Teacher support Group



  • LifesPilgrim
    LifesPilgrim Posts: 498 Member
    Enjoy yourself!!!!! Any big plans???

    Anybody have tips on staying on the program while out of school? I ditched my project list, and have really screwed my eating habits up this week.

    Back to work on Monday for me, good to be back in a schedule, but bad getting back to the end of the year madness.
  • jhacker
    jhacker Posts: 301 Member
    Officially on Spring Break!! Yahoo!!:drinker: Its a beautiful day! Gonna get out and play some tennis or something!! Anyone else on Spring break this week? I plan on being very active! No excuse of having no time!:embarassed:
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    I made it!!!!! I'm finally on SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So first day in, I've been running errands all day...I'd love to go take a nap, but don't want to waste the day! :laugh:
  • sportygal
    sportygal Posts: 221 Member
    I'm right there with you all! I also work at a Title 1 school and if maybe the politicians would spend a year in our shoes they would understand! Granted I'm sure in a day they would run!!! I am SO irritated that we are bailing out AIG and car companies and cutting education left and right. Good colleagues of mine just received pink slips. Our state is dead last in education, but when will it stop? We need to fight!!!!!
    :mad: I hate the data driven education society we are becoming. I have to practically document every little step I make. There are SO many markers to a kids progress that cannot be documented on a piece of paper. When I have kids with parents in jail, violence in the streets and no support at home, and I can get them to care about themselves, how can that be documented? Well years down the line, when they are successful, they aren't going to remember taking the state test and feeling good about it. They are going to remember kind words and the motivation they received from me, to go out there and reach your dreams! I am so sick of the educational system, that pushing testing, testing, and more testing! I spend a large amt. of the day documenting things, which takes me away from focusing on the child! There is something wrong here! Then the prez wants merit pay? So if a firefighter doesn't save all the people in the burning house, he should not receive merit pay? If a cop solves all his cases, he should receive extra ca$h? I don't choose my students, nor does firefighters or cops choose their situations. This is appalling! What is wrong with this country!?:explode:

    I am so with you on this!!:angry: I teach in a Title I school where we pool our students from 4 housing projects! We work our butts off but have to deal with so much more with our type of students.
    I wish the standardized testing would show how far we brought them even though they may not have met a benchmark!:ohwell:
    On another note,I had a really fun Math Madness Monday today. We set up stations and did Math all day in preparation for a benchmark testing tomorrow.Hope it helped!! We have been so strapped for time lately! Our pacing stunk for the 3rd Nine weeks.:grumble:
    Anyway, Spring Break next week!! Can't wait!!!:bigsmile:
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    Those wellness competitions sound really cool. I wish we had something like that, but my administrator is seriously into food rewards for the kids. It makes me crazy. She eats more candy bars & junk food in one week than I've even purchased in the last year.
    Spring Break was 2 weeks ago for us, but hubby has the week off now.
    It stinks.
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Those wellness competitions sound really cool. I wish we had something like that, but my administrator is seriously into food rewards for the kids. It makes me crazy. She eats more candy bars & junk food in one week than I've even purchased in the last year.
    Spring Break was 2 weeks ago for us, but hubby has the week off now.
    It stinks.

    I use to love the Staff Fittness Challenge that we had at on eof my previous schools. It really jump started us on getting healthy and relieving stress during that last part of the year when burn out really tries to sneak in and get'cha. I switched school districts four years ago, and they are a "no fun alllowed" sort of crowd...so I really miss it!!!!

    But I was reading on the other teacher site about the afterschool staff volleyball/kick ball games so I'm determined to go back to school Monday and ask if anyone wants to do this.
  • Living4Me
    Living4Me Posts: 33
    Hi all! I know I'm late to the game but I wanna join. I teach elementary school.

    I have been working hard for 3 weeks and have yet to see results. It's getting frustrating.
  • Living4Me
    Living4Me Posts: 33
    Those wellness competitions sound really cool. I wish we had something like that, but my administrator is seriously into food rewards for the kids. It makes me crazy. She eats more candy bars & junk food in one week than I've even purchased in the last year.
    Spring Break was 2 weeks ago for us, but hubby has the week off now.
    It stinks.

    Wow! How do you get around the FMNV guidelines? On Thursday we were told a number of times that we couldn't serve cupcakes because it was not one of our "free" days. It's so crazy. Everything we serve the kids has to meet guidelines. I know that's a good thing but sometimes it is a pain.
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    We have a wellness plan, required by our state dept of ed, but it was in place before she arrived (almost 2 years ago) & she doesn't think it's important.
    We received an award for our implementation of the plan before, but now we're clearly in violation.
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    :sad: Whaaaaa...I don't want to go bck tomorrow...it's Inservice Hell Day, with just a bunch of busy work for us to do, instead of letting us be truly productive!!!! Does anyone else have crummy Inservice Days too?
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    Just kids - bright & early - one week till testing!
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Don't even get me started about testing!!! That's all we'll be cramming for until 4/27!!! UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!:laugh:
  • LifesPilgrim
    LifesPilgrim Posts: 498 Member
    we usually have cruddy inservice also. Except for the last one, it was the best one ever and I can say that because I was the presenter (absolutely no ego issues here) :bigsmile:

    Seriously, I don't mind them if it is something we can take away with us and use immediately which is what I did. Otherwise, they are a waste of time.
  • Living4Me
    Living4Me Posts: 33
    The last inservice we had ... It was awesome! hehehe... I was a presenter. LOL

    Anyways, yes, the end of the year stress *read mandatory testing* is upon us. I am not looking forward to this time.

    I don't have to give the big TAKS test but I still have goals to meet. I am confident that all will go well. We shall see.

    I didn't want to go back to work today. My desk is a huge mess and I'm so unmotivated to clean it. I am hoping to move to a new city in the fall. I have to start packing and getting things ready. I am so not looking forward to it. But I have to do it before school gets out because they wax my building as soon as school is out and I need to have it ready to go. Blah.
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Well...our inservice was just as I expected ...worthless. With state testing coming up, you'd think that our district would want us preparing for that instead of doing mudane goal setting verbiage for next year???? UGH!
  • mmackie
    mmackie Posts: 93
    I actually don't mind inservices...although some are better than others. I must say though, I HATE writing the sub plans for them! I was just at a 4-day inservice and I had to do sub plans and it took me the entire week before! But it was a REALLY good inservice!

    Question...is anyone on this site familiar with GLAD strategies? If so, have they been successful in your classroom?

    p.s. GLAD stands for Guided Language Acquisition Development-Its an EL and Special Education strategy used for teaching grade level vocabulary...Just thought I'd ask!

    Oh yeah, I'm on spring break too and its been a very relaxing time!:drinker:
  • Living4Me
    Living4Me Posts: 33
    My pet peeve are those inservices where they read to us from the handout they give us.

    I have never heard of GLAD, but it sounds interesting.
  • Living4Me
    Living4Me Posts: 33
    Okay I admit. Lunch time is the hardest time for me as I normally go out to eat. The only positive is that I know that I eat my largest meal at noon each day. And I normally eat a small dinner. Plus, I work out in the afternoons so I burn off a lot of the lunch!

    Another thing: Our district has a nutritional chart for all the meals that are prepared in the cafeteria. This is fabulous for me because I am able to accurately document my intake. :smile:
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member

    Another thing: Our district has a nutritional chart for all the meals that are prepared in the cafeteria. This is fabulous for me because I am able to accurately document my intake. :smile:

    For us, there's a reason they only charge $2.50 for lunches....you get what you pay for! Not that nutritional at ALL!!!! I'd rather go without, than to have a school lunch. :ohwell:
  • LifesPilgrim
    LifesPilgrim Posts: 498 Member
    I've nver heard of GLAD, but I'll ask around. I'm always looking for a new and better way to do things too.

    Be glad you get the nutritional breakdown for your school lunches. Our food here is decent, we pay $3.00 for our lunches, but it's all you can eat and rarely is it the same as the kids lunches. I choose to bring my own lunch most days though.

    The kinda good news is that Florida does its testing in March, so we are done with the testing! :bigsmile: The bad part is that now we have to convince the kids that achool is not over with, they just don't want to do any work after the FCAT.