Making the Cut---Jillian Michaels



  • SGFlyinHi
    SGFlyinHi Posts: 469 Member
    It's ok Mickie. We all stumble sometimes. As long as you get back up and get back on the right track, that's the important part.

    Tonight I made my own version of the Burrito and tacos. I cooked chicken, then added black beans & apples. I added a little mexican spice and sauted for a few minutes. I put the mixture on a low carb tortilla. I then topeed it with a little fat free sour cream and peach salsa.

    I also made my own version of the shrimp & asparagus salad and the Apple crunch for tomorrow. I substituted Shrimp for the chicken in the crunch. Tasting it it seemed good. I will find out for sure tomorrow when I eat them both. I made the crunch for my snacks, and the salad for lunch.

    BTW, I did end up going to the gym. I only ran for 30 min as my legs were still hurting from the workout yesterday. I walked the last 30 min at a 5 incline. My trainer is actually who got me started on this program. She is also doing it on her own. She puts me through the 1st two times for the week, to make sure I am doing everything right, then I do the other 2 days on my own.

    Keep it up ladies. :drinker:
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Ladies..I have a confesion to make...I fell off the wagon today. I exercised VERY little compared to normal, and I had an In n' Out Double Double cheesburger protein style....and about 1/3 order of fries. But the silver lining is I had water to drink.:laugh: I'm gaining weight back. I'm going back to Level 2 ... having a down day. Sorry.

    Keep up the great inspire me! :happy:

    It happens! Don't get yourself down! Just start again today.:flowerforyou: The tacos were OK. I don't know.:huh: There just seemed to be something lacking. Now I didn't have the right soft tortillas so maybe that affected it. I'm actually going to have the left-over mix for lunch today with a salad. Sorry I can't be more specific.:grumble: Now, this is a very easy recipe, so good to make when time is short.:smile:
    Great job tackling the treadmill when you were sore! I also felt a little proud last night. First of all, I realized I was getting full as I was eating, so I stopped. It may not sound like much, but a big step for me! I also ran after dinner- was really hyped for it, but a 1/2 mile in I wanted to die, but continued with my planned 2 miles.

    Keep it up, ladies!!:happy:
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member

    It happens! Don't get yourself down! Just start again today.:flowerforyou: The tacos were OK. I don't know.:huh: There just seemed to be something lacking. Now I didn't have the right soft tortillas so maybe that affected it. I'm actually going to have the left-over mix for lunch today with a salad. Sorry I can't be more specific.:grumble: Now, this is a very easy recipe, so good to make when time is short.:smile:
    Great job tackling the treadmill when you were sore! I also felt a little proud last night. First of all, I realized I was getting full as I was eating, so I stopped. It may not sound like much, but a big step for me! I also ran after dinner- was really hyped for it, but a 1/2 mile in I wanted to die, but continued with my planned 2 miles.

    Keep it up, ladies!!:happy:

    On man, now I'm totally inspired to kick my butt back into gear! I'm going home, going on a long walk with the big dog, and then I'm going to tackle Level 2 & Level 3 of The Shred. I'm going to also make those tacos tonight...but I'll be sure to add more seasoning...and I may splurge and have some fat free sour cream too!!! Ooh, maybe even a little avocado...healthy oils ya know?!:wink: Thanks for the pep talk!

  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Hey! How's everyone doing? I'm in the middle of week 2. The meal plan is going fairly well; although my kids will be glad when their familiar dishes come back!:laugh: Since I'm doing this from home, I find modifying the exercises that require equipment annoying.:grumble: I'm not sure if I'm getting as much out of it as I should. Anyone else modifying from home?
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    It's ok Mickie. We all stumble sometimes. As long as you get back up and get back on the right track, that's the important part.

    Tonight I made my own version of the Burrito and tacos. I cooked chicken, then added black beans & apples. I added a little mexican spice and sauted for a few minutes. I put the mixture on a low carb tortilla. I then topeed it with a little fat free sour cream and peach salsa.

    I also made my own version of the shrimp & asparagus salad and the Apple crunch for tomorrow. I substituted Shrimp for the chicken in the crunch. Tasting it it seemed good. I will find out for sure tomorrow when I eat them both. I made the crunch for my snacks, and the salad for lunch.
    Thanks for the encouragment...I had that hiccup last week and REALLY fell off the wagon last night....ladies, there is a reason she tells us not to drink....because OMGosh I had only, seriously, 2 glasses of wine last night and ate tons of crackers & chesse & chocolate...and I was sooooooooooooooo sick to my stomach, I feel like I was poisoned...which I basically was after eating fairly clean for several weeks. YIKES!!! I told a coworker this morning that it wasn't worth it...that I should just give up eating clean if I;m going to feel liek this!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I'm retty mad at myself, but came home and exercised, so I feel better...and I started receivng registrations today for swim classes that I teach during the that was exciting to see how many people are willing to do that in this tough economy. see, there is a light at the end of the tunnel! :smile:

    Those dishes above sound like great variations to try. YUM!!! Thanks for the great ideas. :happy:
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Options here I first week off Making the Cut...BUT, I must admit that I am planning many of the meals to be integrated for our dinner plans over the next two weeks.

    Has anyone ever complete the first 30 days? If so, how did it go once you were done?
  • SGFlyinHi
    SGFlyinHi Posts: 469 Member
    I'm starting the week 3 routines tomorrow. They look like some tough ones. I'll let you know how it is later in the week. Wish me luck. LOL
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    I'm in week 3. The routines are good- I'm definately stronger but don't really feel the "burn"!:grumble: My weight has plateaued, but I am losing inches!!!:bigsmile: My big complaint is the meal plan. Mainly the lunches. I'm tired of so much prep/cooking involved with lunch.:angry: I may go back to my Kashi meals for lunch.

    I made the chicken with ricotta and spinach Sunday night- a huge hit!!!! I left out the roasted eggplant and added some jarred tomato sauce and whole wheat pasta. YUMMYYYYYY!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    After I finish this plan, I'm going to switch to P90X. It should arrive within the week!!!
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    I'm in week 3. The routines are good- I'm definately stronger but don't really feel the "burn"!:grumble: My weight has plateaued, but I am losing inches!!!:bigsmile: My big complaint is the meal plan. Mainly the lunches. I'm tired of so much prep/cooking involved with lunch.:angry: I may go back to my Kashi meals for lunch.

    I made the chicken with ricotta and spinach Sunday night- a huge hit!!!! I left out the roasted eggplant and added some jarred tomato sauce and whole wheat pasta. YUMMYYYYYY!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    After I finish this plan, I'm going to switch to P90X. It should arrive within the week!!!

    Fill me in on te P90X, pretty please??? :happy:
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    I'm in week 3. The routines are good- I'm definately stronger but don't really feel the "burn"!:grumble: My weight has plateaued, but I am losing inches!!!:bigsmile: My big complaint is the meal plan. Mainly the lunches. I'm tired of so much prep/cooking involved with lunch.:angry: I may go back to my Kashi meals for lunch.

    I made the chicken with ricotta and spinach Sunday night- a huge hit!!!! I left out the roasted eggplant and added some jarred tomato sauce and whole wheat pasta. YUMMYYYYYY!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    After I finish this plan, I'm going to switch to P90X. It should arrive within the week!!!

    Fill me in on te P90X, pretty please??? :happy:

    I'll keep you posted! It should arrive any day!!!!:bigsmile:
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    I'm in week 3. The routines are good- I'm definately stronger but don't really feel the "burn"!:grumble: My weight has plateaued, but I am losing inches!!!:bigsmile: My big complaint is the meal plan. Mainly the lunches. I'm tired of so much prep/cooking involved with lunch.:angry: I may go back to my Kashi meals for lunch.

    I made the chicken with ricotta and spinach Sunday night- a huge hit!!!! I left out the roasted eggplant and added some jarred tomato sauce and whole wheat pasta. YUMMYYYYYY!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    After I finish this plan, I'm going to switch to P90X. It should arrive within the week!!!

    Fill me in on te P90X, pretty please??? :happy:

    What is it????

    I'll keep you posted! It should arrive any day!!!!:bigsmile:
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Hi there!!!

    What's new with everyone??? I've kinda taken a break from journaling...I know, I know, bad thing to do....just been "busy coping" with other things.

    So far so good with being off "The Plan" for almost two weeks. I haven't gained, but I haven't lost either. I'm going to give it two more weeks, and then go back on again. Although, I have been making a lot of the recipes anyway. :smile: It's been nice to have my little glass of wine with dinner, when I want it, again. And I have been indulging in a little dessert lately too...that part I need to curb, or I may see that scale going up, up, up!

    Looking forward to hearing from you!:flowerforyou:
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member

    I have to say I got bored with the work-outs and felt very isolated, plus frustrated at the number that required gym equipment. I started P90X on Monday. So far, I love it! It's a series of different targeted routines that vary from day to day, with alternating weight training and cardio. I'm definately more sore!!!:laugh: I'm not following the diet yet, just trying to eat clean and get the right amount of cals- for me about 1500. I'm posting on 2 threads- P90X strating a new thread, part 2 and Time to Tackle P90X. Pop on over to see what it's all about!!

  • SGFlyinHi
    SGFlyinHi Posts: 469 Member

    I'm good. Still at it. I did day 22 today. I'm still enjoying it, but I do the routines at a gym. I weigh in next week, so we'll see how it goes. I don't think I changed much, butt hat's ok. As long as I don't gain, I'm happy.

    April, Glad you are liking the P90x. Sounds like a good one.

    Mickie, it's ok, we all need a break once in a while.

    Take care.

    Shari :glasses:
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    YIKES!!! I gained back 1.5 pounds over the past 4 days...but it's better than 3-5 pounds! I need to get my priorties straight again and stay focused. How's the P90x going now April?

    Ad Shari, you are right...we all need a break, so I've decided to try not to beat myself up...I figure I'm under enough strain, I don't need to add more to my stress, right? :smile:

    Yesterday I did two sessions fof The Shred...and it felt pretty good! So I'm motivated to go do it again in a few minutes.

    I hope you all are having a great weekend!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Mickie- end of week 1 and I LOVE P90X!!!:bigsmile: I am SORE! I find the routines challenging but not impossible. I am really starting to see changes in my shape despite not seeing a change on the scale. However, about once a week I feel my nutritional resolve waning! There are days when I just want to eat something yummy in unlimited quantities!!!!:sad: Right now, even though I've had a good, filling breakfast, I would just LOVE to dig into a bag of chips I have in the pantry.:grumble: I could so easily eat the entire bag!:noway: I wonder if the desire to pig-out ever goes away? Like a drug addict- is it always there and I just have to learn to deflect it? I did well last night- I ate carrots with low-fat dip instead!!

    You'll get back on track!:flowerforyou:

  • SGFlyinHi
    SGFlyinHi Posts: 469 Member
    Mickie- end of week 1 and I LOVE P90X!!!:bigsmile: I am SORE! I find the routines challenging but not impossible. I am really starting to see changes in my shape despite not seeing a change on the scale. However, about once a week I feel my nutritional resolve waning! There are days when I just want to eat something yummy in unlimited quantities!!!!:sad: Right now, even though I've had a good, filling breakfast, I would just LOVE to dig into a bag of chips I have in the pantry.:grumble: I could so easily eat the entire bag!:noway: I wonder if the desire to pig-out ever goes away? Like a drug addict- is it always there and I just have to learn to deflect it? I did well last night- I ate carrots with low-fat dip instead!!

    You'll get back on track!:flowerforyou:



    I'm glad you like the P90x and it's going good for you.

    I do the last 2 days of MTC starting Tuesday. People have been telling me I look leaner, but I don't think my percentafe has changed much. That's ok.

    Well, onto another week.

    Have a good one.

    Shari :glasses:
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Hey there! It sounds like I may need to give the P90X a try??? I feel like I've really gotten into decent shape with Shred....and I know the meal plan for MTC has been excellent for me...I just need to summon my willpower. I will...I did somewhat better today...and tomorrow I will do even better! Gotta think positive!:happy: April...where did you you get your P90x?

    Shari...I bet you do look leaner...even though I gain a little bit back, I think I look leaner too, even though my scale wasn't dropping anymore. I kinda think I threw inthe towel a little just to see how my body would react, since I wasn't moving on the scale. Now that I've seen it move again...and in the wrong direction...I'm getting motivated to get back on the Healthy Wagon. :wink: The red wine with dinner thing is my favorite...but just doesn't work for weight loss. I'm totally using it as an excuse to eat...pretty bad when you know what you're actually doing to's sort-of like premeditated pigging out! LOL!!!!:laugh:

    Keep it up girls!!!!
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Shari- Way to go:flowerforyou: making it through MTC!! I'm sure you are more toned!! What are your plans now?

    Mickie- I got P90X through I signed up with Jessmomof3- from mfp- as my beachbody coach. Beachbody actually has the best price! There is a nutrition plan that comes with it that I am not yet implementing.

    Truthfully, I'm a little frustrated. Although I enjoy and am committed to the exercise- just ran 2 miles, will do P90X this afternoon- I've hit a plateau with my weight. I'm seeing nice changes with my body- not necessarily lots of inches lost but much more toned. I should probably focus on the positive, but I wonder if I need to change up my nutrition?:huh: I've also been having some wicked cravings that so far I've avoided, but they really build up. I want to avoid the uncontrolled binge and yet give in a little nutritionally and mentally. I've been thinking about a batch of homemade chocolate chip cookies- eating the unbaked dough and fresh, hot cookies!!!:heart::noway: :grumble:

    Maybe just an oatmeal cookie from Whole Foods......

  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    My weight is creeping back up...I'm craving EVERYTHING, and I keep thinking it just shouldn't be this hard. But it I need to get my head back in the game, suck it up and get going!!!!

    What's working for you?