Do u live where it snows?



  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 952 Member
    I'm from Minnesota, so I'm kind of an expert in this. Snow is not terrible. It definitely gets annoying at times, but it helps make winter feel like winter, rather than a blah time of the year where it just gets dark early. You can have a white Christmas too! I wouldn't let snow stop you from moving somewhere, especially if it is a more urban area. I'm from Minneapolis, but go to school in northern Minnesota, and I like winter much better in the cities than up here. It's not unbearable up here, but there is more winter activities available in the cities, and the roads get plowed quicker, etc.

    I agree. I live in Minnesota also. I don't mind the snow, Sometimes it gets really cold but it makes winter go fast,
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    Everyone who lives in 'snow country' has a love/hate relationship. We love some things about it, others not so much. If you like snuggling by a fire with a nice hot drink & watching Christmas movies while the snow swirls outside, if you like snow sports you'll love it. It's just a fact of life for me. I have a fireplace, I dress for the weather. I don't LOVE it but I do like living where the seasons change & you change your wardrobe for the seasons. I like bailey's & coffee on a snowy saturday morning...
    You'll learn to like it - and besides, it's only temporary... only lasts a few weeks then it's gone
  • Mollydolly10
    Mollydolly10 Posts: 431 Member
    Eeek, snow is great for a while when you're inside, but it gets depressing, and too much snow can give me cabin fever. My dad went to Syracuse University his first year of college and transferred to University of Virginia after that year because it was so miserable.

    My high school sweetheart went to Cornell University and made it through there, definitely lots of snow, and went through some bouts of depression, but he made it! Not to mention that was one of the schools with the highest suicide rate for awhile (mixture of Ivy league and the cold, cold weather). :-/

    Stay in NC where it's warm!!
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    I live in Denver...yea..its snows..but lucky for us..its gone within a few days if not a few hours. Even though it may be really cold outside..its sitll bright and sunny..which helps with the whole depression part. We have just learned to dresss we dont mind it as much..
  • klkoehn
    I live in Iowa and really enjoy the change in seasons. I mostly run outdoors and do yardwork as exercise during warm weather, then move indoors to the gym cardio and weight equipment for winter. Winter sports are great and you appreciate each season more because it's temporary. Alternatively, if you hate the winter, it will eventually pass! There's nothing better than seeing fresh new daffodil shoots popping up through the snow in March when you know spring's on the way.
  • itsshadowwithane
    itsshadowwithane Posts: 114 Member
    im in syracuse and it snowed for the first time for real this morning
    :))im excited!

    the temeratures you just have to get used to and bundle up...but the rest of the year is wonderful!beautiful spring and colorful fal..and very nice summers(im not a fan of extremely hot so ehhh..but most people love our summers)

    i snowboard in the winter so that keeps my mind off the cold
  • Shawn_Marie
    I don't mind the snow so much....the way people drive in it is a whole different story. I've always lived in Michigan, so I guess I don't know anything different...maybe my opinion isn't helpful, lol...sorry!

    I have always lived in Wisconsin and have to say that I love that we have 4 seasons; I look forward to snow and cold but by the end of the season I look forward to spring . . .the way people drive in snow is pretty scary - you would think by their driving ability that they had never seen snow - since I commute daily I know many of these dumba**s seen snow last year . . .
  • geraldm55
    I live in Calgary Alberta Canada.............snow hell yeah we get snow lol. I've always lived here and I love the winter. tons of stuff to do and if you have kids they will love it. when it's very cold out you tend to stay in and stay warm. buy the right cloths and footwear and you'll love it also. the weather means nothing if you're surrounded by friends and family that care about you and that you care about.

    best of luck with your decision. God bless you through this time.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    I grew up around snow. As someone else mentioned it's nice when you can look at it, however when you have to sit security on an aircraft and the temps are -30, it isn't so much fun. I guess if you like winter sports and you live in a place where they are available it's good. Luckily after two winters in Nebraska I get to spend the next two in Cuba. It's true, snow really does get old quickly.
  • ceannesjourney
    I live in Manitoba Canada and im fairly used to snow...but...i cant imagine moving from a warm climate to a colder one ...i think youll have a tough time with the weather, but that isnt all the move will be about...
  • igora_soma
    I used to live in Rochester, not too far from Syracuse and my goodness it was cold! I'm originally from the NW so the freezing temperatures and ridiculous amounts of snow were overwhelming.... if you aren't used to that kind of weather it will DEFINITELY be an adjustment. I actually prefer the rain to the snow and cold temps!

    If you think you can handle it then go for it :)
  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    I HATE SNOW! I live in Saratoga Springs, NY we got almost 90 inches of snow for our total last winter, you will get almost double that living in Syracuse, it gets very old very fast, dont do it! Stay in NC I am moving there as soon as I can to NC best place on earth!
    If you move to NC you may need to rethink your Steelers fan status! lol JK
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    I live in Chicago. Snow is pretty, but I don't think the view is worth the trade-off of all the hassles -
    - Temps below zero and bitter winds... buurrrrrrr
    - Shovelling/snowblowing
    - Driving in it is scary sometimes and SLOW (or not being able to drive anywhere because of it)
    - Huge heating bills
    - Salt - it gets all over everything, your car, your clothes, your sidewalks, your pets
    - Slipping on icy sidewalks
    - Limited activites outdoors
    - The mess of dirty slush on shoes, floors, inside your car
    - Wet winter gear, drying out hats, mittens, boots, coats
    - Cold and snow also make me REALLY hungry and it's much harder to control cravings in winter for me

    I absolutely hate Chicago winters. If it was possible to move anywhere that didn't get that much snow I'd do it!
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    I live about 2 hours from Syracuse, New York. I hate the snow. It makes driving incredibly dangerous and they really don't bother plowing much in New Yuck.

    People that think it is pretty have never had to commute daily and actually live with it IMO. Sure, if I could just sit in the house and hide, it would be fine:angry:

    If you have a choice, stay in NC!!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    We are considering moving to Syracuse New York. My husbands family lives there and asked me what I thought of living there, where there is tons of snow. I am in NC where we are lucky to see a few inches a year, if that. I would like a change but am scared I may regret it once I get there in the freezing temps and snow. If you live where you get lots of snow, what do you think? love it, hate it, pros cons??

    I dont know what reason you would have to be so scared over snow and dipping temperatures to be honest.. its only bad when people over-exaggerate... and TRUST ME, people exaggerate...NOT ALL do.....

    You really should form your own opinion if and when you decide to come to the northern region of the country....

    I have lived in New England (the true New England area, NH, VT, ME, MA, CT, RI) all my life and reside in southern New Hampshire where it is very common to have slamming winters. I cant imagine having to live anywhere else simply because I grew up with the changing seasons - seeing our fall foliage transition into a gorgeous blanket of snow...

    Yes, we can lose power - but that happens anywhere regardless of the weather.
    Yes, it can get cold - but that happens anywhere regardless of the demographic.

    Just make sure you have a winter coat, hat, mittens, shovel and/or snowblower and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE - be smart and have a snow-reliable vehicle and DONT assume you can drive the same speed limit when there is snow and/or ice on the roads.

    No matter where you live, you just need to use your common sense...

    Winter is breathtaking here.... especially when people decorate their homes with colorful Christmas lights and decor.
  • kjgarcia
    kjgarcia Posts: 104 Member
    I live in Colorado Springs, CO. Our snow here is like it dumps one day and then by the next day or for sure the one after that it's usually all gone. It doesn't stay around long at all. We also have tons of blue sky even in yucky weather so I'm sure that helps :)
    I actually don't mind it. It's just for part of the year. I know it's coming, and we just deal with it. It's pretty :) When it snows it's so bright and quiet :)
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    Yep, I live in PA where it snows....alot!!!
    I don't mind it most days...just hate driving in it :mad:
    Some ppl just don't know how to drive when it gets really bad out.....scary sometimes :explode:
    But on the plus is pretty & there is alot of different activities to do here & I just love the season changes :happy:
  • nolakris
    nolakris Posts: 98 Member
    I used to live in New Orleans (originally from California) and 2 years ago I moved to Boston. I love it! You get 4 seasons and there are tons of outdoor winter activities. Hubby and I are going to try cross country skiing this winter. I will say that coming from the deep south, I did invest a lot of $$$ in winter clothes because what passed for "winter" clothing in NOLA is usefull for light fall clothes in New England. lol

    I love living new places and look at each one as an adventure. Have you visited there in the winter at least?
  • MsQt
    MsQt Posts: 793 Member
    I'm from Michigan and I hate it when it snows. I got slapped with a few snow flakes last night and that gave me the reminder that it was that time of year again. I never got used to it even though I am born an raised here. As soon as i'm finished with school, my plan is to run like hell out of here.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Vitamin D helps with winter-related depression. And I've actually found that my depression is less when there's snow on the ground, because it's brighter. The snow reflects what little sunlight there is and makes it less dreary.

    I don't have a problem with snow as much as wind. I grew up with snow, and I kind of like it. But we moved to Nebraska last year, and it gets so dang windy sometimes! It blows the snow back over your freshly-shoveled sidewalks, and it freezes you to the bone no matter how good your coat is. I hate wind.