This totally creeped me out!!! (photo)



  • WingMan380
    WingMan380 Posts: 2,139 Member
    Funny as hell

    I hope this is all some big joke and you don't seriously think this happened for real?
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Funny as hell

    I hope this is all some big joke and you don't seriously think this happened for real?

    No, I know it's because the batteries are low and they aren't really "alive". It was just creepy that I had found Woody holding on to Jesse's string. That was for real! LOL
  • WingMan380
    WingMan380 Posts: 2,139 Member
    Funny as hell

    I hope this is all some big joke and you don't seriously think this happened for real?

    No, I know it's because the batteries are low and they aren't really "alive". It was just creepy that I had found Woody holding on to Jesse's string. That was for real! LOL

    OK. Cool, ya know, some people really believe that this kind of crap can happen.
    Woody holding the string was the best. If his head was between her legs that would have been even better. :laugh: lol
  • OhKelsey1
    OhKelsey1 Posts: 139
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    OK. Cool, ya know, some people really believe that this kind of crap can happen.
    Woody holding the string was the best. If his head was between her legs that would have been even better. :laugh: lol

    Yes... but then I would have had to have a very long talk with my 4 year old. ;-)
  • Wreak_Havoc
    Wreak_Havoc Posts: 597
    Low batteries and monkeys in baskets. LOL But the original appears that maybe, just maybe, she fell over and woddy tried to catch her and only caught her by the string and the weight pulled the cord. Either that or... They are posessed and it's time to.....

    R U N ! ! ! ! !
  • WingMan380
    WingMan380 Posts: 2,139 Member
    Yes... but then I would have had to have a very long talk with my 4 year old. ;-)

    I totally understand. I have a 7, 8 and 12 year old.......all boys.

    BTW: (being totally complimentary) Nice profile pic. You have a beautiful smile.
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Low batteries and monkeys in baskets. LOL But the original appears that maybe, just maybe, she fell over and woddy tried to catch her and only caught her by the string and the weight pulled the cord. Either that or... They are posessed and it's time to.....

    R U N ! ! ! ! !

    My husband and I love to watch scary movies. We have always said that if something unseen or non-human tells you to "get out"... no need to tell us twice. We're outta there!!!
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I totally understand. I have a 7, 8 and 12 year old.......all boys.

    BTW: (being totally complimentary) Nice profile pic. You have a beautiful smile.

    Awww... thank you for the kind words WingMan!
  • WingMan380
    WingMan380 Posts: 2,139 Member
    Awww... thank you for the kind words WingMan!
    My pleasure ma'am.
  • baycat107
    baycat107 Posts: 165 Member
    My grown daughter won't get rid of her stuffed animals. She said they were her night friends when she was a kid (she has them in storage). Swears they came to life. who knows?

    I am 53, and still have my stuffed animals and remember all their names & their personalities. Scary. I remember too, when my kids were young, and the house was quiet....and something in the toybox started talking. YIKES!
  • tzeoli86
    tzeoli86 Posts: 75 Member
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Im afraid of teddy ruxpen. I use to have the one with the tape deck in it that use to sing. Well the batteries were out and teddy ruxpen demonically shouted raarrr Rrarrr rwoorrr and his eyes rolled up into his head and the bottom of his face fell off. To this day i refuse to get winter gloves from moms basement. Every now and then ill forget and open the dresser and run screaming upstairs at his cross eyed gaping face lol
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    I would immediately burn both of those dolls. Lol. My kids will not have dolls that talk or sing or do any of that.
  • mamato3babies
    mamato3babies Posts: 73 Member
    Lol... Y kids were at a birthday party for one of my nephews (my brother has 3 boys)...... And my 3 yr old got obsessed by a toy robot that he found on there back porch (his oldest had left it outside, and it hadn't worked in a while!) Anyways, they said my son could have it if I didn't mind... It didn't talk anymore and no one played with it! Okay, so Dallas brings it home, and plays with it for MONTHS (about 6) , then all of a sudden I hear this weird talking and sounds from my boys room about 1 month ago. The damn robot was talking and making fighting / shooting sounds! WTH!?!? I turned the switch to off and pushed the button to make sure it stopped! You know what happened?! IT STILL TALKS! THE DAMN THING WON'T TURN OFF! it is now buried in the bottom of his toy box! It can keep it's happy @ss down in there too!!! Lol
  • crazy8ts
    crazy8ts Posts: 360
    Uh... yeah... ghosts... that play with toys.

    When my son was three, he had a buzz lightyear that spoke... you pressed buttons on his chest and he said his catchphrases. One night, while upstairs, I was pretty dang sure I hear buzz talking down in the livingroom. I first ignored it... then I heard it again. Like any good horror movie victim, I crept downstairs to find out what was going on. Buzz? Nothing. I shook it... pressed the buttons... all fine. Went back to bed...

    Next night, heard buzz again... crept downstairs again... watched him... sat there for about 10 minutes... nothing. I went back upstairs, and just as I was getting back into bed, damned if Buzz doesn't say something again... Went back down... and watched him until he spoke again (which scared the crap outta me when he did)... come to find out, my son decided he didn't want to take a bath alone a few days before and submerged him in the tub... so he was slowly shorting out...
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Im afraid of teddy ruxpen. I use to have the one with the tape deck in it that use to sing. Well the batteries were out and teddy ruxpen demonically shouted raarrr Rrarrr rwoorrr and his eyes rolled up into his head and the bottom of his face fell off. To this day i refuse to get winter gloves from moms basement. Every now and then ill forget and open the dresser and run screaming upstairs at his cross eyed gaping face lol

    OMG, I LOL'd at this. I'm so sorry it scared you... but thanks for sharing. I nearly busted a gut!
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Your stories are a hoot!!! I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets creeped out with toys that talk on their own. LOL!
  • pamperedhen
    pamperedhen Posts: 446 Member
    I just think that Woody was trying to get a little fresh with Jessi and she freaked out!!:wink:
  • SweetSammie
    SweetSammie Posts: 391 Member
    I had a Kid Sister doll when I was a kid (they don't talk). BUT I snuck and watch a Chuckie movie with my older cousins (actually, a cousin who was my age and I watched from the stairs), then I was chronically afraid of Kid Sister (who looks like a girl Chuckie). My Dad kept trying to convince me he could keep her away from me (I'll put her under my pillow, I'll drive her to the dump), but Chuckie NEVER DIES in the movies. Finally, after weeks of waking up crying (I was 7 or 8), I confessed.