Question for everyone



  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    i hate my username

    Can you not go back to being Taso?
  • Puffins1958
    Puffins1958 Posts: 614 Member
    My name is Joanne, I LOVE the birds, 1958--the year I was born.
  • odangletsbang
    My name is April. Most people think it's a beautiful name, but I hate it. And no, my birthday isn't in April it's in September.
    And my username is the same as my tumblr url ( ), and I just think it's just really funny(:
  • kernowprincess
    kernowprincess Posts: 135 Member
    Hi Jade, Mine is Lynn. I use KernowPrincess so people can find me on Twitter and Xbox Live as well as some other random places. Nothing sinister. Makes it easier to find me. xx
  • Leviram
    LOL! My name is exactly what is on the screen just backwards.....Leviram = Marivel
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    My real name is Laurie.
    I have this username because that is what I will be until we move to Hawaii when my husband retires & make the dream a reality.
  • Jeliica
    My name is Anjelica so I just use Jeliica as a short version.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    My real name is Amanda, which I think is a pretty plain name, especially when paired with my last name, Baker. I use SatiricalWoman because I am very sarcastic, or "satirical" if you will, and I am a woman. Thus, SatiricalWoman.
  • mynameisregina
    My name is really Allyne. But I use Regina because when Mean Girls came out, people thought I reminded them of Regina George when it came to my personality. Which isn't true at all. I don't think so at least.
  • LRH64
    LRH64 Posts: 199 Member
    Hi Jade. My name is Lisa. It's such a common name there are 5 at my job alone. LRH = my initials - which is how I sign notes and 64 = the year I was born.
  • BigDanTX
    BigDanTX Posts: 92 Member
    I'm the biggest guy in my family. My name and where I live is the rest. It was late when I created my account and I wanted to get to bed. So I just went with something easy and to the point.
  • azzacca
    azzacca Posts: 126 Member
    Lyadeia is a character in one of the fantasy novels that I have written. It is also one of my way too many characters in Warcraft. Karen is a much more boring name, lol.

    WOOT Warcraft!

    Azzacca is the name of a character I once played in D&D. I found out years later (playing Shadowrun) that it's also the voodooan god of agriculture. Pretty fitting for a wannabe tree hugger like me.

  • ajernbsn
    ajernbsn Posts: 14 Member
    My name is Anne--my user ID is my initials, along with my degree in nursing. But please just call me Anne! :happy:
  • mybabble
    mybabble Posts: 25 Member
    My name is Kristy. I use Mybabble because I tend to babble on
  • l00zrr
    l00zrr Posts: 109 Member
    My real name is Ashley, but everyone online calls me Izzy (:

    My username was chosen because my brother used to beat me at games all the time, so I was always the "loser."

    I prefer to be called Izzy or Zrr, in case anyone's confused.
  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
  • lovelee79
    Hi I'm Taryn. I have a tattoo of the word LOVE, my middle name is Lee and I was born in '79.
  • cloveraz
    cloveraz Posts: 332 Member
    My name is Christina and i'm Irish, so thus the clover~eh, that"s all i got...
  • spottedlee
    I'm Lee. I use this user name EVERYWHERE,, AOL, pogo, yahoo, google.. you name it EXCEPT facebook. I had SpottedLee for over 15 years.

    How did that name came about.. well,, you know you always get stuck with numbers at end of names you tried? I hate that.. so I tried, tried, and tried and gave up! My daughter who was in Jr. High school at the time suggested SpottledLee,, I told her WHY?! Her answer was so sweet. I like going places,,, I was well known by many throughout town, whenever my kids get home from school or whatever and if I am not home, they often pick up the phone and start calling around to find me,,, Do you know what is the MOST common answer they get??

    I SPOTTED LEE at....................................
  • RunLiftEat
    RunLiftEat Posts: 213 Member
    My name is Mark, and Headup is one of my favourite Deftones song.