

  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Just checking in quickly to see what's new.

    Merlk (Merlanda) - you make me go buy a new food processor for the smoothie!!! I have one that broke and I so want another one. I will definately put that on my (ever growing) list for Santa.

    I totally relate to Judy's story .... I lost about 14# in March, then gained half back, then lost some and for the past three weeks just going back and forth gaining and losing the same 2-3#. It is very frustrating but I know the answer is NOT quitting. So, if I get to retirement age and still struggling with these 2-3#, oh well ... but hopefully it won't be the case :)

    Talk to you guys soon!

  • mommyjeans
    You are all so inspirational! I love reading everyone's accomplishments as well as the way everyone stays positive about setbacks, seeing them as only a bad day and not a permanent failure.

    Despite the snow we had on Halloween weekend, the past week and a half have been perfect fall days. Fall in New England really holds a special place in my heart, and one of my favorite things to do is to take long walks through the crunchy leaves. It's a great way to get some exercise too! Something about the crispness in the air always can inspire me to do anything because I am reminded of how wonderful life truly is, regardless of the struggles we all face. The victories, like a lovely fall day, are sweet and make up for the moments that aren't so great.
  • mdorman8313
    mdorman8313 Posts: 109 Member
    Just checking in quickly to see what's new.

    Merlk (Merlanda) - you make me go buy a new food processor for the smoothie!!! I have one that broke and I so want another one. I will definately put that on my (ever growing) list for Santa.

    I totally relate to Judy's story .... I lost about 14# in March, then gained half back, then lost some and for the past three weeks just going back and forth gaining and losing the same 2-3#. It is very frustrating but I know the answer is NOT quitting. So, if I get to retirement age and still struggling with these 2-3#, oh well ... but hopefully it won't be the case :)

    Talk to you guys soon!



    This is the one that I got--the Ninja Master Prep Food Processor. It's a combo Blender/Food Processor!!! I LOVE IT! It makes salsa making a snap, too!
  • mdorman8313
    mdorman8313 Posts: 109 Member
    Just checking in quickly to see what's new.

    Merlk (Merlanda) - you make me go buy a new food processor for the smoothie!!! I have one that broke and I so want another one. I will definately put that on my (ever growing) list for Santa.

    I totally relate to Judy's story .... I lost about 14# in March, then gained half back, then lost some and for the past three weeks just going back and forth gaining and losing the same 2-3#. It is very frustrating but I know the answer is NOT quitting. So, if I get to retirement age and still struggling with these 2-3#, oh well ... but hopefully it won't be the case :)

    Talk to you guys soon!



    This is the one that I got--the Ninja Master Prep Food Processor. It's a combo Blender/Food Processor!!! I LOVE IT! It makes salsa making a snap, too!


    I may get a little too excited about this...:laugh:

  • snarky
    snarky Posts: 263 Member
    Merlanda: That smoothie sounds so good!

    Judy: I am going to have to try that recipe with the cauliflower. My hope is that I will have some homegrown cauliflower soon enough. This is the first time I have tried growing it. I hear that it is temperamental, so my fingers are crossed.

    Snowflakes: Next time keep your cyber microbes to yourself!!! lol I hope you have a great time away with your sweetie.

    Opera_bound: I was thinking about you as I passed on the latte that was calling me. I hope you are making good progress on your paper.

    Hope everyone is having a great day!
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Hey gang, one of my local MFP friend contacted me and she wants to join us. Tiredofbeinchubimama ( or Andrea) will chime in shortly to tell us about herself. I know we don't have set rules about How many can join the group so I figured friends of friends are ok:) I don't mind keeping track of everybody's weight so the more the merrier.

    Trying to watch the snacking tonight ... wish me luck!

  • april1126
    april1126 Posts: 65 Member
    I did really good today drank my 8 glasses of water ate under my calories and had a really good workout sweated my butt to do the same tomorrow . Hope everyone had a good day today
  • Opera_Bound
    Opera_Bound Posts: 291 Member
    Snarky: Haha, I'm back in the dreaded coffee shop I was in last night - only dreaded due to the delicious lattes - but I've got my bottle of water filled and in front of me. :happy: I'm 2/3 of the way finished with the paper, which is great, but it's still going to be a late night. :indifferent:

    I'd like to share my blonde moment of the day...I've been thinking lately that my suggested daily calorie level seemed a little high from what I was used to when I first started. I thought to myself: No, it's fine, maybe MFP changed some things around. WRONG! :noway: I had my fitness level set for when I was working a retail job on my feet 4-5 days a week. GEEZ! :grumble: I can't believe I didn't think to look at this sooner. The upside is that it's now fixed and I can REALLY focus on sticking to my calories and seeing a change. Sometimes I amaze myself at my level of comprehension!! :laugh: is still going well for the day. I didn't get in my veggies like I hoped for but a grilled cheese sandwich and black beans will get me through this paper. Water is great, already on glass 9 or 10 for the day.

    Best of luck everyone....potty break, stretch, and back to this damn paper! :drinker:
  • monet13
    monet13 Posts: 324 Member
    Having my last cup of water - got in 35 minutes of walk/run, 35 of elliptical, and 20 of weights! I have to say I was dragging but I kept on goinG! Tomorrow will be a lighter exercise night. I also had a great cloths moment this morning - grabbed my brown dress pants, and grabbed an old pair by accident(2 sizes smaller) and they fit! It's like having a closet of new cloths (or old fabulous friends back!). Have a great day tomorrow everyone!
  • corinneselene
    corinneselene Posts: 306 Member
    Finally.. finishing the 8 cups of water now! Did not get to the gym today. The morning slipped away then I had class and work. and then I had to round off the evening by cooking myself a late night dinner(9pm- I WAS STARVING!!!) I also managed to stuff the crockpot with a new recipe: Pork Chops with Mushrooms.
    It seems as though everyone is doing super well! I love this group- everyone always has something interesting to talk about. I live in Hoboken, NJ and always feel slightly jealous by the new moms who brunch, walk their dogs together and BS.
    I may not have a baby or a dog but I like how I feel like part of a cool women's group!
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    You Guys are Hitting it out of the Park!!! Good Job!!!

    Boy do those calories add up fast!!! I eat stuff that is for the most part on the healthy side...but 100 cals here 90 cals there...YIKES. I had a busy day, work...this that and the other..prep for tomorrow's meeting wash my car iron my clothes...I was going to skip the gym since I still have a list of things to do..........But.............I looked at how many calories I had left for the evening and thought...hum I better go to the gym!!! So I just got back from a crazy Zumba class!!! It was soooo crowded over 100 people! But I burned some calories.

    I just enjoyed my beef stew...and the Zumba class put me over my 8 glasses:drinker: Our challenges are really helping me alot...I was getting so lazy with my water and only finished my logging food a few times a week. Logging food is making me think twice.

    I will catch up with you all some time tomorrow...I have to leave at 5:30am :sad: :noway: Time for a manicure....then zzzz:yawn:

    Keep up the good work!!!!!!!
  • Belinda_81
    Belinda_81 Posts: 18 Member
    Had a great day yesterday, got my water in and logged all my food, did 40 minutes on the elliptical before work and went to a Zumba class after work, approx 1000 extra calories burnt yesterday.
  • BGent
    BGent Posts: 112
    Hello! So, no workout today. I twinged my right shoulder/neck area so taking it easy. I did workout yesterday, logged my food and got in my 8 glasses so I got going for me.

    I took naproxen this morning and have placed an ice pack on the area. Let me know if there is anything else I should do to fix it. :smile:

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • gerink
    gerink Posts: 50
    Yesterday was ok - still having problems getting the water in but the migraine didn't help. Today is an off day for running as practice is tomorrow. decided to mark down every time I finish a bottle of water to try and up my water intake - see if that will help. Its yoga and aerobics today and off to the animal shelter for volunteer. Everyone have a great day. :flowerforyou:
  • snarky
    snarky Posts: 263 Member
    good morning everyone!

    I was significantly under on my calories yesterday. I thought that it would even out with my plans for this evening. Every Wednesday I go to a friend's for dinner. It is really hard to guess what the calories are on those foods and sometimes a have a couple of drinks. I just assume that I go over on Wednesdays. I try to plan ahead. :) I woke up this morning not so sure that I am going to make it... head cold in full effect. aaaaaaaaaaaaahhh! poor me.

    I am going to go drink more water, pull myself together, and get to work. :grumble:

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  • cckwmh
    yesterday was a tough day for me diet wise. i need to plan ahead when I am not goting to be home to bring food with me. i ended up eating out lunch and dinner. I did make it to my first zumba class, which was surprosingly fun. i do not consider myself a good dancer and was concerned that i would get so caught up in the steps that i wouldn't actually be working out. but i did, and i really tried to concentrate on my core being tight for that little extra.

    today is going to be a better day. i enjoy reading everone's post - it keeps me accountable and motivated!!!
  • corinneselene
    corinneselene Posts: 306 Member
    cckwmh: I can totally relate. I get so agitated when i forget to pack a lunch or whatnot. Not only am I at the mercy of the restaurants nearby but i end up spending money that I really had no interest in spending.
    Snarky: Is your friend a healthy eater as well? It can be incredibly difficult to guess-timate the amount of calories in other food.

    I am so happy I was able to complete my water goal yesterday. It is so easy to 'forget' but I guess I feel like you guys are checking up on me so I feel the pressure haha. Got my workout in this morning- check!
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Good morning ... or almost lunch of the folks on east coast!
    Did good last night - my dinner was really light - just some yougurt with granola. I was under calorie goal (a first in a long time) and I could feel it this morning!
    Water intake is pretty good - 6 glasses of water yesterday and 32 oz. of unsweetened herbal tea. I have been drinking more and more tea lately and I have to say that it feels really clensing. I am still drinking my coffee (2 cups a day) but I am drinking decaf in the afternoon.
    I did not go to the gym this morning, even though I wanted to run and swim. But it feels good to sleep in and not be up at 4.30 AM.

    I have a quick tip for the ladies that have trouble planning their meals. One of my favorite real quick lunches on the go is a veggie burger along with an avocado and some other vegetable (tomatoe, cucumber, red pepper, carrots ... etc). I keep a box of frozen veggie burgers in the freezer at work - those Morningstar burgers or Gardenburgers ... they are delicious and really low on calories. You are making up by eating the avocado next to it, but it is good fat that your body needs.
    My mornings are usually madness - I work out, come home usually late, prepare kids lunches, my husband lunch, hop in the shower, get the kids ready or bark orders to put their clothes and shoes on, drive the baby to the preschool ... just crazy. All these before 8.00 AM. I am usually the last one on my list for food. So, you can see me on my way out the door just shoving some veggies and some apples from the fridge and out the door. But I keep oatmeal, nuts, oil and vinegar at my desk and I can put something together while I am at work.
    Another tip would be to reserve a lunch to go do shopping for your desk - just go and buy things that you can eat at work but the healthy ones - plain oatmeal, some honey for that sweet tooth, some almonds, dressings if you make a salad, some fruit. A lot of my co-workers have cadies at their desks ... I have a bowl with apples (when I remember to go by some).

    Hope everyone is doing well today and how my friend Judy would say - Make Good Choices :)

    And the aformation of the day: My job supports the unfoldment of my full creative potential.
    In my case this is true but there might be folks out there not as enthrolled with their jobs. It is not about the job, is the attitude :)

    Have a good one! And check with your later!

  • Hello everyone! I am here for the challenge (: my name is Andrea, I joined this MFP this past Sunday and was lucky enough to find Loredana in a search. I am a new mom and have been putting off losing this baby weight for months now. I actually have no current pictures of myself on this temporary computer we are using while our 's is beiing fixed. So, this picture is my before pregnancy picture that now needs to be my after picture! I am currently 163 and need to be 128. My goal by Dec 31 2011 is 148. I have to admit the portion control is my biggest fight. I have always taken in plenty of water and before the baby, walked our two large dogs every day-unfortunately I can't juggle them all together now. I have started taking turns walking them during the week. They do "jog" on the tread mill, but what dog doesn't love to go out and do some sniffing (:
    I am ready to feel like my old self and have my cousin's wedding in May that I am determined to wear a dress that I can feel attractive's been far too long. I hope to hear from you all and will be checking in (: Have a beautiful day!
  • daniran
    daniran Posts: 233 Member
    lorika1977: Thanks for the great tip re: veggie burgers. I think I'm going to try them. I'm feeling pretty pumped having joined the group and having to be accountable has actually set me in a different frame of mind. there's a few of us at work that go out into the stairwell at lunch time and go up and down the stairs (we also stretch and walk before and after). Yesterday, I was a day early but dressed for stairs, so I did them by myself. Felt really good afterwards. got home late and decided I wanted pizza - bad.... But, started watching Michael Jackson's "This is it!" and decided I'd get on my portable stair stepper with cords and do some stepping to the music. Made it go by faster because I wasn't thinking "how many steps have I done and how many do I have to go." That kind of helped make me feel better after pizza. Well, I'm off to change and do some stairs. Thanks for allowing me to share this with you. Judy - thank you so much for inviting me! I wasn't sure how things where going to be for me. But, after day one - like I said - I'm pumped! :flowerforyou: