How Do You Feel About The Flu Shot?



  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    blank no.... would rather take my chances.....

    why take something that is going to make you sick?????

    plus if you wash your hands, and work in a fairly safe enviroment... why bother???
    i don't work for a school system or in the medical field.....

    plus i have had major surgery... don't need to add anything else to my current history....
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    My own doctor even says that the flu shots are pretty worthless. The put the strains of the virus they "think" is going to cause the most cases of the flu every year, yet you are not 100% protected from getting the flu.

    When I used to get the shot, I had 2 years that I still ended up with the flu because the strain of the flu virus I contracted was not a strain of the virus in the shot. One of those times I ended up in the hospital for 5 days.

    It is just a way for pharmaceutical companies and doctors offices to make more money.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    My own doctor even says that the flu shots are pretty worthless. The put the strains of the virus they "think" is going to cause the most cases of the flu every year, yet you are not 100% protected from getting the flu.

    This is true.
    When I used to get the shot, I had 2 years that I still ended up with the flu because the strain of the flu virus I contracted was not a strain of the virus in the shot.

    While that *could* be the case, it could also be the case that you either a) contracted a viral infection that was not influenza at all or b) contracted the flu that WAS in the vaccine, but were exposed within 4 weeks of getting the vaccine

    It is just a way for pharmaceutical companies and doctors offices to make more money.

    Except that the vast majority of public hospitals have free walk in vaccination clinics. If you have a problem with the money aspects of it, there are places you can go to get the vaccines free of charge, no questions asked.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    My own doctor even says that the flu shots are pretty worthless. The put the strains of the virus they "think" is going to cause the most cases of the flu every year, yet you are not 100% protected from getting the flu.

    This is true.
    When I used to get the shot, I had 2 years that I still ended up with the flu because the strain of the flu virus I contracted was not a strain of the virus in the shot.

    While that *could* be the case, it could also be the case that you either a) contracted a viral infection that was not influenza at all or b) contracted the flu that WAS in the vaccine, but were exposed within 4 weeks of getting the vaccine

    It is just a way for pharmaceutical companies and doctors offices to make more money.

    Except that the vast majority of public hospitals have free walk in vaccination clinics. If you have a problem with the money aspects of it, there are places you can go to get the vaccines free of charge, no questions asked.

    When I used to get the flu shot I always got them in October when the company I worked for had a clinic to come in and do them paid for by the company and then discounted pricing for spouses and kids of employees.

    I had CONFIRMED flu by my doctor with that stupid up the nose swabbing test they do and it was way past the 4 week time frame because for some reason I get the flu in December or January every time I have ever had it.

    The emergency room doctor in both cases told me that either my body never built up an immunity to that particular strain (if it was included in the shot) OR it was a strain that was not in the shot at all.

    And money isn't an issue for me anyway. I choose not to get the shots any more because it is a waste due to the fact you can still contract the virus anyway.

    It is best just to wash your hands after being in public places, stop using so much antibacterial and other germ killing items and allow your body to build up immunity to the germs in the first place.

    Because of Doctors pushing antibiotics, telling everyone to use antibacterial and antimicrobial products the germs are becoming super germs resistant to most things and our bodies have a harder time building up the immunity.

    And the "free clinics" are getting massive amounts of money from the local, state and Federal governments so the shots are still being paid for.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member

    Because of Doctors pushing antibiotics, telling everyone to use antibacterial and antimicrobial products the germs are becoming super germs resistant to most things and our bodies have a harder time building up the immunity.

    You obviously aren't a doctor, because it's quite the other way around. Doctors are reluctant to give antibiotics without a confirmed bacterial infection. It's the patients that demand antibiotics, because they're ignorant and want to believe a pill will make their cold go away.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member

    And money isn't an issue for me anyway. I choose not to get the shots any more because it is a waste due to the fact you can still contract the virus anyway.

    I understand your perspective, but for me, Ive had success with the flu shot. And I was super bummed getting H1N1, when everyone KNEW it would be the most prevalent flu strain that year. I missed 10 days of work, and didn't get my energy back for over a month. It sucked.
  • Speedtrap
    I have a different perspective on this,
    Where I am in Canada we can get the shot for free, but it bothers me when people think it is only big pharma trying to make money.
    The flu kills people every year. It is a major contributing factor in several other illnesses as well.
    As a parent of a child with a Genetic Disease, anyone who spends any large amount of time with my daughter will either have a flu shot of not spend time with her.
    It is true it is not all strains and it is the best guess of people way smarter than me who make that call, but how many times did you not get sick because you had the flu shot. There is no way to know but if it does not cost you anything to get it I look at it as why not.
    Now just don’t get me started on Idiot parents that have stopped vaccinating their kids.
  • brocantrs
    brocantrs Posts: 273 Member
    A lot of ignorance on this subject.
  • formersec
    formersec Posts: 233 Member
    For people in fragile health, a flu shot can be a lifesaver. A pneumonia vaccine may also be a good idea. I have some health issues, and the doctor recommended I get both vaccines. Well, I didn't listen, and in 2009, I developed pneumonia. Trust me, you don't ever want to get pneumonia. I was in the hospital for one week, including days on a respirator. When I was released from the hospital, I was too sick to go home. Had to spend six weeks in a convalescent facility. I was so weak, I couldn't stand up. People had to feed me, bathe me, brush my teeth and so on. I had to undergo physical and occupational therapy and basically relearn how to take care of myself. It was a nightmare. From then on, I have received a flu vaccine every year and a pneumonia shot every five years. I've managed to avoid every respiratory illness, including the common cold. I don't ever want to be sick like that again.