Comic Books?!



  • Mama_CAEI
    Mama_CAEI Posts: 235
    OMG!! *jealous and now googling for another Wade Wilson in the world* lol.. so cool.

    You gotta make sure he's from Canada, though!!

    Omg, that's perfect. I didn't realize how many Wade Wilsons there actually were haha. Too bad theyre all not legal from what I've found! Lmao. I always said I'm gonna name my son "Cable", just cause >_>

    No joke: when I was pregnant with #4, we actually consulted the Marvel Encyclopedia when trying to figure out her name. She ended up with Isabelle, though, and hubby is still trying to find a comic book connection.

    Awww... Why wasn't I born into your family >_< That's perfect, lol. I want to legally change my daughter's name now rofl. Her name's Kaylee, yeah insignificant to Marvel :(

    OMG, how could I forget: inside our wedding bands is the inscription Wade + Kristina forever (which is taken directly from Spawn).
  • chelleymarie88
    OMG!! *jealous and now googling for another Wade Wilson in the world* lol.. so cool.

    You gotta make sure he's from Canada, though!!

    Omg, that's perfect. I didn't realize how many Wade Wilsons there actually were haha. Too bad theyre all not legal from what I've found! Lmao. I always said I'm gonna name my son "Cable", just cause >_>

    No joke: when I was pregnant with #4, we actually consulted the Marvel Encyclopedia when trying to figure out her name. She ended up with Isabelle, though, and hubby is still trying to find a comic book connection.

    Awww... Why wasn't I born into your family >_< That's perfect, lol. I want to legally change my daughter's name now rofl. Her name's Kaylee, yeah insignificant to Marvel :(

    OMG, how could I forget: inside our wedding bands is the inscription Wade + Kristina forever (which is taken directly from Spawn).

    I want to marry you guys!!! GAH!!!
  • raw_sugar
    To answer the OP I am a Marvel fan through and through, mainly the X-titles, although I kind of want to check out more DC type stuff, especially Batman. (I also make comic-inspired crafty stuff on my etsy store).

    If I were doing a cosplay I'd pick either Rogue or Psylocke. Actually when I don't color my hair, the grey actually comes in a streak from my forehead that I call my Rogue-streak. Anyway, they're my two personal favorites out of the ladies. For guys it's all about Deadpool, Gambit and of course.. WOLVERINE!
  • JDviant
    JDviant Posts: 92 Member
    To answer the OP I am a Marvel fan through and through, mainly the X-titles, although I kind of want to check out more DC type stuff, especially Batman. (I also make comic-inspired crafty stuff on my etsy store).

    The best recent Batman collection is The Black Mirror. It's been heralded as the best Batman story of the past ten years, and while I don't know if thats quite true is was a very good read. Its from last year, when **** Grayson had taken over for Bruce as Gotham's Batman.
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    I'm trying to quietly build out my man cave with a nice comic book theme to it. I used to have a man cave but then it turned into a kids play area. Fantasy swords.... gone. Action Figure collectibles of Spawn... sold. Xmen posters have now been replaced with some Hanna Montana and Winnie the Pooh. The only remnants of comicbook fandom is in the bottom of a closet in a reinforced box and my old sketch book.

    Nowadays I quietly escape the house to sneak off to Barnes and Noble to read graphic novels.
  • chelleymarie88
    To answer the OP I am a Marvel fan through and through, mainly the X-titles, although I kind of want to check out more DC type stuff, especially Batman. (I also make comic-inspired crafty stuff on my etsy store).

    If I were doing a cosplay I'd pick either Rogue or Psylocke. Actually when I don't color my hair, the grey actually comes in a streak from my forehead that I call my Rogue-streak. Anyway, they're my two personal favorites out of the ladies. For guys it's all about Deadpool, Gambit and of course.. WOLVERINE!

    Short and short on deodorant is a real bad combination, Stabby!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Personally I'm in love with Gambit....

    *Extra droolage* I looooves me some Gambit.

    He is pretty hott for a drawing lol.

    I never personally got into the marvel comics (though I was a fan of the X-men cartoon when I was a kid haha). I'm more of a Bone fan, or similar comics. I also like to read a lot of online comics. Questionable Content is my favorite online.
  • Mama_CAEI
    Mama_CAEI Posts: 235
    The best recent Batman collection is The Black Mirror. It's been heralded as the best Batman story of the past ten years, and while I don't know if thats quite true is was a very good read. Its from last year, when **** Grayson had taken over for Bruce as Gotham's Batman.

    ^^ Bahahahaha...apparently the MFP censors don't like Robin.
  • JDviant
    JDviant Posts: 92 Member
    ^^ Bahahahaha...apparently the MFP censors don't like Robin.

    Lol, I hadn't noticed that XD. Now i feel all pervy talking about young boys wearing tights XD
  • chelleymarie88
    To answer the OP I am a Marvel fan through and through, mainly the X-titles, although I kind of want to check out more DC type stuff, especially Batman. (I also make comic-inspired crafty stuff on my etsy store).

    The best recent Batman collection is The Black Mirror. It's been heralded as the best Batman story of the past ten years, and while I don't know if thats quite true is was a very good read. Its from last year, when **** Grayson had taken over for Bruce as Gotham's Batman.

    So... Bruce isn't dead then? That's why I stopped following, lol.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    The best recent Batman collection is The Black Mirror. It's been heralded as the best Batman story of the past ten years, and while I don't know if thats quite true is was a very good read. Its from last year, when **** Grayson had taken over for Bruce as Gotham's Batman.

    ^^ Bahahahaha...apparently the MFP censors don't like Robin.
  • JDviant
    JDviant Posts: 92 Member
    So... Bruce isn't dead then? That's why I stopped following, lol.

    In short, he got sent back threw time or something, but he's back.
  • chelleymarie88
    So... Bruce isn't dead then? That's why I stopped following, lol.

    In short, he got sent back threw time or something, but he's back.

    Interesting, lol. That's why I'm a Marvel fan, hahaha. It was SAD when they "killed" off Cap, but then they were all JK we can't kill him, he faked his death, GOT YOU. That's exactly how it was told too. >_>
  • JDviant
    JDviant Posts: 92 Member
    Interesting, lol. That's why I'm a Marvel fan, hahaha. It was SAD when they "killed" off Cap, but then they were all JK we can't kill him, he faked his death, GOT YOU. That's exactly how it was told too. >_>

    funnily enough, Cap also just got shot threw time for no good reason lol
  • Mama_CAEI
    Mama_CAEI Posts: 235
    So... Bruce isn't dead then? That's why I stopped following, lol.

    In short, he got sent back threw time or something, but he's back.

    Interesting, lol. That's why I'm a Marvel fan, hahaha. It was SAD when they "killed" off Cap, but then they were all JK we can't kill him, he faked his death, GOT YOU. That's exactly how it was told too. >_>

    This is also why my husband got fed up with DC. The whole Crisis thing with continuity, the timelines and multi-verses and all that.
  • chelleymarie88
    Interesting, lol. That's why I'm a Marvel fan, hahaha. It was SAD when they "killed" off Cap, but then they were all JK we can't kill him, he faked his death, GOT YOU. That's exactly how it was told too. >_>

    funnily enough, Cap also just got shot threw time for no good reason lol

    I remember that too, lol. Deadpool also got sent to hell and got banned from hell. Juggernaut got thrown into another dimension....
  • chelleymarie88
    So... Bruce isn't dead then? That's why I stopped following, lol.

    In short, he got sent back threw time or something, but he's back.

    Interesting, lol. That's why I'm a Marvel fan, hahaha. It was SAD when they "killed" off Cap, but then they were all JK we can't kill him, he faked his death, GOT YOU. That's exactly how it was told too. >_>

    This is also why my husband got fed up with DC. The whole Crisis thing with continuity, the timelines and multi-verses and all that.

    Yeah.. Not a huge fan of their stories either. Everything seems to be a "generic" story-telling of everything that Marvel does...
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    Wow. I'm so far behind in my reading.

    I know how Marvel Civil War ended but WTF?!?!? Are you serious? Steve Rogers is alive? What kind of cop out is that?!?!?! If you kill off a character, stick with it. At least do something halfway decent to bring a character back.

    I'm kinda annoyed with some of these new Marvel comic series. i picked up a graphic novel for New Avengers (how many times are they gonn reboot the Avengers) and they had a girl Capt America, a Spider Girl, Thor's daughter (who dresses like Thor) and female Vision... and a female Ultron... WTF!?!?!? Are they so far out of ideas that they have to re-visit old characters and change their gender? Last I checked, robots were kinda gender neutral. Why give them boobs? Unless they're like the girl robot from Tranzor Z and they're packing boob missiles... but still.
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member

    Interesting, lol. That's why I'm a Marvel fan, hahaha. It was SAD when they "killed" off Cap, but then they were all JK we can't kill him, he faked his death, GOT YOU. That's exactly how it was told too. >_>

    The constant use of retcon is one thing that aggravates me about comics in general. There are so many writers with their own idea of how things should be, that each one seems to find it necessary to justify their interpretation. And there is still a certain amount of drama/sensationalism purely for the sake of driving sales.
  • chelleymarie88
    Wow. I'm so far behind in my reading.

    I know how Marvel Civil War ended but WTF?!?!? Are you serious? Steve Rogers is alive? What kind of cop out is that?!?!?! If you kill off a character, stick with it. At least do something halfway decent to bring a character back.

    I'm kinda annoyed with some of these new Marvel comic series. i picked up a graphic novel for New Avengers (how many times are they gonn reboot the Avengers) and they had a girl Capt America, a Spider Girl, Thor's daughter (who dresses like Thor) and female Vision... and a female Ultron... WTF!?!?!? Are they so far out of ideas that they have to re-visit old characters and change their gender? Last I checked, robots were kinda gender neutral. Why give them boobs? Unless they're like the girl robot from Tranzor Z and they're packing boob missiles... but still.

    LOL. Hey, I'm happy that Steve Rogers cheated death twice- he's one of my favorite super heroes. I appreciate the way they did it though, I was happy he didn't go to hell like Deadpool, etc. He faked his death and the way they wrote it, it worked. I don't see how Batman is still alive though, that kinda confuses me. Oh well, they're not going to kill the most famous vigilantes and superheroes. I've accepted it. Lol@Avengers comment. You didn't like The Gauntlet? Rofl..... Some of them are terrible, I'll admit; however, you have to consider the fact that there are A LOT more female readers/gamers that are now consumers of comics. What would appeal more to women? Spider-man or a self empowering female Spider-girl? I don't read it because it's cheesey, I like my male superheroes.