C25K week 6



  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    Different strokes for different folks, man. I can't speak for anyone else, but I like having that sort of regimen. I like knowing that today I am going to run for 10,15,20... whatever... minutes. Keep in mind, most of us here are not runners. This is not something that comes naturally to me. I think that is part of the reason why I need that sort of 'guidance'. Plus, it's good to know that I'm working though a program and it's a mental boost to know that I'm more than half way done. My hope is that at the end, when I'm able to run for 30 consecutive minutes, I can just step outside and run where ever for 30 minutes, if not more. But, thruthfully, if I do continue with the running, I know I will follow the c210K bridge program. Again, I like the regiment of it.
    I agree. I couldn't have got through this without a disciplined, steady approach, AND I'm going to complete the program, albeit at a slightly accelerated pace.

    For those that are interested, I have started a Bridge to 10K group for those on their way to that destination. Please everyone sign up!
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    Wow Russell that's awesome! I can do the full 30 too but only 3.5km so now I'm going to work on getting up to the 5k and then I also plan to do the bridge to 10k.
  • :happy: C25K week 6 day 2 - COMPLETE!!!:bigsmile:

    YAY us!
    It was a pretty morning but chilly. Thermometer said 36 degrees...BRRR.
    We layered up and headed out.... early.
    The first 10 min was fairly easy but I could tell the cold air was effecting my breathing.
    Our calves were screaming at us at 10, so we did stretch for a few seconds.
    We kept up a brisk walk afterward. That helped my calves a lot.
    The next 10 min was easier and my breathing was a bit easier.
    Could have gone a bit more actually so that is a good sign.
    Stopped at 10 and stretched my calves again before briskly walking the last 1/2 mile home.
    Stretched when we got home which felt good.

    Looking forward to Day 3...

    So proud of you all - doing so terrific.

    WOW Russell - just...WOW!
    So stinkin' proud of you for doing it and rockin it out in a great time too!
    You are setting the bar KIND of high for the rest of us...lol.
    Oh and I hope the job interview went super well too.

    Beagles & TX - you are doing so super!!
    Fit - I hope you are doing ok ...
    PlayOut- I think the bridge to 10k sounds like a good plan.
    Hoping I get there....one day...

    Keep pushing forward my friends....
  • Different strokes for different folks, man. I can't speak for anyone else, but I like having that sort of regimen. I like knowing that today I am going to run for 10,15,20... whatever... minutes. Keep in mind, most of us here are not runners. This is not something that comes naturally to me. I think that is part of the reason why I need that sort of 'guidance'. Plus, it's good to know that I'm working though a program and it's a mental boost to know that I'm more than half way done. My hope is that at the end, when I'm able to run for 30 consecutive minutes, I can just step outside and run where ever for 30 minutes, if not more. But, thruthfully, if I do continue with the running, I know I will follow the c210K bridge program. Again, I like the regiment of it.
    I agree. I couldn't have got through this without a disciplined, steady approach, AND I'm going to complete the program, albeit at a slightly accelerated pace.

    For those that are interested, I have started a Bridge to 10K group for those on their way to that destination. Please everyone sign up!

    Agree 100% with both of these statements.
  • JessieRichelle
    JessieRichelle Posts: 19 Member
    I wish there were a like button, like there is on Facebook. Well said!
  • TexasNana41
    TexasNana41 Posts: 114 Member
    I just finished my WK6D3 run and I feel like I passed a giant milestone in running!!! It was easier and faster than last week and NOT ONCE did I have to go into the mode of telling myself to just keep going! In fact, I went ahead and kept running for another 2 minutes and then intermittently for the rest of my route. I'm still slow....I may have even over estimated how fast I went last week, so last week was, well, REALLY slow. Anyway, I finished 2.9 miles 5 minutes faster than yesterday and it felt great!!!!!!
    Russell - Congratulations on doing so well today! Are you going to start the Bridge to 10K right now or at the end of the C25K in a couple of weeks? I'd be up for it in two weeks, but I want to finish the entire C25K program first. I'm going to use the next 2 -3 weeks to try to increase my speed.
  • I just finished my WK6D3 run and I feel like I passed a giant milestone in running!!! It was easier and faster than last week and NOT ONCE did I have to go into the mode of telling myself to just keep going! In fact, I went ahead and kept running for another 2 minutes and then intermittently for the rest of my route. I'm still slow....I may have even over estimated how fast I went last week, so last week was, well, REALLY slow. Anyway, I finished 2.9 miles 5 minutes faster than yesterday and it felt great!!!!!!
    Russell - Congratulations on doing so well today! Are you going to start the Bridge to 10K right now or at the end of the C25K in a couple of weeks? I'd be up for it in two weeks, but I want to finish the entire C25K program first. I'm going to use the next 2 -3 weeks to try to increase my speed.

    I am so proud of you!!!! Your run days are one day prior to mine and you are always an inspiration!!!
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    I just finished my WK6D3 run and I feel like I passed a giant milestone in running!!! It was easier and faster than last week and NOT ONCE did I have to go into the mode of telling myself to just keep going! In fact, I went ahead and kept running for another 2 minutes and then intermittently for the rest of my route. I'm still slow....I may have even over estimated how fast I went last week, so last week was, well, REALLY slow. Anyway, I finished 2.9 miles 5 minutes faster than yesterday and it felt great!!!!!!
    Russell - Congratulations on doing so well today! Are you going to start the Bridge to 10K right now or at the end of the C25K in a couple of weeks? I'd be up for it in two weeks, but I want to finish the entire C25K program first. I'm going to use the next 2 -3 weeks to try to increase my speed.
    I'm going to finish the program, albeit with 5K runs each of the final three days now. Will just concentrate on getting better times, rather than adding any distance. After that, well I've already set up a 'Bridge to 10K' group, so yes I'll be going for that too.
  • Well, kids, I can put week 6 in the bag. Yay!!! It was a hard run today. I shall break it down into the bad and good. Let's get the bad out of the way first:

    -I had lead legs. Seriously, for like the first 10 minutes my legs were barely getting off the ground.
    -My left knee hurt. This knee bothers me on and off but this is the first time since I've started running. I normally do strenght training between running days, but haven't for the past week and a half or so, and so I'm sure that is a huge contributor. Back to squats and such tomorrow.
    -I ran earlier than usual and it was soooo cold. Even after I warmed up my thighs and buttocks were freezing. I need to get me some warming tights for under my pants.


    -I ran for 25 minutes! Whoo hoo!!!! I ran a total of 1.7 miles, which is more than half the goal of this program. I know at the end of the program I won't be running a full 3 miles in the alloted 30 minutes, but no matter. I ran 25 minutes, wow!!!
    -I think I might have experienced 'endorphins' kick in. Exactly at 10 minutes both my knee and lead legs went away. Then it just became a mental game.

    Well, that's that. Week 6 is done and onto week 7. Have a great weekend!!! =0)
  • Oh Oh Oh, forgot THE best part: HRM says I burned 450 cals. Yee-haw!!!
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    I often start with lead legs too-depending on the day it can take me up to 10min for that to go away-some days it only takes 30 seconds of running. Yay on the endorphins though :D I totally get runner's high I think, because running makes me feel like a million bucks LOL.
    I don't think I'll be running the full 5k either, as I am halfway through week 7 and can already run the 30min but am only doing 3.5km in that 30min. Maybe I'll be able to up it by the end of my 9 weeks, maybe not. Like you, I am happy with what I can do though!!! :D Keep it up!
    Well, kids, I can put week 6 in the bag. Yay!!! It was a hard run today. I shall break it down into the bad and good. Let's get the bad out of the way first:

    -I had lead legs. Seriously, for like the first 10 minutes my legs were barely getting off the ground.
    -My left knee hurt. This knee bothers me on and off but this is the first time since I've started running. I normally do strenght training between running days, but haven't for the past week and a half or so, and so I'm sure that is a huge contributor. Back to squats and such tomorrow.
    -I ran earlier than usual and it was soooo cold. Even after I warmed up my thighs and buttocks were freezing. I need to get me some warming tights for under my pants.


    -I ran for 25 minutes! Whoo hoo!!!! I ran a total of 1.7 miles, which is more than half the goal of this program. I know at the end of the program I won't be running a full 3 miles in the alloted 30 minutes, but no matter. I ran 25 minutes, wow!!!
    -I think I might have experienced 'endorphins' kick in. Exactly at 10 minutes both my knee and lead legs went away. Then it just became a mental game.

    Well, that's that. Week 6 is done and onto week 7. Have a great weekend!!! =0)
  • Week 6 completed!! And it wasn't as much of a struggle as I thought. I really enjoyed the runs and am looking forward to week 7. Apologies for not posting much, I've been really busy with work, but I have been keeping myself updated of all your progress and I am so proud of us all. We are AMAZING!!
  • Yippee and Yahoooey!! Have to tell you all that I just got in from my C25K Week 6 Day 3 run.
    We were supposed to warm up and then do a 25min run (no stopping - no walking) then a cool down to complete this week.
    We had a rocky start. Only ran 8 min before we had to stop.
    Both my daughter & I both had foot cramps. OUCH!
    The outlook wasn't good for us to do today's schedule.
    We walked until we got on the flat and then took off again.
    My daughter made it 10 min before her foot cramp caused her to walk.
    I went on and finished with my personal best of 24 minutes without stopping and without walking. I am so stinkin' excited!
    Feel really good and the shower felt even better - ha!
    Have a super fluffy day ALL !!!

    Oh and so happy for you Russell and I might join that Bridge to 10 K group once I see where I am at ...at the end of this one.
    I am like Beagles, Play, & TX - not setting any speed records but pleased with where I am and the progress I am making.
    Fit - so good to hear from you and glad you are getting your runs in with your busy schedule.
    I think it would be fun if several of us ALL did Bridge to 10 K together ....

    Keep pushing forward everybody - we are all doing INCREDIBLE!!!