Is it wrong to get pissed at your wife because..........



  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Please, please get pissed at this! Do not let her make you feel you're the one with the issue.
  • BreakinTheChains
    BreakinTheChains Posts: 381 Member
    No it is not wrong.. And everything everyone else said. Go back to the part where she says she's unhappy.. BIG RED FLAG
  • Secret_Agent_007
    From a woman... Your wife needs to be let go or you two need to go to counseling.. Sounds like she's getting a little more than attention.. In my opinon any woman in a bar not with her husband until 5 am is seeking a little more than just attention... JUST SAYIN

    ^^ THIS! I'd be pissed too, dude. I suspect she's gettin her oil changed elsewhere.
  • Liluth
    Liluth Posts: 84 Member
    No it is not wrong.. And everything everyone else said. Go back to the part where she says she's unhappy.. BIG RED FLAG
    It's NOT WRONG.. So your saying it's OK for her to be this way because she is UNHAPPY !!! SERIOUSLY .. WOW great advice * sarcasm *

    Slow down there, champ. That was not what they were trying to say. At all. Merely that this is happening because the wife is unhappy, not that it's okay because the wife is unhappy. "No it is not wrong (for you to be pissed)"
  • BreakinTheChains
    BreakinTheChains Posts: 381 Member
    From a woman... Your wife needs to be let go or you two need to go to counseling.. Sounds like she's getting a little more than attention.. In my opinon any woman in a bar not with her husband until 5 am is seeking a little more than just attention... JUST SAYIN

    but she sais she didnt dance with any guys n she left the bar when it closed with her friends to go to her house.. n then hung out there..
    SHE's lying to you .. face it come to terms with it .. Get counseling or kick her to the curb..
  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
    You can play this two ways (she's looking for a game)

    1) Buff up. Spiff yourself up everyday and enjoy life (as she is) and eventually go seperate ways.

    2) Get a counsellor. (Their may be something to salvage)

    I would do option 1 and start a score board of who gets more 'hits'

    Marriage isn't a game. It's a lot of hard work.

    I agree
  • BreakinTheChains
    BreakinTheChains Posts: 381 Member

  • EuroDriver
    im a ****ing insecure controling boyfriend who gets mad at his girlfriend for going the the bar with all her girlfriends once since she had a baby two years ago. Doesnt get compliments form any guys he just decided to say that **** and is on a **** load of ****ing steriods so he is ****ed in the head!
  • valeriebpdx
    valeriebpdx Posts: 499 Member
    Telling the partner they're just insecure, when in actuality you're behaving badly, is usually the last stop on the way to doing something very wrong. Try to get her to honestly address how she's feeling and what she's doing here, so you can at least know where you stand. Better to get into counseling ASAP if there's something to save--hopefully before there's anything big to forgive her for--than to have her tell you in 4 months she is cheating. Sorry you're going through this, dude. Take care.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Is it wrong to get pissed off that your wife gets more flattered by other guys complimenting her than you? Is it wrong to get pissed off when ur wife goes to a bar gets home at 5am (bars close at 3am) and then have a guy add her on facebook next day asking her on a date because she told him she was single? is it wrong to get pissed off because a friend tells u that he saw ur wife at a bar dancing very "provocative"? Is it wrong to ask your wife to quit flirting with guys as its embarrassing because a friend points it out to me and asks if i care or not and why wont i do anything about it? Is it wrong to ask your wife to cool off and pay more attention to her family than how many guys hit on her? Is it wrong to get even more pissed when you confront her about it she tells you you are stupid, insecure, shes unhappy, and its retarded because all she got out everything you confronted her about was that you dont want her to dress up n do her make up everday because u told her to quit seeking attetion from other men..

    All of her answers are simple excuses used to divert the issue away from her. She knows what she's doing is wrong.

    Man...I feel for you...I've been where you are and the hurt caused by it is endless =(. My advice, don't talk to her about the symptoms...which is her behavior (this'll just cause a fight, and give her room to deflect), talk to her about the problem, which is why she feels all these things are ok. Tell her a marriage isn't like that, and you want to be married. Suggest counselling, tell her you'll work to change things on your end as well (they always blame you, if you won't 'work' to fix it...even if you didn't fookin do anything, they won't either)...if she won't do that...get your *kitten* down and file for divorce, because if you don't...she will be eventually, and as things stand, you've got the moral upper hand.

    I wish you luck brother, and if you ever need someone to talk to...message me.
    Some woman do not know that they are wrong, they feel ``entitled`` This world OWES them. I hope your wife snaps out of it, she may be left a lonely soul

    I agree hun....and this kind of thing is never, ever good.

    You can play this two ways (she's looking for a game)

    1) Buff up. Spiff yourself up everyday and enjoy life (as she is) and eventually go seperate ways.

    2) Get a counsellor. (Their may be something to salvage)

    I would do option 1 and start a score board of who gets more 'hits'

    Marriage isn't a game. It's a lot of hard work.

    I agree

    I agree here, too...and in addition, it's clear the person who suggested the OP 'buff up' has never seen him.

    He makes me look pudgy.
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    Your words: "What to tell you about me? I sleep, I eat, I train, I repeat... "

    Maybe you should consider: "What to tell you about me? I focus on my marriage with my wife, I sleep, I focus on my marriage with my wife, I eat, I focus on my marriage with my wife, I train, I focus on my marriage with my wife, I repeat..."
  • dreilingda
    dreilingda Posts: 122 Member
    Definitely not wrong. Draw a line in the sand - this is the only way to resolve this on your watch. If this has been going on for any length of time (more than a few weeks) then she has probably already crossed the line. Tell her she must stop the childish behavoir and go to counciling or you'll leave. I would never stand for this in my marriage.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Well you are entitled to be upset, but perhaps working it out with your wife. maybe via counseling or through your church would be a better route than bringing that kind of thing here. Just a thought. Wish you all the best.:smile:
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    deactivated :(
  • leynak
    leynak Posts: 963 Member
    im a ****ing insecure controling boyfriend who gets mad at his girlfriend for going the the bar with all her girlfriends once since she had a baby two years ago. Doesnt get compliments form any guys he just decided to say that **** and is on a **** load of ****ing steriods so he is ****ed in the head!

    uh oh- I'm guessing wife found out about this post- user deactivated
  • april_beth
    april_beth Posts: 617 Member
    dear husband: file the papers already. youre worth more than that ****.
  • BreakinTheChains
    BreakinTheChains Posts: 381 Member
    WOW .. this post took a crazy turn !!
  • mikajoanow
    mikajoanow Posts: 584 Member
    I see that you deactivated your account. I hope you're doing okay. You are not wrong for being pissed.
  • kb455
    kb455 Posts: 679 Member
    Dude...she's up to no good. Like the others have said, follow your gut.
  • Liluth
    Liluth Posts: 84 Member
    im a ****ing insecure controling boyfriend who gets mad at his girlfriend for going the the bar with all her girlfriends once since she had a baby two years ago. Doesnt get compliments form any guys he just decided to say that **** and is on a **** load of ****ing steriods so he is ****ed in the head!

    uh oh- I'm guessing wife found out about this post- user deactivated

    You know... I don't know why I didn't immediately think the same thing... but you're absolutely right. She must have looked over his shoulder or gotten on the computer when he stepped away. Yikes.