My Almost Two Journey with Pics

This is my story about my journey. This journey has not been easy for me due to non supportive family members and friends. On my journey I was told you will never lose weight. Why I asked; cause you work overnights and eat pass six, it’s hard to lose weight, it’s hard to be on a diet. Well I prove them all wrong cause I lost the weight. As one of my best friend on (MFP) Sexycook & MsQt would say this is a lifestyle change not a diet. On this journey of losing weight to be healthy I have lost friends and family members. Why because they say I change; yeah change for the better (to be healthy) no they say your different; yeah I say different as in smaller ( to be healthy); no they say your just conceded now; no I say I have confidence in my self ( no more walking with head down, hiding in pictures, no more wondering what people say or think about me in public. No more embarrass to go shopping for clothes. My family and friends have been so negative toward my weight loss (example) back in the days I was the biggest person in my family; the fat girl. We would go shopping and my family and friends like to take me shopping in stores like 5,7,9, knowing darn well I could not fit nothing in that store. Now I asked them to go shopping cause I can fit in clothes that size and nobody wants to go shopping with me; why cause I am no longer the fattest person in my family and friends. My family and friends will not asked me out to lunch, brunch, drinks and etc; why I asked cause your on a diet and starve yourself. Starve myself I don’t think so I eat like a hog and that is why I exercise so much, but anyway who say I can’t have a cheat day or meal every once in a while cause once again this is a lifestyle change. Don’t let me get started about the negative comment (your too small, dries up crack head, your obsessive, your taking this exercise stuff over board, you have no curve now, the big negative you will gain it back (really) did you not hear me say it’s a lifestyle change to be healthy. That mean I am no longer taking cholesterol meds, iron pills and on a low dose blood pressure med. I get more support, encouragement, and jobs well done from MFP family and friends than my actual blood family members and long time friends, but of course once again like my best friend Sexycook & MsQt said (it all about me), therefore I don’t need gratitude form nobody but myself, cause this is my journey but it does hurt when family outcast you just for being healthy.

I started this journey back in January of 2010 due to different health problems. I gave myself two years to weigh in at 162 pounds. I have lost a total of 83 pounds and is 2 months 2 pounds away from my goal and two year time frame. I bust my butt everyday and yes I have days I fall off the wagon but I dust myself off and get right back into the routine of being healthy(Example) I just come back from a beautiful vacation In Dominican Republic gain 13 pounds but no worries cause I will be just as determine and dedicate to lose the weight and will lose the weight in no time.



  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,249 Member

    I PROMISE inspire the heck out of me...and to know that you are one of the most sweetest person inside and out..Look at testimony that it can be done....just have patience and keep the drive...REMARKABLE
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
  • tmogs
    tmogs Posts: 287 Member
    you look SOOOOOO GREAT!!!!! so proud of you girly!
  • ClarkMer
    ClarkMer Posts: 206 Member
    You look amazing! Congrats!
  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    Good for you! You have accomplished something amazing. I am sorry to hear how your family treats you though - that is emotional abuse. You have done well to look past that and improve yourself for the sake of your health.
  • hollwoods
    hollwoods Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you for your story. Unfortunately I can relate to several of your experiences and stories. You're pictures look fabulous, congratulations on all your hard work.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    awesome chica!!!
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    WHOA!! Dang girl, you are smokin! CONGRATS on your hard work!
  • steffiejoe
    steffiejoe Posts: 313 Member
    Dang Girlie , You look amazing! Great job, don't let those haters get to you.
    Keep moving forward!
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    Amazing transformation! Very inspiring!
  • dmanning0819
    dmanning0819 Posts: 93 Member
    WOW! What an inspiration!!! I just so happened to read your story and wanted to tell you that you look amazing! Keep positive and don't let the negativity get you down. The longer you stay healthy, eventually if your family loves you they will come to terms with it.
  • rebgeo
    rebgeo Posts: 23
    Simply beautiful!
    As for the fam and friends, well jealousy is a *****!
  • WOW!!! You are SMOKIN'!!! Such an inspirational story to go along with it ... love it!!! I know there are those of us that have similar issues with friends and family and to know you were able to do it despite all of that negativity is amazing!

    Thank you so much for sharing your story! You look AMAZING!!!!
  • stefchica
    stefchica Posts: 257 Member
    nothing says triumphant more than struttin around in your new bathing suit, CONGRATS!!! keep up the great work, you look great!
  • Sepa
    Sepa Posts: 243 Member
    AMAZINGGGG. You loof HOTTTT! Congrats on all your hard work and effort!
  • kdchick99
    kdchick99 Posts: 104 Member
    Great job!!!!!!!!!!!! Very inspiring and can't wait for you to loose the final 2 pounds and tell everyone "I told you so!!!!!" Be proud of your health lifestyle!
  • ncole3
    ncole3 Posts: 164
    Wow....your journey inspires me to keep going...Thanks for posting
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    You look FANTASTIC!!! Great work!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member look awesome and so much happier. So sorry to hear your family is not supportive of your efforts, it is so sad but it happens and Yes we do change for the better. So glad you have found supportive friends on mfp to help encourage you and keep you going. This is an awesome site......
  • NicLiving
    NicLiving Posts: 261 Member

    Yea, what she said LOL! This is all the motivation I need to keep going. You did a great job and you look beautiful sis. Keep up the good work; the hard work you put in is definately working!
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