Motivated Momma's Week 7 (closed)



  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    I have been wanting to have a lazy day watching a movie, so my next day off I may just do that but I need some ideas.
    List your 3 favorite movies

    Here's mine
    1.Love Actually
    2. Overboard
    3. Pretty in Pink

    I have more but these are a few of the ones I could watch over and over.

    My list of favorites is looong, but here's my current top 3:
    1. Crazy Stupid Love (a very good movie with some surprisingly good acting; & whether they're really his or not, Ryan Gosling's abs are niiiice!)
    2. Bridesmaids (such a great girls' night movie; crude at times but freakin' hilarious!)
    3. The Help

    Oh man, I desperately want to see all 3 of those. Actually, it was even my hubby that suggested seeing Crazy Stupid Love! Usually though, I often don't see movies until they are either on TV, or in the discount bin in Wal-mart. Heck, I'm still 3 Harry Potter movies behind! ( and I even own some of those 3!)

    You have GOT to see "Crazy Stupid Love"- my husband even liked it! It's out on video now (came out this week; I bought it on iTunes). I love this movie!!! Pretty darn funny, and even poignant with some great eye candy for the ladies... I'm just sayin'... :wink:
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    Wow.. where did this weekend go?! I feel like yesterday was Thursday, but tomorrow is Monday! LOL

    Part 1- Walking 8 Miles 0/5pt (4 mile so far)
    Part 2- Interval training 1/3
    Part 3- Logging 3/4

    Monday: Glute Kicks (do 2 sets of 12 on each leg) 1/1
    Tuesday: Hip & Thigh Trimmer (do 2 sets of 12 on each side) 1/1
    Wednesday: Leg Toner (hold for 30 seconds & repeat twice) 0/1
    Thursday: Triceps Dip (do one set of 10) 0/1
    Friday: Ab & Butt Lift (do 2 sets of 12) 1/1
    Weekend: Full Body Stretch 1/1
    Bonus: Do all above exercises in sequence for 3 of the days 0/3

    Food challenge:
    No junk food 1/5
    Eat all your Meals 5/5
    Soup Recipe 0/3

    Emotional 0/1
    What does food mean to you? Comfort, security, distress, anxiety, happiness, fuel, control. When you think "food" what comes to mind? Has your thoughts about food changed since starting your weight loss journey?
    Saturday and Sunday Points - 4 - Strength and Food Meal challenges and logging
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    U. 11/6/11
    CARDIO (0/12) + (0/1 bonus)
    Part 1
    Mileage goal = 20
    Current mileage total:16

    Part 2 (3/3)
    interval training? n/a

    Part 3 (4/4)
    Logging? n/a

    STRENGTH (4/6) + (0/3 bonus)
    full body stretch

    FOOD (0/10) + (0/3 bonus)
    "Junk" food? oh baaaaad!!!

    All I have to say, is... :huh:
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    I have been wanting to have a lazy day watching a movie, so my next day off I may just do that but I need some ideas.
    List your 3 favorite movies

    Here's mine
    1.Love Actually
    2. Overboard
    3. Pretty in Pink

    I have more but these are a few of the ones I could watch over and over.

    My list of favorites is looong, but here's my current top 3:
    1. Crazy Stupid Love (a very good movie with some surprisingly good acting; & whether they're really his or not, Ryan Gosling's abs are niiiice!)
    2. Bridesmaids (such a great girls' night movie; crude at times but freakin' hilarious!)
    3. The Help

    Oh man, I desperately want to see all 3 of those. Actually, it was even my hubby that suggested seeing Crazy Stupid Love! Usually though, I often don't see movies until they are either on TV, or in the discount bin in Wal-mart. Heck, I'm still 3 Harry Potter movies behind! ( and I even own some of those 3!)

    You have GOT to see "Crazy Stupid Love"- my husband even liked it! It's out on video now (came out this week; I bought it on iTunes). I love this movie!!! Pretty darn funny, and even poignant with some great eye candy for the ladies... I'm just sayin'... :wink:

    I loved crasy stupid love! And I totally didn't expect to! My girlfriend made me go and I was like " THis is gonna be crazy stupid AWFUL!!!!" but I totally loved it! A must see in my opinion!

    My top 3 lazy day movies:

    1) Love Actually (seriously Karie! Are we the same person?!?!)
    2) How to lose a guy in 10 days (my best friend and hubby mock me bacuse apparently I have a smile that is reserved esepcially for this movie. From the moment it starts to the very end I sit there with this stupid grin on my face - LOVE IT!!!)
    3) Cloudy with a chance of meatballs. Yes, childrens movie. No my son doesn't even watch it. Yes, I am goof :laugh:
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Here's my catch up from the weekend:

    Cardio: Possible 12 points + Bonus miles in Part 1

    Part 1- Walking: Goal is 10 miles. Goal achieved!
    Part 2- Intervals: claiming 3rd/3
    Part 3- Logging: claiming 3rd/3

    6 points plus 3 Bonus points for a total of 9 points

    Monday: Glute Kicks (do 2 sets of 12 on each leg Claiming 1 point
    Tuesday: Hip & Thigh Trimmer (do 2 sets of 12 on each side)
    Wednesday: Leg Toner (hold for 30 seconds & repeat twice) Claiming 1 point
    Thursday: Triceps Dip (do one set of 10) claiming 1 point
    Friday: Ab & Butt Lift (do 2 sets of 12) Claiming 1 point
    Weekend: Full Body Stretch Claiming 1 point

    3 Bonus Points: Do all above exercises in sequence for 3 of the days (in addition to the exercise for the day) Claiming all 3 Bonus Point

    Food challenge
    10 points + 3 bonus for recipe submission
    No junk food: I am rocking the no junk food challenge. EVen with TOM in town! YAY me!!! Claiming 3 points for F,S,S
    5 Meals/Day: 5/5
    Recipe: Not yet. 0/3

    1 point
    What does food mean to you? Comfort, security, distress, anxiety, happiness, fuel, control. When you think "food" what comes to mind? Has your thoughts about food changed since starting your weight loss journey?

    Wednesday Totals: Fri - 6, Sat - 8, Sun - 4
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    I apologize in advance ladies: I feel the need to whine...

    I don't feel good. Nothing is totally wrong, wherein I could justify a sick day spent in bed/on the couch watching TV but nothing is right either. My nose is partially stuffed just enough so that I can't taste anything and I have a frustrating but not paralyzing level of pressure in my ears. My balance was all off this morning from the ear pressure/inability to properly breathe so my morning "workout" was basically me stopping every 2 seconds to attempt to blow my nose to decrease pressure. Needless to asy, I gave up pretty quick. Oh! that's the other thing, my nose is also running like a slow dripping faucet but when I blow, because of the pressure of my clearly swollen nostrils I get zero relief but I do feel a sharp pain between my eyes.

    and as if that isn't bad enough! I'm also bloated from here to high heaven and for some decidely insane reason I decided it would be a good idea to weigh myself this morning and SHOCKER I'm up half a pound! I doubt that it is a legit gain because I've been such a good girl all week but still, it seriously bummed me out and now I am contemplating eating anything in sight because what's the point in being good and avoiding cookies and chips and bacon if I'm gonna gain weight anyways?!?! ARGHHHHHHH

    :mad: :angry: :explode: :grumble: :sad: :cry: (hormones)

    Thank you for listening. I apologize for venting. I'm going to continue to drink my unsweetened peppermint tea and hope for the strength to avoid the delicously fattening breakfast sandwich I am daydreaming about :noway:
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    I apologize in advance ladies: I feel the need to whine...

    I don't feel good. Nothing is totally wrong, wherein I could justify a sick day spent in bed/on the couch watching TV but nothing is right either. My nose is partially stuffed just enough so that I can't taste anything and I have a frustrating but not paralyzing level of pressure in my ears. My balance was all off this morning from the ear pressure/inability to properly breathe so my morning "workout" was basically me stopping every 2 seconds to attempt to blow my nose to decrease pressure. Needless to asy, I gave up pretty quick. Oh! that's the other thing, my nose is also running like a slow dripping faucet but when I blow, because of the pressure of my clearly swollen nostrils I get zero relief but I do feel a sharp pain between my eyes.

    and as if that isn't bad enough! I'm also bloated from here to high heaven and for some decidely insane reason I decided it would be a good idea to weigh myself this morning and SHOCKER I'm up half a pound! I doubt that it is a legit gain because I've been such a good girl all week but still, it seriously bummed me out and now I am contemplating eating anything in sight because what's the point in being good and avoiding cookies and chips and bacon if I'm gonna gain weight anyways?!?! ARGHHHHHHH

    :mad: :angry: :explode: :grumble: :sad: :cry: (hormones)

    Thank you for listening. I apologize for venting. I'm going to continue to drink my unsweetened peppermint tea and hope for the strength to avoid the delicously fattening breakfast sandwich I am daydreaming about :noway:

    Lynda, you have gained that half a pound because of the TOM i guess.. I have joined you on this, I am bloating as well.. :-( But don't give up, you were a good girl and continue the same... Probably you didn't eat junk food and during TOM you have gained only and only half a pound dear.. :flowerforyou:
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    I apologize in advance ladies: I feel the need to whine...

    I don't feel good. Nothing is totally wrong, wherein I could justify a sick day spent in bed/on the couch watching TV but nothing is right either. My nose is partially stuffed just enough so that I can't taste anything and I have a frustrating but not paralyzing level of pressure in my ears. My balance was all off this morning from the ear pressure/inability to properly breathe so my morning "workout" was basically me stopping every 2 seconds to attempt to blow my nose to decrease pressure. Needless to asy, I gave up pretty quick. Oh! that's the other thing, my nose is also running like a slow dripping faucet but when I blow, because of the pressure of my clearly swollen nostrils I get zero relief but I do feel a sharp pain between my eyes.

    and as if that isn't bad enough! I'm also bloated from here to high heaven and for some decidely insane reason I decided it would be a good idea to weigh myself this morning and SHOCKER I'm up half a pound! I doubt that it is a legit gain because I've been such a good girl all week but still, it seriously bummed me out and now I am contemplating eating anything in sight because what's the point in being good and avoiding cookies and chips and bacon if I'm gonna gain weight anyways?!?! ARGHHHHHHH

    :mad: :angry: :explode: :grumble: :sad: :cry: (hormones)

    Thank you for listening. I apologize for venting. I'm going to continue to drink my unsweetened peppermint tea and hope for the strength to avoid the delicously fattening breakfast sandwich I am daydreaming about :noway:

    Don't apologize for venting... Sometimes we just need to talk things out instead of eating out emotions! A half pound during TOM is not bad, I gained 2lbs during TOM this month, and they were magically all gone yesterday. Hang in there, I am sure once TOM is gone you will see that you LOST during TOM. Hope you start to feel better soon though, being sick is the worst!!!!
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Here is my stuff from Saturday & Sunday. Not great, but the best I can do with traveling so much.

    Possible 12 points + Bonus miles in Part 1

    Part 1- Time for walking...My goal is 15 miles. My total so far is 9.246 miles out of 15 miles.

    Part 2- Interval training...2/3 points

    Part 3- Logging...3/4 points

    6 points plus 3 Bonus points for a total of 9 points

    Monday: Glute Kicks (do 2 sets of 12 on each leg)...1/1 point
    Tuesday: Hip & Thigh Trimmer (do 2 sets of 12 on each side)...1/1 point
    Wednesday: Leg Toner (hold for 30 seconds & repeat twice)...1/1 point
    Thursday: Triceps Dip (do one set of 10)...1/1 point (Saturday)
    Friday: Ab & Butt Lift (do 2 sets of 12)
    Weekend: Full Body Stretch

    3 Bonus Points: Do all above exercises in sequence for 3 of the days (in addition to the exercise for the day)...3/3 points (Saturday)

    Food challenge
    10 points + 3 bonus for recipe submission
    Created by Renu
    No junk food challenge for this week...3/5 points (Saturday)

    Plus, your meals has to be 5 meals a day , this means no skipping breakfast, snack, lunch or dinner. So you get 5 additional points on this one...3/5 points

    Since its going to be a healthy week, post your favorite soup recipe which earns you an extra 3 points (bonus)

    1/1 point

    Saturday Points Total: 3 points (2 for strength, 1 for food-junkfood)
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    My hearts just not in it today ladies, its cloudy and dreary today and feeling like a monday in every way. Im going to try getting caught up on laundry and cleaning. But just dont think I can work up the energy to do a complete workout today! I will get back on it tomorrow and finish up this weeks challenges. Hope yall are having a better monday than me!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    My hearts just not in it today ladies, its cloudy and dreary today and feeling like a monday in every way. Im going to try getting caught up on laundry and cleaning. But just dont think I can work up the energy to do a complete workout today! I will get back on it tomorrow and finish up this weeks challenges. Hope yall are having a better monday than me!

    hope you feel better tomorrow :flowerforyou:
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    Part 1- Walking 8 Miles 0/5pt (5 mile so far)
    Part 2- Interval training 2/3
    Part 3- Logging 4/4

    Monday: Glute Kicks (do 2 sets of 12 on each leg) 1/1
    Tuesday: Hip & Thigh Trimmer (do 2 sets of 12 on each side) 1/1
    Wednesday: Leg Toner (hold for 30 seconds & repeat twice) 0/1
    Thursday: Triceps Dip (do one set of 10) 0/1
    Friday: Ab & Butt Lift (do 2 sets of 12) 1/1
    Weekend: Full Body Stretch 1/1
    Bonus: Do all above exercises in sequence for 3 of the days 0/3

    Food challenge:
    No junk food 1/5
    Eat all your Meals 5/5
    Soup Recipe 0/3

    Emotional 0/1
    What does food mean to you? Comfort, security, distress, anxiety, happiness, fuel, control. When you think "food" what comes to mind? Has your thoughts about food changed since starting your weight loss journey?
    Saturday and Sunday Points - 4 - Strength and Food Meal challenges and logging

    Monday points - 2
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    My hearts just not in it today ladies, its cloudy and dreary today and feeling like a monday in every way. Im going to try getting caught up on laundry and cleaning. But just dont think I can work up the energy to do a complete workout today! I will get back on it tomorrow and finish up this weeks challenges. Hope yall are having a better monday than me!

    You make the decision to take care of yourself; no guilt! You have that right- just know that we're here to support you whenever, wherever! :heart:
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    I apologize in advance ladies: I feel the need to whine...

    I don't feel good. Nothing is totally wrong, wherein I could justify a sick day spent in bed/on the couch watching TV but nothing is right either. My nose is partially stuffed just enough so that I can't taste anything and I have a frustrating but not paralyzing level of pressure in my ears. My balance was all off this morning from the ear pressure/inability to properly breathe so my morning "workout" was basically me stopping every 2 seconds to attempt to blow my nose to decrease pressure. Needless to asy, I gave up pretty quick. Oh! that's the other thing, my nose is also running like a slow dripping faucet but when I blow, because of the pressure of my clearly swollen nostrils I get zero relief but I do feel a sharp pain between my eyes.

    and as if that isn't bad enough! I'm also bloated from here to high heaven and for some decidely insane reason I decided it would be a good idea to weigh myself this morning and SHOCKER I'm up half a pound! I doubt that it is a legit gain because I've been such a good girl all week but still, it seriously bummed me out and now I am contemplating eating anything in sight because what's the point in being good and avoiding cookies and chips and bacon if I'm gonna gain weight anyways?!?! ARGHHHHHHH

    :mad: :angry: :explode: :grumble: :sad: :cry: (hormones)

    Thank you for listening. I apologize for venting. I'm going to continue to drink my unsweetened peppermint tea and hope for the strength to avoid the delicously fattening breakfast sandwich I am daydreaming about :noway:

    Vent away! Speak YOUR truth! That's what we are here for; we've got your back! :heart:
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Yes, I am goof :laugh:

    "Hi, my name is Amy, and I am a goof..." :wink:
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    I'm just off today ladies- I will report all of my stats tomorrow; been studying for my personal training exam and balancing a CRAZY plate... yikes! Until tomorrow!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Good news ladies! After drinking about a million cups of water/unsweetened tea yesterday I weighed myself this morning and the half pound that I was upset about has been banished from my weigh in. I still fee like crap and I suspect I am still retaining some water but at least I am not showing a false gain. It's a small victory, but I'll take it.

    Now, off to work to try and muddle through another day. Happy Tuesday everyone!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Still not feeling that motivation today, but I pushed through it and did my normal workout anyways, I peaked at my weight today and havent gained anything since wednesday, so i guess maintaining my calories, even though I wasnt working out hard like I usually do, isnt so bad. Its good to know that I could rest my body and my brain for a little while without massive consequences. So for today, normal workout, diet supplements and LOTS of water, hopefully I will see a loss tomorrow! Ugh, I just hope I can get myself out of this slump of not wanting to workout. It feels like I just cant find that motivation and excitement that I used to have for working out, I really just DONT want to do anything! That whole fat girl mentality is eating away at me saying just be lazy, have some ice cream and watch soap operas!! But theres the nagging skinny girl voice inside my head that is literally screaming for me to get up and keep going...Sadly the fat girl mentality is winning right now. Sorry for whining ladies, but this is my only outlet to let all this out...all my hubby says is "you're not going to quit, get off your butt and do something!!" and well thats not very uplifting at all!
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Still not feeling that motivation today, but I pushed through it and did my normal workout anyways, I peaked at my weight today and havent gained anything since wednesday, so i guess maintaining my calories, even though I wasnt working out hard like I usually do, isnt so bad. Its good to know that I could rest my body and my brain for a little while without massive consequences. So for today, normal workout, diet supplements and LOTS of water, hopefully I will see a loss tomorrow! Ugh, I just hope I can get myself out of this slump of not wanting to workout. It feels like I just cant find that motivation and excitement that I used to have for working out, I really just DONT want to do anything! That whole fat girl mentality is eating away at me saying just be lazy, have some ice cream and watch soap operas!! But theres the nagging skinny girl voice inside my head that is literally screaming for me to get up and keep going...Sadly the fat girl mentality is winning right now. Sorry for whining ladies, but this is my only outlet to let all this out...all my hubby says is "you're not going to quit, get off your butt and do something!!" and well thats not very uplifting at all!
    Hon, its SO very important to take a rest for a bit.. as long as you don't let it get you down. Recognize that you're in a low point, and let yourself experience it. That way, there's not the guilt associated with " letting the fat girl win"-- it's the fit girl taking a rest. And, while the fit girl owning that, remember how AWESOME it feels to wrack up the miles, or do a plank longer than you ever have, or look at a pair of old jeans and recognize how far you've come. The mental battle is crazy, and SO important, but know that you are strong, powerful, and you've GOT this.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi Ladies,I apologoze for being so "off" lately. I have just really been overwhelmed at work but I want to finish this challenge strong so heres to a better week next week. Before I went back to work I felt so much more a part of this and now with long hours at work I just feel like I am not putting my 100% in anymore. Why can't there be that extra hour a day of "me" time that wouldn't interfere with work or my son. I will figure this out, just know that I read all the posts and I love all you amazing ladies and think of you often, Even though I may not post daily.
    The last 2 days were a wash for me, no calories burned and not the greatest eating either but I know there is always tomorrow so I hope to wake up at 5 and workout before my long day of work, if I don't get that in atleast I know I will get in a good worlout tomorrow at work, I am setting up a second store so that includes alot of moving boxes and cleaning.

    I thought this weeks challenge was great do you all want to stick with it for next week? It is our last week and if anyone has some really great ideas they would like to include that would be great!

    Also Lynda and I have been brainstorming for our next challenge if anyone want's to stay with the group. We were thinking more of a monthly challenge and I will start messing with the spreadsheets and figure out a check in system. Then maybe we could do some fun weekly mini challenges or something. Having a month challenge were we follow more of the same routine may help.

    If anyone has any ideas, let me know.

    Have a great night and good luck at weigh in tomorrow, I know I need it!

This discussion has been closed.