Turbo Jammers 2/2-2/8



  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Hi Ya'll! Just wanted to know if anyone's handweights have wornout? Was doing my workout today and sand was going everywhere! Also I wanted to know what kind of heartrate monitors do you ya'll suggest? Has anyone had good results with the wrist monitor kind? Keep the hard work up and burning those calories!

    I just received mine about 3 weeks ago so I'm still good:wink: I don't have a HRM...hopefully someone else can help you. There are a few ladies on here who do have one:smile:
  • Beeks5
    Beeks5 Posts: 41
    Hey everyone its me again!! I'm glad that everyone is doing so well!! I love when girls can succeed together!! Anyhoo .. I somehow go it my CP1 today .. had everyone in this world it seemed calling me during that time .. that never happens! hehe!! oh well! I still finished!! And because it was so darn nice out (FINALLY!) I packed my two little ones up in their snowsuits and walked to pick up my oldest from school! So beautiful!!

    Well hope you all have a great day and i'll chat with you tomorrow!! Take care and Happy Jamming!:smooched:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Hey everyone its me again!! I'm glad that everyone is doing so well!! I love when girls can succeed together!! Anyhoo .. I somehow go it my CP1 today .. had everyone in this world it seemed calling me during that time .. that never happens! hehe!! oh well! I still finished!! And because it was so darn nice out (FINALLY!) I packed my two little ones up in their snowsuits and walked to pick up my oldest from school! So beautiful!!

    Well hope you all have a great day and i'll chat with you tomorrow!! Take care and Happy Jamming!:smooched:


    We are supposed to be getting some warmer weather this weekend...looking forward to getting the kiddos out for a walk:smile:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Hi Ya'll! Just wanted to know if anyone's handweights have wornout? Was doing my workout today and sand was going everywhere! Also I wanted to know what kind of heartrate monitors do you ya'll suggest? Has anyone had good results with the wrist monitor kind? Keep the hard work up and burning those calories!

    I don't have hand weights...you may have to wait until Sara returns to get that one answered, I know she's had them while.

    I have a Polar F4 HRM and it has a chest strap. I don't mind it at all. At first I thought it was going to be uncomfortable but the only time I really notice it is if I don't have it cinched down tight enough...the strap falls in the back if I dont. I heard from a lot of people that chest strap ones provide the best results. I'm very happy with mine.
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Hey everyone its me again!! I'm glad that everyone is doing so well!! I love when girls can succeed together!! Anyhoo .. I somehow go it my CP1 today .. had everyone in this world it seemed calling me during that time .. that never happens! hehe!! oh well! I still finished!! And because it was so darn nice out (FINALLY!) I packed my two little ones up in their snowsuits and walked to pick up my oldest from school! So beautiful!!

    Well hope you all have a great day and i'll chat with you tomorrow!! Take care and Happy Jamming!:smooched:

    Glad you got outside. We've had a few nice days that I've got to walk and I love it. Today however it was 32 degrees with no sun...no walking! Proud of you for getting in your workout despite phone calls!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Everybody,
    Just wanted to check in before I turn it! Just finished PK & J. It's all Megan's fault ~ I was thinking about PB & J all day!! That was too funny:laugh: Stuck to ye old turkey sandwich though but treated myself to 2 sugar free Jello puddings (1 never seems to be enough when it comes to chocolate!!
    Beeks5 - great job getting the workout in despite the calls:drinker: woo hoo! You just told yourself you're important - and you are. We all are!!!

    Sleep well, beauties, see you all tomorrow:heart:
  • megan0313
    Good Morning Ladies!

    Happy Friday :drinker: We're finally are getting some decent weather. It was 10 here yesterday and going up to a balmy 38...I'm almost ready for the beach :laugh:

    I did Fat Blaster and Booty Sculpt&Abs today. It's going to be a hectic weekend so I don't know what I'll get in. But since Dragonfly set the bar high by sqeezing in those early morning workouts I'll have to work in something :tongue:

    BTW, I just ordered the Kickin' Core DVD from amazon. Have any of you guys tried that one? (I'm seriously getting an addiction to this program).

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Megan-Msplatts is doing the ball workouts. Ask her for her opinion :smile: Great job on getting your workout in already....it's 9:30 and I'm still sipping my coffee :drinker:

    Dragonfly-at 60 calories I think we all have room to spoil ourselves with 2 puddings....I know I always do :flowerforyou:

    I'm not sure what workout I'm going to do today, probably Fat Blaster. As far as cardio goes I'm trying to do Mon CP, Tues CP2, Wed CP3, Thurs PK&J, Fri FB. I may reverse it every other week. I really need to get more strength training in but I just haven't made it a priority yet.
    I lost 2 lbs this week...shocking since I didn't push very hard or eat super good this week. I'm 15 lbs from my goal...that is so weird to say out loud. After losing 35, 15 seems so easy!
    Hope everyone has a wonderful day. I probably wont be back on until after dinner. Hubby is taking me to Red Lobster for lunch...ummmm salmon and shrimp :love:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    Happy Friday :drinker: We're finally are getting some decent weather. It was 10 here yesterday and going up to a balmy 38...I'm almost ready for the beach :laugh:

    I did Fat Blaster and Booty Sculpt&Abs today. It's going to be a hectic weekend so I don't know what I'll get in. But since Dragonfly set the bar high by sqeezing in those early morning workouts I'll have to work in something :tongue:

    BTW, I just ordered the Kickin' Core DVD from amazon. Have any of you guys tried that one? (I'm seriously getting an addiction to this program).

    Have a great weekend everyone!

    WTG on getting in your workout already! I hope you enjoy your new DVD!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Megan-Msplatts is doing the ball workouts. Ask her for her opinion :smile: Great job on getting your workout in already....it's 9:30 and I'm still sipping my coffee :drinker:

    Dragonfly-at 60 calories I think we all have room to spoil ourselves with 2 puddings....I know I always do :flowerforyou:

    I'm not sure what workout I'm going to do today, probably Fat Blaster. As far as cardio goes I'm trying to do Mon CP, Tues CP2, Wed CP3, Thurs PK&J, Fri FB. I may reverse it every other week. I really need to get more strength training in but I just haven't made it a priority yet.
    I lost 2 lbs this week...shocking since I didn't push very hard or eat super good this week. I'm 15 lbs from my goal...that is so weird to say out loud. After losing 35, 15 seems so easy!
    Hope everyone has a wonderful day. I probably wont be back on until after dinner. Hubby is taking me to Red Lobster for lunch...ummmm salmon and shrimp :love:

    WTG on the 2 lb loss...that is wonderful! Only 15 more pounds...keep up the great work:drinker: :drinker: YUM-Red Lobster! Definitely tops my favorites list! Enjoy:flowerforyou:
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Congrats Drevansmon !! That is brilliant!

    I never got around to doing my workout this morning, but I got a new hairstyle instead!! They layered my hair and it feels to light now !! Wonder will that contribute to my weigh in next week :laugh: :laugh:

    Gonna try and do a workout later on, not sure which one.

    I have a college night out on Sunday night, loads of alcohol will be involved so I want to work up extra cals for it just in case:wink:

    Do you think that it is ok to save up cals if you know you will need them?
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Everybody,
    Happy Friday!! We have working thru most of lunch all this week and I am just whupped!! Took a bunch to drag myself out of the bed but I did 20TJ before work and still made it in by 640am!!
    Woo Hoo!! (it's the little things) Hopefully will get something in tonight because tomorrow is weigh in day for me

    Drevansmom - 15 lbs from goal wow!! that's fantastic!!! I am so proud of you ~ I hope you and your DH have a terrific lunch at Red Lobster!! The cheddar biscuits are just so wrong!!:happy:

    Hope everyone else has a great day and I'll check in later!!:flowerforyou:
  • msplatts
    Hello everyone,

    I ended up doing 30 min of CP2 last night. I do not have Fat Blaster but I will be ordering it after all the recommendations. I'm still waiting to get 3T in the mail. I am loving the ball workouts (really hard though) and I did get the weighted gloves and used them for the first time in CP2 and it really kicked my calories burned up to 9.2/min or something like that. Tonight I'm joining a friend at the gym for Les Mills Combat. If anyone has taken Les Mills classes they know...very good workouts.

    So bunco is a dice game. My sister & bunch of her co-workers play and needed someone to fill in. So I played last night & ate too many calories but still didn't go over so I'm okay with it. Glad to know I could be tempted and not go crazy!

    Well I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Deedun...wtg on the new hairstyle! It feels so good to get a haircut. Have a fun and safe night!

    Dragonfly...I give you tons of credit for getting those workouts in before work! Keep up the good work:drinker:

    msplatts...great job on the workout and staying w/in your calories during bunco. I don't have Fat Blaster, but want to get it too! Ok, what is Les Mills Combat? I'm intrigued!

    As for my workout today...did P,K, & J (or PB & J:laugh: ), TJ 20 min workout, and Ab Jam.

    Have a great weekend all!!!!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Deedun I'd like to see a pic of your new hair. Generally saving cals for another day doesn't work...it's a day to day thing. Just have a good time and don't stress if you go over. An outing every now and again is not going to hurt you.

    Dragonfly you still amaze me bustin out those workouts before work...I can't even get outta bed before 8 and I certainly don't work out until 10! I hope you get to relax and rejuvenate this weekend.

    gottaluvboyz you are doing so great. I admire your ability to get all those workouts in without dying.

    msplatts-thanks for the info on bunco and congrats on using your willpower and staying within your calories! Good luck with the Les Mills workout....I read something about those workous somewhere....once upon a time. Might have to google it and refresh my memory.

    Lunch was delicious! I did FB and Live booty & abs this morning and burned 660 cals and then walked this afternoon and burned another 350...so I think that 1000 cals covered my lunch. I tried to calculate my lunch but the thing I had was a speciality item and isn't in their nutritional info. I added up as much as I could accurately and it came out to abou 950...I think I'm safe :bigsmile: Gonna spend the rest of the evening with my fam! Not planning a workout tomorrow but definately will Sunday cuz it's Mama's day out!!! A few of us girls are going to lunch and a movie. So excited. Have a great weekend ladies!
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    I will try and get a good photo tomorrow night and post it up!

    Well I completed my dreaded workout CP1 :laugh: I was suffering from a stitch for most of the workout and the whole dvd just dragged in!!

    I think I have gotten too complacent with the 20min workout and need to push myself harder with the CP, TS & PK&J dvd's :sick:

    My partner is buying me a gym membership tomorrow so I will have access to the gym now which is a bonus! I can mix up my TJ workouts with the gym. But has anyone noticed if you burn more cals with TJ instead of gyming it ??
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies,
    Hope everyone is feeling good on this Saturday ~ I am feeling very grateful right now; just counting my blessings inspite of the trying things going on. If you haven't guessed, I am getting ready to pay bills and it gets a little overwhelming at times trying to spread it around - we are going through a bit of a financial pinch right now. But I'm holding my head up and trying to encourage DH ~ this too shall pass.. right?:laugh: Somehow God always makes a way:heart:
    I needed something different this morning, something to push myself, so I tried CP3 for the first time. I'm really glad I did! Not only was it challenging but I was covered in sweat and I felt strong and capable(even though I didn't get all the steps right,LOL!) Working out is doing something for me I wasn't expecting. It's like everytime I push myself it makes me mentally more able to face the normal life stuff. My confidence gets a lift, my mood is better. And the icing on the cake... another 1.4lbs gone!! Woo Hoo!! Took my measurements today for the first time since I joined on 1/9 and I'm down .25in off my neck, 2in off my waist and 1.25in from my hips! I know that you all have helped me so much so I just want to say thanks for the encouragement!! I'm really glad you all are here:heart:

    Deedun - Fantastic job on CP1 ~ it will get better each time you do it, I promise!! I personally don't do well with gyms.. I buy a membership and then never seem to ge there!! I am more consistent with my dvds.
    Gottaluvboys - You are doing so well working out as much as you do! I know your results are and will be amazing!
    Drevansmon- You are a continual source of encouragement to me. Thanks for sharing your journey with all of us. Sometimes I need a reminder that I can reach my goals and still have fun along the way. Glad your time with hubby was good and I hope your girls day out is great. That always gives my spirits a lift!
    Where's Megan?:smile:
    Love to those I missed and I hope you all have and outstanding weekend!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Hey Dragonfly congrats on the weight loss, that is brilliant!! Way to go!!

    Where is everyone today?!?!?
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    deedun...wtg on getting that workout in! Keep it up and you will be a pro at it in no time:drinker:

    dragonfly...wtg on that workout. I want to get CP 2 & 3...glad you enjoyed it! That is awesome on your loss (both pounds and inches)! Keep up the good work:flowerforyou: Sounds like you have a great head on your shoulders regarding financial hardship right now. Keep your head up and you will overcome this difficult time. We have definitely been there:sad:

    Just finished my workout...I had to dig deep today to get it done. Yesterday, I used the hand weights for the first time and was completely feeling it today:tongue: Anyways...I did CP and then TS:smile:

    Keep up the good work all! Have a fabulous weekend and don't forget to Jam:bigsmile:
  • msplatts
    msplatts...great job on the workout and staying w/in your calories during bunco. I don't have Fat Blaster, but want to get it too! Ok, what is Les Mills Combat? I'm intrigued!

    Les Mills designed some workout classes for gyms. They are all really intense. They coordinate music to go with all routines so it makes it really fun. So you punch and kick just at the right time.