Hi Gang ~ I'm so excited to have you all on board!!!!! Great things are going to happen in the next 8 weeks. We have now closed the group. As I mentioned before Julie is the founder and I want to THANK her for starting this group!!!! From now on Loredana and myself will be running the group and I am soooooooooo excited!!! :bigsmile:

Please get your weighs in and Loredana will chart them...We will weigh in on Friday and then next Monday Loredana will post the chart showing your losses!!!!! I know we will have alot!!!

As I had mentioned before please open your diary to your friends....that is the first step to accountability and we all need that :ohwell: Also take your measurements which you can keep track of over this challenge. And last but not least take that picture of yourself so in 8 weeks you can see the difference!!!!

We decided to have a challenge last 2-3 weeks at a time.....since time goes so fast it is important to FOCUS. With weekly challenges I seem to just get started and the week is over - everyone is on to something else. Loredana probably won't mind me saying this....We like to talk or post alot!!! :blushing: We will give you alot of other things to think about or challenge you to do that aren't "challenges" if that make sense.

So here is the CHALLENGE ~ reminder..... This challenge will be a focus until the end of November :flowerforyou:

1. Drink your 8 glasses of water each day...don't forget to log it in.
2. Log ALL your food and drinks everyday.
3. Exercise...get moving if your are not or keep up with what you are currently doing...push yourself...your are capable of more than you think!!!!! (yes, I just added this one):tongue:

Our group was on week 8....I was thinking as a visual to have it count our next week will be 7,6,5...etc. We are all in this together. So please chime in as much as you want. I want to always pat people on the back and will always do my best to not leave anyone out....if I do miss you for some crazy reason....I might have to blame it on my age...since I seem to be the senior here :laugh: :tongue: :sad: But you will find out fast I don't act like it!!!!! I also love the smiley faces.... I will try not to use too many, they can be distracting :noway:

Well I have a date with my Husband and daughter to watch Brides I have to sign off - this novel is done for now.

THE END - Have a great evening!!!!!!!


  • snarky
    snarky Posts: 263 Member
    oooh.... water is a tough one for me. :)
  • Opera_Bound
    Opera_Bound Posts: 291 Member
    Already got in my workout and reached my 8 glasses of water a day. I'm actually trying to shoot for 12 glasses a day and I've already started noticing my more frequented trips to the ladies room. :noway: Guess it's worth it though.

    I was trying to get my best friend to join the group but she's really new to MFP and I don't think she got in before it closed. If I can convince her to sign in tonight, can she get added? Her MFP name is CozyTune. Go add her, she needs the support and we're really pushing each other to be accountable! :flowerforyou: :happy:

    I'm really looking forward to this new group and challenge. I also like the idea of counting down! I like numbers and goals and the like. Yay! :drinker:

    Ok, back to this paper...2 pages down, 13 more to go. :sick:
  • Olive32214
    Olive32214 Posts: 543 Member
    Checking in. Done my 30DS and drank 8 waters.
    Just want to thank Judy and Loredana for keeping this going.
    Looking forward to the chart, a real motivator....
    Judy, if you liked Bridesmaids you will love Bad Teacher.

    Thanks again, and Good Luck everyone..
  • Kristyz26
    Kristyz26 Posts: 33 Member
    Yikes. I am having a slow start today :(. I have a fitbit and my daily goal is 10 000 steps and I'm only at 3300. I've been really good with water and tracking food but I will be hitting the treadmill tonight when the kids are in bed. I am also doing the c25k and I'm on day two!

    BTW - Bridesmaids is hilarious! I was laughing so hard I could barely breathe ;) Enjoy Judy! Edited to say Bad Teacher is pretty good too. Both are movies men and women will enjoy ;)
  • Olive32214
    Olive32214 Posts: 543 Member
  • cckwmh
    water and exercise done. today was halloween 2.0 due to power outages earlier in the week. funsized candy adds up fast!!! going to restart c25k in the morning!!!

    p.s. the actress from mike and molly stole the show in Bridesmaids!! Loved it!
  • katcena
    katcena Posts: 326 Member
    Hello fellow challengers! I am excited about working with all of you through this "tempting" holiday season.....they already have Eggnog, candy canes, fudge, cookies....ahhh! Everywhere I look! lol
    So, the new challenge. I will aim to get my water in....that can be a tough one for me sometimes! And I got a short workout in today...I am hoping to fit some more in before the night is over.
    Hope everyone had a great weekend!
  • mommyjeans
    Today was not my best day in terms of eating healthy and exercising, but hey, there's always tomorrow! I was not able to log food and exercise into my diary today because we ended up spending the whole day in Boston, and I do not remember everything I ate (which is probably a sign that it wasn't the healthiest day!). I'm excited about being held accountable to meeting my goals because I am slacking off and I seem to do better when I have the threat of being called out for making a poor food choice! So, feel free to add me (I'm going to try to add people too). In addition to losing 10lb by the end of December, my biggest goal is to stop drinking soda- I don't drink a lot of it, maybe a cup or so a day, but it's not doing me any favors. I'm not terribly sure that this is a habit I want my five month old to see, either.

    Good luck everyone for tomorrow- if there is a particular thing I can do to help you stay accountable and be successful, let me know!
  • mdorman8313
    mdorman8313 Posts: 109 Member
    Thanks so much to you two ladies for taking this group and allowing the rest of us to join! SO encouraging to get on here and read what everyone else is up to on the healthy lifestyle journey we're all on.

    I did my wii boxing tonight, but my cold and chest congestion got the best of me tonight and I didn't get to start the 30DS. :grumble: Here's hoping my cold goes away and I can really get into my exercising.

    I cooked tonight for the week, turkey chili salads, pork tenderloin, roasted broccoli, steamed veggies, and SMOOTHIES are on my menu for the week.

    Here's wishing everyone a GREAT WEEK!

  • monet13
    monet13 Posts: 324 Member
    Got in some good exercise today, just barely got my water in! trying to workout daily - so happy to be in the group! Loved bridesmaids too:laugh: laughed out loud quite a bit in the movie theater - probably embarasses my niece:smile:
  • Kristyz26
    Kristyz26 Posts: 33 Member
    So I got my run in for felt great! Had a healthy dinner and I'm feeling pretty good. Does anyone know the best way to log an interval run such as c25k on MFP?

    Hope you all have a great night!
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    See what an addict I am!!!!! I can't stay away. I hate daylight savings it feels like it's 10 and it's only 8:30!!! My darling son just left for his last driving daughter has gone to her boyfriends..hubby watching football...I get the big TV with a fire and yes my wine:drinker: will see I counted it!!

    Yeah! everyone is finding the new thread...I am kind of new at this so - so far so good. I know the water is a challenge so is logging everything in. I am on the road all the time for work, so I bought a note pad so I can hopefully make note of everything I eat while I am out. When I work from home, like tomorrow...I log in my food...then I get side tracked and talk to my friends, read posts, start getting inspired and so on!!!

    If you have a bad day you have to look forward and not dwell on it. I know that is soooo easier said then done. We are working on one day at a time here...sometimes one meal at a time:huh:

    Oh Loved Bridesmaids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Laughed my butt off....(I wish..:laugh: ) Sorry I am getting alittle punchy I haven't even had much wine yet :smile: Anyway it was really good...I will have to try Bad Teacher...I haven't heard good things about it till now. Netflicks here I come:happy:

    Catch you tomorrow
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Already got in my workout and reached my 8 glasses of water a day. I'm actually trying to shoot for 12 glasses a day and I've already started noticing my more frequented trips to the ladies room. :noway: Guess it's worth it though.

    I was trying to get my best friend to join the group but she's really new to MFP and I don't think she got in before it closed. If I can convince her to sign in tonight, can she get added? Her MFP name is CozyTune. Go add her, she needs the support and we're really pushing each other to be accountable! :flowerforyou: :happy:

    I'm really looking forward to this new group and challenge. I also like the idea of counting down! I like numbers and goals and the like. Yay! :drinker:

    Ok, back to this paper...2 pages down, 13 more to go. :sick:

    Sure we can fit CozyTune in!!! good luck with your studying!!!!

    Kristy ~ Since I have my running class which worked us up to next week running 20 mins straight..I added exercise and named it walk run training. Since I have a HRM I am able to log in my exact calorie burn!! Love it!!! I hope that helps

  • Belinda_81
    Belinda_81 Posts: 18 Member
  • gerink
    gerink Posts: 50
    Well yesterday got in the run, the yoga and the spinning just couldn't work on the 30 day shred. Just too achy. Have trouble with drinking all that water - yech :sick: Have that 5k coming up Dec 10 so I'm trying to concentrate on that but the abs aren't going away. Gotta go for the run. Anyone else on week 3 of Juilian's 30day shred and just gagged at the warm up alone??
  • BGent
    BGent Posts: 112
    Good Morning!

    So yesterday I worked out, logged my food and drank 8 cups of water. Today is going okay except for a sinus headache:sick: , took Sudafed and make myself workout. You all are keeping me accountable to a big thanks to you guys! :wink:

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    gerink- Yes, level 3 warm up is crazy...oddly enough I hated level 2 more than level 3.
  • johanna_elaine
    sad to admitt that yesturday while everyone was well on there way to the first day of this challenge being a success, i was mia and was not so good....HOWEVER i did log in everything i had yesturday even though i had almost all my calories gone just in alcohol :drinker: today is a new day and i am ready to give it my all.... i havent been exercising for a while, and i cant give any excuses except im lazy (which got me in this position in the first place) i have begun to eat breakfast everyday, but i am skipping it today because i have an early lunch date with my grandmother and since i live in cajun conutry i know i need all the calories i can get.

    Judy i look forward to you being our positive leader:bigsmile:

    i hope everyone has a great day :flowerforyou:
  • johanna_elaine
    sad to admitt that yesturday while everyone was well on there way to the first day of this challenge being a success, i was mia and was not so good....HOWEVER i did log in everything i had yesturday even though i had almost all my calories gone just in alcohol :drinker: today is a new day and i am ready to give it my all.... i havent been exercising for a while, and i cant give any excuses except im lazy (which got me in this position in the first place) i have begun to eat breakfast everyday, but i am skipping it today because i have an early lunch date with my grandmother and since i live in cajun conutry i know i need all the calories i can get.

    Judy i look forward to you being our positive leader:bigsmile:

    i hope everyone has a great day :flowerforyou:
  • snarky
    snarky Posts: 263 Member
    Fell a little short on my water yesterday, but I have already started this morning so it should be easier today and I won't get stuck with the choice of not getting all my water or waking up in the middle of the night. :/

    Got a bike ride in too. Not sure what today holds in store for me, I woke up with a sore throat. Everyone in the house has been sick. I was hoping that I was invincible. ::sigh::

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    hi guys!

    just found the thread! glad to meet you all. m7y name is claire and i live in the uk. i have a 13 month old son and have decided that i am now ready and in the right frame of mind to lose the weight!

    good luck all!
