stop there.... I am very unhappy with myself. I was 142 at the end of sept and am now 151.6 :sad: I also stopped drinking 8 glasses of water a day so I am happy that is apart of this challenge (I did wonderful in Septs challenge and had 8-10 a day)
    here are my before pictures.
    Heres :drinker: to a new month, and a wonderful team.

  • ingot81
    ingot81 Posts: 618 Member
    Hi all. My name is Michelle and I am a primary school teacher from Wales. I have been over weight since I was 9/10 (my Mum thinks she over compensated when my Nan moved in suffering from Alzheimer's). I lost weight before uni then put it back and more. Lost it again for my wedding and put it back again (topping the scales at 244). I've had a real kick up the bum recently and, since May last year, I've lost 73lbs. I eat 1200 calories and burn loads. I love step, Body Attack, Body Combat and Spin. I teach Zumba three times a week and am trying to do a Bridge to 10k.

    I am absolutely rubbish with my water intake but I will make it a priority (and even log it on my diary). I won't bore you any more. I'm off to convert 100oz to litres!
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    welcome everyone! Michelle, what's your starting weight? I got Jenn's and Allyson's but i'm still missing yours and xxx_pink_princess_xxx's.

    make sure you all get your 100oz in today! we can TOTALLY win this challenge! I will be bugging the hell out of you all week! :-) You guys can do the same. Accountability is how we will win this!

  • ingot81
    ingot81 Posts: 618 Member
    Sorry. My starting weight is 171.5lbs. Fingers crossed I don't stay stuck - struggled last week.
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    Sorry. My starting weight is 171.5lbs. Fingers crossed I don't stay stuck - struggled last week.

    i can't wait until i am at your weight! lol. and when i get there, i'm sure i'll feel the way you do if i get stuck. :laugh:
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Exercises for Wednesday have been posted!
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    Alright everyone. So far the challenges look to be like this:

    1. Drink 100 ounces of water a day, everyday
    2. Wednesdays physical challenge: 75 jumping jacks, 40 sit-ups, 30 squats, and 10 push-ups
    3. Sundays are REST days

    To make all of these easier, put a game plan together. For example, put reminders on your phone to drink 10 oz of water every 90 minutes or something. Also, make sure you do the physical challenge all at once. You can give yourself a one minute break in between each work out but the idea is to get our heart rate up and making that muscle stronger!

    Now, about the push ups...TRY and do regular push ups. I know some people struggle with that. I couldn't do a regular push up for years. Now I can but i started slow. I started with doing one regular and then 9 modified, then 2 regular and 8 modified, etc.

    How did all of you do today? How was everyone's diary today? Let's get this ball rolling ladies!
  • sundance2032
    sundance2032 Posts: 376 Member
    I don't know if today counts, but I got my water in and I am going to explode :) Just so everyone knows on my food log I just put how many glasses I had, but I have added the extra 2 oz to the glass so its 100 oz for my 10 logged cups... better logging for me. I also went in and fixed my weight tracker ... added the gained weight back... Night all
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    good job allyson! i got my water in too! woo! :-)
  • ingot81
    ingot81 Posts: 618 Member
    good job allyson! i got my water in too! woo! :-)

    The water is going to be a killer for me. I'm not used to it. Going to call in the shop on the way to work to buy 3 x 1ltr bottles to keep me on track. I will finish them all if it kills me!
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    Hey guys, sorry for the tardiness, Im Jeananne Im 24 and I live in Scotland. I work for an IT company doing sales. I have always struggled with my weight even though I was a very active kid. I tipped the scales at 214.5 in Jan and was disgusted this motivated me to start my new lifestyle.

    I do Kettlebells, zumba, body blitz, the gym and Am very slowly attemting C25K.

    I really love my new life and all the new people I have met through it. The last few months have been a bit of a struggle but I really wanna get back on this.

    My CW: 176.8
    My goal weigh for xmas: 169. Im gonna try my hardest to get there :)

    How many glassed of water is 100 oz? We weork that one glass in 250ml? Can any one help me on this? xxxx
  • Divagettinfitin2011
    Hello, Everyone! My name is Nadine. I have lost 93 pounds so far!
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    Hello, Everyone! My name is Nadine. I have lost 93 pounds so far!

    Hey Nadine! You're actually on my other team. I'm putting together a team name and I'll send you a message. Once we get that going, I will start a new post for your team.
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    good morning ladies! i hope everyone is as excited as i am! we are so gonna nail this!

    remember, today we start our challenge!

    1. Drink 100 ounces of water a day, everyday
    2. Wednesdays physical challenge: 75 jumping jacks, 40 sit-ups, 30 squats, and 10 push-ups .

    Let's keep each other motivated!

    My plan for today is to do both 1 and 2 and then i'm also going to do an hour of Turbo Kick. I'm going to start my day with some yummy oatmeal to fuel my body.

    What are your plans for the day?
  • ingot81
    ingot81 Posts: 618 Member
    Hey guys, sorry for the tardiness, Im Jeananne Im 24 and I live in Scotland. I work for an IT company doing sales. I have always struggled with my weight even though I was a very active kid. I tipped the scales at 214.5 in Jan and was disgusted this motivated me to start my new lifestyle.

    I do Kettlebells, zumba, body blitz, the gym and Am very slowly attemting C25K.

    I really love my new life and all the new people I have met through it. The last few months have been a bit of a struggle but I really wanna get back on this.

    My CW: 176.8
    My goal weigh for xmas: 169. Im gonna try my hardest to get there :)

    How many glassed of water is 100 oz? We weork that one glass in 250ml? Can any one help me on this? xxxx

    I had that problem. 100oz is 3 litres (I've managed 2 so far).
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    keep up the good work! where are our other team members???