Calling all SEXY MAMA's and WANNA BE's ;)



  • maceycarey
    maceycarey Posts: 143 Member
    This is the first time i have ever dieted or exercise in my life so im really new to this kind of stuff but im on day 5 with the 30 day shred and im acually eating veggies im still not a big fan my one year old eats better than i do lol

    I have a husband name Christopher we have been married almost 4 years i love him so much we are trying to lose weight together i must say though he is not eating very well and im worried about that

    Im a stay at home mom until Zachary gets a little older and gets more time with me, we travel all over the country and i enjoy it but i do miss my family... needless to say that i dont have a ton of options on the road which has increased my waist size plus having two kids one right after the other lol

    oh my name is Macey btw lol

    Good Luck everyone
  • kiahpyr
    kiahpyr Posts: 85 Member
    Testing my new siggy. I'm also being bad tonight and drinking. :drinker: :ohwell:
  • mzjessicab
    mzjessicab Posts: 245 Member
    My new siggy isn't working.. :( But anywho.. I am a 29 year old mother of three and wife to a magnificent man who makes me feel nothing BUT sexy and I am sometimes like- Say what?! ha! But I have moments when I am like- "Come on Jess! Let's get it together! So that is why I am here! I am attending School part time.. I am currently a therapist.. but I love to dance, sing and I play piano and drums and learning the acoustic guitar.. I just love to have fun and I love to spend money on cute clothes :) And last but not least, I adore my family...
  • aliciazak
    aliciazak Posts: 18 Member
    I would definitely like to join the fun - I am very new to MFP - but so far I love it!!!

    My name is Alicia, I am 29 years old and I'm a single SAHM to two gorgeous girls - Zoe who is 3 years old and Grace who is 12 months old. So life is pretty busy looking after the little ones by myself - but I seem to have worked out a little routine that means I can maintain some sanity and sometime to really look after myself.

    Weight-wise I have gotten under my pre-pregnancy weight already - but I still have a fair chunk of weight to lose before I finally hit my UGW. So I am trying to eat clean and train mean to get that last bit of weight off! At the moment I am doing the 30 day shred - just finished level 1 - day 6, so that is kicking my *kitten*. After that I might take on ripped in 30. Gotta love Jillian :D

    So a bit more about me - I'm an Aussie :), I love zombie movies, watercolour painting, power walking, weights and cake decorating.

    I'm looking forward to getting to know you all!

    PS I am happy to be a co-moderator if you like? I have the spare time.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    YAY!!!!! I am really blown away!!! Still more members... Of course, ANYONE who wants to join is more than welcome to join.... Just remember to check in with us regularly and participate in the challenges...

    Sorry for those who are having problems with the siggies... again, just go through the step by step I posted... I think it is on page 2 or three of this thread....

    Say hello to our Moderators of the SEXY MAMA Group!! Of course, me, KandyJo (you can call me KJ) and I have added everyone who has sent me FR and am so happy to have you as MFP buddies!!!!

    And, say hello to our new Co-Moderator, Aliciazak!!!!! Be sure to add her as a MFP friend also. It will make it easier for us to "keep track" of each other and offer motivation and support =)
    Alicia tells a little about herself in her introduction here on the thread, so be sure to read it and get to know her =)
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    YAY!!!!!! A fellow musician!!!! I want to learn the drums. I play piano and acoustic and electric guitar and the electric bass and sing.... HOw cool would it be to get together for a jam session!! LOL I know what you mean about over-thinking it when your husband totally digs you and lets you know how sexy you are... but hey! We are sexy!! And we are only going to IMPROVE on our sexiness!!!! ;) Glad your a member of our sexy mama group!!! Lets do this thang!!!
    My new siggy isn't working.. :( But anywho.. I am a 29 year old mother of three and wife to a magnificent man who makes me feel nothing BUT sexy and I am sometimes like- Say what?! ha! But I have moments when I am like- "Come on Jess! Let's get it together! So that is why I am here! I am attending School part time.. I am currently a therapist.. but I love to dance, sing and I play piano and drums and learning the acoustic guitar.. I just love to have fun and I love to spend money on cute clothes :) And last but not least, I adore my family...
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    :bigsmile: Sorry for all the posts this morning, but.....

    Aliciazac and I are discussing daily topics and challenges for our group..... We will get everything worked out and organized and it will be awesome! :drinker:

    Since today is SUnday, I thought a great topic of conversation would be MOTIVATION. What is your Motivation? What is motivating to you? What KEEPS you motivated... Or even post a motivational saying that helps you on your journey....

    Sundays will be MOTIVATIONAL SUNDAY so every Sunday we can post something motivational...

    For me, Philipians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengthenth me" has always been a motivation Scripture verse for me... I have even printed it out on little pieces of paper and posted it around my house before LOL... (need to do that again)

    Also, BEING A RUNNER is a great motivation... I really, REALLY want to be a runner... I am starting (re-restarting the C25K...again..if anyone is interested or if you are already doing this, let me know!!!!!)

    There are two of mine...... Let me hear your's! :wink:
  • KOlmert
    KOlmert Posts: 50 Member
    My mother-in-law, who is like a mother to me is my motivation! A few months ago she was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and her ability to fight and keep an awesome outlook on life is my motivation!!!! I want to become a healthy example for my kids! Another motivation for me is that I had gestational diabetes so I am at greater risk for diabetes later in life. I would like to avoid this at all costs so I am hoping eating right and exercise will keep me healthy enough to not get it!
  • SlimBananas
    SlimBananas Posts: 124 Member
    My kids are my #1 motivation with my weight, weighing me down i feel as if im not doing
    As much with them as i could be doing. So i want to get healthy & in shape so
    I can play with my kids all the time without feelig short of breath 10 minutes in lol
    Also feel free to add me if youd like just let me
    Know your from sexy mamas :-)
  • jesilva80
    jesilva80 Posts: 287 Member
    :bigsmile: Sorry for all the posts this morning, but.....

    Aliciazac and I are discussing daily topics and challenges for our group..... We will get everything worked out and organized and it will be awesome! :drinker:

    Since today is SUnday, I thought a great topic of conversation would be MOTIVATION. What is your Motivation? What is motivating to you? What KEEPS you motivated... Or even post a motivational saying that helps you on your journey....

    Sundays will be MOTIVATIONAL SUNDAY so every Sunday we can post something motivational...

    For me, Philipians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengthenth me" has always been a motivation Scripture verse for me... I have even printed it out on little pieces of paper and posted it around my house before LOL... (need to do that again)

    Also, BEING A RUNNER is a great motivation... I really, REALLY want to be a runner... I am starting (re-restarting the C25K...again..if anyone is interested or if you are already doing this, let me know!!!!!)

    There are two of mine...... Let me hear your's! :wink:

    My motivation this week: I went to a house warming party for a friend last night, and saw some people I hadn't seen in over 6 months, I tried to hide my excitement when they noticed, I had dropped quite a bit of weight :)... Sometimes I feel weird when folks notice, but I really appreciate that my hard work this year has been recognized....

    I want to start running, I want to do this race here in Va next year, The Ukrops Monument Ave 10 K, Im trying to get people I know into it here, so maybe they could train for it as well. Its next November, The one this year , is actually next Sat, but there's no way I could make it.

    Also, I would like to start going back to church, We have sorta fell out of it, but, I want a well rounded life and I believe God must be part of it too.
  • nonafit
    nonafit Posts: 582 Member
    Hi ....can I be in??? I am already in anyways. :bigsmile:

    I am Punita...but just call me Nona. I am 36 from Malaysia. And I have a very mischievous 8 year old son - Ethan.

    Anyway as its motivational Sunday (yup ...I read all the 4 pages). Mine is my son. I am not setting him a good example by being obese and sedentary. So its time to owe up and change. :heart:
  • tyramonique

    I'm new to MFP, but I would love to join your group. I'm a wanna be sexy mama, lol (I don't feel very sexy right now). I'm a 35 yo married mother of 2 (8 yo boy, and 6 yo girl). My love for food has been the biggest challenge to my weightloss goals. I love healthy food, junk food, fast food, gourmet food...any type of food. I love dining out with friends, and with my husband. I would like to lose about 30 lbs by next Spring.

    I am planning a trip either to Hawaii or the U.S. Virgin Islands for my 10th anniversary next year, and I want to look HOT in a swim suit, lol. That's one thing that motivates me. Another thing that motivates me is my health. This is the heaviest that I've been, and my energy has gotten low, and I'm starting to have problems with my knees and back. I also find that I'm less motivated to do things that I used to like to do (i.e. date nights with hubby).

    Anyway, I look forward to getting to know you all.

  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    My motivation is my son. I want to be healthy and set a good example for him! He is SO active and I don't want to be the Mom that has to sit and watch instead of being out playing too. So that is why I am here, to get healthy and fit to be an active mom!
  • Fit4Kateri
    Fit4Kateri Posts: 81 Member
    My #1 motivation has been my soon to be 20 year old daughter. She plays soccer in college and works full time at a gym. She is all the time encouraging me to take care of my health by staying active. (She's the one that signed me up for a boot camp) She will send me sweet emails telling me how she believes I can do this. On New Years Eve she and I are running our first 5k together! I'm doing C25k as well and love it!
  • maceycarey
    maceycarey Posts: 143 Member
    i have many motivations
    my kids i want to get up off my butt before they notice lol
    my health, im not sick i just dont want to get there
    i dont want to feel ugly anymore i have very low self asteem and that needs to be boosted
    i want to go on a romantic vacation next summer with my husband and look hot no kids just us
    i really want to be able to run i havent ran since i was in the 5th grade because in the sixth i starte band and never went into marching band
    i quit smokeing almost a year ago and i really want to see the benifits of it cause i still have a hard time
    i dont want to be as big as i have been with my next pregnancys a few years from now

  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,692 Member
    Sunday's Motivation: I have been on this weight loss thing, several times before. This time, I decided to tell my oldest daughter. I told her if I lose my first 20 pounds, what would she want. Now if we know anything about teenage girls, this could lead to a plethora of ideas. However, her response shocked me, and in the privacy of my room, brung me to tears. She said she wou;d want for me to wear a bathing suit, and actually come in the water with them. I was shocked, because she was right, I never ever would dear wear a bathing suit on the beach. EVER! I would be the "overweight" mother on the sideline watching them have all the fun. Fully covered up, reading a book, watching my children have fun on the beach without me. Out of all the things she could have picked, my daughter wanted us to have family time, and me actually participate. This thought motivates me everytime I tell myself, to quit, or give up, because I know that I want to give my daughters that time on the beach, with a healthy active mother.
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    YAY!!! You guys are FAST! I LOVE it!!!!!!

    Just to set up some "rules" to make it easy on us....

    We can do introductions here on this thread and get to know each other a bit... Then, Monday, we can start our "Official Thread"... We can start the thread by titling it "SEXY MAMAS (and the date)" Then it will be easy for us to find...
    We can put our start weight (SW) our last weigh-in weight (LW) and our current weight (CW) to help us easily see our losses!! =)
    I have lost over 25lbs, but Monday, I will use THAT weigh-in weight as my START WEIGHT for SEXY MAMAS... So, we can all start out at 0 so to speak... I think this will be fun!!! That way, we are all starting at the "same point" ....
    We can do either weekly challenges or monthly challenges...whatever you ladies would like to do.... From my experiences, monthly works better!! It is easier to stay on top of the thread... A new thread every week can start to get hard to keep up with, but if we do the same thread for a month, it is a little bit easier...

    What are some challenges that you guys would like to see? What is it that you seem to need more accountability/motivation with?

    Also, I would LOVE for us to do before and after pics because that is sooooo freakin' encouraging and motivational... So, let's all take a before pic for Monday.... we don't HAVE to share it until we are ready to add our after or "in process" pic, but lets take one so we will have one to post for comparison =)

    So, what do you guys think?

    I love it! My first challenge...

    I'll save my intro for the official Monday post, and I will try to get my "before" image in here. I'm terrible at message board html. Love the rules outlined so far, and agree that a weekly thread might be hard to keep up with. Monthly may be a better idea. It should be easy to search, right?

    As for challenges, I'd love to see a clean eating or something like that. Personally I need a work out challenge-- maybe 3X cardio a week and the next week 2-3X weights? Something like that?
  • mybabble
    mybabble Posts: 25 Member
    Sunday's Motivation: I have been on this weight loss thing, several times before. This time, I decided to tell my oldest daughter. I told her if I lose my first 20 pounds, what would she want. Now if we know anything about teenage girls, this could lead to a plethora of ideas. However, her response shocked me, and in the privacy of my room, brung me to tears. She said she wou;d want for me to wear a bathing suit, and actually come in the water with them. I was shocked, because she was right, I never ever would dear wear a bathing suit on the beach. EVER! I would be the "overweight" mother on the sideline watching them have all the fun. Fully covered up, reading a book, watching my children have fun on the beach without me. Out of all the things she could have picked, my daughter wanted us to have family time, and me actually participate. This thought motivates me everytime I tell myself, to quit, or give up, because I know that I want to give my daughters that time on the beach, with a healthy active mother.

    You just brought a tear to my eye! It's a tough gig being a mother and the kids always know what to say at the right time hey?

    My motivation, like most of you is to set a good example for my kids. I want them to see me healthy and happy.
    Annnnnnnd, I just want to look bloody good!

    Does anyone live near me? i live in Tweed heads (near the Gold Coast) In Australia :)
  • jennyph2006
    jennyph2006 Posts: 356 Member
    My name is Jenny 30 years old mummy. Im from Dominican Republic ( my first language is Spanish) I live in the UK with my lovely husband and boys. I have two wonderful children! Joshua who is 3 1/2 and Josiah who is 14 months old..I work from home and i love it, because i get to stay with my boys. I am very excited to try a group. my favori workout is Tae Bo (Billy Blanks). I am doin 30 DS and Wii Zumba a few days a week. i never had weight proben until i got pregnant with my first boy. all i wanted to do was eat:noway: i have lost almost 20 pound since i joined MFP in March this year. i will love to lose 26-30 lbs more.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Oh, I have loved reading you guys' motivations!!!! They have even motivated me... And annasgyal, what an amazing daughter you have!!!!! That is so encouraging and what an amazing motivation to keep you going!!! Love it!!!!!

    Glad to see some of you are interested in running as well... we will need to "partner up" here on MFP and help one another out!!!

    Love to see that our kids are our motivating drive!! Setting that example for the future!!! Love my kiddos!!! They are my joy and they deserve to have a mama that is healthy and active! :drinker:

    You ladies are amazing!!!!!! Ideas are in the works... Challenges are coming!!!! DAily topics also...

    One thing I was thinking about and would like your input.... Would you like us to have just one thread that continues to roll over and over or would you like to see a new thread started every month? Either way is fine with me... If we use the "roll over" method, we would just need to be sure that everyone knows that once that thread reaches it maximum comment posts you have to click on the <continue topic here> link on the last comment post. Let me know what you think...

    AND is everyone ok with having Monday as our "official" weigh-in day? Even if you weigh in on a different day you can post that on Monday here on our thread... How is that? Sunday -Motivation Monday - Weigh-in Check-in :happy: have other topics for the other days, but we will post those Monday for the "fresh start" ....and they will be easier to find for you guys and you won't have to search through the pages of this thread...