Doctor Who



  • LittleMissRainey
    LittleMissRainey Posts: 440 Member
    Hello new favourite thread! :D

    I love all the doctors individually, I guess Ten was my favourite but Nine was SO underrated - people forget that he loved Rose first.

    I don't remember much about the old series - though I have vivid memories of Sylvester McCoy, he was marvellous.

    Ten and Rose were my favourite pairing for what seemed forever but Eleven and Amy was such a nice change, and of course that brought me Rory, and I do love a Roman. Distraught to see him go just as he was growing into his hotness.

    Hated Donna to begin with (personal dislike to Catherine Tate's previous roles) but I ended up loving her just as much as any companion. I hope that when Donna closes her eyes to die that her regeneration cycle kicks in - if that's possible.

    Oh and let's not forget Captain Jack!!

    You get the feeling I've recently started watching old episodes from Nine don't you? ;) The Parting of the Ways is my next one :'(