This has nothing to do with food, exercise, or nutrition



  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I'm just now seeing this thread, for whatever reason.
    I read your post and started to get emotional.
    I had to stop short reading the responses you got.
    You know I'm going through a separation too, and it's hell no matter which side you are on.
    I just wanted to thank you for posting this.
    I need to read what's been written.
    I needed this. Thank you.

    Oh Hon:heart: , I'm so sorry, I didn't know! :cry: :brokenheart: You'll be in my Heart:flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Phew, fighting back the tears now!!
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    I'm just now seeing this thread, for whatever reason.
    I read your post and started to get emotional.
    I had to stop short reading the responses you got.
    You know I'm going through a separation too, and it's hell no matter which side you are on.
    I just wanted to thank you for posting this.
    I need to read what's been written.
    I needed this. Thank you.

    Oh Hon:heart: , I'm so sorry, I didn't know! :cry: :brokenheart: You'll be in my Heart:flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Phew, fighting back the tears now!!

    PM me anytime. I know how you're feeling, sweetie. I know. You're in my thoughts and prayers.
  • fitchick99
    fitchick99 Posts: 267 Member
    “Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it’s better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together.”

    Remember you don't miss him, you miss who you thought he was, I can so relate to the pain, I went through a very nasty divorce/child custody that left me, financially and emotionally bankrupt, take it one day at a time, find a wonderful support group and just try to get up every morning and feel like you miss everything just a little less, each day will get easier...i'm so sorry you're going through this :flowerforyou:
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    Okay, the latest.

    It's looking the courts are moving nice and slow, and my ex's lawyer isn't being entirely cooperative. So it's looking like we won't go to court until March 13.

    That's my birthday.

    I cried today for the first time in a long time. I mean long, drawn out sobs. I was watching Grey's Anatomy and suddenly felt so alone. If something were to happen to me - and in fact I had my stomach pains last night again. They woke me up at 3am, and I've felt yucky every since. And he's not here! He's not here to hold me and tell me it's gonna be okay. He doesn't even care. He knows what my bills look like, yet he stopped giving me money. He took advantage of my love for him, and he's not here when I'm hurting. It's not fair. I hate feeling sorry for myself, but it's not fair.
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Oh sweetie! :heart:

    I'm so sorry to hear about this. Next to losing a loved one, I can't image anything worse. The first year of my relationship with my partner was very, very rough. We both came from very 'free love' backgrounds and neither of us really knew what it meant to be monogomous, I just picked it up faster than he did and ended up being wounded very deeply.

    The point of sharing that is because I SAW the texts and emails and I KNOW how painful that is. It is so much harder when you have to read what the man you love(d) says to another woman. Its a different kind of betrayl, and you see those words again in your mind again and again. :cry:

    One last thing I would like to ad because it stuck out so much to me in your post - how he's become nasty to you. I think a lot of that might come from him feeling ashamed and angry at HIMSELF. He musth have had some sort of a concience for you to fall in love with him, and he probably feels terrible and defensive. AS HE SHOULD. I am not defending him AT ALL, just saying that it probably isn't you he is angry with. :flowerforyou:

    Chin up, honey. YOU are all you need. You are a strong, beautiful woman and so worth a loving, loyal man. :heart: :smooched:
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Thank you very much.

    Last night was rough. I dreamed all night. Some good, some bad, but all about him, and each time I woke up I expected him to be there to assure me it was just a dream, and he'd never leave.


    Still awaiting a court date too. Getting more and more nervous.

    Wish I could tell you this will stop but I still have dreams with my ex in them and frequently and we have been divorced for almost 12 years. I had to laugh at the thing he cheated with (woman was too nice for her)- she said if I had kept him "satisfied" he would not have come to her. Ha! I told her she was stupid because he would be cheating on her within a month she laughed and said she kept her man satisfied and he didn't have to stray. :laugh: Then why was he knocking on my door in less than a month begging to come back??? Still divorced him the next year when I had the money. That was the 3rd time he had cheated. I can tell you though that the best thing I did for myself was forgive them both. Had to for my own soul. The cramps in your stomach I knew then too well. Felt like I was eaten up inside. That went away when I forgave them and released the hatred and anger I felt. You might need the anger to get you through the hurt, but make sure you let it go so you can be happy. I'll pray for you hun!:flowerforyou:

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  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    Thanks. The cramps are actually something else. They've been going on periodically for years. i've been through all kinds of tests, and the doctors don't know what the problem is.

    I don't know what the *kitten* is thinking. I do know that my husband was sleeping with us both at the same time - our sex life never suffered.

    Anyway...time for bed. I'm going to try to get some sleep anyway.
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    “Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it’s better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together.”

    Remember you don't miss him, you miss who you thought he was, I can so relate to the pain, I went through a very nasty divorce/child custody that left me, financially and emotionally bankrupt, take it one day at a time, find a wonderful support group and just try to get up every morning and feel like you miss everything just a little less, each day will get easier...i'm so sorry you're going through this :flowerforyou:

    This is good stuff....

    I am sorry that you are having to go through this.
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Hey girls, women are amazing! The support you will always get from a female is no comparison to anyone else. This thread once again shows it.:flowerforyou: I went threw a divorce 13 years ago when my kids were 1,2 and 4. It was very tough! Especially not having a good job in the Nursing work force back then, juggling my babies and not having support of my family. I had my bff, who is still my bff for 20 years now! I love her for all she did to help my children and I out, when she too was not well off. I was only 27 yrs young, so most of my other friends were still single. You are a beautiful woman, and sound also like a sweety. I used to be more so too, until of what life dishes us, and we endure. I have a definite tougher, stronger, don't mess with me attitude after being on my own with 3 little ones, housework, shiftwork, etc. I met a man 1.5yrs later who I had gone to Highschool with who fell madly in love with me and my children. He moved in with us when the kids were 5,3 and 2. He's been an amazing Stepdad and husband, although I still will always know, as will my bff, that even though our kids are now 19,17,16 and 12 (he and I had one together-and married 2 mos before she was born), that I can endure anything, have my family's support, know my kids will do anything for me and I still will always have my bff's support. You will be fine, actually you will be even better because of this. Who we become is from what life dishes us and all our experiences. How he dealt with his unhappiness is not your problem, you just need to be able to forgive, trust and love again.-Especially yourself!:heart:
    You weren't meant to be together, and be thankful no kids were involved. Once you can move on past your grieving, life will open many doors, be very exciting, and you will find your true soul mate! :brokenheart: :heart: :smooched:
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    You're so right. I really am so blessed with the women in my life - including those in this thread - my friends, family, and Christ. i am so blessed.

    Thanks for sharing your story with me. it gives me hope, which is sometimes hard to feel when you just feel so alone.
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    “Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it’s better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together.”

    Remember you don't miss him, you miss who you thought he was,

    I liked the relationship saying. But that next part is what really took my breathe away. It is so true. I wish I would have realized this sooner, it would have saved some emotional pain.
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    “Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it’s better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together.”

    Remember you don't miss him, you miss who you thought he was,

    I liked the relationship saying. But that next part is what really took my breathe away. It is so true. I wish I would have realized this sooner, it would have saved some emotional pain.

    I do know that. It is true. Even last night when I was crying, it wasn't because I missed HIM. I missed...having someone I thought loved me hold me and make everything okay. I missed the security of having someone who knows you inside out. I missed loving someone and feeling him love me. Now HIM.
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    “Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it’s better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together.”

    Remember you don't miss him, you miss who you thought he was,

    I liked the relationship saying. But that next part is what really took my breathe away. It is so true. I wish I would have realized this sooner, it would have saved some emotional pain.
    Oh wow, Keiko I hear ya on that one... so true! You think you know someone and then find out you really have to wonder if you ever did when they behave certain ways.:noway:
  • TudorRose
    TudorRose Posts: 238 Member
    You will get through this. You are a very strong person- you've come this far. You just need to push on. Divorce is rife in my family and I've noticed a trend there: no matter how hard it is, how horrible it is, it is NOT the end. It's a close of a chapter, yes, but the start of a new one, and brings you closer to your happily ever after, whatever you choose that to be. :flowerforyou:
  • tennetubbie
    tennetubbie Posts: 312 Member
    You will get through this because you have no choice but to go through it unfortunately---but you will survive!! I did---I got no child support---just walked FAR FAR away with the kids to avoid his abuse!
    NETWORK---your friends can help.
    Volunteer---I found this stopped my from bemoaning my fater and I met some really good people.
    Dust off your resume---are you working???
    Hopefully your family can help you through the crunch until you get your feet back under you.

    You will be stronger for this---and I hope you will find happiness again---there are good men out there---who have had the same thing done to them by their wives! Just wait until YOU are OK--and don't rush into anything because you NEED!

    Good luck--and what you are doing is healthy venting.
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    bumpin for a book title for later:blushing:
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    I thought I was doing well. I really, really did. But I'm not! i went to visit a couple, this retired couple that lived next to us that have just been amazing. And driving through the town we moved into as a newly married couple...just tore me apart.

    I'm a wreck. I miss him. I know...I only miss the man I thought he was. But he WAS that person with me. That's what's so hard. Or part of what is so hard. He was this amazing man who always told me I was beautiful, who always cuddled, who always showed appreciation for the dinners I cooked, for packing his lunch, for laying out his clothes, for cleaning the house...I miss this man who loved to just hold me and love me and tell me he loved me every few minutes. Literally!

    How could that man have this affair? How could that man stop helping me financially even knowing that he made three times what I make and that the bills are hard for me to pay? how could that man be so mean to me, me who gave him everything?

    I hate being this "poor me" kind of person. I really, really hate being this kind of person. But tonight, I'm a mess. it's the first time in a long time that I've been just a mess. That I've cried because I missed him. That I've wished he was here...obviously not the man who's so mean to me but the man I loved. I miss him. i feel empty inside. I haven't felt this way in months - like my insides are just being constantly pulled out of my body, like there's nothing left of me but skin and bones.

    Sorry. I'm not looking for sympathy. I'm just...trying to put all this into words. Because i'm a writer, and I do best on paper.
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    I thought I was doing well. I really, really did. But I'm not! i went to visit a couple, this retired couple that lived next to us that have just been amazing. And driving through the town we moved into as a newly married couple...just tore me apart.

    I'm a wreck. I miss him. I know...I only miss the man I thought he was. But he WAS that person with me. That's what's so hard. Or part of what is so hard. He was this amazing man who always told me I was beautiful, who always cuddled, who always showed appreciation for the dinners I cooked, for packing his lunch, for laying out his clothes, for cleaning the house...I miss this man who loved to just hold me and love me and tell me he loved me every few minutes. Literally!

    How could that man have this affair? How could that man stop helping me financially even knowing that he made three times what I make and that the bills are hard for me to pay? how could that man be so mean to me, me who gave him everything?

    I hate being this "poor me" kind of person. I really, really hate being this kind of person. But tonight, I'm a mess. it's the first time in a long time that I've been just a mess. That I've cried because I missed him. That I've wished he was here...obviously not the man who's so mean to me but the man I loved. I miss him. i feel empty inside. I haven't felt this way in months - like my insides are just being constantly pulled out of my body, like there's nothing left of me but skin and bones.

    Sorry. I'm not looking for sympathy. I'm just...trying to put all this into words. Because i'm a writer, and I do best on paper.
    :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • mamashrub
    I thought I was doing well. I really, really did. But I'm not! i went to visit a couple, this retired couple that lived next to us that have just been amazing. And driving through the town we moved into as a newly married couple...just tore me apart.

    I'm a wreck. I miss him. I know...I only miss the man I thought he was. But he WAS that person with me. That's what's so hard. Or part of what is so hard. He was this amazing man who always told me I was beautiful, who always cuddled, who always showed appreciation for the dinners I cooked, for packing his lunch, for laying out his clothes, for cleaning the house...I miss this man who loved to just hold me and love me and tell me he loved me every few minutes. Literally!

    How could that man have this affair? How could that man stop helping me financially even knowing that he made three times what I make and that the bills are hard for me to pay? how could that man be so mean to me, me who gave him everything?

    I hate being this "poor me" kind of person. I really, really hate being this kind of person. But tonight, I'm a mess. it's the first time in a long time that I've been just a mess. That I've cried because I missed him. That I've wished he was here...obviously not the man who's so mean to me but the man I loved. I miss him. i feel empty inside. I haven't felt this way in months - like my insides are just being constantly pulled out of my body, like there's nothing left of me but skin and bones.

    Sorry. I'm not looking for sympathy. I'm just...trying to put all this into words. Because i'm a writer, and I do best on paper.

    I know this is hard, and it might feel like you will never come out from under it, but remember, God never gives us more then we can handle. There will be some day when you realize you didnt think about him, or someone will say his name, and it wont hit you with nerves. Just keep on can make it through this.
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    Thank you, and I know you're right. God gives us "strength for the days." I know that, and I've felt it from Him before. Thank you so much for the reminder.