Calling all SEXY MAMA's and WANNA BE's ;)



  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    LOL.... Love it!!!
    Count me in!!!! and now that my child is 20 and getting out of the house for good.....I REALLY need the sexy back...forth...and alll around!!!!
  • xo_jewel_xo
    xo_jewel_xo Posts: 696 Member
    Pick me pick me!!! LOL
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member

    Workout challenges - Diet (what you are eating and drinking) challenges... We may even do mini group challenges, if those of you would like to do that (dividing up into mini groups for certain challenges).... What kind of challenges would you like to see?
    I'm in! Gonna try to grab a couple of friends to join with me! What kind of challenges will there be?
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    YAY!!! You guys are FAST! I LOVE it!!!!!!

    Just to set up some "rules" to make it easy on us....

    We can do introductions here on this thread and get to know each other a bit... Then, Monday, we can start our "Official Thread"... We can start the thread by titling it "SEXY MAMAS (and the date)" Then it will be easy for us to find...
    We can put our start weight (SW) our last weigh-in weight (LW) and our current weight (CW) to help us easily see our losses!! =)
    I have lost over 25lbs, but Monday, I will use THAT weigh-in weight as my START WEIGHT for SEXY MAMAS... So, we can all start out at 0 so to speak... I think this will be fun!!! That way, we are all starting at the "same point" ....
    We can do either weekly challenges or monthly challenges...whatever you ladies would like to do.... From my experiences, monthly works better!! It is easier to stay on top of the thread... A new thread every week can start to get hard to keep up with, but if we do the same thread for a month, it is a little bit easier...

    What are some challenges that you guys would like to see? What is it that you seem to need more accountability/motivation with?

    Also, I would LOVE for us to do before and after pics because that is sooooo freakin' encouraging and motivational... So, let's all take a before pic for Monday.... we don't HAVE to share it until we are ready to add our after or "in process" pic, but lets take one so we will have one to post for comparison =)

    So, what do you guys think?
    I like all this :) I think monthly challenges would be good. I found it hard to keep up with weekly challenges that I've been in. We could do a (x ounces of water per week) challenge, an (x amount of calories burned per week), or even exercise specific ones (crunches, pushups, etc).

    As for my intro...My name is Nicole. I'm 29 years old and from Texas. I'm married and I have two kids, a son that is almost 4 and a daughter that is almost 2. My main goal is to stay motivated and stay on track with workouts.
  • cpegasus01
    cpegasus01 Posts: 400 Member
    Count me in for this! Mother & grandmother! Gonna be sexy before spring!
  • Nataleenerlou
    Nataleenerlou Posts: 13 Member
    Me too!
  • jeannec3631
    jeannec3631 Posts: 108 Member
    let's do it!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    One BIG thing is make sure you MAKE THIS GROUP YOUR GROUP!!!! Own it!!! Take part!!! Participate and let us know where you are on your journey... It makes for a more successful journey when you take advantage of the motivation and accountability here at MFP... There are so many people that really want to see you succeed... but we can't motivate and encourage you if you don't let us know what is going on... So, even when you don't feel like checking in... do it.. and let us know what is going on with you that week.... That has been the thing that helped me the most...
    I lost over 40lbs with my June Starters group here on MFP... then I had an injury and ended up gaining so much of that back, but it was when I was taking advantage of the love/support/motivation here on MFP that I was doing my best!!!! This is something I have learned by trial and error!!! So, please... believe me on this one!! :wink:

    It's not MY group because I 'started' it... It's OUR group!!! so, don't ever feel like you can't make suggestions and such... Another thing I learned from the June Starters group...

    I will need at least one other person to help me "MODERATE" the group... We will post the challenge for the week or month, but you guys will be the ones telling us what you want to do... WE can do this by email votes and what-not... It can be a handful to co-moderate a group... so, let me know if you have the time and/or energy to do this... if you are interested, please friend me and shoot me an email... Having moderators just keep things flowing better and keeps it organized.... It doesn't mean anything other than that!

    So, shoot me some ideas ladies!! I can't wait for the first post Monday!!!!
    It's also a good idea to add others from the group to your friends' list here on MFP... helps with motivation and support to be able to shoot them an email or comment on their wall from time to time....
    Feel free to add me... please put "SExy Mama Group" in the comment section so I will know you are in the group! =)
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Oh.. and I like this little glittery sexy mama icon I found... I think I'll put it in my signature to identify me as a SEXY MAMA!! =) Feel free to do the same!! Group Pride!! :laugh:

    picture044.gif <- be sure to change the 's to's... have to make it lowercase for it to work.... and add to your signature...picture044.gif
  • CraziiPrettiiMILF
    So Down to be a sexy mama!
  • Kanderson47
    Kanderson47 Posts: 110 Member
    I wanted do it! I love a challenge..
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    I would love to be a part of this group! The "Motivated Mama" challenge that I am in now ends in a week and a half... so it would be great to have this new group!

    As for introductions: I am a 25 year old stay at home mom of a 17 month old little boy. I have been married for almost 4 years. I started on MFP at the end of July and have lost 22lbs so far. I have about 110lbs that I still want to lose. I know it will take awhile, but with support I am sure it will be a much faster and easier journey!
  • HisChild2011
    HisChild2011 Posts: 145 Member
    I'm in! My daughter is 10 and I def am tryin to get my sexy back!
  • SlimBananas
    SlimBananas Posts: 124 Member
    Count me in
  • mikajoanow
    mikajoanow Posts: 584 Member
    hooray! Count me in too!!
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    I'm in!
  • cheekydeeky
    cheekydeeky Posts: 146 Member
    *in a whiny voice* i wanna be a MILF too! :) hahahah
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    I am so excited that there are so many of you guys who are interested in joining this group!
    I also love the diversity!
    There are some NEW mamas and there are some not so new mamas and grandmamas!!! LOL... I LOVE IT!!! :drinker:

    Ok, introductions!!!!

    My name is Kandy (nickname here on MFP is "KJ"... someone started calling me that and it has stuck), so you can call me KJ :smile:
    I'm 34 ( will be 35 in 6 days :noway: )
    I have two kiddos. My son, is 7 years old and my daughter is a 4 year old DIVA going on 20 LOL They keep me busy...
    My family loves being involved in sports... dad and I are on the sidelines more these days, but we'll change that soon. I love working out, but I'm a total social butterfly and stick to something better if I have accountability and a workout partner... I am pretty sure I have done every exercise craze out there... I LOVE zumba, though... and I have done and finished 30DS before my injury... (back when I lost over 40lbs) I also love HIP HOP ABS.. Shaun T is hilarious!!
    I am a preschool teacher and I work Monday thru Thursday, so I really love Firdays because that starts my weekend!! :drinker:
    I have a wonderful, supportive husband and I may from time to time make sexual references because I enjoy the act :laugh: This is not to be offensive... I just really like sex.. God invented it, and I enjoy it! LOL... I can also be sarcastic sometimes... I appologize if this is offensive... I'm working on it... in the meantime, overly sensitive people can start working on not being so easily offended and we can all get along :laugh:
    I love to read, I play piano and guitar and love music.... I am also going to RESTART the C25K... AGAIN!!!! I just tried to restart a few weeks ago, but that was a bust... So, if there are any of you doing that, we can keep each other going....

    Ok...that's me... You'll learn more about me as we go I'm sure.... Can't wait to get to know all of you!!!!!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    MILF'S, MILF'S, MILF'S... lets get a chant going!!!! LOL..... DUDE!!!! We're all MILF's!!! And we are going to be even HOTTER ..... just wait... I know :wink: Can you imagine!! As hot as we all are now... when we reach our goals!!!!! DANG!!!!!! WE'll stop traffic! :drinker:
    *in a whiny voice* i wanna be a MILF too! :) hahahah
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Hey, ladies....

    To make it easier and less confusing... When you send other SEXY MAMAs friend request, please refer to this group in the comment section of the request invitation... Some people (including myself) will not add people if they send blank requests... This way, we know who you are and we can "tag" you as a SEXY MAMA and that helps when we are communicating with you via our MFP walls and such!

    Thanks SEXY MAMAs! I'm ridiculously excited about getting this group started... Who will be interested in helping with moderating the group?