Motivated Momma's Week 7 (closed)



  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member

    stupid cheetos :grumble:

    Ha!! Oh, hon.. I :heart: you!! Lol...

    I :heart: you back baby! :smile:
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    I've felt like poo all day today, so the only exercising that I got in was the strength exercises for today. Hopefully I'll be feeling better tomorrow! Here's my stuff for today.

    WOW, me too; here's to hoping you feel better! :heart:

    Thanks so much! I feel GREAT today! The only downside is that I'm SUPER hungry since I didn't eat much yesterday, but everything I want to eat is on the "junk food" list. I was thinking of making a protein shake, but mine has chocolate protein powder and peanut butter in it, so would that be a no-no?
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Here's my recipe for the Banana Oatmeal Waffles. It's originally a recipe from, but I altered it to make it healthy. Just mix everything together and pour into your waffle iron. I end up making this recipe, which makes 17 thick waffles, or sometimes doubling it to make more. I then let them cool, put 8 into a gallon size ziploc and putting them in the freezer. DH has 2 each morning with some peanut butter on them for his drive to work (he works an hour away). Anyways, enough rambling on, here's the recipe:

    1 1/2 cups Aldi's all purpose flour
    2 cups Quaker old fashioned oatmeal (ground up in food processor, it's 2 cups before ground up)
    1 tsp. McCormick Cinnamon & Sugar Grinder
    1 TBSP Vanilla extract
    1 1/2 cups Hodgson's Mill Whole Wheat Flour
    1/3 cup brown sugar
    3 cups skim milk
    6 tsp. baking powder
    4 TBSP Premium Gold - Organic Golden Omega Milled Golden Flaxseed (I use this in place of eggs, I mix this with water)
    200grams Bananas (ground up in food processor, as you want them as liquified as possible).
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    I've felt like poo all day today, so the only exercising that I got in was the strength exercises for today. Hopefully I'll be feeling better tomorrow! Here's my stuff for today.

    WOW, me too; here's to hoping you feel better! :heart:

    Thanks so much! I feel GREAT today! The only downside is that I'm SUPER hungry since I didn't eat much yesterday, but everything I want to eat is on the "junk food" list. I was thinking of making a protein shake, but mine has chocolate protein powder and peanut butter in it, so would that be a no-no?

    I think based onthe conversation earl;ier this week regarding PB/and PB like spreads: it's a question of self control. I think the group consensus was that if you enjoy a spoonful of PB in a shake or whatever it's really not a big deal. But if you routinely find yourself diving into the jar with a spoon then it is time to test your will power. Basically, use your jusdgment! It's not a "bad" food it's all in how you react to it.

    So, my opinion, for what it;s worth - have your shake and enoy every drop of it! I would hardly consider that to be you indulging in "junk food".

    On the other hand: me with a jar of nutella? Bad combo! Straight up junk food for me cuz I got no control! lol! :laugh:

  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    On behalf of Karie and this week's contributors here is your week 7 challenge!

    Cardio: Due to it's success we are keeping Renu's challenge from last week going. Here it is again for conveinence sake.
    Possible 12 points + Bonus miles in Part 1
    Created by Renu

    Part 1(5pts)- My goal for this week is 15 again because I dont want to set an unachievable goal(5/15done)

    Part 2- Interval training (2/3pts)

    Part 3- Logging (3/4pts)

    Strength (1/6pts)
    Created by Amy
    6 points plus 3 Bonus points for a total of 9 points

    Monday: Glute Kicks (do 2 sets of 12 on each leg)(done)

    Tuesday: Hip & Thigh Trimmer (do 2 sets of 12 on each side)(done)
    ~Stand behind a chair, resting your hands lightly on the back. Bend your right leg & turn it out slightly so that your knee is pointing toward the ground. Lift your leg a few inches, keeping your upper body straight & facing forward. Focus on using al your thigh muscles. Lower your leg.

    Wednesday: Leg Toner (hold for 30 seconds & repeat twice)(done)
    ~Stand behind a chair, hands resting on the back. Bend your knees and lift your heels off the ground so that you are balancing on the balls of your feet. Hold for 30 seconds and then lower heels.

    Thursday: Triceps Dip (do one set of 10)
    ~Sit on the edge of a chair with your feet on the ground, hands next to thighs, palms flat on the edge of the seat. Move forward so that your lower back is barely touching the edge of the chair & your legs form a 90 degree angle. Bend your arms & lower down a few inches so that your elbows form a 90 degree angle. Come up and repeat.

    Friday: Ab & Butt Lift (do 2 sets of 12)
    ~Lie down on the floor with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Lift your pelvis and heels off the ground, keeping your torso and upper thighs straight. Hold for 2 seconds, squeezing your abs and buttocks. Lower down and repeat.

    Weekend: Full Body Stretch
    ~Stand with your left side facing a chair back and your left hand resting on it. Bring your heels together and point your toes out so your feet form a V. Slowly bend over and reach your right hand to the ground, letting your head hang. Lift up slowly from your waist, keeping your back and right arm straight. Keep lifting until you're bending back slightly, reaching your right arm behind you. Look up at the ceiling & hold for 5 seconds. Slowly bend down and repeat the sequence 5 times, taking deep breaths as you go.

    3 Bonus Points: Do all above exercises in sequence for 3 of the days (in addition to the exercise for the day)

    Food challenge
    10 points + 3 bonus for recipe submission
    Created by Renu
    No junk food challenge for this week. At least for 5 days this week, do not eat any of the junk foods and the list goes here. Plus, your meals has to be 5 meals a day , this means no skipping breakfast, snack, lunch or dinner. So you get 5 additional points on this one.

    Total 10 points. (6/10)

    Since its going to be a healthy week, post your favorite soup recipe which earns you an extra 3 points (bonus) (done)

    Created by Lynda
    1 point
    What does food mean to you? Comfort, security, distress, anxiety, happiness, fuel, control. When you think "food" what comes to mind? Has your thoughts about food changed since starting your weight loss journey?

    6pts today for: logging, intervals, strength and 1 bonus pt., and food.
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    I totally understand what happened with weigh in this week, and why I have been having such strong cravings for everything on the do not eat list. TOM showed up this morning! I am still getting in my workout today and now that I understand the cravings I can keep a better handle on them - However I will not be getting a no junk food point today!

    Part 1- Walking 8 Miles 0/5pt (3 mile so far)
    Part 2- Interval training 1/3
    Part 3- Logging 2/4

    Monday: Glute Kicks (do 2 sets of 12 on each leg) 1/1
    Tuesday: Hip & Thigh Trimmer (do 2 sets of 12 on each side) 1/1
    Wednesday: Leg Toner (hold for 30 seconds & repeat twice) 0/1
    Thursday: Triceps Dip (do one set of 10) 0/1
    Friday: Ab & Butt Lift (do 2 sets of 12) 1/1
    Weekend: Full Body Stretch 0/1
    Bonus: Do all above exercises in sequence for 3 of the days 0/3

    Food challenge:
    No junk food 1/5
    Eat all your Meals 3/5
    Soup Recipe 0/3

    Emotional 0/1
    What does food mean to you? Comfort, security, distress, anxiety, happiness, fuel, control. When you think "food" what comes to mind? Has your thoughts about food changed since starting your weight loss journey?

    Friday Points - 4 - Strength and Food Meal challenges and logging and intervals
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Possible 12 points + Bonus miles in Part 1

    Part 1- Time for walking...My goal is 15 miles. My total so far is 9.246 miles out of 15 miles.

    Part 2- Interval training...2/3 points

    Part 3- Logging...3/4 points

    6 points plus 3 Bonus points for a total of 9 points

    Monday: Glute Kicks (do 2 sets of 12 on each leg)...1/1 point
    Tuesday: Hip & Thigh Trimmer (do 2 sets of 12 on each side)...1/1 point
    Wednesday: Leg Toner (hold for 30 seconds & repeat twice)...1/1 point
    Thursday: Triceps Dip (do one set of 10)
    Friday: Ab & Butt Lift (do 2 sets of 12)
    Weekend: Full Body Stretch

    3 Bonus Points: Do all above exercises in sequence for 3 of the days (in addition to the exercise for the day)...2/3 points

    Food challenge
    10 points + 3 bonus for recipe submission
    Created by Renu
    No junk food challenge for this week...2/5 points

    Plus, your meals has to be 5 meals a day , this means no skipping breakfast, snack, lunch or dinner. So you get 5 additional points on this one...3/5 points

    Since its going to be a healthy week, post your favorite soup recipe which earns you an extra 3 points (bonus)

    1/1 point
    Food *most of the time* now means to me as a way to feed myself when hungry. However, it has DRASTICALLY changed from what it used to be. Food used to be a way to comfort me and feed my loneliness. Since I don't have any friends (just neighbors/acquaintances), I've always used food as a way to do something. Bored, let's eat, happy, let's eat, sad/anxious/depressed/angry, etc., let's eat. Since starting this journey and really wanting to change my emotional and mental well-being to go along with my physical look, it has completely changed. Sure, there are still times that I want to eat, just to eat, but those times are so much less than before. I am SUPER thankful for that!

    Friday Points Total: 6 points (1 for interval, 1 for logging, 1 for strength, 2 for food (meals & junkfood), 1 for emotional)
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Part 1- Time for walking...My goal is 10 miles.
    Friday- 2.5 miles

    Part 2- Interval training...1/3 points
    Part 3- Logging...2/4 points

    6 points plus 3 Bonus points for a total of 9 points

    Monday: Glute Kicks (do 2 sets of 12 on each leg)...1/1 point
    Tuesday: Hip & Thigh Trimmer (do 2 sets of 12 on each side) 1/1 point
    Wednesday: Leg Toner (hold for 30 seconds & repeat twice)
    Thursday: Triceps Dip (do one set of 10)
    Friday: Ab & Butt Lift (do 2 sets of 12)
    Weekend: Full Body Stretch

    3 Bonus Points: Do all above exercises in sequence for 3 of the days (in addition to the exercise for the day)...2/3 points

    Food challenge
    10 points + 3 bonus for recipe submission
    Created by Renu
    No junk food challenge for this week...2/5 points

    Plus, your meals has to be 5 meals a day , this means no skipping breakfast, snack, lunch or dinner. So you get 5 additional points on this one...2/5 points

    Thursday Points Total: 5 points (1 for logging, 1 for strength, 1 for bonus strength, 1 for food (5 meals), 1 for No Junk Food)
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I have been wanting to have a lazy day watching a movie, so my next day off I may just do that but I need some ideas.
    List your 3 favorite movies

    Here's mine
    1.Love Actually
    2. Overboard
    3. Pretty in Pink

    I have more but these are a few of the ones I could watch over and over.
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    I have been wanting to have a lazy day watching a movie, so my next day off I may just do that but I need some ideas.
    List your 3 favorite movies

    Here's mine
    1.Love Actually
    2. Overboard
    3. Pretty in Pink

    I have more but these are a few of the ones I could watch over and over.

    Hmm.. I had to think about it, and have discovered that I'm a pretty girly movie watcher!!

    1- Moulin Rouge
    2- Enchanted
    3- Ever After.

    Apparenly, its all about the music with me too!! Lol...

    Oh, and If I can include a 4th-- PS I Love You. It makes me cry the *ugly* cry, but also makes me laugh my *kitten* off.
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member

    stupid cheetos :grumble:

    Ha!! Oh, hon.. I :heart: you!! Lol...

    Me too!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    I've felt like poo all day today, so the only exercising that I got in was the strength exercises for today. Hopefully I'll be feeling better tomorrow! Here's my stuff for today.

    WOW, me too; here's to hoping you feel better! :heart:

    Thanks so much! I feel GREAT today! The only downside is that I'm SUPER hungry since I didn't eat much yesterday, but everything I want to eat is on the "junk food" list. I was thinking of making a protein shake, but mine has chocolate protein powder and peanut butter in it, so would that be a no-no?

    I think as long as it doesn't cross into the realm of "guilty" eating, I think it's fine; if it's part of your shake yes, if you proceed to eat it out of the jar then no! :wink:
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    I have been wanting to have a lazy day watching a movie, so my next day off I may just do that but I need some ideas.
    List your 3 favorite movies

    Here's mine
    1.Love Actually
    2. Overboard
    3. Pretty in Pink

    I have more but these are a few of the ones I could watch over and over.

    My list of favorites is looong, but here's my current top 3:
    1. Crazy Stupid Love (a very good movie with some surprisingly good acting; & whether they're really his or not, Ryan Gosling's abs are niiiice!)
    2. Bridesmaids (such a great girls' night movie; crude at times but freakin' hilarious!)
    3. The Help
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    There's really no way to say it but "Today sucked"; not much self control in the later half of the day but I guess that's why I'm hitting the gym tomorrow- get my Zumba on!

    TH. 11/2/11
    CARDIO (0/12) + (0/1 bonus)
    Part 1
    Mileage goal = 20
    Current mileage total: 8

    Part 2 (2/3)
    interval training? yes

    Part 3 (2/4)
    Logging? yes

    STRENGTH (0/6) + (0/3 bonus)
    glute kicks = yes
    hip & thigh trimmer = yes

    FOOD (3/10) + (0/3 bonus)
    "Junk" food? yep!!
    5 meals/ 1 day? yes


    EMOTIONAL (0/1)

    FR. 11/4/11
    CARDIO (0/12) + (0/1 bonus)
    Part 1
    Mileage goal = 20
    Current mileage total: 10

    Part 2 (0/3)
    interval training? yes

    Part 3 (0/4)
    Logging? yes

    STRENGTH (0/6) + (0/3 bonus)
    glute kicks = yes
    hip & thigh trimmer = yes
    leg toner = yes

    FOOD (3/10) + (0/3 bonus)
    "Junk" food? not a good day for this challenge...
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    I have been wanting to have a lazy day watching a movie, so my next day off I may just do that but I need some ideas.
    List your 3 favorite movies

    Here's mine
    1.Love Actually
    2. Overboard
    3. Pretty in Pink

    I have more but these are a few of the ones I could watch over and over.

    My list of favorites is looong, but here's my current top 3:
    1. Crazy Stupid Love (a very good movie with some surprisingly good acting; & whether they're really his or not, Ryan Gosling's abs are niiiice!)
    2. Bridesmaids (such a great girls' night movie; crude at times but freakin' hilarious!)
    3. The Help

    Oh man, I desperately want to see all 3 of those. Actually, it was even my hubby that suggested seeing Crazy Stupid Love! Usually though, I often don't see movies until they are either on TV, or in the discount bin in Wal-mart. Heck, I'm still 3 Harry Potter movies behind! ( and I even own some of those 3!)
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Cardio: Possible 12 points + Bonus miles in Part 1
    Part 1- Time for walking..10/15 miles ---
    Part 2- Interval training. 1/3
    Part 3- Logging the details 2/4

    Created by Amy
    6 points plus 3 Bonus points for a total of 9 points

    Monday: Glute Kicks (do 2 sets of 12 on each leg) 1/1 DONE
    Tuesday: Hip & Thigh Trimmer (do 2 sets of 12 on each side) 1/1 Done
    Wednesday: Leg Toner (hold for 30 seconds & repeat twice) 1/1 done
    Thursday: Triceps Dip (do one set of 10)
    Friday: Ab & Butt Lift (do 2 sets of 12)
    Weekend: Full Body Stretch

    3 Bonus Points: Do all above exercises in sequence for 3 of the days (in addition to the exercise for the day) 2/3 DONE

    Food challenge
    10 points + 3 bonus for recipe submission
    Created by Renu
    No junk food challenge for this week. At least for 5 days this week - 2/5 DONE! Only .5 T of peanut butter too! :)

    Plus, your meals has to be 5 meals a day , 2/5 DONE

    Total 10 points.
    post your favorite soup recipe which earns you an extra 3 points (bonus) 0/3

    1 point
    What does food mean to you? Comfort, security, distress, anxiety, happiness, fuel, control. When you think "food" what comes to mind? Has your thoughts about food changed since starting your weight loss journey? 0/1

    Fri- 7 pts. ( Intervals, logging, strength ( 3), food ( 2)
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    I posted this on my wall, but I thought I'd post here too for you ladies.

    We got a call at 10:30 last night that DH's grandma passed away (we knew this was coming, but thought it'd be a couple more weeks). So we are now packing up and getting ready to leave. It's a 15 hour drive (without stopping), so we'll be breaking it into 2 days on the way there (staying overnight in MO with my family). Funeral will be either Monday or Tuesday, then we have to head straight back here because Caeleb is going to be missing school and Russ will be missing work.

    Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that I'm not bailing on the rest of this week and possibly the beginning of next week, I'm just not going to be as active. I'm probably not going to be logging my food and won't be getting much exercise, but I'm still going to be making healthy choices (even though they will almost all be fast-food and restaurant choices....looks like Subway and salads will be my friend).

    I'll log what I can on here from my phone, but it takes awhile and I don't know what time I'll have to do it.
    Thanks for understanding.
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Cardio: Possible 12 points + Bonus miles in Part 1
    Part 1- Time for walking..13/15 miles ---
    Part 2- Interval training. 1/3
    Part 3- Logging the details 3/4

    Created by Amy
    6 points plus 3 Bonus points for a total of 9 points

    Monday: Glute Kicks (do 2 sets of 12 on each leg) 1/1 DONE
    Tuesday: Hip & Thigh Trimmer (do 2 sets of 12 on each side) 1/1 Done
    Wednesday: Leg Toner (hold for 30 seconds & repeat twice) 1/1 done
    Thursday: Triceps Dip (do one set of 10)1/1 DONE
    Friday: Ab & Butt Lift (do 2 sets of 12)
    Weekend: Full Body Stretch

    3 Bonus Points: Do all above exercises in sequence for 3 of the days (in addition to the exercise for the day) 2/3 DONE

    Food challenge
    10 points + 3 bonus for recipe submission
    Created by Renu
    No junk food challenge for this week. At least for 5 days this week - 2/5 DONE! Only .5 T of peanut butter too! :)

    Plus, your meals has to be 5 meals a day , 2/5 DONE

    Total 10 points.
    post your favorite soup recipe which earns you an extra 3 points (bonus) 0/3

    1 point
    What does food mean to you? Comfort, security, distress, anxiety, happiness, fuel, control. When you think "food" what comes to mind? Has your thoughts about food changed since starting your weight loss journey? 0/1

    Sat- 2 pts. ( logging, strength)
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Man! This food challenge is HARD; I never realized some of the crap I've been putting in my mouth (even though I have stayed within my cals for the day)...

    SA. 11/5/11
    CARDIO (0/12) + (0/1 bonus)
    Part 1
    Mileage goal = 20
    Current mileage total:

    Part 2 (3/3)
    interval training? n/a (but, yes)

    Part 3 (4/4)
    Logging? yes

    STRENGTH (4/6) + (0/3 bonus)
    full body stretch

    FOOD (0/10) + (0/3 bonus)
    "Junk" food? ooops, I did it again!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    I posted this on my wall, but I thought I'd post here too for you ladies.

    We got a call at 10:30 last night that DH's grandma passed away (we knew this was coming, but thought it'd be a couple more weeks). So we are now packing up and getting ready to leave. It's a 15 hour drive (without stopping), so we'll be breaking it into 2 days on the way there (staying overnight in MO with my family). Funeral will be either Monday or Tuesday, then we have to head straight back here because Caeleb is going to be missing school and Russ will be missing work.

    Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that I'm not bailing on the rest of this week and possibly the beginning of next week, I'm just not going to be as active. I'm probably not going to be logging my food and won't be getting much exercise, but I'm still going to be making healthy choices (even though they will almost all be fast-food and restaurant choices....looks like Subway and salads will be my friend).

    I'll log what I can on here from my phone, but it takes awhile and I don't know what time I'll have to do it.
    Thanks for understanding.

    I so understand! Thanks so much for giving us a "heads up"; even when you expect someone's passing, it's still hard... love to you and your family. Have a safe trip!
This discussion has been closed.