diet cokes...what's ur view??



  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    Look, kids, the question was "what's ur [sic] view?" :) If *you* think Diet Coke=water, more power to you! I don't. I think my view is pretty valid, because it is, after all, water /with/ other chemicals tossed in.

    I'm not the Diet soda nay-sayer, I'm really not. I drink a regular Coke or DP when I go out to dinner-- I'm clearly not a water purist. I drink plenty of alcohol, too. But those things aren't water just because I enjoy them. I said I don't view soda as practically the same as water, and I'm really pretty comfortable that that's a realistic view, even if you really like Diet Coke.

    edit to add, because it shows the point:
    but I am also very much not on the bandwagon of considering sodas practically just as good as water. I just don't drink that Kool-Aid, water is the best thing to drink.

    Well, from a hydration point of view, diet soda IS practically as good as water. Doesn't really matter if you count it or not, you body will.
    I didn't qualify "from a hydration point of view," because there's more to my body & health than just the one-line of if I'm hydrated or not, kwim?

    For instance, actually, I was once told that Diet sodas didn't cause tooth decay. LOL (first off, that's not true). Our mouths are a part of our body, among everything else. :)

    Fruit can cause tooth decay. Just saying...
    But see, *water* doesn't.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I used to *live* off of diet mt dew - like that was the only form of fluids I got unless I was at a restaurant that didn't serve it, in which case I'd get either diet coke or sweet tea. I have always disliked water. When I started on this weightloss journey, I cut it out cold turkey for an entire month. Going from drinking 2 liters (or more) a day to only having 2 x 20 oz bottles the entire month (a couple of days that I had headaches, I let myself have one b/c the caffeine helps) was a huge change. I did it b/c I knew that for me, having it all the time also seemed to make me crave sweets (you know, stuff that actually has calories LOL). So I dropped it to help get my cravings under control. After I got through a month of realizing I didn't 'have' to have it all the time, I now allow myself to have one or two a day. Normally in the morning - I don't usually like coffee so that's my caffeine splurge. I didn't like being addicted to it before - I mean if I ran out of it and couldn't make it to the store, I was in a panic b/c I knew I'd get a migraine if I didn't get the amount of caffeine my body was used to getting. Anyway, when I dropped it, I tried drinking plain water and it was still awful, so I flavor it with packets that are sweetened with Stevia - I like the flavor better than the others that I tried. I shoot for 4-5 x 16 oz bottles of water (flavored) per day, on top of my one or two diet mt dews. I don't see anything wrong with having some diet soda here and there. Obviously there was something wrong with the amount I was drinking before, for it to affect my body that way. But now I can have one or two one day and none the next and it's not a problem. I think different people could react differently - for me I felt it caused a lot of sweets cravings but I'm sure there are plenty of people that probably don't notice that at all. I feel like cutting back has really helped me personally, but I truly enjoy it too much to give it up completely.
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    I love a diet coke, nothing better to wah down a big mac and large fries!!!

    Joking aside, I'm trying to eat clean so avoiding it for now. I have noticed I crave lass sweet things now though but not sure if it is linked.
  • Expatgirl
    Expatgirl Posts: 33 Member
    The acid Ph level in sodas diet or regular is hell on your teeth especially if you are sipping them all day. It keeps the incorrect ph level in your mouth and allows bacteria. Make sure you drink water or brush after sodas. Don't sip all day.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    I have read the studies stating that diet soda can lead to sugar spikes and cravings. From what I understand and believe is that it is true for some people. In some people it causes this, and in some it does not. Best bet? drink one. If it triggers a sudden craving due to sugar spikes or whatever scientifically causes it... then best to avoid them. If not, than drink them. Like anything else.... not everything will work for everyone, it's about finding what DOES work for you. Sometimes a diet dr. pepper or diet root beer kills my sugar craving, leaving me satisfied and not reaching for the snickers. But hey, different strokes for different folks.
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    someone commented on one of my posts about diet cokes and them not being good for, what's your view and are you for or against?

    I'm totally against it. Diet Coke is completely evil and must be destroyed!

    Now let me get back to my Diet coke already in progress! Cheers!!!
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    I love a diet coke, nothing better to wah down a big mac and large fries!!!

    Joking aside, I'm trying to eat clean so avoiding it for now. I have noticed I crave lass sweet things now though but not sure if it is linked.

    You are the best! I just adore you!!! Are you taking lunch orders now???
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    I love diet pepsi or coke...especially with my jack
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    Diet Pepsi tastes better!!
  • Segrande
    I drink them every now and then. I think as long as you're not drinking them excessively (like several litres in a day), it's perfectly fine. Everything in moderation! (:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    Well, from a hydration point of view, diet soda IS practically as good as water. Doesn't really matter if you count it or not, you body will.
    I didn't qualify "from a hydration point of view," because there's more to my body & health than just the one-line of if I'm hydrated or not, kwim?

    For instance, actually, I was once told that Diet sodas didn't cause tooth decay. LOL (first off, that's not true). Our mouths are a part of our body, among everything else. :)
    [/quote]Any dentist will tell you that tooth decay comes from any sugars (real or fake) and improper hygiene to combat it. If you're dental hygiene is good it's not an issue. Drinking a minimum of 2 diet sodas a day, I've never had my dentist tell me my teeth are bad. Of course I do go every 6 months and I regularly floss and brush 2 times a day.
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    Totally for...

    I used to be dead set against soda pop in general, but it's been a godsend to me.... I love the different flavors, they help satisfy cravings without adding calories and the weight loss I've achieved more than offsets any possible health risks associated with pop.

    Also, for my own experience, drinking a half can of pop BEFORE I eat, makes me feel fuller faster and I don't miss the larger portions :)
    ditto :drinker: choose your poison :laugh:
  • Bakins929
    Bakins929 Posts: 895 Member
    i drink a diet dr. pepper, diet cocke or fresca about twice a week. 99% of my liquid is water. I think if done in moderation, anything is OK.
    Ummm... Diet COKE. :laugh:
  • reneeileen
    reneeileen Posts: 455 Member
    Diet Coke is the nector of the Gods!! I LOVE IT!

    I could not agree more.

    I've read several articles that put diet soda on blast and I'm only synthesizing what I've read so this is obviously just my opinion. It seems like the main problem is that people play mind games with themselves about diet soda and categorize it as healthy. I know it isn't healthy. I know that the chemicals in it aren't good for my calcium uptake, blah, blah, blah. I'm not trying to kid myself that it's a good habit but my 3-4 Coke Zeros a week make me happy. Very, very happy.
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    I read something that it causes cravings, as the body registers the sweet taste and then feels cheated when it doesn't get the matching uplift in blood sugar level. I think this may be true to a certain extent but over all if you like coke its a good substitute, I definitely get a craving for it - its definitely quite addictive, nothing else will do when I want a diet coke! I can still hear the snap of a can being opened and crave a diet coke!
  • _tiifyjo_
    _tiifyjo_ Posts: 118 Member
    I would just have to say that anything in moderation is fine. The majority of your liquids should be water. But during my weight loss journey I quite often start my morning off with 8oz of diet soda, use it to take my vitamins (hate the vitamin taste) and give me a little boost to get going. If I liked coffee without all the sugar and flavor then I would just drink that, but I think overall diet coke is fine, in moderation.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Diet cocke

  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Love diet soda. Diet Dew, Diet Dr Pepper, and Max especially.

    I mostly drink water (with Crystal Light), but I have diet soda every day. I don't drink coffee, but I love caffeine. :heart:
  • mslh84
    mslh84 Posts: 180
    I'm against anything that has aspartame in it.
  • CoachMelissaDi
    CoachMelissaDi Posts: 215 Member
    I love my one diet coke a week. Thats all I have and that is one of my rewards. I see no harm in it every once in a while. I LOVE water and drink a ton of it to keep my skin pretty!